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Manage the Searches Page

The Searches page provides access to your saved searches (including any investigations that you have saved in the Client Console) and search history, as well as the searches that have been shared with you. Shared searches are created by Global Administrators as a way to direct users toward specific sets of data. 

On the navigation bar, click Searches. Do any of the following:

  • To sort the searches:
    1. Select the tab containing the searches you want to sort.
    2. Click the Sort icon. When you first click the icon, the column contents are sorted alphabetically which is indicated by an Arrow icon.
    3. Click the Sort icon again. The column contents are sorted reverse alphabetical order as indicated by an Arrow icon.
  • To resize the columns:
    1. Place the cursor to the right of the title bar for the column you want to resize until the resizing cursor appears.
    2. Press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the column to the left or right until the column is the width you want, then release the mouse button.
  • To edit a search:

    You must have write permission to directly edit a search.

    1. Click the Edit icon for the search that you want to edit.
      The Search dialog box appears.

    2. (Optional) Edit the Criteria fields as needed by following the same procedures described in Use Search.

    3. (Optional) Edit the Properties fields as needed by following the same procedures described in Save Searches.

    4. When you are finished editing the search, click Save.

  • To copy a search:

    1. Click the Edit icon for the search that you want to copy.
      The Search dialog box appears.

    2. Click Copy.
      The copied search is added to your list of saved searches under the same name as the original search with "- copy" added to the end of it. You can edit the copied search as needed.

  • To delete a search:

    You must have write permission to delete a search.

    1. Click the Delete icon next to the search that you want to delete.
      The Delete Search dialog box appears.

    2. To confirm that you want to delete the search, click Delete, otherwise click Cancel.

      If you are a Global Administrator and you delete a public search, the search is deleted for all users.

  • To filter searches by keywords:

    1. Determine which column you want to filter (Name, Description, Owner Name, or Read Permissions) and click in the Type Here field below the column name.

    2. Begin typing the keyword(s) string that you want to filter the searches by. 
      As you begin typing, the text string filters out searches that do not include the search term in their descriptions. Continue typing until you are satisfied with the level of filtering.

  • To add a search to the My Favorites tab:

    1. Go to the All SearchesShared Searches, or My Saved tab.

    2. Find the search you want to add to your favorites by doing one of the following:

      • Scroll through the list until you find the search you want.

      • Click in the Type Here field below a column name and begin typing a keyword string to find the search you want to add.

    3. Click the Star icon next to the search you want to add. 
      The search is added to the My Favorites tab.

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