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Add AI Engine Servers

Any time you add a new Data Processor to an existing LogRhythm deployment, you must rerun the LogRhythm Infrastructure Installer for the new component to be able to communicate. For more information, see Standard Installations and Upgrades.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the AI Engine tab.
  3. On the bottom of the grid, click the Servers tab.
  4. Right-click the grid and select New.
    The AI Engine Server Properties window appears.
  5. Enter the AI Engine Server Properties.
    1. Host
    2. Name
    3. Workload (default is Global Workload)
    4. IPv4 Address
    5. (Optional) IPv6 Address
  6. (Optional) Click Advanced.
    The AI Engine Server Advanced Properties window appears.

  7. Change a property value and click OK.

    Only make changes to the AI Engine Server Advanced Properties with the assistance of LogRhythm Support.

  8. Click OK.
  9. Click the Data Processors tab.
  10. Double-click on the server name or right-click and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
    The Data Processor Properties window appears.
  11. Click the AI Engine tab.
  12. Click Properties.
    The Data Processor to AI Engine Server Advanced Properties window appears.

  13. Edit the Data Processor to AI Engine Server Advanced Properties.

    • Enable communication to this AI Engine Server. Select this option to enable communication to the server. The Data Processor will automatically send logs to the Server based on the assigned Workload.
    • (Optional) Client Management Port. Specify the Sending Port. Management and Data must use distinct ports. Default = 0 for a random sending port (recommended).
    • (Optional) Client Data Port. Specify the Sending Port. Management and Data must use distinct ports. Default = 0 for random sending port (recommended).
    • (Optional) Client (sending) Address Override. Select the check box and then enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address on the Data Processor.
    • (Optional) Server Address/DNS Name Override. Select the check box enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address on the AI Engine Server Communication Manager.
    • (Optional) Skip Sending IP Validation. If this check box is selected, the AIECom Mgr skips the validation check on the IP address and Port. As a result, AIE comMgr will start working for environments where the IP address or port is not predictable e.g. NAT.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Click OK.
  16. The Restart Component dialog box appears when a setting was modified. A restart is required for changes to take effect. Click OK.
  17. Click OK.
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