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Use the Advanced Criteria Manager


  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Automatic Log Source Configuration.
    The Automatic Log Source Configuration - Advanced Criteria Manager dialog box appears.
    The manager allows you to view existing devices and their associated log source type and MPE Policy for Syslog, NetFlow/J-Flow, SNMP Trap, and sFlow.
  3. Right-click the grid and click Properties.
    The Automatic Log Source Configuration - Advanced Criteria Properties dialog box appears.
  4. Change the Default MPE Policy for Syslog, NetFlow/J-Flow, SNMP, and/or sFlow.

    This permits the user to change the MPE policy for any set log source type allowing for the use of custom policies.

  5. To close Advanced Criteria Properties, click OK.
  6. On the context menu, select one of the following to create Custom SNMP Mappings:
    • Clone
    • Create a New Advanced Criteria
    The Automatic Log Source Configuration - Advanced Criteria Properties dialog box appears.
  7. Complete the following fields:
    • The Name must be unique.
    • Change the Default MPE Policy for Syslog, NetFlow, SNMP, and/or sFlow.
  8. Enter the OID and Expression values
  9. To close the Advanced Criteria Properties, click OK.
  10. To close the Advanced Criteria Manager, click OK.
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