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Troubleshoot the Proofpoint Beat

429 Too Many Requests Error

By default, the period value is set to 180 seconds. Proofpoint TAP supports 1800 requests per 24 hour period. Exhausting this limit will resume the log collection on the next day.


  1. When running the single beat instance, try increasing the throttling_interval value in the config file.
  2. When running the multiple beat instance, try increasing the period value in the config file.

Update the throttling_interval value in the config file

  1. Export the Beat config file using this command –

    ./lrctl proofpointbeat config export -f <fullyqualifiedbeatname> --outfile proofpointbeat.yml
  2. Edit the throttling_interval and save the file.
  3. Re-import the config file:

    cat proofpointbeat.yml | ./lrctl proofpointbeat config import
  4. Restart the beat to load the new changes.

Update the period value in the config file

  1. Export the Beat config file using this command –

    ./lrctl proofpointbeat config export -f <fullyqualifiedbeatname> --outfile proofpointbeat.yml
  2. Edit the period and save the file.
  3. Re-import the config file:

    cat proofpointbeat.yml | ./lrctl proofpointbeat config import
  4. Restart the beat to load the new changes.

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