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Performance Counters—LR Messaging (DP to DX)

  • Service name. LogRhythm Mediator Server Service
  • Runs on. Data Processor
  • Performance Object. LogRhythm Mediator
  • Repository. Influx DB
Performance Counter

# Acks Received

The total number of message acknowledgments received from the Data Indexer.

# Messages Enqueued

The total number of messages that have been posted to the queue from the Mediator to the Data Indexer.
# Messages ParsedThe total number of messages parsed.
# Messages SentThe total number of messages sent from the Mediator to the Data Indexer.
# Messages Waiting for AckThe total number of messages sent to but not yet acknowledged by the Data Indexer.
# Messages Written to DiskThe total number of messages written to disk for reliable messaging. If # Messages Enqueued is greater then 500,000, raw messages will be written to disk so that no messages are lost.

Rate Acks Received

The number of acknowledgments received from the Data Indexer per second.

Rate Messages Enqueued

The number of messages (per second) that are ready to be sent from the Mediator to the Data Indexer (messages that are parsed but have not been sent to the Data Indexer).
Rate Messages ParsedThe number of messages that are being parsed per second.

Rate Messages Sent

The number of messages that are being sent per second from the Mediator to the Data Indexer.
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