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Set the Date Time Format

The Date Time Format setting allows you to determine how dates and times display in the Web Console. This includes in alarm cards, case cards and evidence, reports, search tasks, the Analyzer grid, and most widgets.

Date and time settings in the Web Console do not affect date and time settings in the Client Console. Those must be adjusted separately.

To adjust this setting:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the User icon, and then click Settings.
    The User Settings dialog box displays.
  2. In the Date Time Format field, do one of the following:
    • Click the arrow next to the date format selector, and then select the format you want. The date settings are:
      • DD = day
      • MM = month in number format
      • MMM = month represented by first three letters
      • YYYY = year
    • Click the arrow next to the time format selector, and then select the format you want. The time settings are:
      • h:mm:ss tt, the 12-hour clock without a leading zero (2:15:49 pm)
      • hh:mm:ss tt, the 12-hour clock with a leading zero (02:15:49 pm)
      • H:mm:ss, the 24-hour clock without a leading zero (14:15:49)
      • HH:mm:ss tt, the 24-hour clock with a leading zero (14:15:49)

  3. Click Done.

  4. Refresh the page in order for the changes to take effect.

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