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Import or Export AI Engine Rules from the Grid

Only Global Admins and Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

You can export custom AI Engine rules, including all their custom content, for others to import into their deployments.

You cannot export system rules.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the AI Engine tab.
  3. On the bottom of the grid, click the Rules tab.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Import rules.
      1. Right-click the grid, click Actions, and then click Import.
      2. Browse to the location the AI Engine rules are saved, select the rules to import, and then click Open.
        The AI Engine Rule Preview Manager appears.
      3. Do one of the following:

        • Select the Action check box of the rules you want to import, and then click Import.

        • To view or modify the contents of a rule, double-click the rule. The AI Engine Rule Wizard appears. When you are done making changes, click Import.
          The AI Engine Rule List Sync Settings window appears.

      4. Select the import option that describes what you want to do with the lists that are associated with the rules you are importing. Then click OK.

        Be sure to select the option that describes exactly what you want to do. This action is not reversible.

      5. To acknowledge that the import was successful, click OK.

      6. Restart the AI Engine servers.

    • Export rules.
      1. Select the Action check box of the custom rules you want to export.
      2. Right-click the selection, click Actions, and then click Export.
      3. Select a location to save the AI Engine rules and then click OK.
        The rules are exported to the selected location as individual files.
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