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Traffic Log


Rule Name

Rule Type


Common Event

Traffic LogBase RuleNetwork TrafficNetwork Traffic
HTTP - 100 - Transition Status - ContinueSub RuleInformationHTTP 100 : Transition Status - Continue
HTTP - 101 - Transition Status - Protocol SwitchSub RuleInformationHTTP 101 : Transition Status - Protocol Switch
HTTP - 200 - Success Reply - OKSub RuleInformationHTTP 200 : Success Reply - OK
HTTP - 201 - Success Reply - CreatedSub RuleInformationHTTP 201 : Success Reply - Created
HTTP - 202 - Success Reply - AcceptedSub RuleInformationHTTP 202 : Success Reply - Accepted
HTTP - 203 - Success Reply - Nonauthoritative InfoSub RuleInformationHTTP 203 : Success Reply - Nonauthoritative Info
HTTP - 204 - Success Reply - No ContentSub RuleInformationHTTP 204 : Success Reply - No Content
HTTP - 205 - Success Reply - Reset ContentSub RuleInformationHTTP 205 : Success Reply - Reset Content
HTTP - 206 - Success Reply - Partial ContentSub RuleInformationHTTP 206 : Success Reply - Partial Content
HTTP - 300 - Redirect - Multiple ChoicesSub RuleInformationHTTP 300 : Redirect - Multiple Choices
HTTP - 301 - Redirect - Moved PermanentlySub RuleInformationHTTP 301 : Redirect - Moved Permanently
HTTP - 302 - Redirect - Moved TemporarilySub RuleInformationHTTP 302 : Redirect - Moved Temporarily
HTTP - 303 - Redirect - See OtherSub RuleInformationHTTP 303 : Redirect - See Other
HTTP - 304 - Redirect - Not ModifiedSub RuleInformationHTTP 304 : Redirect - Not Modified
HTTP - 305 - Redirect - Use ProxySub RuleMisuseUnauthorized Proxy Activity
HTTP - 306 - Redirect - UnusedSub RuleInformationHTTP 306 : Redirect - Unused
HTTP - 307 - Redirect - Temporary RedirectSub RuleInformationHTTP 307 : Redirect - Temporary Redirect
HTTP - 400 - Request Error - Bad RequestSub RuleErrorHTTP 400 : Request Error - Bad Request
HTTP - 401 - Request Error - UnauthorizedSub RuleErrorHTTP 401 : Request Error - Unauthorized
HTTP - 402 - Request Error - Payment RequiredSub RuleErrorHTTP 402 : Request Error - Payment Required
HTTP - 403 - Request Error - ForbiddenSub RuleErrorHTTP 403 : Request Error - Forbidden
HTTP - 404 - Request Error - Not FoundSub RuleErrorHTTP 404 : Request Error - Not Found
HTTP - 405 - Request Error - Method Not AllowedSub RuleErrorHTTP 405 : Request Error - Method Not Allowed
HTTP - 406 - Request Error - Not AcceptableSub RuleErrorHTTP 406 : Request Error - Not Acceptable
HTTP - 407 - Request Error - Proxy Auth RequiredSub RuleErrorHTTP 407 : Request Error - Proxy Auth Reqd
HTTP - 408 - Request Error - Request Time-outSub RuleErrorHTTP 408 : Request Error - Request Time-Out
HTTP - 409 - Request Error - ConflictSub RuleErrorHTTP 409 : Request Error - Conflict
HTTP - 410 - Request Error - GoneSub RuleErrorHTTP 410 : Request Error - Gone
HTTP - 411 - Request Error - Length RequiredSub RuleErrorHTTP 411 : Request Error - Length Required
HTTP - 412 - Request Error - Precondition FailedSub RuleErrorHTTP 412 : Request Error - Precondition Failed
HTTP - 413 - Request Error - Request Item Too BigSub RuleErrorHTTP 413 : Request Error - Request Item Too Big
HTTP - 414 - Request Error - Request-URL Too LargeSub RuleErrorHTTP 414 : Request Error - Request-URL Too Large
HTTP - 415 - Request Error - Unsupported TypeSub RuleErrorHTTP 415 : Request Error - Unsupported Type
HTTP - 416 - Request Error - Range UnfillableSub RuleErrorHTTP 416 : Request Error - Range Unfillable
HTTP - 417 - Request Error - Expectation FailedSub RuleErrorHTTP 417 : Request Error - Expectation Failed
HTTP - 500 - Server Error - Internal Server ErrorSub RuleErrorHTTP 500 : Server Error - Internal Server Error
HTTP - 501 - Server Error - Not ImplementedSub RuleErrorHTTP 501 : Server Error - Not Implemented
HTTP - 502 - Server Error - Bad GatewaySub RuleErrorHTTP 502 : Server Error - Bad Gateway
HTTP - 503 - Server Error - Service UnavailableSub RuleErrorHTTP 503 : Server Error - Service Unavailable
HTTP - 504 - Server Error - Gateway Time-outSub RuleErrorHTTP 504 : Server Error - Gateway Time-Out
HTTP - 505 - Server Error - HTTP Ver UnsupportedSub RuleErrorHTTP 505 : Server Error - HTTP Ver Unsupported

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema  

Device Key in Log Message

LogRhythm Schema

Data Type

Oct 25 00:10:37<dname>Text/String
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