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Configure the Symantec WSS Beat Log Source in SIEM

This section provides instructions for configuring the Symantec Web Security Service (WSS) log source in the LogRhythm SIEM using the log source virtualization template.

The Open Collector sends the output of every beat to the Agent in a single syslog stream. The parent log source is a generic type: "Syslog - Open Collector." A log source virtualization template included with the LogRhythm Knowledge Base (KB) creates child log sources for each beat.


  • LogRhythm Client Console
  • LogRhythm Administrator Account
  • Open the following port:





  • Download the latest KB .lkb file:
    1. From a computer with Internet access, log on to the LogRhythm Community.
    2. On the menu at the top of the screen, select Documentation & Downloads.
    3. Go to the KB tab, and then select Request KB File
    4. Enter the correct License IDDeployment ID, and 
    5. Save the Knowledge Base .lkb file and transfer it to the computer on which the Knowledge Base is being updated.

Step 1: Import the Knowledge Base

To import the latest downloaded KB:

  1. In the Client Console, from the Tools menu, select Knowledge, and then select Knowledge Base Manager.

    The Deployment Manager must be closed to access the Knowledge Base Manager.

    The Knowledge Base Manager appears.

  2. From the Knowledge Base Manager, click File, then click Import Knowledge Base File.
  3. Select the latest downloaded Knowledge Base .lkb file, and click OK.
    The Knowledge Base Import Wizard appears and starts unpacking and validating the Knowledge Base file. The file is checked for compatibility with your current deployment and is prepared for import. This may take several minutes. Upon completion, the Unpack Progress: Knowledge Base unpacked message appears.
  4. To import the Knowledge Base, click Next.
    Upon completion, the Import Progress Import Completed message appears.
  5. Click OK.
    The Knowledge Base Updated message appears.
  6. Click OK.
  7. On the Knowledge Base Import Wizard, click Close.

Step 2: Verify the Log Source Virtualization Template

  1. In the Client Console, on the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.

  2. On the Tools menu, select Administration, and click Log Source Virtualization Template Manager.
  3. Verify that the Open Collector template is there in the Log Source Virtualization Template Manager, and verify the number of virtual log sources.

  4. In the lower-left corner, click Virtual Log Source Manager, and verify that the virtual log sources you need are on the list.
    For Symantec WSS virtual log sources, verify the following log sources are on the list:
    • Syslog - Open Collector - Symantecwssbeat
    • Syslog - Open Collector - Symantecwssbeat Heartbeat
  5. Click OK.
    The Virtual Log Sources are available and verified.

  6. Click Close.

Step 3: Configure the Syslog Relay

The Open Collector needs Syslog Relay to be configured for the following reasons:

  • By default, the agent timestamps syslog messages as they come in. The timestamp in the SIEM should reflect when the log was generated, not when the agent received this log.
  • An additional Syslog Relay Regular Expression is required to correctly extract the timestamp.

To configure the Syslog Relay:

  1. Go to the System Monitors tab.
  2. Double-click the agent to which you will send the Open Collector syslog.
  3. Go to the Syslog and Flow Settings tab.
  4. Select the Enable Syslog Server check box, if it is not already selected.
  5. Type the Open Collector IP Address in the Syslog Relay Hosts field on the left.
  6. Type the following regular expression as the first line in Syslog Relay Regular Expressions:


  7. Click OK.

Here is an example of a configured Syslog Relay, where the Open Collector IP address is

Step 4: Accept the Pending Log Source

After Open Collector logs are sent to the Windows System Monitor Agent, you need to accept the pending log source.

  1. Click the Log Sources tab.
  2. In the New Log Sources grid, select the Action check boxes for the following:
    • Log Source Type. Syslog - Open Collector

      Do not select the Symantec WSS-specific log source types yet. You will do that in a later step.

    • Log Processing Policy. LogRhythm Default

  3. Right-click the selection, click Actions, and then click Accept.

  4. Select one of the following:

    • Customize and change the following as needed:
      • Collection System Monitor Entity

      • Log Message Processing Settings

      • Log Data Management and Processing Settings

      • Silent Log Message Source Settings

    • Click Default to select customized defaults that were previously selected. 

    • Select a default batch amount between 100 and 5000.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Refresh to see the newly accepted Log Source in the grid.

Step 5: Apply the Log Source Virtualization Template for Symantec WSS Messages

Use the log source virtualization template included in the KB imported in Step 1 to create a log source specifically for Symantec WSS.

  1. Double-click the newly accepted Open Collector Log Source.
    The Log Message Source Properties window appears.

  2. Go to the Log Source Virtualization tab.

  3. Select the Enable Virtualization check box.

  4. Click Create Virtual Log Sources.
    The Create Virtual Log Sources dialog box appears.

  5. From the Log Source Virtualization Template menu, select Syslog - Open Collector - Symantecwssbeat.

  6. Click Save.
    The confirmation prompt appears.
  7. Click OK.
    New Log Sources appear in the grid as children of your parent log source.

Step 6: Apply the Log Source Virtualization Template for the Symantec WSS Beat Heartbeat Messages

Use the log source virtualization template Included in the KB imported in Step 1 to create a log source specifically for the Symantec WSS Beat heartbeat logs.

  1. Double-click the newly accepted Open Collector Log Source.
    The Log Message Source Properties window appears.
  2. Go to the Log Source Virtualization tab.
  3. Select the Enable Virtualization check box.
  4. Click Create Virtual Log Sources.
    The Create Virtual Log Sources dialog box appears.
  5. In the Log Source Virtualization Template menu, select Syslog - Open Collector - Symantecwssbeat Heartbeat.
  6. Click Save.
    The confirmation prompt appears.
  7. Click OK.
    New Log Sources appear in the grid as children of your parent log source.

Step 7: (Optional) Enable Silent Log Source Detection

Silent Log Source Detection tells you when one of your log sources has stopped reporting logs.

  1. Double-click a child log source. For example, Syslog - Open Collector - Symantec Web Security Service.
    The Virtual Log Message Source Properties window appears.
  2. Click the Additional Settings tab.
  3. Select the Enable Silent Log Source Detection check box.
  4. Configure warning and error intervals. LogRhythm recommends warning after 1 hour and error after 2 hours.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Go to the Alarm Rules tab.
  7. Search for LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error and ensure the value in the Status column is Enabled.

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