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Add Expiring Items to a List

You must be logged in as an administrator to take this action.

To add expiring list items to a list:

  1. On the main toolbar, click List Manager.
  2. Double-click an existing list.
    The List Properties window appears.
  3. In the TTL section on the Basic Configuration tab, select the Expiring Items check box, and then complete the following fields:
    • Days. Enter the number days that must pass before these list items expire.
    • Hours and minutes. Enter the number of hours and minutes that must pass before these list items expire.
    • Log on Expiration. Select this check box to have log entries created when the list items expire. Job Manager logs are stored in the jobmgr.log file and events are logged in the Windows Application Event log.

      Expired list items are logged only when the Platform Manager logging level is set to INFO or higher. The default logging level is WARNING. For more information, see Modify Platform Manager Basic Properties.

  4. Click the List Items tab.
  5. Add list items.

    If Expiring List Items are added to an existing list, the previous list items are marked with N/A.

  6. To save the list, click Apply.
  7. To close the List Properties window, click OK.
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