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Create Report Packages

Use the Report Package Wizard to create new Report Packages and modify existing ones. You can also browse Report Packages you cannot modify, such as those requiring a higher permission setting. To create a new Report Package

  1. On the Tools menu, click Report, and then click Report Center.
  2. Click the Report Packages tab.
  3. On the main toolbar, click the New icon.
    The Report Package Wizard appears.
  4. On the Select Reports page, select the reports you want to include in this Report Package, and then click Next.

  5. (Optional) On the Override Log Source Criteria page, if you want to override the log sources in the individual reports, select the Override Log Source Settings check box, specify the Log Sources to include in the Report, and then click Next.

    Log Volume reports (Class = Log Management) return data for all log sources. Specifying log source criteria does not narrow the results.

  6. On the Configuration page, complete the following fields:

    1. Enter the Report Period to specify the default reporting period and time zone.

      Report Range On or After (GMT)Description Prior To (GMT)FromThrough
      Example: Current time: Tue Jan 9, 2007 at 6:25:42 PM EST

      Current Day

      Activity occurring on or after 12:00 AM the current day and prior to 12:00 AM the next day.

      Tue 1/9/07 12:00 AM

      Wed 1/10/07 12:00 AM


      Activity occurring on or after Sunday of the current week up to the end of the current day.

      Sun 1/7/07 12:00 AM

      Wed 1/10/07 12:00 AM


      Activity occurring on or after the first day of the current month up to the end of the current day.

      Mon 1/1/07 12:00 AM

      Wed 1/10/07 12:00 AM


      Activity occurring on or after the first day of the current year up to the end of the current day.

      Mon 1/1/07 12:00 AM

      Wed 1/10/07 12:00 AM

      Previous Day

      Activity occurring the previous whole day.

      Mon 1/8/07 12:00 AM

      Tue 1/9/07 12:00 AM

      Previous Week

      Activity occurring the previous whole week.  Whole weeks are Sunday thru Saturday.

      Sun 12/31/06 12:00 AM

      Sun 1/7/07 12:00 AM

      Previous Month

      Activity occurring the previous whole month.  Whole months are the first day through the last day of a month.

      12/1/06 12:00 AM

      1/1/07 12:00 AM

      Previous 3 Months

      Activity occurring the 3 previous whole months.

      10/1/06 12:00 AM

      1/1/07 12:00 AM

      Previous 6 Months

      Activity occurring the 6 previous whole months

      7/1/06 12:00 AM

      1/1/07 12:00 AM

      Previous Year

      Activity occurring the previous whole year.  Whole years are the first day of the year through the last day of the year.

      1/1/06 12:00 AM

      1/1/07 12:00 AM

      Past 1 Hour

      Activity occurring within the previous whole hour up to the end of the current minute.

      Tue 1/9/07 5:00 PM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past 3 Hours

      Activity occurring within the previous 3 whole hours up to the end of the current minute.

      Tue 1/9/07 3:00 PM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past 6 Hours

      Activity occurring within the previous 6 whole hours up to the end of the current minute.

      Tue 1/9/07 12:00 PM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past 12 Hours

      Activity occurring within the previous 12 whole hours up to the end of the current minute.

      Tue 1/9/07 6:00 AM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past 24 Hours

      Activity occurring within the previous 24 whole hours up to the end of the current minute.

      Mon 1/8/07 6:00 PM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past 48 Hours

      Activity occurring within the previous 48 whole hours up to the end of the current minute.

      Sun 1/7/07 6:00 PM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past Week

      Activity occurring within the previous week in whole GMT days up to the end of the current minute.

      Tue 1/2/07 12:00 AM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past Month

      Activity occurring within the previous month in whole GMT days up to the end of the current minute.

      12/9/06 12:00 AM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past 3 Months

      Activity occurring within the previous 3 months in whole GMT days up to the end of the current minute.

      10/9/06 12:00 AM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past 6 Months

      Activity occurring within the previous 6 months in whole GMT days up to the end of the current minute.

      7/9/06 12:00 AM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

      Past Year

      Activity occurring within the previous year in whole GMT days up to the end of the current minute.

      1/9/06 12:00 AM

      Tue 1/9/07 6:26 PM

    2. (Optional) To further refine the period, select Custom in the Report Period list and enter On or After and Before dates and times.

    3. (Optional) Select the View reports after running check box.

    4. (Optional) Select the Export and save reports check box, and then do the following:

      1. To export the reports as Crystal Report, Adobe Acrobat, or Microsoft Excel documents, select a Report Format.

        Due to limitations with Crystal Reports, users may see issues when exporting to CSV such as formatting or incomplete data sets. Report templates have complex designs such as headers, grouping, and data formatting, which causes inconsistencies in data exported to CSV. It is recommended to use the Excel export functionality instead of CSV format or manually export logs from the grid in the Web Console.

      2. Enter the Report Export Path and click Test Path.

      3. To compress the files into a single file, select the Compress check box.

      4. To specify the naming conventions, select the File/Folder Name.

    5. Determine the Data Processor to query when preparing the reports.

      1. To query all online Data Processors, select the Query all online-active Data Processors check box.

      2. To query specific Data Processors, clear the Query all online-active Data Processors check box and enable the check boxes preceding the Data Processors you want.

  7. Click Next.

  8. On the Package Details page, configure the following package details:

    1. Type a Package Name.

    2. Type a Description.

    3. Select the Report Package Permissions.

  9. To save the Report Package and exit the Report Package Wizard, click OK.

    Report Package items that you cannot modify appear dimmed in the Report Package Wizard.

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