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Alarm Messages

Vendor Documentation


Rule Name

Rule Type

Common Event


Base RuleEntered Alarm State / Alarm RaisedOperations
High Total TrafficSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
High TrafficSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Half Open AttackSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
ICMP FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
SYN FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
Brute Force LoginSub RuleBrute Force ActivityAttack
Data ExfiltrationSub RuleData Loss Alert : HighCritical
Data HoardingSub RuleData Loss Prevention ActivityActivity
Suspect Data HoardingSub RuleData Loss Prevention ActivityActivity
Target Data HoardingSub RuleData Loss Prevention ActivityActivity
Bot Infected Host - Attempted C&C ActivitySub RuleDetected Botnet ActivityMalware
Bot Infected Host - Successful C&C ActivitySub RuleDetected Botnet ActivityMalware
Bot Command & Control ServerSub RuleDetected Botnet ActivityMalware
Worm ActivitySub RuleDetected Worm ActivityMalware
Worm PropagationSub RuleDetected Worm ActivityMalware
SMC Disk Space LowSub RuleDisk / Storage FullCritical
FlowCollector RAID FailureSub RuleDisk Drive FailureCritical
FlowCollector RAID RebuildingSub RuleDisk Drive FailureCritical
FlowCollector Performance DegradedSub RuleDisk Drive FailureCritical
SMC RAID FailureSub RuleDisk Drive FailureCritical
SMC RAID RebuildingSub RuleDisk Drive FailureCritical
New Host ActiveSub RuleEvaluated New HostInformation
FlowSensor VE Configuration ErrorSub RuleFlow manager errorError
FlowSensor Traffic LostSub RuleFlow manager errorError
FlowSensor RAID FailureSub RuleFlow manager errorError
FlowSensor RAID RebuildingSub RuleFlow manager errorError
FlowSensor Time MismatchSub RuleFlow manager errorError
FlowSensor Management Channel DownSub RuleFlow manager errorError
Short FragmentsSub RuleFragmented Packet ReceivedNetwork Traffic
UDP FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
Port FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
Packet FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
Relationship SYN FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
Relationship UDP FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
Relationship ICMP FloodSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
Suspect Data LossSub RuleGeneral Data Loss MessageInformation
V-MotionSub RuleGeneral VMware Server InformationInformation
Fake Application DetectedSub RuleHost CompromisedCompromise
Scanner TalkingSub RuleHost CompromisedCompromise
Bad HostSub RuleHost CompromisedCompromise
High DDoS Target IndexSub RuleHost Distributed Denial Of ServiceDenial of Service
High DDoS Source IndexSub RuleHost Distributed Denial Of ServiceDenial of Service
ICMP ReceivedSub RuleICMP Flow EventsNetwork Traffic
MAC Address ViolationSub RuleInvalid MAC AddressError
License CorruptedSub RuleLicense ErrorError
Unlicensed FeatureSub RuleLicense ErrorError
StealthWatch Flow License ExceededSub RuleLicense ExceededCritical
FlowCollector Flow Data LostSub RuleLost Flow Detail RecordsNetwork Traffic
FlowCollector Data DeletedSub RuleLost Flow Detail RecordsNetwork Traffic
FlowCollector Log Retention ReducedSub RuleLost Flow Detail RecordsNetwork Traffic
FlowCollector Exporter Count ExceededSub RuleLost Flow Detail RecordsNetwork Traffic
FlowCollector FlowSensor VE Count ExceededSub RuleLost Flow Detail RecordsNetwork Traffic
FlowCollector Flow Rate ExceededSub RuleLost Flow Detail RecordsNetwork Traffic
FlowCollector Time MismatchSub RuleLost Flow Detail RecordsNetwork Traffic
Malformed FragmentsSub RuleMalformed ObjectSuspicious
Interface Utilization Exceeded InboundSub RuleMax Flow Limit ReachedNetwork Traffic
Interface Utilization Exceeded OutboundSub RuleMax Flow Limit ReachedNetwork Traffic
NAT IPSub RuleNAT Detection StatusNetwork Traffic
Slow Connection FloodSub RuleNetwork Denial Of ServiceDenial Of Service
SLIC Channel DownSub RuleNetwork Interface Changed State To DownInformation
Identity Channel DownSub RuleNetwork Interface Changed State To DownInformation
SMC Failover Channel DownSub RuleNetwork Interface Changed State To DownInformation
SMC Duplicate PrimarySub RuleNetwork Management WarningWarning
SMC System ExpiredSub RuleNetwork Management WarningWarning
SMC Maintenance ExpiredSub RuleNetwork Management WarningWarning
SMC Invalid License FileSub RuleNetwork Management WarningWarning
Port ScanSub RulePort ScanReconnaissance
ExploitationSub RulePotential Vulnerability Exploit AllowedActivity
FlowCollector StoppedSub RuleProcess/Service StoppedStartup and Shutdown
Cisco ISE Management Channel DownSub RuleProcess/Service StoppedStartup and Shutdown
FlowCollector Management Channel DownSub RuleProcess/Service StoppedStartup and Shutdown
AnomalySub RuleProtocol AnomalyAttack
ReconSub RuleReconnaissance ActivityReconnaissance
Policy ViolationSub RuleSecurity Policy ViolationWarning
Spam SourceSub RuleSpam DetectedActivity
SSH Reverse ShellSub RuleSSH Potentially Serious ProblemWarning
New VMSub RuleStatus For Virtual Machine SetInformation
Host Lock ViolationSub RuleSuspicious Host ActivitySuspicious
TouchedSub RuleSuspicious Host ActivitySuspicious
Trapped HostSub RuleSuspicious Host ActivitySuspicious
Beaconing HostSub RuleSuspicious Host ActivitySuspicious
Low TrafficSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Suspect Long FlowSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Command and ControlSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Suspect Quiet Long FlowSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship High Total TrafficSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship High TrafficSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship Low TrafficSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship Max FlowsSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship New FlowsSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship Round Trip TimeSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship Server Response TimeSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Relationship TCP Retransmission RatioSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
High TrafficSub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Suspect UDP ActivitySub RuleSuspicious Network ActivitySuspicious
Unknown OSSub RuleSystem Software WarningWarning
Multiple OSSub RuleSystem Software WarningWarning
SYNs ReceivedSub RuleTCP SYN ReceivedNetwork Traffic
High Concern IndexSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
High File Sharing IndexSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
High Target IndexSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
High Total TrafficSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
Max Flows InitiatedSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
Max Flows ServedSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
New Flows InitiatedSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
New Flows ServedSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
High Volume EmailSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
UDP ReceivedSub RuleUDP Flow EventsNetwork Traffic
Mail RejectsSub RuleUnauthorized E-mailMisuse
Hi SMB PeersSub RuleVuln Low Severity : SMB / NETBIOSVulnerability
Mail RelaySub RuleVuln Medium Severity : Mail ServicesVulnerability
Watch Port ActiveSub RuleWatchlist HitActivity
Watch Host ActiveSub RuleWatchlist HitActivity

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema

Device Key in Log MessageLogRhythm SchemaData Type
Device Vendor <version>Number/String
High Concern Index<threatname>, <command>Text/String
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