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Histogram Widget

Histogram widgets can be used to display a distribution of customized numerical data directly on the Dashboard. The results of this graph are updated on the widget every time the Dashboard is refreshed.

Configure a Histogram Widget

When configuring the histogram widget, the following specifications are available.

Saved Search(Optional.) Open the drop-list and select a Saved Search to use as the data distribution for the histogram.
Primary Metric

Open the drop-list and select a value to show on the horizontal axis of the histogram. This value will always be a number (for example, size of a log).

The default X-Axis value is Raw Message Size.

Display blank values

Check this option to include blank values in the widget results. By default, blank values are not displayed in widget results.

This option is also available for the Submetric.


(Optional.) Open the drop-list and select a value to show on the vertical axis of the histogram. This value is almost always a count (for example, how many logs or signals).

Scale TypeSelect one of the following scales to determine how data is displayed on the Y-Axis.

The Y-Axis values are displayed with equal distance between each plotted point. For example, in the following histogram, the data is shown with a gap of 500 between each value.

When the counted values are small, this can sometimes result in an unreadable graph, like the one in the example.


The Y-Axis values are displayed with exponential distance between each plotted point. This can allow for better visibility, as it creates a "taller" chart. For example, in the following histogram, the same data as above is shown with exponentially increasing values on the Y-Axis.


Display TypeSelect one of the following display types to determine how data is depicted in the histogram.

The data is displayed as bars superimposed over each other for each X-Axis value with data. For example, shown below is the same data from the previous example displayed in bar chart form.

LineThe data is displayed as parabolic lines visualizing the fluctuations in data.

Enter a title for the widget.

By default, the title is <X-Axis field> Distribution.

To finish customizing the widget, click Apply.

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