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Package and Test the SmartResponse

A LogRhythm Global Administrator or Restricted Administrator with elevated privileges can validate the configuration file, package the plugin contents, and create a single plugin file (.lpi) for distribution. After the plugin file is made, import the plugin into any LogRhythm deployment via the LogRhythm Console.

To test, package, and import the plugin

  1. Move the actions.xml and any supporting files to a single folder. In PowerShell-based plugins, the supporting files include the PowerShell script.
  2. On the main toolbar of the Client Console, click Deployment Manager.
  3. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click SmartResponse Plugin Manager.
  4. To open the Create SmartResponse Plugin dialog box, click Create Plugin in the top ribbon.
  5. Click Browse and select the folder containing the configuration file and other supporting files.
  6. Click Validate and ensure that the configuration file is correct.
  7. Click Create, and select a folder location where the resulting plugin should be created.
  8. After the plugin is created, go back to the SmartResponse Plugin Manager.
  9. In the upper left, Click Actions, and then click Import to open the SmartResponse Plugin Import screen.  After it is imported, the plugin appears in the list of SmartResponse Plugins. Sort by Last Updated On to find the most recent addition.
  10. Browse to the plugin you just created and click Open. Plugins are created with a default extension of ".lpi," and the filename is the GUID of the plugin.

    All SmartResponse Plugins that are registered in the SmartResponse Plugin manager are automatically available from the Analyzer grid inside the Web Console. No additional configuration is necessary to leverage the plugin.

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