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7.17.0 System Monitor Release Notes

Release Details

Software Component

System Monitor (SysMon)

Version Number

7.17.0 (Windows)

7.17.0 (*NIX)


This System Monitor Agent release is compatible with LogRhythm SIEM core versions that have not reached their end of life date. For more information, see End of Life Policies for Software and Hardware.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher


LogRhythm System Monitor Agents for Windows require the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher. 

  • Before upgrading your System Monitor Agent, confirm that .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher is installed.

  • For information on determining which .NET version is installed, see Determine which .NET Framework versions are installed - .NET Framework .

  • If necessary, install .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher and reboot your system. Because of the required reboot, we recommend that you perform this installation during off-peak hours.

New Features

LogRhythm SIEM version 7.17 contains various new features that make it easier to integrate your System Monitors and Open Collectors through the use of JSON parsing and policy builder.

For a full rundown of these new features, please refer to the LogRhythm SIEM 7.17 Release Notes.

Deprecated Features

LogRhythm has deprecated Check Point collection via OPSEC LEA in favor of the newer Check Point Log Exporter. Support for OPSEC LEA was removed starting with LogRhythm System Monitor Collector version and results in an error in the scsm.log file if this collection method is used. Customers who need to use OPSEC LEA for collection should not upgrade agents past System Monitor release.  For information on how to configure Check Point Log exporter, see Syslog - Check Point Log Exporter device configuration guide.

Resolved Issues

Bug ID

Salesforce Case ID

Release Notes



The scsm.log now displays comprehensive output beyond the initial "Watchdog is starting a new scsmd process…" message, enabling effective troubleshooting and monitoring of the Agent's operations.



The AIX System Monitor Agent build and package now allows successful installation of the 7.16 System Monitor Agent on AIX 7.2.



This update corrects spell errors in the SMA JSON parsing policy file.

Resolved Issues - Security

Resolved security-related defects can be viewed on the Community.

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