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Set the Log Source Identification Search Scope

There is a System Monitor configuration parameter named Log Source Identification Search Scope that is set within the System Monitor Agent advanced properties. It determines how existing (possible matching) log sources are searched within the deployment. The Log Search Identification Search Scope appears in the lower grid of the System Monitor Agents. You must scroll to the right to see this value.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the System Monitors tab.
  3. Select the Action check box of a System Monitor Agent.
  4. Right-click the selection, click Actions, and then click Change Log Source Identification Search Scope and choose one of the following:
    • System Monitor Scope. This is the default value set for existing and/or upgraded system monitor agents. If the user selects this option, the system searches for a unique matching log source across all active Log Sources associated with the collection System Monitor Agent.

    • Root Entity Scope. This is the default value set for new System Monitor Agents. If the user selects this option, a unique matching log source is searched for across all active Log Sources within the deployment in the following order of precedence:

      • Log Sources associated with the collection System Monitor Agent.

      • Log Sources having the same Root Entity as the collection System Monitor Agent.

      Root Entity Searches are composed of the following sub-searches:
      1. Search for Log Sources within the Entity of the System Monitor Agent.

      2. If the System Monitor is attached to a Child Entity,

        1. Search for Log Sources within the Root Entity (that the child belongs to).

        2. Search for Log Sources within the Other Child Entities (under the root entity the child entity belongs to).

      3. If the System Monitor is attached to a Root Entity,

        1. Search for Log Sources within the Child Entities of the Root Entity.

    • Global Scope. If you select this option, a unique matching log source will be searched for across all active Log Sources within the deployment in the following order of precedence:

      1. Log Sources associated with the collection System Monitor Agent.

      2. Log Sources having the same Root Entity as the collection System Monitor Agent.

      3. All other Log Sources.

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