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Initialize the Carbon Black Cloud Beat

This section provides instructions to initialize Carbon Black Cloud Beat after configuration. It is primarily focused on the alert log to be pulled from the Carbon Black Cloud console.


  • Open Collector is installed. If you have not already installed it, follow the instructions in the Open Collector Installation and User Guide, and then return to this topic.
  • Carbon Black Cloud console hostname. You should have received the hostname when you purchased the Carbon Black Cloud platform.

    You must omit the https:// from the hostname for the beat to work properly. If you do not do this, the beat will continuously restart.
  • Carbon Black Cloud console API Credentials and Organization Key. If you do not have these, follow the instructions here Configure API Access on Carbon Black Cloud Console, and then return to this topic.
  • A sensor installed on one of your machines to sync the alerts on the Carbon Black Cloud console. This sensor can be installed using the sensor option provided on the Carbon Black Cloud console under Endpoints.
  • The following port is open:






Initialize Beat 

  1. Confirm Open Collector is running:

    . /lrctl status

    You should see the open_collector and metrics versions:

    If Open Collector is not running correctly, see Troubleshoot the Open Collector in the Open Collector Installation and User Guide.
  2. Start the Beat:

    ./lrctl carbonblackcloudbeat start
  3. Enter the following details:

    1. Select New carbonblackcloudbeat instance from the list.

    2. Enter a unique beat identifier for this carbonblackcloudbeat instance.
    3. Enter the Hostname.

      Refer to the VMware Carbon Black Cloud documentation to verify what the Hostname should be.
    4. Enter the API ID.

      For security purposes the API ID is stored in encrypted format.
    5. Enter the API Secret Key.

      For security purposes the API Secret Key is stored in encrypted format.
    6. Enter the Organization Key

      For security purposes the Organization Key is stored in encrypted format.
    The carbonblackcloudbeat service started message appears.
  4. Check the status of the service:

    ./lrctl carbonblackcloudbeat status

Default Config Values for the Carbon Black Cloud Beat:


Field Name

Default Values



4apiIDUser Provided
5secretKeyUser Provided


Number of back days must be a non-negative number.

Only 180 days of back log data is supported. Therefore the range for this value is 1-180 days.



User Provided
8hostnameUser Provided


Supported limit range is 100-1000


There can be a slight delay (up to 1 min) in syncing alerts due to a network issue depending upon the sensor sync alert on Carbon Black Cloud.

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