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Configure SQL Server to Run Under Domain Account

You may require the SQL Server to run on a LogRhythm server under a domain account. This is usually required when the LogRhythm server requires access to networked resources on the Windows domain.

To configure an SQL server to run under a domain account:

  1. Create a domain account within Active Directory to run the SQL Server services.
    Note that the account only needs to be a member of the Domain Users group.
  2. Add the new domain account to the local Administrators group on the LogRhythm server.
  3. The new domain account should be granted Log on as a service in the LogRhythm server local security policy.

    You could instead add the new domain account to the Domain Policy; however, be aware that this will result in having the right on all machines affected by the policy.

  4. Open the Services control panel on the LogRhythm server and stop these services in the following order:
    1. LogRhythm Mediator Server
    2. LogRhythm Alarming and Response Manager
  5. From the Overview control panel, set the following services to run under the newly created domain account:
  6. From the Services control panel, start the SQL Server services in the following order:
    3. LogRhythm Alarming and Response Manager
    4. LogRhythm Mediator Server
  7. Verify that all services started correctly and without errors.

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