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Initialize the Sophos Central Beat


  • The Open Collector is installed. If you have not already installed it, follow the instructions in the Open Collector Installation and User Guide, and then return to this topic.
  • API Token is generated to provide the configuration keys.
  • Required keys (such as API Key), Authorization, and the API Base URL should be passed while configuring Sophos Central Beat.
  • The following port is open:






Initialize the Beat

  1. To confirm the Open Collector is running, run the following command:

    ./lrctl status

    You should see the open_collector and metrics as shown in the following graphic:

    If the Open Collector is not running correctly, see Troubleshoot the Open Collector in the Open Collector Installation and User Guide.
  2. In the Open Collector, run the following command:

    ./lrctl sophoscentralbeat start
  3. Enter the following details:

    The Authorization Header and API KEY configuration fields are saved in encrypted format.

    1. Enter the API key for the Sophos Central beat.
    2. Type the word Basic, then a space, and then enter the authorization key for the Sophos Central beat.

    3. Enter the API Base URL for Sophos Central beat.
    The configuration has been saved and the service has been started successfully.
  4. To check the status of the service, run the following command:

    ./lrctl sophoscentralbeat status

Default Config Values for Sophos Central Beat:

S. No.Field NameDefault Value
4.APIKeyUser Provided


AuthorizationUser Provided
6.BasepathUser Provided

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