Initialize the PubSub Beat
- The Open Collector is installed. If you have not already installed it, follow the instructions in the Open Collector Installation and User Guide, and then return to this topic.
- To collect log from any GCP service, the services must be enabled on the GCP portal, and you should have one topic and subscription.
The following port is open:
Outbound 443 HTTPS pubsubbeat
Initialize the Beat
To confirm the Open Collector is running, run the following command:
CODE./lrctl status
You should see the open_collector and metrics as shown in the following graphic:
If the Open Collector is not running correctly, see Troubleshoot the Open Collector in the Open Collector Installation and User Guide.In the Open Collector, run the following command:
CODE./lrctl pubsubbeat start
Enter the following details:
The contents of this user credential file are saved in encrypted format.
- The Project ID of your project from GCP:
- The Topic name from GCP. Enter only the portion that appears after topics\. For example, if your GCP console listed the Topic name as projects/datacollector-0000/topics/sample-topic, you would enter sample-topic.
- The Subscription name from GCP. Enter only the portion that appears after subscriptions\. For example, if your GCP console listed the Subscription name as projects/datacollector-0000/topics/sample-subscription, you would enter sample-subscription.
- The Project ID of your project from GCP:
The configuration saves and the service starts successfully.
To check the status of the service, run the following command:
CODE./lrctl pubsubbeat status
Default Config Values for Pub Sub Beat:
S. No. | Field Name | Default Value |
1. | project | User Provided |
2. | HeartbeatInterval | 5m0s |
3. | HeartbeatDisabled | false |
4. | CredentialsFile | User Provided |
5. | Topic | User Provided |
6. | | User Provided |
7. | json.enabled | true |
8. | json.add_error_key | true |
9. | subscription.Create | true |