Launch NetMon
NetMon’s data management interface needs to be configured using AddEth for the UI to come online. For more information on using AddEth, see Configure Network Interfaces.
Launch NetMon
Open a browser and connect to the Management IP of your NetMon appliance (https://X.X.X.X, as set in Configure Network Interfaces).
On the login screen, enter the following user name and password:
Username: admin
Password: changeme
Click Sign in.
The Update Password page appears.Enter your current password (changeme) and a new password twice, and then click Update.
Log in to NetMon with your user ID and new password.
NetMon requires a license file, and if you have not already uploaded one, you are prompted to choose your version of the software.
For more information, see NetMon Licensing.
Changing the NetMon license initiates a reboot.
When a browser is closed, or when all NetMon tabs are closed within an open browser, NetMon authentication tokens are cleared from the browser. You must log in to NetMon again when you reopen the browser.