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Generate LR API Token

You need to authorize the TrueIdentity Sync Client to connect to your deployment by creating an API token in the Client Console.

  1. Log in to the Client Console as a Global Administrator, click Deployment Manager, and then click the Third Party Applications tab.
  2. Click New in the main toolbar.
  3. Provide the Application Name and Description for the token, and then click OK.
  4. Click OK in the Restart Auth Service dialog.
  5. Return to the Third Party Applications tab, and double-click the application you created.
  6. In the Third Party Application Properties window, click Generate Token.
  7. When prompted, enter the user name and password of a LogRhythm Global Administrator or Restricted Administrator that has the following management permissions on the root Entity where you want to synchronize Identities:
    • Entities > Display / Manage Entities: View
    • General Administration > Deployment Manager: View
    • General Administration > Manage TrueIdentity: Manage
      For more information about user profiles and management permissions, see the Manage a User Profile topic in the SIEM Help.
  8. Click OK, and then click Copy Token.
  9. Paste the token into an application where you can copy it later.
  10. Click OK to close the Third Party Application Properties window.
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