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UAE-NESA – Requirements


Control ID

Control Description


AIE Rules & Alarms




The entity shall identify and properly manage the risks related to its information and information systems for business processes involving external parties.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall identify risks to its information and information systems and implement the appropriate controls before granting access to any external party.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary



CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary



CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary



CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


The entity shall identify and adopt proper controls to limit physical and logical access to information assets and entity information systems.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall monitor external party access to entity information and entity information systems.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall address all identified security requirements before giving customers access to the entity's information or assets.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm


CCF: Unknown User Account Detail



CCF: GeoIP Summary


The entity shall monitor any customer access and verify compliance to agreed access control policy.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm


CCF: Unknown User Account Detail



CCF: GeoIP Summary


The entity shall maintain, protect, and control documentation of its information security controls and their implementation.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm


CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall ensure that documents are available to those who need them, are transferred, and stored in accordance with the procedures applicable to


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

their classification.

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary


CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: Misuse

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm


CCF: Backup Activity Summary


CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm




CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm




CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall ensure that documents of external origin are identified.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall ensure that the distribution of documents is controlled.


 CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall plan and document the process for the review and update of the risk assessment and treatment: this shall include planned reviews and updates as well as ad hoc updates if significant changes occur.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm



CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall monitor security incidents (see T8.3.2, T8.3.3) that might trigger the risk assessment process. (see M2.2.1).


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm



CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall remove access rights of all stakeholders to information and information systems upon termination of their employment, contract or agreement, or adjusted upon change.


CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


The entity shall verify that the termination policy and procedure is followed for any termination or change of employment, contract or agreement with particular attention to revocation of credentials/access to any information facility.


CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


The entity shall implement the appropriate procedures to ensure compliance with legislative, regulatory, and contractual requirements on the use of material in respect to which there may be intellectual property rights and on the use of proprietary software products.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall  determine specific system requirements resulting from the


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

identified requirements.

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary


CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary


CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary


CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary


CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary


CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary


CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary


CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary


CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm




CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall define specific controls to ensure all intellectual property right protection requirements are met.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall protect important records from loss, destruction, and falsification, in accordance with statutory, regulatory, contractual, and business requirements.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall determine specific system requirements resulting from the identified requirements.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall define specific controls to ensure all record protection requirements are met.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall periodically review requirements and associated controls for completeness.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall ensure data protection and privacy as required in relevant legislation, regulations, and, if applicable, contractual clauses.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall determine specific system requirements resulting from the identified requirements.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall define specific controls to ensure all data protection and privacy requirements are met.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall periodically review requirements and associated controls for completeness.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity



CCF: Social Media Event



CCF: Backup Information



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm




The entity shall deter users from using information systems for unauthorized purposes.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Backup Information


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm



CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm



CCF: Malware Alarm



CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall develop the capability to monitor information systems for unauthorized use.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Backup Information


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm



CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm



CCF: Malware Alarm



CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall take corrective action to stop unauthorized use of information systems when detected.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Backup Information


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm



CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm



CCF: Malware Alarm



CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall use cryptographic controls in compliance with all relevant legislations, regulations, and agreements.


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


The entity shall determine specific system requirements resulting from the identified requirements.


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


The entity shall define specific controls to ensure all cryptographic control requirements are met.


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


The entity shall periodically review requirements and associated controls for completeness.


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm


The entity's managers shall ensure that all security procedures within their area of responsibility are carried out correctly to achieve compliance with security policies and standards.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




Managers shall develop the capability to monitor the execution of identified


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

security procedures.

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary


CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary


CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary


CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary


CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary


CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary


CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary


CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary


CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm




CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




Managers shall take corrective action when issues regarding the execution of security procedures are identified.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure that information systems are regularly checked for compliance with the UAE IA Standards.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure results of compliance checking is performed by, and the results are reviewed by, authorized personnel with adequate technical capabilities.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall report any issues detected during technical compliance checking to the appropriate authority for remediation.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure that audit requirements and activities involving checks on operational systems are carefully planned and agreed to minimize the risk of disruptions to business processes.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall assign responsibilities for internal audits of information system controls to an appropriate authority.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall define audit requirements for information system controls.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall outline an audit plan to meet audit requirements for information system controls.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall highlight measures taken to ensure audit activities minimize the risk of disruptions to business processes.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall protect access to information systems audit tools to prevent any possible misuse or compromise.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify all information systems audit tools.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify the types and classification levels of information stored in information systems audit tools.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall define minimum security requirements for information systems audit tools commensurate to the classification levels of the information held.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall monitor and evaluate the information security performance and the effectiveness of the information security management system.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall determine:


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

     A. What needs to be monitored and measured, including information security processes and controls

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

     B. The methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, as applicable, to ensure valid results

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

     C. When the monitoring and measuring shall be performed

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

     D. Who shall monitor and measure

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

     E. When the results from monitoring and measurement shall be

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

analyzed and evaluated

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

     F. Who shall analyze and evaluate these results.

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary


CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary


CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary


CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary


CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary


CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary


CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm




CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm




CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm




CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall document the monitoring and measurement methods and results.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall plan and conduct internal audits of the information security in place.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall correct any non-conformity with these Standards. The entity shall react to the nonconformity when it occurs, and take action to control and correct it, and to deal with the consequences.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall evaluate the need for action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities, in order that it does not recur or occur elsewhere, by:


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

     A. Reviewing the nonconformity

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

     B. Determining the causes of the nonconformity

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

     C. Determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

potentially occur.

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary


CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary


CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary


CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary


CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary


CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary


CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm




CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall handle assets in accordance with the information classification scheme adopted by the entity.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall develop handling procedures for processing, storing and communicating information consistent with its classification and its attached label.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall safeguard the information in accordance with the established procedures.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall manage the removable media in accordance with the classification scheme adopted by the entity.


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

 CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


The entity shall identify the needed protection levels in accordance with the classification scheme.


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

 CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


The entity shall inhibit the use of removable media in those information systems that do not require it.


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

 CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


The entity shall control users of removable media.


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

 CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


The entity shall use security perimeters (barriers such as walls, card controlled entry gates, or manned reception desks) to protect areas that contain information and information systems.



CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary


The entity shall define security perimeters for every classified security level to ensure the right level of protection is applied.



CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary


The entity shall ensure the right security countermeasures are adopted to protect areas that contain information and information systems.



CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary


The entity shall protect secure areas by appropriate entry controls to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed access.



CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary


The entity shall authenticate all persons accessing secure areas.



CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary


The entity shall update and monitor access logs.



CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary


The entity shall design and apply physical protection against natural disasters, malicious attacks, or accidents.


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




The entity shall secure fallback equipment and backup media from damage caused by a natural or man-made disaster.


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




The entity shall protect power and telecommunications cabling carrying data or supporting information services.


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


The entity shall scan the network on a regular basis to identify unauthorized devices connected to the network (refer to T5.4.3).


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


The entity shall control the changes to information systems.


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall integrate specific process controls to ensure the change


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

management process is executed correctly.

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users


CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm




CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall define the systems to which the change management process applies.


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall protect its information assets from malware.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall employ anti-malware protection mechanisms for the network as well as servers, workstations, laptops and other devices connected to it.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure that all anti-malware protection are up-to-date.


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




The entity shall periodically scan all information systems files as well as files downloaded from public networks.


"CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm"




The entity shall scan removable media for malware every time they are connected to the information systems.


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall monitor anti-malware protection tools for malware detection events that should be logged and a notification should be sent to the administrators (refer to T.3.6.2).


CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall backup copies of its information and software.


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




The entity shall establish and document clear backup procedures and system capabilities for all applicable backup requirements.


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




The entity shall produce and keep audit logs recording user activities, exceptions, and information security events.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify all activities to be captured in audit logs for all hardware devices, operating systems and installed applications.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify minimum information requirements for each activity to be captured.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall define minimum frequency requirements for reviewing audit logs.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure audit logs are reviewed by personnel with appropriate training and skills.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall define minimum time requirements for maintaining audit logs.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall monitor the use of information systems.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify all types of system use to be monitored.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: Backup Failure Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify minimum information gathering requirements for each monitoring activity.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall define minimum frequency requirements for reviewing information gathered from monitoring activities.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure information gathered from monitoring activities is reviewed by personnel with appropriate training and skills.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall define minimum time requirements for maintaining information gathered from monitoring activities.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall protect log information against tampering and unauthorized access.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify the log information across all information systems that shall be protected.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure log information are protected commensurate to the sensitivity of the content of the logs


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall log system administrator and system operator activities.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall identify all activities to be captured in administrator and operator logs.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall identify minimum information requirements for each activity to be captured.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall define minimum frequency requirements for reviewing administrator and operator logs.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall ensure administrator and operator logs are reviewed by personnel with appropriate training and skills.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall define minimum time requirements for maintaining administrator and operator logs


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall log faults related to information processing or communication.


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




The entity shall identify all faults to be captured in fault logs.


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




The entity shall identify minimum information requirements for each fault to be captured.


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




The entity shall define minimum frequency requirements for reviewing fault logs.


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




The entity shall define minimum time requirements for maintaining fault logs.


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




The entity shall synchronize clocks of all relevant information systems with an agreed accurate time source.


CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary


The entity shall regularly check that the clocks of all relevant information processing systems are synchronized.


CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary


The entity shall develop formal transfer procedures and controls should be in place to protect the exchange of information.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The procedures shall identify specific controls to be put in place to ensure information is adequately protected during transfer.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The procedures shall identify actions to be taken when issues arise regarding the transfer of information.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall establish agreements for the exchange of information and software between the entity and external parties.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall monitor the exchange of information and software with external parties to ensure the requirements in the agreement are being met.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall protect information involved in electronic messaging.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall develop the capability to monitor electronic messaging to ensure controls are implemented and the rules are followed.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall take corrective action when information is transmitted through electronic messaging in a manner inconsistent with the


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

established rules.

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary


CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary


CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm




CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm




CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm




CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm




CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall protect information involved in electronic commerce passing over public networks from fraudulent activity, contract dispute, and unauthorized disclosure and modification.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall identify appropriate security measures for information passing over public networks based on the risk assessment.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall monitor e-commerce activities for on-going compliance with security requirements.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall protect information being made available on a publicly available system against unauthorized modification.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall monitor information being made available on publicly available systems for unauthorized modification.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall ensure that connectivity to information sharing platforms should be secured.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify specific controls needed to meet the security requirements for each information sharing platform.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure that all networks are adequately managed, controlled, and protected.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify and implement specific network controls needed to mitigate the vulnerabilities identified.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall continually monitor the in-place controls for efficiency and effectiveness.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure that all wireless networks are adequately secured.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Misuse

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall for each wireless network, identify the security controls that should be in place based on the required protection level of the information services, users, and information systems it supports.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Misuse

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall periodically evaluate the effectiveness of implemented segregation strategies and identify areas for improvement.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: Misuse

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall establish an access control policy based on business and security requirements.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The access control policy shall provide the framework to protect information from unauthorized access and grant access to the appropriate users and mobile devices.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


The entity shall implement a formal user registration and de-registration procedure.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




The entity shall ensure that a separate account is created for each person requiring access, and prohibit sharing of same accounts across multiple users.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




The entity shall immediately revoke access from users who have changed roles or jobs or left the entity following the established procedure.


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth




The entity shall periodically check and revoke access related to temporary and inactive accounts.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall restrict and control the allocation and use of privileges.


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



The entity shall maintain a record of all allocated privileges.


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



The entity shall never grant users with domain or local administrative privileges.


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



The entity shall ensure that administrator accounts are used only for system administration activities (e.g. no email or web surfing).


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



The entity shall ensure that all administrative access are logged and audited.


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



The entity shall control the allocation of user security credentials.


CCF: Password Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modification Inv


CCF: Admin Password Modified

CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modified by Another User

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


The entity shall in case of use of security credentials (i.e. passwords) change default security credentials of all systems and applications.


CCF: Password Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modification Inv


CCF: Admin Password Modified

CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modified by Another User

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


The entity shall provide access to users only to the services that they have been specifically authorized to use.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall develop the framework for managing the network services and ensure the right level of protection provided against unauthorized access.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall use appropriate authentication methods to control access of remote users.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall ensure appropriate authentication methods to be used to control access by remote users.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used



CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall block access to a machine (either remotely or locally) for administrator-level accounts.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall control access for the purpose of diagnostic and configuration.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used



CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall enable access control mechanisms (including strong authentication) to allow access only to authorized personnel.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used



CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall log all remote access activities related to diagnostic and configuration.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack



CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall implement network routing controls to ensure that computer connections and information flows do not breach the access control policy of the business applications.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm



CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall monitor communications with external systems and with key internal systems for suspicious traffic.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm



CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure wireless access is secured.


CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary


The entity shall authorize wireless access to the information system prior to allowing such connections.


CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary


The entity shall create a unique identifier (user ID) for each user and implement a suitable authentication technique.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall ensure all restricted activity are logged with the associated authenticated users.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation


CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall implement a system for managing user credentials (i.e. passwords).


CCF: Password Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modification Inv


CCF: Admin Password Modified

CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modified by Another User

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


The user credential management system shall automate the user credential change procedure ensuring the authenticity of the associate user identity.


CCF: Password Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modification Inv


CCF: Admin Password Modified

CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin

CCF: Password Modified by Another User

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


The entity shall restrict and control the use of utility programs that might be capable of overriding system and application controls.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation+D154

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth




The entity shall restrict use of utility programs only to authorized personnel.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall monitor the use of utility programs.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall restrict access to information and application system functions in accordance with the access control policy.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall ensure access to information and application system functions


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

is restricted.

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary


CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary


CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary


CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users


CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary


CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary


CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Blacklist Location Auth




CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm




CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm




CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm




CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm




CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall implement security measures to protect information accessed, processed, or stored on teleworking sites.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall authorize the usage of teleworking in accordance with the established security measures.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth



CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm



CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm



CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall monitor and review the services, reports, and records provided by the third party.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure that information security incidents and problems identified in the reports are managed properly.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall develop information security requirements for new information systems or enhancements to existing information systems.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The security requirements shall be used for new information systems or enhancements to existing information systems.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The security requirements shall address all requirements for security controls identified during the risk assessment.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The security requirements shall outline how to verify that the requirements for security controls have been met.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall ensure authenticity and integrity of messages in applications.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify requirements to ensure authenticity and integrity of messages transmitted between systems and applications.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall adopt proper controls to address the identified requirements.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall control the installation of software on operational systems.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall have a rollback strategy.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall have an audit log of all software installations.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall restrict the access to program source code.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall keep an audit log of all accesses.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm



CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall control the implementation of changes by the use of formal change control procedures.


CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall keep track record of all changes.


CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall review and test business critical applications after changes in the operating systems.


CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall monitor operating system and application logs for any anomaly.


CCF: FIM Information

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm



CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




The entity shall prevent opportunities for information leakage.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall Adopt Data Leak Prevention (DLP) measures.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall adopt identity and access management solutions to limit access to critical data only to authorized personnel.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall develop a plan to guide incident response activities.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall develop an incident response plan encompassing the required resources and capabilities to be defined.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall assess and classify information security incidents.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall establish an incident classification scheme in line with the incident response policy taking into account NESA’s issuances with regard to incident management.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall assess and identify the incidents that should be reported at the sector and national level.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall document all information security incidents.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify the relevant data to be collected before, during and after an information security incident takes place.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall collect and document relevant data related to all security incidents.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall protect the information security incident documentation.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall identify, collect, and preserve the information, which can serve as evidence.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall establish procedures for collecting evidence taking into account: • Chain of custody


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

• Safety of evidence

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

• Safety of the personnel

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

• Roles and responsibilities of personnel involved

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

• Competency of the personnel

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

• Documentation

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

• Briefing

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

• Other identified requirements                                                                                                                                           

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary


CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail


CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary


CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary


CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary


CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary


CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary


CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary


CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary


CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary


CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary


CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary


CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary


CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary


CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary


CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary


CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary


CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary


CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary


CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary


CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm




CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm




CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm




CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm




CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm




CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm




CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm




CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm




CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall report information security events through appropriate management channels.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall establish an event communication and reporting approach to the appropriate stakeholder (including appropriate authority).


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall implement for the established information security plans.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm




The entity shall establish information systems continuity capabilities based on the established plans.


CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred

CCF: Physical Access Inv

CCF: Physical Access Summary

CCF: FIM Information

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv

CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail

CCF: Data Loss Prevention

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv

CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary

CCF: FIM General Activity

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv

CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary

CCF: FIM Add Activity

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv

CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary

CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity

CCF: Suspicious Users Inv

CCF: Top Suspicious Users

CCF: GeoIP General Activity

CCF: Object Access Inv

CCF: Object Access Summary

CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity

CCF: User Misuse Inv

CCF: User Misuse Summary

CCF: Misuse

CCF: Unknown User Account Inv

CCF: Unknown User Account Detail

CCF: Social Media Event

CCF: GeoIP Inv

CCF: GeoIP Summary

CCF: Config Change After Attack

CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv

CCF: Compromises Detected Summary

CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv

CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary

CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation

CCF: Malware Detected Inv

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary

CCF: Local Account Created and Used

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv

CCF: Malware Detected Summary

CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack

CCF: Social Media Inv

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary

CCF: Blacklist Location Auth

CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv

CCF: Social Media Summary

CCF: Backup Information

CCF: Signature Activity Inv

CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary

CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm

CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv

CCF: Signature Activity Summary

CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm

CCF: Patch Applied Inv

CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary

CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm

CCF: Time Sync Error Inv

CCF: Patch Activity Summary

CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm

CCF: Backup Activity Inv

CCF: Time Sync Error Summary

CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm

CCF: Audit Log Inv

CCF: Backup Activity Summary

CCF: Malware Alarm

CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv

CCF: Audit Log Summary

CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm

CCF: Compromises Detected Inv

CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary

CCF: Backup Failure Alarm


CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary

CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm


CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary

CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm


CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary

CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm



CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm



CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm



CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm



CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm



CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm



CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm



CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm



CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm








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