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Add Case Tags to a Case

To add case tags to individual cases in the Current Case panel or on the Cases page:

  1. Open the case in the Case Details view or open the Current Case panel. 
    For details on opening the Case Details view, see Open the Case Details View. For details on opening the Current Case panel, see Work with the Current Case Panel.
  2. Click in the Tags field. A cursor appears in the box and a blue border appears around the box. The tag library appears below the text box.
  3. Scroll through the list to find the tag you want to add or enter the name of the tag in the typeahead filter to narrow the tags list. Tags are not case sensitive. 

Only Global Administrators, Global Analysts, or Restricted Administrators with elevated privileges can add tags to the tag library. Case owners and case collaborators can add or remove tags from a case when they are associated with the case.

Duplicate tags are ignored. You cannot add the same tag to a case where the tag already exists.

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