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Add and Delete SNMP Connections


  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the Data Processors tab.
  3. Select the Data Processor, right-click it, and click Properties.
    The Data Processor Properties dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Automatic Log Source Configuration tab.
  5. To add a new SNMP connection, click the Add icon.
  6. Enter the list of SNMP connections used on your network.
    Up to 10 SNMP connections can be added.
    The connections are attempted in the order they appear in the list

    VersionThis is the version of the SNMP Protocol that is used for communication: v1, v2c, or v3
    PortA configuration can be specified to connect to a different port other than the default (161), this is necessary if the endpoint devices are configured to respond to a different UDP Port.
    CommunityFor SNMP v1 and v2c only. This is a plain-text string that is used for organizational purposes (not secure), only devices with a matching community string respond.
    User NameFor SNMP v3 only. This identifier is used by the agent for a granular description of accesses to grant. Devices may use this to distinguish permissions by GET and SET operations or more granular access to the entire SNMP OID hierarchy.
    AuthenticationFor SNMP v3 only.This is the hash algorithm for validating credentials of the specified username.
    Authentication PasswordFor SNMP v3 only.The password associated with the authentication.
    Privacy ProtocolFor SNMP v3 only.This is the symmetric encryption algorithm for securing payload information in transport between the SNMP manager and agent.
    Privacy PasswordFor SNMP v3 only.The password associated with the privacy protocol.
  7. (Optional) To reorder the SNMP connections, use the up and down arrow icons.
  8. Click OK.
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