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United Arab Emirates National Electronic Security Authority (UAE-NESA) Compliance Automation

The National Electronic Security Authority (NESA) — the federal authority for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that’s charged with strengthening the nation’s cybersecurity measures — is making greater strides to protect critical sectors against cyberattacks. To protect the UAE’s data and information infrastructure, NESA developed mandatory standards for government organizations, semi-government groups, and business entities that are identified as critical infrastructure to follow. Yet, not all of those organizations are capable of addressing the guidelines solely on their own. Fortunately, LogRhythm can help.

LogRhythm’s UAE-NESA Compliance Automation Suite provides pre-packaged content that is automatically associated with the correct UAE-NESA asset categories, easing compliance concerns. The suite also helps organizations identify areas of non-compliance in real time using prebuilt investigations and alarms that allow for immediate analysis of activities that impact critical systems. LogRhythm enables organizations to add forensic evidence to cases and centralize that evidence to create and customize dashboards to meet the UAE-NESA regulation. Incident response is a key component of the suite and provides case-management capabilities that help accelerate response time to suspected threats and compliance issues.

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