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Scan a Domain for Computers


Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action. 

After identifying domains, entities, and log sources, use the Windows Host Wizard to scan the domains to identify the computers that contain the Windows Event logs. The Windows Host Wizard lets you manage a list of Active Directory domains to be scanned. You can filter computers by organizational unit and credentials can be saved with each domain.

To scan a domain for computers:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Windows Host Wizard.
    The Windows Host Wizard appears.

    If you have not configured the initial settings for the wizard, the settings dialog box appears. Complete the initial setup, then continue with the following steps. For more information, see Configure Initial Settings (Domain, Entity, and Log Source Types).

  3. Click Scan Domains for Computers.

    If the Settings window appears, no domains are selected. At least one domain must be selected to scan the domains for computers.

    All configured Active Directory domains are scanned for computers, and progress is shown at the bottom of the window. Stop scanning at any time by clicking Stop Scanning Domains.
    When the scan is complete, discovered computers appear in the Active Directory Computers tab.

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