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Threat Intelligence Service Will Not Start

If the Threat Intelligence Service fails to start, check the following:

  • SQL Server Service is Running
    The Threat Intelligence Service requires the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service to be running on the EMDB host. The Threat Intelligence Service updates the List table in EMDB database. If MSSQLSERVER is not running when the Threat Intelligence Service is started or restarted, the Threat Intelligence Service throws error and stops.
    If the Threat Intelligence Service has started successfully, stopping or restarting MSSQLSERVER has no impact on the Threat Intelligence Service.
  • Correct EMDB User Name and Password
    Attempting to connect to the EMDB with invalid credentials may result in either of the following errors:
    • An error occurred while saving LogRhythm configuration. Please contact your system administrator.
    • Unable to connect to database.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.