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The Reports page provides you with a customizable, widget-based web interface for direct access to your authorized report packages. Available report packages, including the individual reports inside them, are displayed in a grid format that can be filtered and sorted as needed. From the Reports grid you can also view additional package and report details, download reports in PDF format, and run new searches based on report criteria.

You cannot access your reports on the Web Console unless you have been assigned the permission to do so. Report permissions are managed by administrators through the Scheduled Report Job Wizard in the Client Console. For more information, see Create Scheduled Reports in the Client Console (Analyst Guide).

Note that if you change the Authorized User Profiles after a report has been run, users with newly granted access cannot see the report in the Web Console. You must run the report again for it to be visible to the new user profiles.

Reports grids are displayed through Completed Reports widgets. The default Reports page dashboard layout features one Completed Reports widget covering multiple dashboard rows and columns. The blue counters in the Name column indicate the number of individual reports contained in each report package. To view the individual reports in a package, click the Plus icon to left of the package name.

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