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Release Details

Software ComponentSystem Monitor (SysMon)
Version Number (Windows) (*NIX)


LogRhythm 7.9.0 GA

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2

System Monitor v7.9.0.x (both Windows and *NIX) is incompatible with SIEM v7.8.

In order to upgrade to System Monitor 7.9, you must first upgrade LogRhythm SIEM to 7.9.

For more information on LogRhythm SIEM version 7.9, see Enterprise SIEM 7.9 Release Notes.

LogRhythm System Monitor Agents for Windows require the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2. 

New Features

No new features in this release.


No new improvements in this release.

Deprecated Features

LogRhythm has deprecated Check Point collection via OPSEC LEA in favor of the newer Check Point Log Exporter. Support for OPSEC LEA was removed starting with LogRhythm System Monitor Collector version and results in an error in the scsm.log file if this collection method is used. Customers who need to use OPSEC LEA for collection should not upgrade agents past System Monitor release.  For information on how to configure Check Point Log exporter, see Syslog - Check Point Log Exporter device configuration guide.

Resolved Issues

Bug ID

Salesforce Case ID

Found in Version

Release Notes


423489 log collection is no longer disrupted after upgrading the Windows Operating System on a remote host.
DE116864003027.5.1.9930Log messages are no longer cut off in certain situations.
410789 the System Monitor Agent no longer changes collection behavior.
DE146224246797.8.0.8000Gigamon/IPFIX no longer produces an "out of range" error in certain situations.
DE146284347217.9.0.116Unix timestamps are now correctly parsed for Flat File log sources.
DE150694276127.4.10Multiple System Monitor instances will no longer spawn when working with AIX servers.

Resolved Issues - Security

Security-related issues resolved with this release are available for customers to view on the Community.

Known Issues

Bug ID

Found In Version

Release Notes
DE36417.4.7Windows AgentWhen a remote Agent is connected to the Mediator via VPN and the VPN gets refreshed, some users may experience connection issues with the Agent and receive errors indicating the position files are being used by another process

Expected Results: There should be no issues with the position file when collecting logs from a remote Agent.

Workaround: While there is no workaround for this issue, we are actively investigating a solution.


If a Log Source Virtualization (LSV) regex is greater than 1024 characters, the System Monitor will crash and disrupt log collection. Customers may receive several errors, including:

**WARNING** Configuration property length is greater than the maximum allowed, truncating to the maximum length.

Expected results: The Client Console should not allow a regex greater than 1024 characters since that is the limit on the System Monitor.

Workaround: If you experience this issue, contact your support team to assist in changing the LSV regex limit in the Client Console.

DE61667.3.4Windows Agent, Database scriptsThe Syslog Agent default regex does not match some log source types that explicitly differentiate the year. This mismatch causes inaccurate parsing for Normal Message Date and Host ID on some log sources, resulting in the date of collection being substituted instead. To date, we have seen this in the most recent Aruba Wireless Access Point and Palo Alto log source types.

Expected Results: The Agent should assign date and time based on date-time in the raw log for date formats that explicitly define the year. 

Workaround: While there is no workaround for this issue, we are actively investigating and will provide a fix in an upcoming release. If you experience this issue, contact your support team to assist in providing some regex that may help.

DE72417.2.5Windows AgentWhen collecting sFlow Expanded Flow Format logs, warnings are constantly written to the System Monitor log file.

Expected Results: The System Monitor Agent should collect this log format without producing warnings in the log file.

Workaround: The System Monitor Agent does not support sFlow Expanded Flow Format. You must convert these logs to NetFlow to collect the data. There is a Golden Nugget posted to LogRhythm Community that shows you how to convert from sFlow Expanded Flow to NetFlow. You can find it on the Community here:




Windows Agent

When setting up log collection on AWS CloudTrail S3 and trying to establish a trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel, customers may receive the following error exception message:

**ERROR** Exception msg: A WebException with status TrustFailure was thrown.

Expected Results: Customers should be able to configure CloudTrail S3 log collection without errors.

Workaround: Use Open Collector to collect from CloudTrail S3 log sources or suppress the trust check.

DE117377.5.1Windows Agent

When collecting logs from AWS S3 buckets that contain a large number of folders, logs may back up at the Agent and never get forwarded to the Data Processor.

Expected Results: The Agent should collect and forward logs without backing up.

Workaround: While there is no workaround for this issue, we are investigating an option for a future release that would allow customers to start log collection from a specified date to prevent log collection issues.

DE122147.4.x, 7.5.x*NIX Agent

When using compression with *NIX agents, customers may receive the following decompression errors in the Mediator logs:

***ERROR*** Failed to decompress log data message: Expected end of stream not found
***ERROR***  Writing data to file: C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm Mediator Server\logs\decompressionerror60_log.xxxxxx
***ERROR***  payload size: 146
***ERROR*** Failed to decompress log data message, writing data to file: C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm Mediator Server\logs\decompressionerror60_log.xxxxxx

Expected Results: When customers use compression with any agent version, compressed files should decompress without errors.

Workaround: Turn off compression on any agents that are generating errors in the Mediator logs.

DE125167.6.0*NIX AgentWhen using File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) or Realtime File Integrity Monitoring (RTFIM) in the 7.6.x System Monitor on RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, the agent may fail with a "segmentation fault" error message.

Expected Results: FIM and RTFIM should work without error in RHEL 7.

Workaround: Disable FIM or RTFIM in the System Monitor settings. 

DE125467.6.0AgentWhen the Mediator is restarted, the System Monitor Performance Monitor Count for Agent Handles does not reset when the Exchange Msg Tracking Log Source is in use, with the agent installed on the Exchange Server for local collection.

Expected Results: The agent handles count resets when the mediator restarts, and does not increase in size.

Workaround: Use a Windows task to restart the agent handles count on the server.

DE134537.7.0Agent LicenseSNMP Trap, sFlow, and Netflow collection requires a System Monitor Pro license.

Expected Results: SNMP Trap, sFlow, and Netflow collection should be permitted with a System Monitor Collector license.

Workaround: Use a System Monitor Pro license to collect SNMP Traps, sFlow, Netflow.

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