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Update the IP Address of the Platform Manager

  1. Stop LogRhythm Services. Leaving them running will result in miscommunication, error logs, and diagnostic alarms.
  2. Use standard Windows procedures to change the IP address of the system.
  3. Ensure your DNS service reflects the change.
  4. Restart the SQL Server and SQL Agent services to bind them to the new IP address.
  5. Open the following Local Configuration Managers from the Start Menu and update the Server address field in the Platform Manager settings section:
    1. Platform Manager
    2. Job Manager
    3. Data Processor
    4. AI Engine
  6. Open the LogRhythm Client Console.
  7. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  8. Click the Entities tab.
  9. To open the properties page, double-click the Platform Manager host.
  10. Click the Identifiers tab.
  11. In the Identifiers field, select the old IP address and click Delete.
  12. In the IP Address field, enter the new IP address, click Add, and then click OK.
  13. Restart LogRhythm Core Services through one of the following methods:
    • Reboot the Platform Manager.
    • Use the Windows Services Console (services.msc) and the Data Indexer scripts in C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\Data Indexer\tools.
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