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Manage Widgets

The Dashboard is your main source of information within the Axon client. You have full control of this information through the customization of widgets. There are currently eight types of widgets available to display on the Dashboard:

Add a New Widget to the Dashboard

From the Dashboard:

  1. Click Add Widget at the top-right of the Dashboard.

    The time selection, to the right of the Add Widget button, is applied to all Dashboard visualizations.

  2. Select one of the widget types, listed below.
    Upon selecting a widget type, the widget is added to the Dashboard to be configured.
    1. Bar Chart Widget
    2. Trend Chart Widget
    3. Tree Map Widget
    4. Donut Chart Widget
    5. Histogram Widget
    6. Table Chart Widget
    7. Notes Widget
    8. Single Metric Widget

Configure an Existing Widget

Once a widget has been added to the Dashboard, the default search can be changed or configured. To configure a widget's settings:

  1. Point to the desired widget, and click the Configure icon.
    The Configure Widget dialog box appears.
  2. (Optional.) Change the chart type.
  3. Configure your widget by making selections for each available option.
    The configuration options for each widget type are described in the topics below:
    1. Bar Chart Widget
    2. Trend Chart Widget
    3. Tree Map Widget
    4. Donut Chart Widget
    5. Histogram Widget
    6. Table Chart Widget
    7. Notes Widget
    8. Single Metric Widget
  4. Click Apply.
    The widget is updated successfully.

Drill Down on a Widget

You can drill down on a widget to obtain a more detailed report on the information visualized on your Dashboard.

To drill down on a visualization or widget:

  1. Move the mouse cursor over the widget title.
  2. Double-click on the title.
    A new browser tab appears with more detailed information associated with the selected widget, using the time range selected for the dashboard.

Drill Down Using a Tooltip

To drill down on a specific aggregate within a widget:

  1. Hover over the aggregate on which you would like to perform the drill down.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass on the line associated with the metric/sub-metric to be explored:
    • Metrics: The primary metric is the first line shown in the tooltip, and the sub-metric is the second line.
      Clicking on the magnifying glass for the primary or sub-metric opens a new browser tab containing a search, filtered for either the primary or sub-metric, using the time range selected for the dashboard.

    • Count: Provides the count for the metric/sub-metric.
      Clicking on the magnifying glass for the count opens a new browser tab containing a search, filtered for both the primary and sub-metrics, using the time range selected for the dashboard.

View Widget Data

You can drill down into the information displayed in a widget, and also update the time range of that information, by using the View Data option. To view a widget's data:

  1. Click the three-dot menu at the top-right of the widget.
  2. Click View Data.
    The widget's visualized search results are displayed in a new browser tab.

Delete a Widget

To remove a widget from the Dashboard:

  1. Click the three-dot menu at the top-right of the widget.
  2. Click Delete Widget.
    The widget is removed from the Dashboard.

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