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Create Accounts for LogRhythm Components

Local Windows Accounts

On each system that is running a LogRhythm component to be run under a local Windows account:

  1. On the Start menu, click My Computer.
  2. Right-click on My Computer and select Manage from the shortcut menu.
  3. Open the Local Users and Groups tree node.

    On Windows Server 2008 the Local Users and Groups node is under Configuration.

  4. Create the required accounts.
  5. Add each created account to the local Administrators group. Each account that will run a LogRhythm service must be a member of the local administrators group where the service is running.

Active Directory Accounts

On a system hosting AD, add the AD accounts for each LogRhythm component to be run under an AD account:

  1. On the Start menu, click Administrative Tools, then click Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Create the required accounts making each a member of the Domain Users group.
  3. Grant each account the Log on as a service right via the group policy or domain security policy.
  4. Add the AD account to the local Administrators group on the system where the LogRhythm service will run. Each account that will run a LogRhythm service must be a member of the local administrators group where the service is running.
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