SOAP API Reference: AlarmService
Retrieve alarms and update the status and comments of alarms.
Methods and Types
Methods: AlarmService
NameDescriptionAddAlarmComments Update alarm with comments. The Alarm ID is derived from one of the GetFirstPageAlarms or a GetNextPageAlarms method call. GetAlarmByID Retrieve a single alarm by the unique alarm identifier alarm. The Alarm ID is derived from one of the GetFirstPageAlarms or a GetNextPageAlarms method call. GetAlarmEventsByID Retrieve a list of events associated to this alarm. The Alarm ID is derived from one of the GetFirstPageAlarms or a GetNextPageAlarms method call. GetAlarmHistoryByID Retrieve a list of alarm status and comment updates. The Alarm ID is derived from one of the GetFirstPageAlarms or a GetNextPageAlarms method call. GetFirstPageAlarms Retrieve the first page of alarms. GetFirstPageAlarmsByAlarmRuleID Retrieve the first page of alarms filtered by the alarm rule. GetFirstPageAlarmsByAlarmStatus Retrieve the first page of alarms filtered by the alarm status. GetFirstPageAlarmsByEntityID Retrieve the first page of alarms filtered by the entity. GetNextPageAlarms Retrieve the next page of alarms. UpdateAlarmStatus Update the alarm status and optionally provide comments. The Alarm ID is derived from one of the GetFirstPageAlarms or a GetNextPageAlarms method call. Complex Types: AlarmService
Response model for the current state of a single alarm including the last provided comment. This model is returned to the client in an array as a result of alarms returned by a provided query.
Response model for alarms that include event data.
Response model for alarms that includes alarm history.
Response model for alarms that include alarm notifications.
Response model of an alarms current status.
Response model for alarm summary.
Error details model.
IP Address object used in alarms and log queries.
Location detail object used in alarms and log queries. Only available when GeoIP service is connected to the servers.
The data for a single log message and all associated metadata for that log.
This is the error message object for all of LogRhythm Web Services. This object provides custom meaningful error messages to the client while retaining security precautions for the system.
Network detail object used in alarms.
A response object which supplies information about an attempt to insert data. This information includes record ID if created and error / warning messages if generated.
An object that defines a Watch Item.
Simple Types: AlarmService
Indicates the status of the Alarm message.
Enumeration used to specify the desired contact method for a user within the system.
Identifies the direction which message traffic is moving around the network.
Specifies the zone the host is within.
Specifies the precision type of the location value.
Specifies the meta type of the message.
Specifies Networks, Host, or Logins that should alarm when they show up in logs.
Specifies the priority of the alarm for the watch item.