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NetMon Supported Applications

 The following table contains NetMon's supported application names, codes, and descriptions.

_3Com1Ethernet Type 3Com
_3Com_Corp2Ethernet Type 3Com_Corp
_3Com_NBP3Ethernet Type 3Com_NBP
_802_1aq4Ethernet Type 802_1aq
_802_1q5Ethernet Type 802_1q
_AARP6Ethernet Type AARP
_Accton7Ethernet Type Accton
_Aeonic8Ethernet Type Aeonic
_Allen_Bradley9Ethernet Type Allen_Bradley
_Apollo10Ethernet Type Apollo
_Applitek11Ethernet Type Applitek
_ARP12Ethernet Type ARP
_Art_Horiz13Ethernet Type Art_Horiz
_Artisoft14Ethernet Type Artisoft
_ATA_Ether15Ethernet Type ATA_Ether
_ATnT16Ethernet Type ATnT
_Autophon18Ethernet Type Autophon
_Axis_Comm19Ethernet Type Axis_Comm
_Banyan20Ethernet Type Banyan
_Banyon21Ethernet Type Banyon
_BBN22Ethernet Type BBN
_Cabletron24Ethernet Type Cabletron
_CFM25Ethernet Type CFM
_CHAOSnet26Ethernet Type CHAOSnet
_Chronus_Dir27Ethernet Type Chronus_Dir
_Chronus_VLN28Ethernet Type Chronus_VLN
_CobraNet29Ethernet Type CobraNet
_ComDesign30Ethernet Type ComDesign
_Comugrahic31Ethernet Type Comugrahic
_Control_Tech32Ethernet Type Control_Tech
_Counterpoint33Ethernet Type Counterpoint
_Dansk34Ethernet Type Dansk
_Datability35Ethernet Type Datability
_DCA36Ethernet Type DCA
_DEC37Ethernet Type DEC
_DECNET38Ethernet Type DECNET
_EAP_LAN39Ethernet Type EAP_LAN
_ECMA40Ethernet Type ECMA
_EherCAT41Ethernet Type EherCAT
_Eth_Config_Test42Ethernet Type Eth_Config_Test
_EtherFlowControl43Ethernet Type EtherFlowControl
_Ethertalk44Ethernet Type Ethertalk
_Eth_PwrLnk45Ethernet Type Eth_PwrLnk
_Excelan47Ethernet Type Excelan
_ExperData48Ethernet Type ExperData
_FCoE49Ethernet Type FCoE
_FCoE_Init50Ethernet Type FCoE_Init
_Gen_Dyn51Ethernet Type Gen_Dyn
_Harris52Ethernet Type Harris
_Hitachi53Ethernet Type Hitachi
_HomePlug54Ethernet Type HomePlug
_HP_LanProbe55Ethernet Type HP_LanProbe
_HP_Probe56Ethernet Type HP_Probe
_HSR57Ethernet Type HSR
_HyperSCSI58Ethernet Type HyperSCSI
_IBM_SNA59Ethernet Type IBM_SNA
_IDP60Ethernet Type IDP
_IMLB_LAN61Ethernet Type IMLB_LAN
_Intergraph62Ethernet Type Intergraph
_IPv463Ethernet Type IPv4
_IPv664Ethernet Type IPv6
_IPX65Ethernet Type IPX
_Jumbo66Ethernet Type Jumbo
_Kalpana67Ethernet Type Kalpana
_Kinetics68Ethernet Type Kinetics
_KTI69Ethernet Type KTI
_Landmark70Ethernet Type Landmark
_Little_Machines71Ethernet Type Little_Machines
_LLDP72Ethernet Type LLDP
_LLT73Ethernet Type LLT
_LRT74Ethernet Type LRT
_MAC_Security75Ethernet Type MAC_Security
_Matra76Ethernet Type Matra
_MediaRedund77Ethernet Type MediaRedund
_Merit78Ethernet Type Merit
_MPLS_Multi80Ethernet Type MPLS_Multi
_MPLS_Uni81Ethernet Type MPLS_Uni
_NBS82Ethernet Type NBS
_Nestar83Ethernet Type Nestar
_Nixdorf84Ethernet Type Nixdorf
_Pacer86Ethernet Type Pacer
_PCS87Ethernet Type PCS
_PowerLAN88Ethernet Type PowerLAN
_PPPoE_Disc89Ethernet Type PPPoE_Disc
_PPPoE_Sess90Ethernet Type PPPoE_Sess
_PRC91Ethernet Type PRC
_PrecisionTime92Ethernet Type PrecisionTime
_Prime_NTS93Ethernet Type Prime_NTS
_PUP95Ethernet Type PUP
_QNX96Ethernet Type QNX
_RARP98Ethernet Type RARP
_RCL99Ethernet Type RCL
_Retix100Ethernet Type Retix
_RoCE101Ethernet Type RoCE
_Rosemount102Ethernet Type Rosemount
_Siemens104Ethernet Type Siemens
_Silicon_Graphics105Ethernet Type Silicon_Graphics
_Slow_Protocols106Ethernet Type Slow_Protocols
_SNMP107Ethernet Type SNMP
_Sonix108Ethernet Type Sonix
_Spider109Ethernet Type Spider
_Stanford110Ethernet Type Stanford
_Symbolics111Ethernet Type Symbolics
_Talaris112Ethernet Type Talaris
_Taylor113Ethernet Type Taylor
_Tech_Elite114Ethernet Type Tech_Elite
_THD115Ethernet Type THD
_Tigan116Ethernet Type Tigan
_TRFS117Ethernet Type TRFS
_Tymshare118Ethernet Type Tymshare
_UB_Bridge119Ethernet Type UB_Bridge
_UB_db120Ethernet Type UB_db
_UB_Diag121Ethernet Type UB_Diag
_UB_Down122Ethernet Type UB_Down
_UB_NIU123Ethernet Type UB_NIU
_U_Mass125Ethernet Type U_Mass
_VALID126Ethernet Type VALID
_Varian127Ethernet Type Varian
_Veeco128Ethernet Type Veeco
_VG_Lab129Ethernet Type VG_Lab
_Vitalink130Ethernet Type Vitalink
_VLAN131Ethernet Type VLAN
_VMTP132Ethernet Type VMTP
_Vrie133Ethernet Type Vrie
_Vrije134Ethernet Type Vrije
_Waterloo135Ethernet Type Waterloo
_Wellfleet136Ethernet Type Wellfleet
_X_25137Ethernet Type X_25
_X_75138Ethernet Type X_75
_XNS139Ethernet Type XNS
_XTP140Ethernet Type XTP
_Xyplex141Ethernet Type Xyplex
sp142ISO 8327-1/X.225 OSI Session Protocol (SP).
apple_siri143Advanced voice recognition system used on some Apple iPhone devices.
aris144The aris protocol (ARIS) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 104).
tianya145Most popular internet forums in China.
msn146The MSN protocol allows the exchange of instant messages. The MSN protocol was used by the Microsoft Messenger Software, and is now deprecated (2013).
hpellc147HP Extended Local-Link Control is an LLC protocol enhancement. It is HP proprietary.
zimbra148Zimbra provides open source server and client software for messaging and collaboration.
rip1149RIP1 (Routing Information Protocol Version 1) is a Distance Vector routing protocol used in Inter Autonomous Systems.
qqlive150QQLive is an application intended to watch TV in Peer-to-Peer mode. QQlive also classifies QQ live streaming on web browser
cafemom151Social network based in New York City targetting mothers.
sat_expak152The sat_expak protocol (SATNET and Backroom EXPAK) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 64).
google_appengine153Google App Engine is a platform as a service (PaaS) cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers.
campfire154This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name is a web portal popular in the Russian Federation. This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
yahoo_buy156Yahoo Taiwanese Shopping portal.
skype157Skype is a widely used voice over IP protocol. It was merged with MSN service in 2013. It's required to use this protocol in conjunction with windowslive protocol to optimize the coverage of traffic generated by Skype clients. This plugin now includes previous MSN-related flow signatures to provide both login and chat support. UDP classification is assisted using DNS Caching. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over https.
cellufun158Cellufun, also known as Tylted, is a social gaming community accessible from any mobile device, and developer of Java-based games.
_360buy159This protocol plug-in classified the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
xvideos160Xvideos is a free adult videos website.
adobe_meeting_rc161Websites of the Adobe Connect software. Adobe Connect is a web-conferencing and presentation-sharing software from the American software company Adobe.
linkedin162LinkedIn is professional social network.
https163HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP.
google_translate164Google Translate is the Google translation tool.
nfs165The NFS protocol provides transparent remote access to shared file systems across networks as described in RFC 1813. This plug-in also classifies the experimental legacy version of NFS (v1) developed by Sun, but does not provide attribute extraction for this version.
cgiproxy166CGIProxy is a proxy software package. A CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Proxy is a proxy that appears as a web page allowing the user access to all sites through it.
sua167This protocol defines the transport of SCCP signalization over an IP network through SCTP.
soribada168This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
radiko169Radio broadcast web retransmission service.
leaf_1170The leaf_1 protocol (Leaf 1) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 25).
netload171This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
mapquest172Free online web mapping service owned by AOL.
sohu173Sohu, Inc. is a Chinese Internet company. This plugin classifies traffic of Sohu services like Sohu News (except blogging classified in sohu_blog).
eyejot174This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts, and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
zoho_show175Zoho Show application classification.
yoka176Chinese fashion portal.
udplite177The udplite protocol (Connectionless protocol very similar to UDP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 136).
hmp178The hmp protocol (Host Monitoring) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 20). is the NFL website.
college_blender180American website that provides resources and articles about College life.
wandoujia181Chinese mobile (Android applications.
zoo182This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
appchina183Chinese Android application market.
file_host184File hosting and sharing website from Romania.
pppoe185PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) provides the ability to connect a network of hosts over a simple bridging access device to a remote Access Concentrator.
nasa186This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
_17173com187Website distributing Chinese games.
qq_lady188Tencent fashion website.
vmtp189The vmtp protocol (VMTP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 81).
incomplete190Incomplete is used when the protocol signature is too long.
isl191InterSwitch Link Frame Format is a Cisco proprietary protocol used between network equipment of a LAN to transmit VLAN membership information of a frame.
buzzfeed192International news webportal.
altiris193Altiris provides service-oriented management solutions which allow managing IT infrastructures. Altiris was founded in 1998 and acquired by Symantec in 2007.
_2shared1942shared is an online space for sharing and storage.
nexon195This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
fluxiom196This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
ddp197The ddp protocol (Datagram Delivery Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 37). is a web-based social community.
abcnews199ABC News is one of the major news outlets in the United States.
h248_binary200h248 Protocol (Megaco) in binary mode.
slingbox201Slingbox is a streaming protocol over the Internet used to watch and control TV shows received from your home devices.
yahoo_geocities202This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
iloveim203This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
mcs204Multipoint Communication Service (MCS) is a multipoint data delivery service for use in multimedia and audiovisual conferencing service. It provides the mechanism for multipoint aware applications to send data to all or a subset of the group with a single send primitive and to force, if desired, a uniformly sequenced reception of data for all users.
kugou205Kugou is a multimedia peer-to-peer application providing file sharing, chat or broadcasting services.
xiami206Chinese Music P2P community website.
nba_china207Chinese NBA website.
google_maps208Google Maps can be used to calculate routes and to look at maps. The encrypted traffic is classified as google. This plug-in also classifies the traffic destinated to the Google Location service or third-party applications using its API, to geolocalize a device.
mbc209MBC (aka iMBC) is a leading South-Korean television and radio network.
qq_games210Game applications and web portal for Tencent games.
digg211This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
pnni212The pnni protocol (PNNI over IP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 102).
ppstream213The PPStream protocol provides audio and video streaming. It is based on bittorent (peer-to-peer) technology. It is mainly used in China. The PPStream activity was integrated in the iQiyi video platform by Baidu in 2013.
ssdp214Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) provides a mechanism whereby network clients can discover desired network services.
share215Share is a free peer-to-peer application allowing users to exchange files anonymously and in a secure way.
kompas216Indonesian national newspaper web portal.
ipp217Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) is a standard used for remote printing using Internet tools and technologies.
soufun218This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
internations219This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
gizmo220Gizmo was an instant messaging service, acquired and closed by Google.
psiphon221Internet proxy/redirector which allows uncensored access to web content.
rpc222RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is an easy and popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing. A request is sent to a remote system to execute a designated procedure, using arguments supplied, and the result is returned to the caller.
nonghyup_bank223This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
berniaga224This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
radmin225Radmin is a control software which is able to establish a remote secure connection between computers.
csdn226One of the largest application-developer's networks in China.
dnshop227This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
books_iread228This protocol plug-in classified the http traffic to the host Moved to service.
poker_stars229Poker Stars is an online poker cardroom.
_0zz02300zz0 is an online solution to store, send and share files
ypserv231Yellow Pages Server is a protocol used to distribute NIS databases to client systems within an NIS domain.
mpls_in_ip232The mpls_in_ip protocol (Multi Protocol Label Switching data-carrying mechanism) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 137).
xhamster233Pornographic videos streaming platform.
sayclub234This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
adrive235ADrive is a cloud storing system operated by an American company, ADrive LLC.
eons236This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
salesforce237Salesforce is an on-line customer relationship management (CRM) web product.
cdp238Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a layer 2 protocol used by Cisco network equipments to discover other Cisco network equipments present on a link.
airaim239This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
tagoo240This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
xyplex241Xyplex is used to communicate with Xyplex servers.
srp242The srp protocol (SpectraLink Radio Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 119).
ymsg_conf243This protocol is used in signaling part in a conference. Please note that since version 11.5.0, voice calls are not supported, therefore rtp inheritance is deprecated.
pptp244Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol allows the Point to Point Protocol (PPP) to be tunnelled through an IP network.
people245This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ftp_data246This protocol is used to transport data in data connection of FTP communication.
rlp247Resource Location Protocol (RLP) is a protocol used to discover the location of resources present in a network.
kompasiana248Blog platform provider and blog directory in Indonesia.
sybase249Sybase protocols are used to exchange messages (namely authentication and SQL queries) between database clients and servers developed by the Sybase Company.
playahead250This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ip_rdp251The ip_rdp protocol (Reliable Data Protocol over IP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 27).
usatoday252This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
lativ253Taiwanese online clothes shop.
republika254This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
espn255American news website/resources about sports.
aimini256Aimini is an online solution to store, send and share files.
photobucket257Photo sharing web-service, with advanced editing features, available for desktop and mobile devices.
nvp_ii258The nvp_ii protocol (Network Voice Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 11).
gtp259The GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) is used to create a tunnel between the SGSN and GGSNs of a mobile operator network, thus allowing mobile station data to be transmitted.
dreamwiz260This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host is a Korean newspaper website.
ziddu262Ziddu is an online solution to upload and share files.
nydailynews263This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
gaiaonline264This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
ctrip265Travel Destination Guide, online booking of hotels, flights and holiday.
hotline266The Hotline protocol is used to upload/download files, to chat and to get news about chatters (it is not a peer-to-peer protocol).
icecast267Icecast is a protocol used to stream audio files over HTTP.
mtv268This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
yoono269This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
netlog270Netlog is a social networking website, enabling users to connect to relatives, friends, or unknown people.
dailymail272Daily Mail is a famous daily news website, and dedicated mobile application, from UK.
paltalk_transfer273Paltalk is an instant messaging protocol
google_toolbar274The Google Toolbar is an extension for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox which provides a search box, a pop-up blocker, a translator, etc..
windows_marketplace275Windows Marketplace is a service by Microsoft for its Windows Phone 7/8 and Microsoft Windows 8 platforms that allows users to browse and download applications that have been developed by third-parties. The website of the chain of retail stores Microsoft Store is also classified.
whois276WHOIS is a query and response protocol that is widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, such as a domain name, an IP address block, or an autonomous system, but is also used for a wider range of other information.
capwap277CAPWAP stands for Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points. It is a standard, interoperable protocol that enables a controller to manage a collection of wireless access points. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification on eth over capwap.
yahoo_screen278This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
qik_video279QIK is a PC/smartphone application allowing live and VOD streaming from the web. The video chat additional feature is not supported yet.
zelune280HTTP redirector service (anonymizing proxy).
pipe281The pipe protocol (Private IP Encapsulation within IP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 131).
priceminister282This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
ipcp283The IP Control Protocol (IPCP) is used to configure IP parameters of a station on a Point To Point link.
drda284DRDA is a protocol for carrying out SQL queries and commands.
any_0hop285The any_0hop protocol (Any 0-hop protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 114).
yahoo_douga287This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to
talenttrove288Lafango (aka TalentTrove) is a media sharing and social network website.
paltalk290Paltalk is an instant messaging protocol.
_17u291Chinese online travel booking website.
fledgewing292This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
steam293Steam is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications platform developed by Valve Corporation.
rquota294The RQuota protocol enables the implementation of quotas on remote machines. It is used in conjunction with the NFS protocol.
pconline295This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
_7k7k296Chinese game portal.
gtpv2297The GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) version 2 is used in G4 mobile networks (LTE). Its purpose is to exchange control message between the MME, the SGW and the PGW. These messages lead to the creation of an IP data tunnel between the eNodeB, the SGW and the PGW, thus allowing mobile station data to be transmitted.
jammerdirect298This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
eastmoney299One of Chinese most influential financial media, providing comprehensive financial news and financial market information, covering stocks, finance, securities, finance, market, funds, Hong Kong stocks, foreign exchange, futures, bonds, insurance, banking.
biglobe_ne300Japanese web portal and search site
ocsp301This network protocol is used for validating certificates.
alexa302Alexa provides web analytics and statistics.
saberindo303This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
ftp304The FTP protocol is used for reliable data transfer between a client and a server. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over HTTP.
youni305Youni SMS is a totally free mobile messaging application.
_114la306Chinese web portal operated by YLMF Computer Technology Co.
bonpoo307Online photo-sharing service (discontinued)
ubuntu_one308Ubuntu One is a cloud file storage service available on PC and smartphones.
partnerup309This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
shelfari310This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
livemocha311This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name Deprecated.
windows_azure313Microsoft Azure is an enterprise cloud computing platform, providing SaaS and PaaS.
wsp314Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) is an application layer protocol present in the WAP stack. It is used by mobile stations to send SMS for example.
psn315PlayStation Network (PSN) is the on-line gaming service for consoles made by Sony.
youtube316Youtube is a website where users can send or watch videos.
gather317This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
filemaker_pro318FileMaker Pro is a relational database application from FileMaker Inc and which runs on Microsoft Windows as well as Mac OS.
activesync319Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) is a mobile data synchronization technology and protocol developed by Microsoft, originally released in 1996. This protocol is designed for the synchronization of email, contacts, calendar, tasks and notes.
mywebsearch320This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
syslog321Syslog protocol is used for the transmission of event notification messages across networks between a client and a server.
hatena_ne322Japanese web portal dedicated to social networking
smb323The Server Message Block protocol (SMB) provides a method for client applications to read and write to files and to request services from server programs in a computers network. This protocol plug-in supports SMB/SMB2 protocols, as well as SMB 3.0 when SMB Multichannel is not in use. The SMB RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) implementation over the iWarp stack (incl. SMB Direct) is supported.
hsrp324The Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) enables you to manage router redundancy in a network.
dmm_co325Japanese adult videos web site
java_update326Java Update is the protocol for the update of the java virtual machines, also called JVM.
rtl327RTL Group is an European entertainment company. This plugin classifies deutch, netherland and french website homepages of RTL Group.
pandora_tv328This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
xns329Xerox Network Systems is a protocol suite originally designed by Xerox PARC. Many PC networking companies such as Novell and 3Com used or currently use a variation of XNS as their primary transport protocol stack.
qq_blog330Tencent blog hosting service.
postgres331PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions.
mobile_me332On-line web application suite ( created by Apple and remplaced by iCloud in 2011.
scc_sp333The scc_sp protocol (Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro.) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 96).
compaq_peer334The compaq_peer protocol (Compaq Peer Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 110).
comp335COMP protocol is used for data compression over PPP.
peercast336PeerCast is an open-source multimedia streaming protocol.
videobash337This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
jetdirect338The Jetdirect protocol is used by HP network printers.
cnet339CNET is a media website publishing news, reviews, blog posts and videos about technology.
daum340Korean web portal that features integrated web-messagery services.
facebook_mail341Facebook Mail is a webmail environment in Facebook. Encrypted traffic is classified as Facebook.
proxono342This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
rtp343RTP is the real-time transport protocol used to transmit real-time data, such as audio, video or simulation data, over multicast or unicast network services. This signature also classifies the SRTP and ZRTP encrypted transport protocols. [ rtp is also known as zrtp and srtp.]
classmates344American social network based on finding high-school alumni.
sendspace345File uploading service for large file sharing on web and mobile devices.
ymail_mobile346(Deprecated) Yahoo Mail Mobile is the webmail adapted to mobiles.
gnunet347GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking mainly used for anonymous file sharing. It is part of the GNU project.
icall348icall is proprietary voice/video over IP protocol.
pap349The Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) provides a simple authentication method over a PPP link.
windowslivespace350This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
quake351Quake is a protocol allowing communication between Quake Clients and Quake servers.
esnips352This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
sina_finance353Sina finance news portal.
vietbao354This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
kakaku355Website dedicated to price comparisons and product tests.
avira_update356Avira_update is the protocol used for Avira softwares updates.
iccp357IEC 60870-6/TASE.2. Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) provides data exchange over Wide Area Networks (WANs) between utility control centers, utilities, power pools, regional control centers, and Non-Utility Generators.
jango358This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
gree359Japanese web portal dedicated to smartphone games
m2pa360M2PA is a signaling peer-to-peer protocol used by MTP2 in the Signaling System 7 (SS7).
rakuten361Online market place for selling goods and auctions.
hip362The hip protocol (Host Identity Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 139).
allocine363French website Allocine, a reference for movie showtimes, reviews, and movie/series news.
wtls364Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is a security protocol, part of the WAP stack. It sits between the WTP and WDP layers in the WAP communications stack.
biip365Norwegian community-based website which is owned by TV2, a Television company.
ppfilm366PP Film (aka or PIPI Player) is a Chinese peer-to-peer and VOD service. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over udp.
indonetwork367This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
yahoo_travel368This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
_050plus369050 plus is a Japanese embedded smartphone application dedicated to audio-conferencing.
yahoo_groups370Yahoo! Groups offers free mailing lists, photo and file sharing, group calendars and more.
_91com371The TQ game entertainment portal.
flash372Adobe Flash Media Playback is a dynamic HTTP streaming protocol used to access video contents from a smart client application. (In case of known server application, we will favour its classification instead of classify it as Flash)
openvpn373OpenVPN is an open source software application that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities.
hgtv374This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
hovrs375HOVRS is a Hands On Video Relay Service. This plugin classifies traffic to,, and
aljazeera376Aljazeera Media Group website (not to be confused with, the English speaking news channel).
chosun_daily377News website belonging to a famous newspaper in South Korea, Chosun Ilbo.
interpark378This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
stickam379This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host or is an indonesian website.
laposte_webmail381Laposte Webmail is a webmail protocol.
gmx382GMX is a German webmail.
acse383ISO 8650-1/X.227 OSI Association Control SErvice (ACSE).
mail2000384Taiwanese Webmail and SMS services.
viber385Viber is a free embedded voice over-ip application, for smartphones.
filmaffinity386This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
cj_mall387South Korean e-commerce website belonging to the CJ Corporation.
gougou388Gougou is a chinese web search engine.
ipx_in_ip389The ipx_in_ip protocol (IPX in IP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 111).
ifmp390The ifmp protocol (Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 101).
pixiv391Web site dedicated to Japanese fanarts and drawings
mychurch392This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
sportchosun393This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
wb_mon394The wb_mon protocol (WIDEBAND Monitoring) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 78).
veetle395This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
my_yahoo396A customizable web page with news, weather, etc., for Yahoo users.
soft4fun397Hardware and software news site.
cbt398The cbt protocol (Core-based trees) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 7).
redtube399Redtube is a popular adult video streaming website.
telnet400Telnet provides a fairly general, bi-directional, eight-bit byte oriented communications facility. Its primary aim is to provide a standard method of interfacing between terminal devices and terminal-oriented processes.
sharepoint_admin401SharePoint is a web application platform designed as a centralized replacement for multiple web applications, like content management and document management systems. This plug-in classifies the administration back-end of SharePoint. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http/sharepoint.
hospitality_club402This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
files_to403This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ymsg_webmessenger404Yahoo webmessenger.
yahoo_stock_tw405Yahoo finance Taiwanese portal.
livemail_mobile406Livemail_mobile is the livemail webmail for mobile phones. The application is now named Outlook. Encrypted traffic is classified as windowslive or live_hotmail.
zonealarm_update407ZoneAlarm is a personal firewall for Windows. This protocol plug-in classifies security updates of the software.
pengyou408This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
rpl409IBM Remote Program Load allows a client computer to retrieve startup and configuration software from a server when it starts. is a social network and community site with the typical features such as profiles, forums, media-sharing and chat.
iqiyi411Online video publishing platform very popular in China.
dcn_meas412The dcn_meas protocol (DCN Measurement Subsystems) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 19).
heraldm413This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
buddybuddy414This protocol plug-in classified the http traffic to the host
fillos_de_galicia415This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
udn416Taiwan news site.
tempointeraktif417This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
suppersoccer418This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host or
keezmovies419Adult movie streaming website.
adnstream420ADNstream is a Spanish streaming platform.
rhapsody421Rhapsody is a subcription based music streaming service.
line422Line is a Japanese Instant Messaging and Voip application for smartphones and PCs. Please note : the parent attribute 'call' and its children are deprecated for Line (since mid-2014) but can be extracted from SIP.
rtcp423The Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) allows monitoring of the data delivery in a manner scalable to large multicast networks, and to provide minimal control and identification functionality. This plug-in also classifies the encrypted profile of RTCP, known as sRTCP.
yahoo_korea424This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and is the website of The New York Times daily.
mount426The Mount protocol is related to the NFS protocol. It provides operating system specific services to launch the NFS protocol -- looking up server path names, validating user identity, and checking access permissions.
leboncoin427Leboncoin is a french classified ads website.
ident428The Identification Protocol provides a means to determine the identity of a user of a specific TCP connection.
yugma429This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
bca_co430Indonesian-operated website that offers banking services of Bank Central Asia.
yandex_webmail431Yandex webmail is the Russian webmail on
kb_bank432Website of one of the most famous banks in South Korea.
rtsp433The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is an application-level protocol for control over the delivery of data with real-time properties. RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, on-demand delivery of real-time data, such as audio and video.
rdt434This protocol is used to transport audio/video data.
conduit435Conduit provides services for web sites audience increase. is a multi-service Chinese web portal hosted by Tencent. Wechat traffic could appears on QQ Web.
here437On-line maps and localization service brought by NAVTEQ and Nokia Maps. This plug-in both classifies the"maps website browsing and the Nokia NLP API (REST) usage by third party applications.
accuweather438Company which provides weather reports for people and companies worldwide.
spiegel439This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to
ip440The Internet Protocol allows logical addressing of stations over an interconnected system of networks.
imdb441On-line information database related to movies and tv-shows.
_10050net442China Railcom group web portal.
dec443DEC is a Digital Equipment Corporation's proprietary network protocol.
google_earth444Google Earth is a program used to view a virtual Earth in 3D.
fubar445This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
lionair446Lion Air is an Indonesian low-cost airline founded in 1999 based in Jakarta, Indonesia. This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
kbs447KBS is a national public broadcaster in South Korea, operating radio, television and online services.
fogbugz448This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
ipcv449The ipcv protocol (Internet Packet Core Utility) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 71).
mxit450MXit was a free instant messaging software application developed by MXit Lifestyle in South Africa.
mute451Mute is a peer-to-peer protocol.
kapanlagi452Kapanlagi Network is an Indonesian media group. It is the owner of websites like,,,,,,,,
alibaba453Alibaba is one the major online business-to-business platform for small businesses.
owa454Outlook Web App is used to access e-mail (including support for S/MIME), calendars, contacts, tasks, documents (used with SharePoint or in 2010 Office Web Apps), and other mailbox content when access to the Microsoft Outlook desktop application is unavailable. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
vtunnel455Vtunnel is a WEB proxy allowing the user to bypass firewalls and access restricted resources. This plugin classifies the HTTP tunneled sessions, including both vtunnel and the tunneled application. When using HTTPs, the Vtunnel service may connect to the proxy: the corresponding sessions are then classified as freeproxies.
egp456The egp protocol (Exterior Gateway Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 8).
youm7457This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
kaskus458Kaskus is an indonesian forum hosting platform.
dailymotion459Dailymotion is a website where users can send or watch videos.
rss460RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works in a standardized format. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
gmail_mobile461Gmail_mobile is the Google webmail for mobile phones. This protocol decodes only the non-ciphered version.
mocospace462MocoSpace is a mobile game community, also known as a mobile social network.
_58com463Chinese classified ads website.
applejuice464AppleJuice is a peer-to-peer file exchange protocol similar to E-Donkey.
rusers465The RUser's protocol provides a service that lists users currently logged on a remote server.
tribunnews466This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
sugar_crm467Sugar CRM, a client relationship management solution.
delicious468Delicious (formerly, pronounced delicious) is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks.
wsn469The wsn protocol (Wang Span Network) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 74).
wiserearth470This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
camzap471Classifies HTTP traffic to the host, which hosted multi-channel webcam chat rooms for strangers to chat simultaneously. Deprecated.
gre472The Generic Routing Encapsulation protocol (GRE) is used to encapsulate a protocol into another one generically.
athlinks473Athlinks is an American social network for athletes, swimmers and more.
ypupdate474The Yellow Pages Update protocol enables information updates in Network Information Services (NIS) cards.
google_cache475Google Cache saves a copy of the webpages which were found by the Google search engine.
google_plus476Google Plus is a social network. It is classified when sharing from an external link. Other traffic is classified as google or google_cache.
tacacs_plus477TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus) is a Cisco Systems proprietary protocol which provides access control for routers, network access servers and other networked computing devices via one or more centralized servers.
gmail_drive478GMAIL Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual file system around a Google Mail account, allowing Gmail as a storage medium. GMAIL Drive is only classified over http and not over https.
m2ua479M2UA is an SCTP adaptation layer for encapsulated MTP2 messages in the Signaling System 7 (SS7).
flickr480Image hosting and sharing website with social and blogging services.
napster481This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts,, and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name and
_591tw482Taiwanese real estate web site.
xlnet483This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
habbo484Habbo is a is a social-networking site that offers games and chat.
ax25485The ax25 protocol (AX.25 Frames) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 93).
bloomberg486Bloomberg is a website about business and financial news.
windowslive487Windows Live is a signature which classifies generic web services related to the Microsoft Live platform. is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, provides free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general audience.
studivz489This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
qnx490The qnx protocol (QNX) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 106).
snmp491SNMP is a request/response protocol that communicates management information between two types of SNMP software entities: SNMP applications (also called SNMP managers) and SNMP agents.
sharepoint_online492On-line version of the Microsoft Sharepoint services (included in Office 365).
foxnews493Fox News is an American news television channel, which allows news reports browsing and video watching on its web site.
crocko494CROCKOTec is a Direct Download (DDL file sharing website).
igp495The igp protocol (any private interior gateway (used by Cisco for their IGRP)) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 9).
bbc_player496BBC Player is an in-browser live video streaming service.
suning497Chinese online shopping.
elftown498This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
_10086cn499This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
xvideoslive500Xvideos Live is an adult live webcam website.
gtalk501This signature classifies part of the flows related to the Google IM and audio/video calls applications both for PC and mobile devices. The Google Hangouts, Google Allo, and Google Duo applications are partially classified by this signature. The RTP audio/video flows of Google Hangouts and Google Duo are classified using DNS Caching and STUN metadata. [ gtalk is also known as google_hangouts, google_allo and google_duo.]
panda_update502Panda_update is the protocol used for panda softwares updates.
avg_update503Protocol used for AVG softwares updates.
megaupload504Megaupload was an online solution to store, send and share files. Megaupload was shut in January 2012.
faceparty505This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
tftp506Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a file transfer protocol that is simpler to use than the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) but that proposes less features. TFTP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) rather than the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
seoul_news507This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
yahoo_biz508This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
bssap509BSSAP is a telephony protocol used in SS7 networks.
youdao510This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
hulu511Hulu is a free Video-On-Demand and video sharing service.
clip2net512Website which allows users to capture and share images online.
myvideo513German public video streaming website, featuring musical videos, TV series, movies, etc.
redhat_update514This protocol is used for Red Hat updates.
zoho_planner515Zoho Planner application classification.
lotte516This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
zoho_meeting517Zoho Meeting is a video conferencing platform.
rambler518Rambler is a Russian information internet portal.
jabber_transfer519Jabber transfer is an open standard to transfer file between two Jabber clients.
cnn520CNN is an international TV network, broadcasting news to the web and to mobile device applications.
tp_plus_plus521The tp_plus_plus protocol (TP++ Transport Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 39).
bigtent522Social network for parents operated by, an American company.
apple_maps523Apple Maps is a proprietary map application for iOS 6 devices.
konaminet524This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
decayenne525This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
nspi526Name Service Provider Interface is a protocol used by Exchange.
yandex527Yandex is a Russian search engine.
tidaltv528This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
stafaband529This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
pptv530This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
blackplanet531Blackplanet is a social network service for African-Americans in particular. It is also a radio streamed by AirKast.
xnxx532XNXX is a popular adult video streaming website.
swipe533The swipe protocol (IP with Encryption) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 53).
intuit534This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
chinacomcn535Chinese news website.
qq_finance536Tencent finance news portal.
mashare537Mashare was an online solution to store, send and share files.
ripng1538RIPng (RIP New Generation) is intended to allow routers to exchange information for computing routes through an IPv6-based network. RIPng is a distance vector protocol. RIPng should be implemented only in routers since IPv6 provides other mechanisms for router discovery.
chaos539The chaos protocol (Chaos) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 16).
bittorrent540BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol. [ bittorrent is also known as kadmelia.] Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification on certain file-download sessions using encryption.
imaps541IMAPS is the secure version of the IMAP protocol.
ymsg542Yahoo Messenger is used by the Yahoo Instant Messenger application to send instant messages, files and emails between users.
reverbnation543This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
hopopt544The hopopt protocol (IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 0).
hangame545Hangame is an online game portal.
nntp546The Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) is used for the distribution, inquiry, retrieval and posting of net news articles using a reliable stream-based mechanism.
nike547This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
chinatimes548One of Taiwan top news portal.
xrea549This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ryze550Ryze is a social network for entrepreneurs and other business professionals.
gmarket551This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
tv552This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
qapacity553This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
gudanglagu554This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
google_gen555This protocol is a generic layer used as a base for all the Google protocols. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
fileflyer556FileFlyer is an online solution to store, send and share files
seeqpod557This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host (in 2010, SeeqPod's technology assets were acquired by Sony's Intertrust division).
outeverywhere558This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
soundcloud559SoundCloud is an online audio distribution platform where users can upload, promote and share their sounds with others.
howstuffworks560This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
coralcdn_user561Coral Content Distribution Network (also known as CoralCDN) provided free and open content distribution through peer-to-peer networking.
tribe562This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
kankan563Chinese video streaming website.
aili564Chinese fashion shopping website.
bigadda565This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
nduoa566Chinese Android forum and applications sharing.
geni567This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
irc_galleria568This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
netflix569NetFlix is a site using Silverlight protocol to stream videos. Note: In Basic-DPI, netflix is sometimes classified as http.
zattoo570Zattoo is website and a set of peer-to-peer TV applications.
gmail_basic571Gmail basic is the HTML version of the Google Webmail service. Encrypted traffic is classified as Gmail.
oneclimate572This protocol plug-in is deprecated.
ms_communicator573Microsoft Office Communicator is a client software launched in October 2007 for conferences which aims to communicate between collaborators using instant messaging, VoIP and videoconference.
ebay574Ebay is a famous online auction and shopping website.
cocolog_nifty575Japanese blog web site
emaps576This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ddx577The ddx protocol (D-II Data Exchange (DDX) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 116).
washingtonpost578The Washington Post is an American daily newspaper. This plugin classifies traffic generated by the web site browsing.
yammer579Private social network solution for entreprises.
xbox580This protocol plug-in classifies generic traffic to the Xbox web portal.
amazon581This protocol plug-in classifies the generic web traffic related to Amazon services.
openft582OpenFT is a peer-to-peer protocol.
mashable583This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
kaspersky584This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
secondlife585Secondlife is is an Internet-based virtual world which enables its users to interact with each other through motional avatars.
netflow586NetFlow is a Cisco protocol that provides nearly real-time traffic monitoring, aggregation and statistic evaluation, multicriteria data flow selection, using source/destination IP addresses, protocols, etc.
nend587Mobile in-apps ads integration service.
realtor588This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
mediafire589This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
depositfiles590DepositFiles is a file sharing web service.
ospf591OSPF (Open Short Path First) is a link state routing protocol used within large autonomous system networks. It is is considered to be the best Inter Routing protocol today and it is use it strongly encouraged.
gigaup592This protocol plug-in used to classify the DDL service.
travellerspoint593This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
thunder594Xunlei/Thunder is a Chinese multi-protocol download manager. It uses several DDL websites and P2P protocols to retrieve files. This plug-in only classifies Thunder-specific P2P protocols, and miscellaneous HTTP/HTTPS traffic related to the Xunlei/Thunder application. Downloads made by the application from public HTTP or FTP websites won't be classified as thunder, but as http and ftp_data for most of them. The usage of third party P2P protocols won't be classified as thunder, but as bittorrent or edonkey instead.
travbuddy595This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
researchgate596This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
vakaka597This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
echo598The echo service simply sends back to the originating source any data it receives.
tumblr599Tumblr is a social networking and micro-blogging platform allowing users to publish blog posts and multimedia content.
h248_text600h248 Protocol (Megaco) in text mode.
_163com601Chinese web portal 163. It is operated by NetEase, a company which pioneered the development of Internet in China.
reddit602Social news website.
ntp603Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a time synchronization system for computer clocks through the Internet network. It provides mechanisms to synchronize time and coordinate time distribution in a large network.
faces604This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to
iso_ip605The iso_ip protocol (ISO Internet Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 80).
vines606Vines is a network layer protocol, enabling the routing of packets from the transport layer from one node to the transport layer in another node.
vimeo607Vimeo is a high definition video streaming platform, to be accessed from a web browser or mobile applications.
freebsd_update608This protocol is used for FreeBSD updates.
surrogafier609This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
myspace_video610This signature detects usage of the video-related features of Myspace.
pandora611Pandora is a customizable music streaming service popular in the United States.
iiop612IIOP is the GIOP implementation over TCP.
apns613Apple Push Notification Service is an Apple service which forwards notifications from the servers of third party applications to iOS devices.
capitalone614American Credit card company and bank.
instagram615Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing and social networking service.
tube8616Tube8 is a popular adult video streaming website.
webbiographies617This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
blogimg618Japanese blog site
sscopmce619The sscopmce protocol (Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol for M-Cast Env) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 128).
multiply620This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host is an indonesian website.
nsfnet_igp622The nsfnet_igp protocol (NSFNET_IGP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 85).
isakmp623The Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) defines procedures and packet formats to establish, negotiate, modify and delete Security Associations (SA).
evernote624Web-based portal for note taking.
etherip625The EtherIP protocol is used to encapsulate Ethernet frames in IP packets.
businessweek626Classifies HTTP traffic to the host (bloomberg media family of sites). Deprecated.
t38627This protocol is used to exchanges FAXes on top on TCP/IP.
lan628The lan protocol (Any local network) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 63).
sfr629SFR Telecom is a French telecommunications operator. is a web application which allows its users to create and share list. This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
manolito631Manolito is a peer-to-peer file sharing software.
emcon632The emcon protocol (EMCON) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 14).
crtp634The crtp protocol (Combat Radio Transport Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 126).
shinhan635Shinhan Bank is a bank headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
goodreads636This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
qunar637Chinese travel website.
rsh638The RSH protocol allows a user to establish a secure connection to a remote host and to obtain a shell allowing commands to be sent to the remote machine to be executed.
isis639The isis protocol (ISIS for ipv4) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 124).
ruten640Taiwanese auction website.
srvloc641Service Location Protocol is a decentralized, lightweight, scalable and extensible protocol for service discovery within a local area network.
cloob642Persian-speaking social network popular in Iran.
gamebase_tw643Taiwanese game information portal providing game reviews, walkthrough, cheats.
udp644The User Datagram Protocol is a transport protocol providing a simple but non-reliable message transfer service in IP networks. It is used by most applications that do not require a reliable delivery transmission service.
anzhi645Chinese mobile device games and forums.
qvod646QVOD is a peer-to-peer based Video-On-Demand player.
sina647Sina is a Chinese chat client similar to MSN Messenger or ICQ. It contains several features like chat, news portal, micro blogging, music player, online storage (files, photos, etc..).
wikia648A free Wiki website hosting service.
irc_transfer649This protocol is used to transport data in IRC file transfer.
inilah650This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
elle_tw651Taiwanese portal Beauty, style trends, editor's picks, shopping, astrology, reader forums and supplemental content from the print publication.
sm652The sm protocol (SM) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 122).
radiusim653This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
weourfamily654This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
sdo655Chinese entertainment portal.
acer656Acer is an electronics and hardware company based in New Taipei City, Taiwan.
google657This protocol is used for sending user queries to the Google search engine. This signature only classifies non-encrypted queries to the Google servers.
imvu658This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
irtp659The irtp protocol (Internet Reliable Transaction) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 28).
avoidr660Avoidr is a free web proxy.
ebuddy661eBuddy is a web and mobile messenger which supports various instant messaging.
yihaodian662Chinese Online shopping.
portmap663Port Mapper protocol maps RPC program and version numbers to port numbers. This program makes dynamic binding of remote programs possible.
orangemail664Orangemail is the webmail of
nbns665NetBios Name Service (NBNS) is a protocol resulting from NetBios, and which makes it possible to manage the names in a Microsoft NetBios network. NetBios names are human readable and NBNS serves the same purpose as the DNS system in IP environments.
snpp666This protocol defines a method by which a pager can receive a message over the Internet
ldaps667Secure LDAP is the Secure version of the LDAP protocol.
kaspersky_update668Kaspersky_update is the protocol used for Kaspersky softwares updates.
disaboom669This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
laredoute670La Redoute is a French multi-channel retailer founded by Joseph Pollet in 1837. This protocol plug-in classifies the website traffic.
bna671The bna protocol (BNA) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 49).
cctv_vod672VodCCTV provides a web on-line video and video on demand client for the CCTV Chinese television network.
st673The st protocol (Stream) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 5).
whatsapp674WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform, instant, mobile messaging application which allows the users to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other.
sina_news675Chinese news portal.
firefox_update676Mozilla Firefox update protocol for the browser and its plugins. This only applies to updates made from the browser and not those manually downloaded.
sharepoint_document677SharePoint is a web application platform designed as a centralized replacement for multiple web applications, like content management and document management systems. This plug-in classifies the document management module of SharePoint. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http/sharepoint.
netbios678NetBIOS defines a software interface and standard methods providing a communication interface between the application program and the attached medium. NetBIOS is used in various LAN (Ethernet, Token Ring etc) as well as WAN environments such TCP/IP, PPP and X.25 networks.
xuite679Taiwanese blog platform, media file sharing, online games...
sharepoint_blog680SharePoint is a web application platform designed as a centralized replacement for multiple web applications, like content management and document management systems. This plug-in classifies the blog management module of SharePoint.
mobile681The mobile protocol (IP Mobility) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 55).
rsvp_e2e_ignore682The rsvp_e2e_ignore protocol (Original experimental academic or proprietary protocols) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 134).
l2tp683Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is an extension of the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) used by an Internet service provider (ISP) to enable the operation of a virtual private network (VPN) over the Internet.
uti684The uti protocol (UTI) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 120).
sqli685The SQLI protocol (Structured Query Language Interface) is a proprietary protocol seemingly used exclusively in IBM Informix servers.
cstrike686Cstrike is a protocol used by CounterStrike game, by Steam.
yahoo_search687This protocol is used to send queries to the Yahoo search engine.
youporn688Youporn is a popular adult video streaming website.
yahoo_maps689Yahoo Maps can be used to calculate routes or to look at maps.
http_tunnel690HTTP Tunnel protocol is used to tunnel protocols inside an HTTP stream. Note: In Basic-DPI, http_tunnel is sometimes classified as http.
groupon691This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts,, and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name .groupon..
ip6692IPv6 is the next generation protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 (IPv4).
ymsg_transfer693This protocol is used for file tranfers over ymsg.
bbn_rcc_mon694The bbn_rcc_mon protocol (BBN RCC Monitoring) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 10).
grono695This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
xdmcp696XDMCP is an extension of the X11 protocol that addresses the issue of discovering and authenticating available X servers on the LAN.
nntps697Secure version of the NNTP protocol.
il698The il protocol (IL Transport Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 40).
mobilink699Mobilink is a proprietary, binary, TCP based protocol which is used to synchronize the contents of multiple mobile client databases with a central SQL Server. The clients can run on smartphones, Java applets, etc., in addition to PC computers.
nifty700Japanese web portal and search site
sina_video701Chinese on-line video streaming and VOD service.
iplt702The iplt protocol (IPDS MES Physical Layer Tester) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 129).
viadeo703Viadeo is a web site designed to manage professional contacts.
myyearbook704This social networking service is closed.
duowan705Chinese online game media.
open_diary706This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
goboogy707GoBoogy is a peer-to-peer (p2p) application used to share files with other GoBoogy users over the Internet.
idpr_cmtp708The idpr_cmtp protocol (IDPR Control Message Transport Proto) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 38).
iptm709The iptm protocol (Protocol Internet Protocol Traffic Manager) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 84).
google_skymap710Google Sky Map is an outer space viewer Android mobile application.
wtp711Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP) is a transport layer protocol which belongs to the WAP stack. It provides a reliable transmission of network packets and is very similar to TCP.
goo_ne712Japanese web portal owned by NTT
adultadworld713Advertising network for adult content websites, launched in 2008 by AdWorld Media Corp.
ifeng_finance714Ifeng finance news portal.
mpquest715This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
xfs716X Font Server is a standard communication protocol between an X server and a font renderer. is a Chinese website for software download.
zol718This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
sina_blog719Sina blog hosting service.
opera_update720Opera Update is the protocol used for the update of the Opera browser. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over https.
norton_update721Virus definitions and engine updates for the Symantec Norton anti-virus.
amazon_video722Amazon Prime Video is an online video on demand service owned and operated by Amazon.
intalking723Taiwanese beauty, makeup portal.
tunewiki724Lyrics and photos sharing webservice, available in web and mobile-app versions.
yomiuri725Japanese news web site
sohu_blog726Sohu blog hosting service.
fire727The fire protocol (FIRE) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 125).
synflood728This plug-in is no longer supported.
ptp729The ptp protocol (Performance Transparency Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 123).
cvs730The Concurrent Versions System keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, typically the implementation of a software project, and allows several developers to collaborate.
taringa731This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
pornhub732Pornhub is a popular adult video streaming website.
fsecure_update733Fsecure_update is the protocol used for Fsecure softwares updates.
tcp734TCP is a protocol providing a connection-oriented and reliable transfer service. It is used by most TCP/IP applications today.
chap735The CHAP protocol is used to verify the identity of a peer on a point-to-point link.
mandriva_update736This protocol manages the mandriva update operations. It allows identifying package name, package version, package architecture and distribution, thanks to the HTTP User Agent, the HTTP Uri and the HTTP method used. The HTTP User Agent must be the Aria2 download manager, the HTTP URI must be finished with RPM extension and the HTTP method must be a GET request.
fruhstuckstreff737This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
babelgum738This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
lync_online739On-line version of the Microsoft Skype for Business (formerly Microsoft Lync Online) IM and VoIP services (Office 365). [ lync_online is also known as skype_for_business.]
taobao740Taobao is a chinese shopping website. is a site dedicated to songs (lyrics, videos, etc ...).
gomtv_vod742Gom TV is a social video website designed for gamers.
exblog743Japanase blog hosting services owned by Excite
icq2go744This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Names and
netblt745The netblt protocol (Bulk Data Transfer Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 30).
jubii746This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
alimama747Alimama is a leading advertiser in China, the company belongs to the Alibaba Group.
llnwd748Content Delivery Network owned by the Limelight Networks company, providing media storage for several media content web services.
att749AT&T is an American telecommunications company.
bing750This protocol is used for sending user queries to the Bing search engine.
imap751The IMAP protocol (Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4) enables a client to access and manipulate electronic mail messages on a server.
voddler752Voddler is a streaming client application distributing movies and television programming using a patented hybrid peer-to-peer distribution system.
usejump753This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
bolt754Electronic payments website.
rdp755A key component of Terminal Server is the Remote Desktop Protocol which allows a thin client to communicate with the Terminal Server over the network. This protocol is based on International Telecommunications Union's (ITU) T.120 protocol, an international, standard multichannel conferencing protocol currently used in the Microsoft NetMeeting conferencing software product. It is tuned for high-bandwidth enterprise environments and will also support encrypted sessions.
qq_transfer756File transfer over QQ
torrentdownloads757Bittorrent tracker search engine.
draugiem758This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
qqmusic759QQMusic is a Chinese peer-to-peer file sharing software. Its purpose is to download/stream audio files.
thepiratebay760The most popular Swedish Torrent indexing website.
qq_weibo761QQ WeiBo is a Chinese Twitter-like micro-blogging website. It is part of Tencent's QQ.
bigupload762Adult video hosting website.
donga763This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ravelry764This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
manet765The manet protocol (MANET Protocols) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 138).
detik766This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
poco767Poco is a Chinese webportal, which allow users to share pictures, chat, exchange files, etc.
sophos_update768Sophos antivirus update protocol.
kryptolan769The kryptolan protocol (Kryptolan) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 65).
qzone770Tencent social network.
shoutcast771Shoutcast is a protocol used to stream audio files over HTTP. This plug-in classifies streaming from the web version of Shoutcast. is a chinese onlive video portal. is a free online casual gaming website.
fashionguide774Fashion, beauty, discount information guide, fashion and beauty forum, cosmetic reviews.
wins775WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) is Microsoft's implementation of NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS), which is a name server and service for NetBIOS computer names. This plug-in classifies replication flows between servers. Client-to-Server flows are handled by the nbns plug-in.
plaxo776This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
tvuplayer777TVUPlayer is an application intended to watch TV in peer_to-peer.
auone778Multi services web portal owned by KDDI
lqr779The Link Quality Report (LQR) protocol is a part of the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), which allows two computers to connect to each other. LQR allows peers at either end of the PPP link to assess the state and quality of the PPP link.
ticketmonster780This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
openbsd_update781This protocol manages OpenBSD updates.
rmi_iiop782RMI-IIOP (Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) delivers CORBA distributed architecture to Java 2 platform, using both remote method invocation system RMI and IIOP protocol.
seesaa783Japanese web portal dedicated to smartphone applications and other web sites
dict784The DICT protocol is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that enables a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases.
sharepoint_calendar785SharePoint is a web application platform designed as a centralized replacement for multiple web applications, like content management and document management systems. This plug-in classifies the calendar management module of SharePoint.
mangocity786Chinese Travel website.
halflife787Half-Life and Half-Life 2 are two first-person shooter video games developed by Valve Corporation and provide on-line gaming features.
lifeknot788LifeKnot is a social network founded in 2003 with a focus on shared interests and hobbies. This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
web_crawler789Webcrawler is a search engine. This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to
nlsp790NetWare Link Services Protocol (NLSP) provides link state routing for Internetwork Packet Exchange networks.
live_hotmail791Windows Live Hotmail is a free webmail service operated by Microsoft. The service is now named Outlook.
mouthshut792This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
dns793The DNS protocol is used to translate internet names ( into IP address and vice versa. This protocol plugin classifies DNS and its 'children' LLMNR, mDNS and DNSSEC (RFC 4033, RFC 3225), which are recognizable by the value of the Q_DNS_NAME_RESOLUTION_TYPE attribute. [ dns is also known as mdns and llmnr.]
h245794H245 is a VoIP protocol, used for call signaling codec negotiation.
mipv6795Mobile IP is a proposed standard protocol that builds on the Internet Protocol by making mobility transparent to applications and higher level protocols like TCP.
ssh796Secure Shell (SSH), sometimes known as Secure Socket Shell, is a UNIX-based command interface and a protocol for obtaining secure access to a remote computer. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
multiupload797This protocol plug-in used to classify the http traffic to the service. is an American sports live video streaming website.
yahoo_answers799This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
imp800IMP is the IMAP webmail of the Horde project
drupal801This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
monex802Online broker.
tokobagus803This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
mmse804The MultiMedia Messages Encapsulation protocol (MMSE) is used by mobile stations to send multimedia messages. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
sdrp805The sdrp protocol (Source Demand Routing Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 42).
alipay806AliPay is an online-payment platform owned by the Alibaba Group.
vjc_comp807Van Jacobson TCP/IP Header Compression is a data compression protocol described in RFC 1144, specifically designed by Van Jacobson to improve TCP/IP performance.
sps808The sps protocol (Secure Packet Shield) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 130).
all_slots_casino809Online casino.
jne810This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
eigrp811The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is an improved version of its predecessor IGRP, a Cisco proprietary protocol.
eroom_net812This protocol plug-in classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
scps813The scps protocol (SCPS) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 105).
zoho_share814Zoho Share application classification.
gnutella815Gnutella is a peer-to-peer protocol. [ gnutella is also known as kadmelia.] Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification during file download on Android.
apollo816Apollo is the routing protocol implemented natively in Apollo workstations.
xmlrpc817XMLRPC is a remote procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding. XML-RPC is designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data structures to be transmitted, processed and returned.
hinet_games818Taiwanese game portal providing game reviews, forum, news.
smpp819SMPP is a telecommunications industry protocol for exchanging SMS messages between SMS peer entities.
baidu820Baidu is a Chinese search engine for websites, audio files and images. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification of image and video searches.
fotki821This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
tlsp822The tlsp protocol (Transport Layer Security) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 56).
mobile01823Taiwanese social network.
_123people824This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
pps825This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host This traffic is now classified as PPstream.
gyao826GyaO is a video website operated by Yahoo Japan.
diameter827Diameter is an AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) protocol for computer networks and an alternative to RADIUS.
cnzz828Website that offers web-services and statistics to the chinese-speaking users.
gays829This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
sprite_rpc830The sprite_rpc protocol (Sprite RPC Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 90).
winny831Winny (also known as WinNY) is a Japanese peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing program.
fring832Fring is a peer-to-peer Mobile VoIP based Internet telephony network.
mogulus833Livestream (Mogulus) is a video streaming platform enabling users to broadcast live video.
myheritage834This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
youseemore835This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
vjc_uncomp836Van Jacobson TCP/IP Header Compression is a data compression protocol described in RFC 1144, specifically designed by Van Jacobson to improve TCP/IP performance.
passportstamp837This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
siebel_crm838A customer relationship management (CRM) solution by Siebel Systems.
teamspeak839The proprietary TeamSpeak2 protocol is used by gamers and oriented TeamSpeak2 VoIP software.
telnets840Secure version of the Telnet.
bmff841The ISO BMFF (Base Media File Format) format, as described in ISO/IEC 14496-12:2008 (MPEG-4 Part 12).
xns_idp842The xns_idp protocol (XEROX NS IDP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 22).
sopcast843Sopcast is a video streaming service based on a peer-to-peer protocol : SOP (Streaming Over Peer-to-peer).
chinaz844Chinese news website.
groupwise845Novell Groupwise is a groupware, instant-messaging and mail-application. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
msrpc846Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (MSRPC) is the Microsoft implementation of the DCE RPC mechanism.
spdy847SPDY is an open networking protocol developed primarily at Google for transporting web content. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over https.
shutterfly848This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
freeetv849This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
meetme850Social networking web-service available on PC and mobile devices.
tgbus851Chinese games portal.
blogdetik852This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
diop853DIOP is a GIOP implementation over UDP which aims to be more efficient than the TCP one.
iax854Inter Asterisk eXchange (IAX2) is a data exchange protocol between Asterisk servers.
tibcordv855This protocol is used in the bank sector.
ytimg856This protocol plug-in classified the http traffic to the host This traffic is now classified as youtube.
svn857Subversion, version control system.
facebook_apps858Facebook Applications. This plug-in classifies user access to the Facebook Applications platform, and the launching of applications. The flows generated by the applications themselves may not be classified as facebook_apps.
party_poker859Online poker gaming website.
mms_iso860ISO 9506 Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS).
ymail2861This protocol is the ajax based version of Webmail Yahoo. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
sccp_ss7862SCCP is a network layer protocol that provides routing, flow control or error detection services in SS7 networks.
yourfilehost863This protocol plug-in used to classify the http traffic to the service.
xl_wap864This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
blogger865Blogger (formerly Blogspot) is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was bought by Google in 2003.
dtls866DTLS stands for Datagram Transport Layer Security protocol. It provides communications privacy for datagram protocols, and prevents eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.
bluejayfilms867Web page operated by a Portland Oregon based company focused on producing films.
br_sat_mon868The br_sat_mon protocol (Backroom SATNET Monitoring) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 76).
meettheboss869This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
mq870Mq (IBM Websphere MQ) is an inter-application communication protocol.
wordpress871WordPress is a popular blogging system. This plug-in classifies the usage of blog hosting online service.
i_nlsp872The i_nlsp protocol (Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 52).
mpls873Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) protocol. It is used for routing and allows you to define a delivery path to a flow identified by a specific label.
mog874This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
yam875This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
backpackers876Taiwanese most popular tourist site, backpacking forum, cheap flights parity Reservation parity.
comcast877Comcast Corporation is an American global mass media conglomerate and is the largest broadcasting and cable television company. This signature also classifies the website access to the Comcast Technology Solutions (incl. thePlatform, etc.).
seesmic878This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name This protocol is now classified as Hootsuite.
hotfile879On-line file sharing service.
pricerunner880pricerunner is a price comparison service
amazon_aws881Amazon AWS is a cloud-computing platform offered by Amazon, that includes Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
merit_inp882The merit_inp protocol (MERIT Internodal Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 32).
db2883DB2 is a relational model database server from IBM which has its roots in the early 1980s. It runs on IBM mainframes and is also available for Linux/Unix/Windows.
imeet884On-line video-conferencing service using cloud-based technology.
metacafe885Metacafe is a popular video sharing website launched in 2002.
eyny886Hot topic, leisure and entertainment, academic, computer, information exchange forum.
http887The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used for browsing the web.
private_enc888The private_enc protocol (Any private encryption scheme) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 99).
ftps889Secure version of the FTP protocol.
youtube_hd890Youtube HD classification ensures that the user is watching a High Definition video (at least 720 lines).
paran891This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
detiknews892This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
phweet893This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
wb_expak894The wb_expak protocol (WIDEBAND EXPAK) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 79).
videosurf895This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
cotp896COTP (Connection Oriented Transport Protocol) is a protocol ensuring the transport service in the OSI model.
mplus_messenger897M+ is a taiwanese mobile IM application with audio/image file send feature.
mimp898MIMP is the IMP webmail for mobile phones.
socialtv899This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
funshion900Funshion player is a Chinese service for downloading and streaming movies.
chinacom901Chinese news website.
blackberry902This protocol refers to all Blackberry mobile device communications over wifi. This includes the chat flows of BlackBerry Messenger.
bxml903The WAP Binary XML protocol defines an encoding scheme for the binary data used in WAP environments.
cphb904The cphb protocol (Computer Protocol Heart Beat) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 73).
easytravel905Taiwanese travel booking agency.
etao906eTao is the most comprehensive shopping search engine in China in terms of product and merchant information.
sky_player907Sky Go is an online TV service from Sky that allows to watch video content from Mac, Windows PC, most of mobile phones or video game consoles.
socks4908Socks 4 is an authentication protocol.
google_picasa909Google Picasa is a digital photo and video organizer used to edit and synchronize pictures or videos over the web.
livejournal910LiveJournal is a social networking service founded in 1999 and bought by a Russian media company in 2007; today it is owned by Russian giant Rambler Media Group. This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
ldblog911Japanese blog dedicated to IT and Hacking
xanga912This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
live_groups913Windows Live Groups is an online service by Microsoft that enables users to create their social groups for sharing, discussion and coordination.
vmware914VMWare is a protocol used by the VMWare application, allowing it to have network interfaces and remote access to a virtual machine.
sky915This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ngo_post916This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
orb917ORB is a streaming software that enables users to remotely access all their personal digital media files.
zum918This protocol plug-in classifies the http and https traffic to
zshare919zShare is an online solution to store, send and share files.
privax920This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
host921The host protocol (Any host internal protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 61).
bebo922Bebo is a social networking website, enabling users to connect to relatives, friends, or unknown people.
jabber923Jabber is an open standard instant messaging and presence system involving the XMPP protocol. [ jabber is also known as xmpp.] Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
i_gamer924Online games and manga website.
taiwanlottery925Taiwan lottery website.
gsshop926This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
tistory927This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ah928The ah protocol (Authentication Header) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 51). Deprecated.
aizhan929Chinese website.
fortunechina930Chinese top fortune news portal.
ccp931The Compression Control Protocol (CCP) is responsible for configuring data compression algorithms on a point-to-point link.
atwiki932Japanese web site design service and wiki hosting
mobile_ip933Mobile IP is an IETF standard communications protocol that is designed to allow mobile device users to move from one network to another while maintaining a permanent IP address.
pwe934Pseudo Wire Emulation (PWE) is a protocol for traffic encapsulation.
mega935MEGA is a online file sharing service from Kim Dotcom. This service replaced the Megaupload file sharing service, closed on Jan 2012.
rambler_webmail936Rambler webmail is the webmail of the Russian website
zimbra_standard937Zimbra Standard is the Standard interface version of the Zimbra Webmail client.
level3938Official website of Level 3 Communications, an american multinational Tier 1 telecom acquired by CenturyLink in 2016. This plugin classifies website traffic.
ymail_mobile_new939Yahoo Mail Mobile_new is the new webmail adapted to mobiles. Most of the encrypted traffic is classified as yahoo.
informix940Informix is a family of relational database management systems developed by IBM. IBM acquired the Informix technology in 2001 but it dates back to 1981.It runs on IBM mainframes and is also available for Linux/Unix/Windows.
yahoo941Yahoo is a pseudo-protocol which classifies generic web services related to Yahoo.
sakura_ne942Japanese professional web hosting services.
base943Base is a virtual protocol, specific to ixEngine, that is always present at the beginning of the protocol path (e.g. base.eth.ip.tcp.http). It provides attributes unrelated to any protocols, such as information about the Flow (like flow_id). Note: the attributes of Base are not supported in ixEngine version 5.
nasza_klasa944Nasza Klasa is a Polish social networking portal.
iheartradio945iHeartRadio is an Internet radio service owned by iHeartMedia.
xing946This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
match947This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
addictinggames948Addicting Games websites, operated by the American company Defy Media.
chinanews949Chinese news portal.
skycn950This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
badongo951Badongo is an online solution to store, send and share files
crudp952The crudp protocol (Combat Radio User Datagram) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 127).
kbstar953This web service is closed.
gmail954Gmail is the Google webmail service. Note: In Basic-DPI, gmail is sometimes classified as gmail_chat.
wow955WOW is an online role-playing game.
smtp956The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol used to transfer emails reliably and efficiently.
ippc957The ippc protocol (Internet Pluribus Packet Core) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 67).
yahoo360plusvietnam958This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
cloudflare959CloudFlare CDN is a content delivery network with advanced security and analytics features.
kaioo960This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
mpegts961MPEG-Transport Stream is a protocol used for MPEG flows transmission
wakoopa962This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
eve_online963Eve Online is a multiplayer online game edited by CCP.
gogoyoko964This protocol plug-in classified the http traffic to the host
ircs965IRCs is the secure version of the IRC protocol.
koolim966This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
icmp967The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is the diagnostic protocol of IPv4 networks.
tabelog968Online Japanese restaurant guide
amazon_mp3969Amazon MP3 is an online music store owned and operated by Deprecated
dynamicintranet970This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name was a video-on-demand platform. It was closed in Feb. 2014 and replaced by Twitch.
runescape972Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game published by Jadex.
renren973This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
zoho_im974Multi-protocol Instant Messaging web service owned by ZOHO Corp.
snp975The snp protocol (Sitara Networks Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 109).
msn_search976This protocol is used for sending user queries to the MSN Live search engine.
scribd977This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
bitdefender_update978BitDefender_update is the protocol used for BitDefender softwares updates, cloud services and downloads.
ncp979The NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) is a network protocol used to access file, print, directory, clock synchronization, messaging, remote command execution and other network service functions.
_118114cn980Chinese booking and reservation portal.
zabbix_agent981Agent for Zabbix monitoring server. Uses TCP port 10050.
rstat982The RStat protocol is used in the Sun NFS family to exchange statistics on network activity.
about983Commercial news website owned by the New York Times Company. Deprecated.
chosun984News websites and web services belonging to a famous newspaper in South Korea, Chosun Ilbo.
rfb985RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) is a simple protocol for remote access to graphical user interfaces.
skyrock986This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Now classified as skyblog.
money_163987Chinese finance portal.
qq988QQ is the most popular free instant messaging computer program in China. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over https.
visa989The visa protocol (VISA Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 70).
cftp990The cftp protocol (CFTP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 62).
experience_project991This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
eztravel992Taiwanese online travel agency.
x25993X.25 is a packet switched data network protocol which defines an international recommendation for the exchange of data as well as control information between a user device (host), called Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and a network node, called Data Circuit Terminating Equipment (DCE).
netbsd_update994NetBSD update manages the updates for NetBSD. NetBSD is a Unix-like Open Source operating system.
dfs995The dfs protocol (Any distributed file system) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 68).
tmall996This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
pgm997The pgm protocol (PGM Reliable Transport Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 113).
google_play998Google Play Store (formerly Android Market) is an online software store developed by Google for Android OS devices.
ryanair999This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ares1000Ares is a peer-to-peer protocol.
pplive1001PPLIVE is an application intended to watch TV in peer-to-peer. The PPLIVE application has two main functions : live TV(streaming) and on-demand TV (VOD). These are two different protocols. This protocol plug-in handles both.
ip_in_ip1002The ip_in_ip protocol (IP_within_IP Encapsulation Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 94).
talkbiznow1003This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
proxeasy1004This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
uusee1005Uusee is a peer-to-peer TV software, using the BitTorrent peer-to-peer technology. It provides a way to watch on the PC most cable and satellite TV as well as WebTV on PC. It uses the network coding technology. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
_360cn1006Chinese web portal featuring a search engine and security-oriented software services.
unknown1007Unknown is a virtual protocol created for DPI that represents flows that are not recognized by the system. Most of the time, its presence is due to the existence of a business application whose specifications are not made available to the public. Such flows can be defined in the system by means of a User Defined Application.
loadbalan1008Load Balancing is a protocol used in the Windows environment to distribute traffic between servers.
yousendit1009Cloud file storage service with professional services.
veohtv1010VeohTV is a VOD streaming service which includes both client software and a website with embedded flash videos.
ustream1011Ustream is a live video broadcasting webservice available on PC and mobile platforms.
concur1012SaaS business management solutions owned by SAP, which provides expense, travel and invoice management.
perfspot1013Perfspot is a social networking website, enabling users to connect to relatives, friends, or unknown people and to share files.
google_docs1014On-line file storage and sharing web-service by Google. Most of the traffic is encrypted with generic Google certificates, and cannot be classified. Classification is correct for traffic under a proxy and some limited workflows. [ google_docs is also known as google_drive.]
radius1015RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is a client/server protocol that enables remote access servers to communicate with a central server to authenticate dial-in users and authorize their access to the requested system or service.
gstatic1016GStatic is a download server providing static resources (like CSS) or scripts for Google web applications.
ibibo1017This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
imgur1018A free online image hosting service.
sharethemusic1019This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
pinterest1020On-line service that allows users to attach personal elements on some kind of pinboard.
torrentz1021Free torrent meta-search engine.
nationalgeographic1022Website displaying images and videos of animals, nature and cultures.
sportsseoul1023This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
_8021q1024802.1Q is a protocol which allows sending VLAN membership information of a frame.
italki1025This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
trunk_21026The trunk_2 protocol (Trunk 2) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 24).
esp1027The esp protocol (Encap Security Payload) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 50). See IPsec.
badoo1028Badoo is a dating oriented social networking website.
ooyala1029This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
loop1030Loop is a protocol used by Cisco routers to test the status of a connected link.
ultrasurf1031Ultrasurf is a tunneling protocol used by the Ultrasurf software for Windows.
debian_update1032Update protocol of APT, the Debian/Ubuntu packet manager.
giop1033The General Inter-Orb protocol (GIOP) is used to make requests or return replies between ORBs in a Corba environment.
taltopia1034This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
werkenntwen1035This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
channel41036British TV channel Channel4's website.
friendvox1037This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
speedtest1038Web site and mobile application for testing both bandwidth and latency of any internet connection.
qq_news1039Chinese news portal.
libero_video1040Italian web portal since 1994, providing news, e-mail, web-hosting, and more. This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
ganji1041This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
baofeng1042Chinese video streaming portal. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
groove1043Microsoft Office Groove is a desktop application designed for document collaboration in teams with members who are regularly off-line or who do not share the same network security clearance.
ifeng1044The leading new media company providing content on an integrated platform across Internet, mobile and TV channels in China.
couch_surfing1045Social and travelling network that relies on users' hospitality.
cgmp1046Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP) limits the forwarding of IP multicast packets to only those ports associated with IP multicast clients.
ku61047Ku6 Media, an online video company, was established in 2006 and now is based in Beijing, China. The company operates, an online brand and online video Website that provides online video uploading and sharing services, and Chinese-language content. This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
perforce1048Perforce is a commercial, proprietary, centralized revision control system developed by Perforce Software, Inc.
winmx1049WinMX is a freeware peer-to-peer file sharing program authored by Frontcode Technologies that runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems, and created in 2000.
mt1050This protocol plug-in classifies the http and https traffic to the host
niconico_douga1051Nico Nico Douga is a Japanese video streaming platform for mobile devices and PC.
msnmobile1052MSN Mobile was the MSN instant messenger for mobile.
muxlim1053This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
icloud1054iCloud is a cloud computing service developed by Apple Inc. which allows to store and share data, from an iOS mobile (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) or a Macintosh.
pop31055Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) allows a workstation to simply and dynamically access a mail stored on a mail server.
filestube1056This protocol plug-in used to classify web access to the FilesTube metasearch engine. Now replaced by Viewster.
streamaudio1057This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
appstore1058The Apple App Store is a digital application distribution platform for iOS developed and maintained by Apple Inc.
stagevu1059This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
tor1060Tor is an application that intends to provide online anonymity. This protocol plug-in classifies the usage of the Tor application in the NORMAL MODE only. The BRIDGE RELAY mode is not supported.
kakaotalk1061KakaoTalk is an instant messenging platform for mobile devices; users or group of users can send messages, share photos, videos and contact information. Audio flows are classified as RTP only.
glide1062This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
gmtp1063The gmtp protocol (GMTP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 100).
sccp1064Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) is a Cisco proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. It is also supported by some other vendors.
rapidshare1065RapidShare is an online solution to store, send and share files
google_desktop1066Google Desktop is a desktop search software made by Google, with indexed document metadata.
softbank1067SoftBank network operator services.
directconnect1068DirectConnect is a peer-to-peer protocol. [ directconnect is also known as nmdc.]
quarterlife1069This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
teredo1070The Teredo protocol enables IPv6 tunnelling over UDP, traversing NATs, and with minimum over-head. is the most trusted and consulted leading financial portal among the Chinese online professionals.
nimbuzz_web1072Instant Messaging client for mobile devices.
orkut1073Orkut is a social networking website competing with Facebook or Twitter, popular in Brazil and now owned and operated by Google Inc.
smtps1074Secure version of the SMTP protocol.
zoho_crm1075This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
mail_1891076China Telecom email services.
tokbox1077This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
nexian1078This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
kazaa1079KaZaA is a peer-to-peer protocol. [ kazaa is also known as fasttrack.]
tu1080Online video streaming and sharing website.
blokus1081Website for a popular family board game of Mattel, Inc.
lg_eshop1082Chinese shopping portal for LG electronic products. This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
librarything1083LibraryThing is a social web application for storing and sharing book catalogs and various types of book metadata. This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
soso1084This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
filer_cx1085This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
msn_video1086This protocol is used by MSN Messenger for video conversations (is not used anymore since MSN version 8.X).
stun1087STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) allows a client behind a NAT to establish UDP tunnels between two hosts.
ask1088American website with a search engine which lists answers to internet users questions.
kino1089This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
kproxy1090KProxy is an anonymizing proxy used for private browsing, firewall bypassing and evasion. This signature classifies both the web proxy usage and the KProxy browser extensions.
pup1091The pup protocol (PUP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 12).
megavideo1092This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
sat_mon1093The sat_mon protocol (SATNET Monitoring) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 69).
odnoklassniki1094Odnoklassniki is a Russian social network.
leaf_21095The leaf_2 protocol (Leaf 2) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 26).
stockq1096Taiwanese stock market information.
kiwibox1097Kiwibox is a social network, featuring mobile applications.
sonico1098This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
argus1099The argus protocol (ARGUS) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 13).
univision1100This protocol plug-in classifies the http a,d ssl traffic to the host
lineage21101Lineage2 is a MMORPG developed by NCSoft.
akamai1102Akamai is a major content delivery network (CDN) and distributed services provider, including cloud, etc. This CDN is specialized in local content distribution, based on cache mechanisms.
krb51103Kerberos provides a means to verify the identities of the different workstations on an open (unprotected) network.
ttp1104The ttp protocol (TTP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 84).
mibbit1105This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic of any client for It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Names and
sonmp1106Nortel/SynOptics Network Management Protocol is a proprietary Nortel Networks management protocol.
clearcase1107ClearCase is a source control / configuration management tool from IBM's Rational"division"
natecyworld1108This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the hosts
ssl1109Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a commonly-used protocol for managing the security of a message transmission on the Internet. SSL has recently been succeeded by Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is based on SSL.
blogspot1110This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
iso_tp41111The iso_tp4 protocol (ISO Transport Protocol Class 4) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 29).
foxmovies1112This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts,
agame1113Gaming portal operated by the Dutch company Spilgames.
s1ap1114S1 Application Protocol (S1AP), as described in 3GPP TS 36.413 version 11.2.1 Release 11 (2013-02).
grooveshark1115Grooveshark was an online unlimited service for music (closed on 2015-04-30). This plug-in classifies the clone.
_104com1116Web site dedicated to job research.
okwave1117Decision support for professionals
adultfriendfinder1118Social and dating network for adults.
lotus_sametime1119IBM Lotus Sametime is a client-server application and middleware platform that provides real-time, unified communications and collaboration for enterprises.
xm_radio1120This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
asmallworld1121ASmallworld is an American private social club about travel.
teachertube1122This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the hosts
rip21123RIP2 (Routing Information Protocol Version 2) is an enhancement of the Version 1 of the protocol. The main differences are the use of multicast instead of broadcast, and the support of variable length subnet mask networks since subnets are now sent inside the updates.
qq_mail1124Tencent Webmail.
adobe_connect1125Adobe Connect is a web communication system for the training, the marketing, the conferences and the online collaboration.
ghostsurf1126GhostSurf is an internet privacy application.
friendster1127Friendster was a social networking website, enabling users to connect to relatives, friends, or unknown people.
webex_weboffice1128WebOffice is a collaboration suite for managing small businesses teams.
facetime1129FaceTime is an Apple video calling software which runs on iOS based mobile devices. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification of SIP audio call sessions.
officedepot1130This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the hosts, and
wikipedia1131Wikipedia is the biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet.
megaproxy1132Megaproxy is a free anonymous proxy surfing service.
dontstayin1133This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ica1134ICA (Independent Computing Architecture) is a communication protocol and a property of the Citrix Company. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
shim61135The shim6 protocol (Shim6 Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 140).
books1136Taiwanese on-line books store.
joongang_daily1137This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and and the ssl traffic to the host
shazam1138Shazam is a popular music identification application for desktop and mobiles.
yesky1139This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ck1011140ck101 is one of the major forum sites in Taiwan.
china_airlines1141China-airlines booking site.
lintasberita1142This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
sap1143SAP is both a protocol and the name of an ERP application used by most companies.
rohc1144The rohc protocol (Robust Header Compression) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 142).
_51job1145Search engine for job-seekers in China.
mozilla1146Mozilla is a free-software community.
meetingplace1147MeetingPlace is a protocol used by the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace suite of voice, web, and video conferencing products.
gmail_chat1148Google chat is an online Webmessenger from Google.
yuuguu1149This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
apple_update1150Apple_update is the protocol used for apple softwares updates.
gfan1151One of the largest Android communities providing ROM, applications, tutorials and other content.
narp1152NBMA Address Resolution Protocol (NARP) allows a source terminal (a host or router), wishing to communicate over a Non-Broadcast Multi-Access (NBMA) link layer network, to find out the NBMA addresses of a destination terminal if the destination terminal is connected to the same NBMA network as the source.
iatp1153The iatp protocol (Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 117).
daily_booth1154Classifies the HTTP traffic to the host DailyBooth was a photo-blogging site. Deprecated.
rsvp1155RSVP is a Resource reSerVation setup Protocol designed for an integrated services Internet. RSVP provides receiver-initiated setup of resource reservations for multicast or unicast data flows, with good scaling and robustness properties. The RSVP protocol is used by a host to request specific qualities of service from the network for particular application data streams or flows. RSVP is also used by routers to deliver quality-of-service (QoS) requests to all nodes along the path(s) of the flows and to establish and maintain state to provide the requested service.
flashplugin_update1156Flash exchanges plug-in version numbers with Adobe servers.
octopz1157This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
sciencestage1158This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
mtp1159The mtp protocol (Multicast Transport Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 92).
jaiku1160This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
epm1161End Point Mapper is a protocol used by Exchange to determine the ports used by various services.
moneydj1162Taiwanese finance portal.
plurk1163Plurk is a social network popular in Taiwan.
llc1164The IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) protocol provides a link mechanism for upper layer protocols encapsulated in a frame. LLC type I service provides a datalink connectionless mode service, while LLC type II provides a connection-oriented service at the datalink layer.
ymsg_video1165(versions prior to This protocol is used by Yahoo Messenger for video conversations.
vampirefreaks1166This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
h2251167The H225 Protocol is a VoIP protocol, used for call signaling and RAS (Registration, Admission and Status).
ipv6cp1168This Protocol is used for establishing and configuring IPv6 over PPP.
_9game1169Chinese game distribution platform.
lcp1170LCP is used to establish, configure and test the data-link connection for a PPP link. This protocol is used to automatically agree upon the encapsulation format options, handle varying limits on sizes of packets, detect a looped-back link and other common misconfiguration errors, and terminate the link. This protocol is used to establish, configure and test the data-link connection for a PPP link.
jajah1171Jajah was a VoIP provider owned by Telefonica Europe; Telefonica has shut down Jajah on January 31, 2014.
the_auteurs1172This protocol plug-in used to classify the http traffic to the host
docstoc1173This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
msrp1174Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP) is a protocol for transmitting instant messages, defined by RFC 4975.
fotolog1175This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
nownews1176Taiwanese news portal.
nod32_update1177Virus definitions and engine updates for the ESET NOD32 anti-virus.
mitalk1178MiTalk (aka Miliao) is a mobile instant messaging application from Xiaomi Tech.
snap1179Sub-Network Access Protocol (SNAP) is a protocol encapsulated in the LLC protocol enabling the encapsulation of a greater number of protocols in Ethernet II frames.
sina_weibo1180Sina Weibo is a Chinese microblogging website.
comm1181COMM is a VoIP and Instant messaging application for mobile phones commonly used in Japan.
pcanywhere1182PCAnywhere is a remote control solution. It can manage both Windows and Linux systems. Enhanced video performance and built-in AES 256-bit encryption help make communications fast and secure. PCAnywhere also features powerful file-transfer capabilities.
cpnx1183The cpnx protocol (Computer Protocol Network Executive) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 72).
douban1184This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
gamer_tw1185Taiwanese game portal providing game reviews, forum, news.
blip_tv1186This protocol plug-in classified the traffic to the Blip video streaming service (shut down in August 2015)
dsr1187The dsr protocol (Dynamic Source Routing Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 48).
tudou1188This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
tcp_over_dns1189Tcp-over-dns contains a special dns server and a special dns client. The client and server work in tandem to provide a TCP and UDP tunnel through the standard DNS protocol.
naver1190Naver is a popular Internet content service operator in South Korea. The group features a proprietary search portal, the Line messaging application, and gaming services.
socks2http1191Socks2http is a client software aiming to make a tunnel.
earthcam1192This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
sportsillustrated1193News portal dedicated to sports.
yahoo_games1194This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
oneworldtv1195This protocol plug-in is deprecated.
epernicus1196This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
appshopper1197Mac Apps, Mac App Store, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch app store listings, news, and price drops.
games_co1198This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
jira1199This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name is a web-radio service, featuring a music recommender system (called Audioscrobbler).
amqp1201AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware
google_ads1202Google Ads is the online advertisement service from Google. This signature includes classification of DoubleClick, Google AdSense and Google AdWords technologies. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http/google_gen.
present1203This web service is closed.
netmeeting_ils1204Netmeeting ILS is the protocol used between Netmeeting and Internet Locator Servers (ILS). Netmeeting is a VoIP and multi-point videoconferencing client included in many versions of Microsoft Window. A Internet Locator Server (ILS) is a directory used to find other users and facilitate rendezvous.
cam41205Adult-webcam video website.
nba1206News website dedicated to the NBA, featuring video clips. Note: In Basic-DPI, No BMFF classification over nba. is an online translation platform.
rvd1208The rvd protocol (MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 66).
skydrive1209Skydrive was a personal storage platform for Windows users, now replaced by Microsoft OneDrive. Deprecated.
xt31210This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
acrobat1211Cloud services of Adobe, the American software company. Includes online collaborative office applications.
pando1212pando is a peer-to-peer protocol. Pando servers have been definitely shutted down in August 2013.
wooribank1213This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
isup1214ISUP (ISDN User Part) is a telephony protocol used in SS7 networks.
xnet1215The xnet protocol (Cross Net Debugger) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 15).
paltalk_audio1216Proprietary protocol used by Paltalk in audio chats.
vrrp1217Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is a protocol designed to eliminate the single point of failure inherent in the static default routed environment. VRRP specifies an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a LAN.
spotify1218Spotify is an application of musical streaming. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
blockbuster1219This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
live_meeting1220Microsoft Office Live Meeting is a commercial subscription-based web conferencing service operated by Microsoft.
nikkei1221Online version of a Japanese newspaper for economists
adobe_update1222The Adobe Update Manager is a program which maintains up-to-date versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
mixi1223This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Mixi is an online Japanese social networking service founded in 1999, and also publisher of the popular mobile freemium game Monster Strike.
xboxlive1224Online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service created and operated by Microsoft Corporation.
messengerfx1225This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
nlockmgr1226The network lock manager is a facility that works in cooperation with the Network File System (NFS) to provide a System V style of advisory file and record locking over the network.
karosgame1227Online multiplayer game popular in Russia.
m3ua1228M3UA enables SS7 protocols stacking (ISUP, SCCP, ...) over an IP network.
fc21229Japanese free blog platform and social website
zoho1230Zoho is a software development company providing online office suite named Zoho Office Suite.
directv1231DirecTV is a satellite television service.
samsung_apps1232Samsung Apps is an application store for Samsung mobile and TV users.
ggp1233The ggp protocol (Gateway_to_Gateway) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 3).
imesh1234iMesh is a peer-to-peer protocol.
imageshack1235On-line free image sharing service.
time1236This protocol provides a site-independent, machine readable date and time.
bgp1237Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an inter Autonomous Systems routing protocol used by most ISPs.
slideshare1238SlideShare is a famous slidepack hosting web service, owned by LinkedIn Corporation.
buzznet1239Social media website owned by an American company, Spinmedia.
asiae1240Korean investment and market news website.
impress1241Japanese IT news web site
weather1242This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
hexun1243Chinese finance news portal.
paltalk_video1244Proprietary protocol used by Paltalk in video.
friends_reunited1245This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
pclady1246Chinese beauty and fashion portal.
wechat1247WeChat is a text and voice messaging application for mobile. This plug-in classifies file transfers, chat and audio/video calls. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification for picture file exchanges.
hao1231248This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
dropbox1249Dropbox is a free in-the-cloud file storage and synchronization service providing both web and smart application interfaces. Note: any dropbox traffic that is encrypted will be classified as dropbox and not dropbox_upload or dropbox_download.
apple_airport1250Apple Airport is a protocol aiming to configure a wireless device.
yahoo_realestate1251This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
fibre_channel1252The fibre_channel protocol (Fibre Channel) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 133).
gadugadu1253Gadu Gadu is a Polish instant messaging protocol.
youku1254Youku is a Chinese video hosting web service.
teachstreet1255This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host provide real-time news, including political, financial, social and international news, as well as life, consumption, pets, novelty, entertainment, sports, travel information and related news stories.
foxy1257Foxy is a peer-to-peer protocol based on GnucDNA.
travelocity1258This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
_3gpp_li12593gpp_li is a protocol which form a standard for telecoms operators and networks operators. is Chinese entertainment forums platform. This plug-in classifies traffic to
wayn1261This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
sip1262Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is the Internet Engineering Task Force's (IETF's) standard for multimedia conferencing over IP. Like other VoIP protocols, SIP is designed to address the functions of signaling and session management within a packet telephony network.
sprint1263This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
jobstreet1264This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host is the website of a private national French TV channel.
atalk1266The AppleTalk Protocol Suite implements services for routing, file transfer, printer sharing and emails in Apple environments. is the official website of Lion Travel Service which is the leading travel agency headquartered in Taipei.
stumbleupon1268This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
ymail_classic1269Yahoo! Mail Classic was the original interface for Yahoo! Mail.
trendmicro_update1270Trendmicro_update is the protocol used for trendmicro softwares updates.
tv4play1271TV4 Play is a video streaming website broadcasting content from the TV4 swedish TV channel.
citrix_online1272On-line collaboration suite for small businesses.
ucp1273Universal Computer Protocol is used by some mobile phones to send SMS.
surveymonkey1274This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
ipxsap1275Service Advertisement Protocol (SAP) allows servers to advertise their services to clients in a Novell network.
teamspeak_v31276TeamSpeak 3 continues the legacy of the original TeamSpeak communication system. TeamSpeak 3 is not merely an extension of its predecessors but rather a complete rewrite in C++ of its proprietary protocol and core technology.
cdiscount1277Major French e-commerce website.
hudong1278This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
dcerpc1279The DCERPC protocol is an RPC implementation used in Distributed Computing Environments. This protocol is used by many software applications including Microsft Exchange.
twitter1280Online microblogging service that enables its users to read and send text-based short messages.
x111281X11 is designed to communicate all the information necessary to operate a window system over a single asynchronous bi-directional stream of 8-bit bytes. The X protocol specifies four types of messages but named extensions can also be defined to extend the system.
nationallottery1282This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
vivanews1283This protocol plug-in classifies the http and https traffic to the hosts and
wasabi1284This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
pingsta1285This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
wiiconnect241286WiiConnect24 is an asynchronous communication protocol implemented on the Nintendo Wii gaming system. It used by some information channels and services embedded in the console, and by some games too.
squirrelmail1287SquirrelMail is a web-based email application written in the PHP scripting language.
showmypc1288This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
_2ch1289Japanese adult videos web site
gohappy1290Taiwanese E-commerce web portal.
lotour1291Chinese travel website.
lotusnotes1292Lotus Notes is a groupware knowledge management system which integrates various services such as web browsing, calendaring and mailing.
flumotion1293Flumotion is a streaming video solutions platform. This plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to
ifile_it1294Filecloud is a free cloud storage and content delivery web service.
hyves1295This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
rtmp1296Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Adobe Systems for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
iperf1297The iPerf protocol is used by the self-titled tool for network performance measures.
tcf1298The tcf protocol (TCF) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 87). is a social network.
zoho_people1300This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
uploading1301Secured file hosting and sharing web service with ability to upload from different desktop and mobile platforms.
digitalverse1302This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
_01net130301net website, a French high-tech news site.
aims1304AIMS is the secure version of AIM.
leapfile1305LeapFILE is a professional secured file sending and delivery web service.
wat1306This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
maktoob1307Maktoob is a webmail protocol.
playstation1308This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
imeem1309This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
zynga1310Zynga is a social network oriented on-line video games editor.
ldap1311LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol used for accessing directory services. Windows environments use this protocol to send queries to Active Directory. [ ldap is also known as cldap.]
auction1312Auction website service operated by Auction Co, a South Korean company (bought by the eBay group in 2001).
ip_reserved1313The ip_reserved protocol (IANA Reserved Internet Protocol Number) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 255).
igmp1314The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used by IP hosts to report their multicast group membership to routers.
tchatche1315Tchatche is an instant messaging website.
sharepoint1316SharePoint is a web application platform designed as a centralized replacement for multiple web applications, like content management and document management systems.
gotodevice1317GoToDevice is a remote control and administration tool.
cups1318The Common Unix Printer System (CUPS) protocol is a cross-platform printing solution for UNIX environments. It is based on the Internet Printing Protocol"and it is compatible with Microsoft operating systems since Windows 2000."
myspace1319MySpace is one of most popular social networking sites on the Web. The myspace RTMP traffic is not classifiable.
webex1320WebEx is an online meeting, videoconferencing and collaborative application
malformed1321A packet belongs to the protocol 'malformed' if the protocol announced by the lower level protocol does not correspond to the one determined by the system.
_4shared13224shared is an online space for sharing and storage.
ppp1323PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is a link layer protocol used for transferring data along a Point to Point link. It provides dynamic IP addressing, password support, error checking, and multiple protocols transmission on the same link.
_802_111324The 802.11 protocol is used to carry data (at MAC level) on IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks.
tagged1325Tagged is a social networking website, enabling users to connect to relatives, friends, or unknown people.
payeasy1326Taiwanese online beauty store.
wesp1327The wesp protocol (Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 141).
travian1328This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host or
file_dropper1329File hosting and sharing website.
_11st1330Korean shopping website 11st. It is operated by SK Planet Co.
tns1331Transparent Network Service (TNS) is the Oracle (version 8 or higher) networking technology that provides a single application interface to all industry-standard networking protocols. To connect to a database, users initiate a connect request by passing information (username and password) along with a short name for the database service they wish to connect to.
teamviewer1332TeamViewer is an application that enables a connection to a remote computer in order to perform maintenance operations. It is also possible to show the current display to a remote computer, to transfer files, and to create a VPN tunnel.
garp1333The Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) provides a generic framework whereby devices in a bridged LAN can register or delete attribute values between each other.
hankooki1334This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
outlook1335On-line Microsoft Outlook encrypted service, also included in the Office 365 productivity suite. It is also used for Live Hotmail.
icap1336The Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) is a lightweight HTTP-like protocol which is used to extend transparent proxy servers, thereby freeing up resources and standardizing the way in which new features are implemented. ICAP is generally used to implement virus scanning and content filters (including censorware) in transparent HTTP proxy caches.
zoho_sheet1337Zoho Sheet application classification.
everquest1338Everquest is a 3D fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), for Windows platforms, developed by Sony Online Entertainment(SOE).
windowsmedia1339This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
secure_vmtp1340The secure_vmtp protocol (SECURE_VMTP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 82).
hi51341Hi5 is a social networking website, enabling users to connect to relatives, friends, or unknown people.
micp1342The micp protocol (Mobile Internetworking Control Pro.) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 95).
hbo_go1343On-demand video streaming website powered by the HBO american TV channel. This plugin classifies HBO GO and HBO NOW traffic.
kik1344KIK Messenger is a Chinese Instant Messaging service. KIK now also includes the Rounds service which is a a live social platform.
tunein1345TuneIn is an audio streaming platform which gives free access to radios and podcasts.
slsk1346Soulseek is a peer-to-peer protocol.
osinl1347ISO Network Layer Protocol is used by Cisco Equipment to transmit OSI protocols (IS-IS, ...) over Ethernet.
ipx1348Internet Protocol Exchange (IPX) is Novell's network layer 3 protocol.
_4399com1349Chinese game platform 4399.
divshare1350This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
dangdang1351Books, film and television productions, and digital products shopping site.
businessweekly1352Weekly financial news, delivered every Thursday, providing industry information, enterprise Interviews, enterprise stories, financial news and other content.
_56com1353Chinese video-hosting website.
kaixin_chat1354This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
klikbca1355Internet banking service of the Bank Central Asia (BCA).
zoho_notebook1356Zoho Notebook application classification.
msn_groups1357MSN Groups was a website part of the MSN network which hosted online communities, and which contained Web pages, hosted images, and contained a message board. MSN Groups was shut down on February 2009 as part of a migration of online applications and services to the Windows Live brand, and later renovated as Windows Live Groups.
expedia1358This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
q9311359The Q.931 protocol enables the use of voice and image on networks for video conferencing. It provides no flow control, however, or retransmission, since the underlying layers are assumed to be reliable and the circuit-oriented nature of ISDN allocates bandwidth in fixed increments of 64 kbps. Q.931 does manage connection setup and close. Like TCP, Q.931 documents both the protocol itself and a state machine.
iwiw1360This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
lpr1361LPR is a protocol providing printing services and used in Berkeley distributions of the Unix operating system.
mux1362The mux protocol (Multiplexing) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 18).
activenet1363The activenet protocol (Active Networks) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 107).
mk1364This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
oicq1365Oicq is a proprietary messaging protocol developed by Tencent, at the origin of the qq protocol.
pixnet1366Taiwanese web albums and blog service.
youmeo1367This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host (Youmeo was originally founded in April 2005 by Calum Brannan, whose blog this is).
sctp1368SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) is a protocol designed to transport PSTN signaling messages over IP networks. Warning: this plug-in does not provide support for classification and multiplexing of protocols encapsulated over STCP (ex: bssap, isup, m3ua, s1ap). An external flow manager with SCTP support is required to handle these protocols.
_1111tw1369Website dedicated to job research in Taiwan.
gamerdna1370This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host Deprecated.
soku1371This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
trombi1372This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
mms1373MMS protocol is used extensively nowadays by Microsoft video streaming servers. It enables to stream a file in real time to many simultaneous viewers.
three1374This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the hosts and
foursquare1375Foursquare is a local search-and-discovery service mobile app which provides search results for its users.
americanexpress1376Websites of American Express, a company that issues credit cards and provides various financial and commercial services.
gotomeeting1377GoToMeeting is an online meeting service developed by Citrix. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over https.
dol2day1378This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
mapi1379MS Exchange Message API is a protocol used by Exchange clients to retrieve their emails.
jedi1380JEDI is the name of the CITRIX streaming connection protocol. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over https.
paipai1381This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
filetopia1382Filetopia is a free, proprietary peer-to-peer client software for Windows. It uses an encrypted protocol for all its communications. In addition to the usual peer-to-peer features, Filetopia provides a chat, a buddy search and a message board. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over https.
indaba_music1383This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
trunk_11384The trunk_1 protocol (Trunk 1) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 23).
sbs1385This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
giops1386This protocol is the secure version of the GIOP protocol.
lotus_live1387Lotus live, now IBM SmartCloud, is a web-based collaborative suite of applications for enterprises, including mail, file transfer, meetings and forms.
zoho_db1388The ZOHO DB and Reports is an online database and reporting application.
tnvip1389Telnet VIP is an emulation of the Telnet protocol for VIP (Visual Information Projection) terminals.
apple1390This protocol plug-in classifies the generic traffic related to Apple's web portal and content delivery services.
i_part1391Taiwanese online dating site.
lvping1392Chinese Hotel Reviews, Travel Guides, Forum and tourist guide.
cnet_tv1393CNET Video is a web television network.
mfe_nsp1394The mfe_nsp protocol (MFE Network Services Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 31).
encap1395The encap protocol (Encapsulation Header) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 98).
tds1396TDS protocol is used to communicate between SQL applications and a SQL Server.
tango1397Tango is an embedded smartphone application dedicated to audio/video-conference.
sogou1398Sogou is a search engine. This plug-in classifies the HTTP traffic and the SSL one from and
fly_proxy1399This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Names and
deviant_art1400This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
advogato1401Social network for free software editors.
ipcomp1402The ipcomp protocol (IP Payload Compression Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 108).
google_groups1403Google Groups allows the user to create and post in forums and email-based groups.
livingsocial1404LivingSocial was founded as Hungry Machine in 2007 and become a top facebook application developer, and is now an online marketplace focused on restaurant deals. This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
my_opera1405My Opera ( was a social networking service operated by Opera Software (shut down in March 2014)
facebook1406Facebook is a social network.
kemenkumham1407Website of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
cloudme1408Free on-line file storage service.
ikea1409This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
hardsextube1410This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
lady88441411Chinese fashion and beauty website.
xl_webmail1413This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
adc1414ADC is a peer-to-peer protocol widely used in Direct Connect networks. It superseeds the protocol NMDC and corrects many flaws identified in this older protocol.
stp1415Spanning Tree Protocol allows the use of layer 2 networks with redundant paths by creating a covering tree on which frames will be transmitted. The newly created topology of the network (the tree) is loop free, thus preventing problems such as broadcast storm from occurring.
directdownloadlinks1416Direct download link is a term used within the Internet-based file sharing community. It is used to describe a hyperlink that points to a location within the Internet where the user can download a file. This protocol used to contain a list of DDL websites, that was split into multiple protocols.
baike1417Interactive encyclopedia online encyclopedia based on the Chinese Wikipedia.
aiaigame1418Aurora Interactive, a Chinese vendor of 3D games.
sonet_ne1419Japanese web portal of the internet provider So-net
idpr1420The idpr protocol (Inter_Domain Policy Routing Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 35).
_3pc1421The 3pc protocol (Third Party Connect Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 34).
v5ua1422V5UA is a transport mechanism for V5.2 messages in an IP network, through SCTP.
cntv1424Chinese Central Television and China Network Television web site.
mgcp1425MGCP protocol is used as signaling protocol for voice IP applications.
tvants1426TVAnts is a peer-to-peer TV software, using the BitTorrent peer-to-peer technology. It provides a way to watch on the PC most cable and satellite as well as WebTV.
mylife1427This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
aim_transfer1428AIM is an instant messaging protocol. This plug-in classifies download flows of files that are exchanged between AIM application users.
utp1429BitTorrent transport layer.
spid1430SPID (Statistical Protocol IDentification) is a statistical classification engine, used to identify encrypted or obfuscated streams from advanced Peer-to-peer or VPN protocols (ex: BitTorrent RC4 streams).
techinline1431Remote service for viewing, diagnosing and fixing technical issues on desktop machines.
ios_ota_update1432iOS OTA Update is the protocol used for iOS and embedded speech updates Over The Air.
ibackup1433ibackup is an online file backup protocol.
ipxrip1434RIPIPX is the equivalent of the RIP protocol in Novell networks.
nokia_ovi1435(Deprecated) Nokia Ovi is a protocol used by customers to synchronize their personal data with their Nokia mobile phone (contacts, mail, calendar, music). It has been replaced by Opera Mobile Store
itunes1436iTunes is an Apple proprietary digital media player application, used for playing and organizing digital music and video files.
sync1437The Sync protocol is an RPC service allowing data synchronisation.
icmp61438ICMPv6 is the diagnostic protocol used in IPv6 networks.
pcgames1439Chinese Games portal.
aim1440AIM (originally AOL Instant Messenger) is an instant messaging application. The protocol name is OSCAR (Open System for CommunicAtion in Realtime) and is used in both ICQ and AIM services. [ aim is also known as oscar.] Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
appledaily1441Taiwanese news portal.
skip1442The skip protocol (SKIP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 57).
oovoo1443oovoo is an instant messenger application, with audio/video support.
dhcp1444The DHCP protocol is used to configure automatically the network parameters of a station.
vox1445General news website.
chrome_update1446Chrome Update is the protocol for the updates of the Google chrome browser.
meetup1447Meetup is an online social networking portal for offline group meetings.
myanimelist1448This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
irc1449IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is an instant messaging protocol.
sugar_sync1450On-line file backup and sync service.
blubster1451Blubster is a peer-to-peer music file sharing software. Blubster uses the Manolito protocol, therefore a part of its traffic is classified as Manolito. Deprecated.
evony1452This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
live_mesh1453Free on-line file storage and sharing service distributed by Microsoft.
idrp1454The idrp protocol (Inter_Domain Routing Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 45).
svtplay1455Sveriges Television video-on-demand website.
doorblog1456This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
mobilehdr1457The mobilehdr protocol (Mobile Header) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 135).
simple_msg_p1458The simple_msg_p protocol (Simple Message Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 121).
nettby1459This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
pop3s1460Secure version of the POP3 protocol.
wfc1461Wi-Fi Connection (WFC) is the Nintendo on-line gaming service for the Wii and DS videogame systems.
tuenti1462This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
skyblog1463SkyBlog is a website where users can have blogs.
arp1464The ARP protocol is used to determine the MAC Address of a PC for which the IP address is known.
beanfun1465Taiwanese largest game portal, a single account to log into all games.
exploroo1466This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
meevee1467Closed on-line video aggregator website.
tencent1468Instant communications service provider in Asia, providing corporate and personal instant messaging, online entertainment and value-added services. Tencent Computer Systems Company, the owner of QQ and Wechat.
clubic1469French High-tech news website.
khan1470Korean news web portal.
dimp1471DIMP is a Webmail protocol Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
lunarstorm1472This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
wallstreetjournal_china1473Chinese version of the Wall Street Journal.
established1474The Established protocol is a virtual protocol grouping all TCP connections already established before starting analyzing the traffic (no SYNC).
ipsec1475The IPsec protocol suite includes Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH) protocols.
netmarble1476This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
qqdownload1477QQDownload is a Chinese download manager. Its purpose is to download files quickly using HTTP or the BitTorrent protocol.
dccp1478The dccp protocol (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 33).
brighttalk1479Video site of webinars from business experts.
mysql1480MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL), the most popular language for adding, accessing, and processing data in a database. This plug-in support Bind Variables types and values extraction (Q_MYSQL_BIND_VARIABLE), using session context storage. This can cause significant per-session memory consumption, depending on traffic and database usage. Check mysql layer proto-tunes to define limits related to this usage.
ning1481This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host is a free on-line flash-based video game site.
momoshop1483Taiwanese online shop.
larp1484The larp protocol (Locus Address Resolution Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 91).
scispace1485This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
anobii1486Anobii is an online personal book library indexing and management service.
pchome1487Taiwanese Web portal (news, webmail, shopping....
vkontakte1488vkontakte is an European social network service popular among Russian-Speaking users. It is quite similar to Facebook.
rlogin1489The Rlogin protocol is used to establish a bidirectional communication to distant terminals. is a Russian web portal providing services such as webmail, search engine, instant messaging.
xinhuanet1491This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
coupang1492Korean e-commerce website.
fetlife1493This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
yppasswd1494The Yellow Page Password protocol enables the modification of logins and passwords in Network Interface System cards.
edonkey1495Edonkey is a peer-to-peer protocol. Classification is not guaranteed when the protocol obfuscation feature is enable (feature appeared in eMule version 0.47b). [ edonkey is also known as kadmelia and emule.]
cft1496CFT (Cross File Transfer) is a file transfer software developed by Axway
ameba1497Ameba is a Japanese web and mobile portal, launched in 2009, providing a blogging platform, a virtual community, and social gaming.
aim_express1498AOL Instant Messaging Express supports many of the standard features included in AIM, but does not provide advanced features like file transfer, audio chat or video conferencing
vyew1499This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
davidov1500This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to
vevo1501VEVO is a music video streaming platform sponsored by Google, Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment.
taku_file_bin1502Japanese Direct Download web platform, allowing free sharing of large files.
qqstream1503QQStream is a Chinese peer-to-peer file sharing software. QQstream is a meta protocol which contains data stream of QQLive, QQ games and QQMusic.
google_analytics1504Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness.
sna1505SNA (Systems Network Architecture) is an IBM's mainframe network standards.
nexopia1506This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
phproxy1507PHProxy is a web HTTP proxy programmed in PHP meant to bypass firewalls and access otherwise inaccessible resources.
bugs1508Korean music platform operated by Bucks Ltd.
silverlight1509Silverlight is a Microsoft web browser plugin designed to render programable animations and to stream videos. It quite similar to Adobe Flash: animated vector graphics, H264 video streaming. This plug-in classifies the Silverlight applications download over HTTP, and the HTTP video streaming from these applications (known as Microsoft Smooth Streaming).
gotomypc1510Citrix GoToMyPC is a secured web-based remote access solution, enabling to take control of a PC/MAC from a web browser.
live_storage1511Windows Live File Storage is a Microsoft web service designed to be used by other Microsoft web services that may need storage, for example msn, skydrive, etc. Deprecated
bypassthat1512Free web proxy.
_115com1513Chinese cloud storing system of the 115 website. It is operated by YLMF Computer Technology Co.
pim1514The PIM Protocol provides an efficient routing of multicast groups that may span wide-area Internet zones.
pvp1515The pvp protocol (Packet Video Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 75). is a Japanese web portal and blog platform, bought by NHN in 2010, and operated by Line Corporation since 2013. This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
xot1517Protocol used to transport x25 data over TCP in IP network.
ntv1518This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
eth1519The Ethernet protocol enables the addressing and sending of data between stations of an Ethernet segment.
flixster1520This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
yelp1521This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
socialvibe1522This protocol plug-in used to classify the http traffic to the host
pimang1523This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the hosts and
gratisindo1524This protocol plug-in classifies the gratisindo http traffic.
babyhome1525Taiwanese pregnancy and parenting information, albums and parenting diaries.
prm1526The prm protocol (Packet Radio Measurement) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 21).
_51la1527Chinese website that provides website statistics to its users.
rsync1528Rsync is a protocol used by various services performing updates. It greatly speeds up the update process since only the differences between two sets of files are transfered, instead of the whole new file. Support for extracting files is limited to version 3.1. Recursive Mode and Decompression Management are not supported.
mcafee1529McAfee is one of the leaders in intrusion prevention and security risk management on the web.
answers1530American knowledge-sharing website for internet users.
sun_nd1531The sun_nd protocol (SUN ND PROTOCOL_Temporary) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 77).
mbn1532This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host It also classifies the ssl traffic to the Common Name
southwest1533This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
babycenter1534BabyCenter is a parenting web platform providing help about pregnancy, birth, etc. for future parents. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification of streaming data over rtmp.
dtp1535DTP (Dynamic Trunk Protocol) is a proprietary networking protocol developed by Cisco Systems for the purpose of negociating trunking on a link between two VLAN-aware switches.
reuters1536This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
office3651537Office 365 is a Microsoft on-line service, with pay-as-you-go subscription (monthly or annually), giving access to many Microsoft Office applications from the internet, as well as cloud storage, Skype communications, etc. It also gives free access to the on-line version of the most popular Office applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint).
wretch1538Taiwanese Photo Album and Blog.
aufeminin1539Aufeminin is a website and French media group targetting women in particular. is an employment website.
cartoonnetwork1542Websites of an American TV channel for children.
howcast1543This protocol plug-in classifies the http and ssl traffic to the host
soap1544SOAP is a lightweight protocol based on XML intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. Note: this protocol can be found in HTTP requests, but it won't be classified if some known web application or service was classified instead. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
box_net1545Box is a secured file hosting and sharing web service, available from desktop and mobile platforms.
mobage1546Mobile games download portal and identification services.
care21547Social network for citizens and activists.
diino1548Diino is an online drive allowing users to upload and share their files.
dgp1549The dgp protocol (Dissimilar Gateway Protocol) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 86).
ezfly1550Taiwanese online travel agency.
windows_update1551Windows_update is the protocol used for windows system updates.
deezer1552Deezer is a french music streaming service which can run in web browsers and mobile applications.
etsi_li1553Etsi LI is a protocol which forms a standard for telecoms operators and networks operators.
twitpic1554Photo sharing web service dedicated to Twitter. This service enable users to share photos with their Twitter followers on web browser and mobile devices.
iapp1555News site about mobile applications.
socks51556Socks 5 is an authentication protocol.
wixi1557This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host
kuxun1558Chinese travel website.
slacker1559Slacker Radio is an online music streaming service available from web browser and mobile application. Slacker Radio is now LiveXLive.
blogster1560Website that offers blogging services and ressources for bloggers.
gamesmomo1561Selection of fun games, Flash Games.
hankyung1562This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic to the host
baidu_player1563BaiduPlayer is a video player that can play local, online and OnDemand videos.
jingdong1564Popular chinese on-line hi-tech shop.
gomeetnow1566Gomeetnow is a web conferencing software.
mail_ru_games1567ONline gaming site ( )
_51_com_posting1568Collaboration web site ( )
lastpass1569Password manager application.
mgoon1570Website providing video streaming, and online video gaming.
axifile1571AXifile is a file sharing service. ( ). This protocol plug-in is deprecated.
miro1572Multimedia player. ( )
mail_ru_moimir1573Social networking website ( ).
clearspace1574Enterprise collaboration and knowlegde management platform ( )
mydownloader1575Download files from multiple filesharing websites ( ).
elluminate1576Rent virtual rooms where people can hold classes and meetings ( ).
ezpeer1577P2P service for music files downloading (aka ezPeer).
lokalisten1578German social networking website. ( )
cyworld1579CYworld is a South Korean social network service which belongs to ( )
dcinside1580Information portal ( )
bondisk1581Site for downloading videos.
daummail1582Webmail for ( )
fileserve1583Fileserve is a file share service for personal use. ( )
adobe_online_office1584Online collaborative office. ( )
mekusharim1585Social network website ( ).
nefsys1586Video conference website ( ). This traffic is now classified as nefsis.
fuze_meeting1587Video-conferencing application (audio, video HD, desktop sharing, file transfer)
_51_com1588Provide social networking applications ( ), IM, music, photo albums.
_51_com_bbs1589BBS, Forum ( )
piolet1590P2P for music files. Deprecated.
baidu_hi_games1591CHinese online game site, Flash and html5 based. ( )
egnyte1592Enterprise online file sharing ( )
onehub1593File sharing website.
diodeo1594Information portal ( )
filemail1595File transfer service for private business. Uses Microsoft Cloud ( )
filei1596P2P website.
navermail1597The webmail client of ( ).
gogobox1598Cloud file storage web service.
bebo_mail1599Bebo is a social networking website. ( )
issuu1600Digital publishing website. ( ) custom web browser ( ).
naverdrive1602The file storage client of Naver.
fileguri1603File sharing web site and P2P client.
gigatribe1604GigaTribe is a peer-to-peer file sharing network (classification of web/authentication part only).
jap1605VPN/Anonymizer application.
gatherplace1606Gatherplace is a web conferencing software.
bet3651607Online betting site.
chinaren1608Chinese social networking website for former classmates. ( )
_51_com_music1609Music streaming ( )
clubbox1610Korean file sharing web site that requires installing a P2P client called zmlauncher.exe.
fotoweb1611Digital asset management workflow solutions ( )
chatroulette1612Chatroulette is an online video chat website.
cryptoheaven1613Secure email and online file storage service.
mendeley1614Sharing and annotating document web service. ( )
pichat1615Online Chat Application ( ).
blackberry_update1616This protocol classifies the Blackberry 10 family OS software updates.
itv_player1617Proprietary iOS application and website for VOD content (TV catch up) and live channels streaming.
mypeople_messenger1618MyPeople Messenger is a cross-platform application providing free text, picture, and video messaging.
line_games1619This protocol plug-in classifies the http traffic to the host, the portal of various Line games.
chat_on1620ChatON was a global mobile communication service introduced by Samsung Electronics.
line_wind_runner1621Line Wind Runner is a popular asian mobile device game accessible from the Line application.
touch1622Touch is a cross-platform application providing free text, picture, and video messaging.
websocket1623The WebSocket Protocol, as described in IETF RFC6455. Important: this protocol won't be classified if some known Web application or service was detected and classified over http instead.
magumagu16242013 for Kakao (aka Magu-Magu) is Korean baseball game, developped by CJ E&M corp.
lync1625Microsoft Skype for Business (formerly Microsoft Lync) IM, VoIP and desktop sharing services (corporate services).
high_entropy1626High Entropy is a virtual protocol used to detect potentially encrypted payloads. Important note: the classification of this layer is effective since the 4.18.0 version of the ixEngine framework. The classification is based on two methods: entropy value computation, and printable strings detection. This concerns only unknown sessions over TCP and UDP.
saavn_music1627Saavn is a streaming application providing free Indian and Bollywood music to listeners.
maaii1628Maaii is a cross-platform messaging application which allows iPhone and Android users to send and receive text messages and phone calls for free.
unassigned_ip_prot_1731629The unassigned_ip_prot_173 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 173) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 173).
alwatanvoice1630Palestinian news portal
sanook1631Thailandese website providing lottery games, music. chat, news, jobs, shopping and entertainment.
unassigned_ip_prot_1571632The unassigned_ip_prot_157 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 157) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 157).
allegro1633Polish shopping web portal
dbs1634Singaporian online banking website
skydrive_login1635On-line file storage service owned by Microsoft, now replaced by Microsoft OneDrive. Deprecated.
unassigned_ip_prot_2511636The unassigned_ip_prot_251 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 251) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 251).
jfranews1637New portal popular in Jordan and Palestinian Territory
gulfup1638Online file sharing website popular in Saudi Arabia and countries around the Gulf
scenehd1639Bittorrent tracker search engine
bitworld1640Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_2121641The unassigned_ip_prot_212 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 212) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 212).
donedeal1642Irish classified ads website
rmvbusters1643Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_1971644The unassigned_ip_prot_197 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 197) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 197).
ilivid1645Browser toolbar search engine and video player
goal1646New media company that provides soccer news and entertainment
unassigned_ip_prot_1511647The unassigned_ip_prot_151 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 151) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 151).
to_mati1648Greek web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1831649The unassigned_ip_prot_183 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 183) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 183).
bemaniso1650Bittorrent tracker search engine
grid1651Macedonian news portal
fijitimes1652Fijian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2021653The unassigned_ip_prot_202 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 202) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 202).
defimedia1654Mauritian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2311655The unassigned_ip_prot_231 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 231) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 231).
gogo1656Mongolian search engine and web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1711657The unassigned_ip_prot_171 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 171) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 171).
unassigned_ip_prot_2111658The unassigned_ip_prot_211 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 211) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 211).
ip_exp_21659The ip_exp_2 protocol (IANA Internet Protocol Number 254 used for experimentation and testing) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 254).
unassigned_ip_prot_2341660The unassigned_ip_prot_234 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 234) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 234).
rayfile1661Bittorrent tracker search engine
dantri1662Vietnamese news portal
clasificadosonline1663Puerto Rican classified ads
_24sata1664Croatian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1631665The unassigned_ip_prot_163 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 163) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 163).
energy_torrent1666Bittorrent tracker search engine
lanshark1667Lanshark is a p2p client for LAN.
unassigned_ip_prot_1801668The unassigned_ip_prot_180 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 180) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 180).
olx1669Free international classified ads website.
khmerload1670Cambodian web portal
hkgolden1671Game and electonics news portal based in Hong Kong
deepseek1672Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_2371673The unassigned_ip_prot_237 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 237) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 237).
westpac1674Australia s First Bank with a range of innovative financial packages
avito_ma1675Free Moroccan classified ads
dubizzle1676Dubizzle is your free classifieds website to buy, sell and find anything in your local community. It is covering Arabian Peninsula and Maghreb.
crnobelo1677Macedonian news portal
idnes1678Czech news portal
danishbits1679Bittorrent tracker search engine
draugas1680Lithuanian web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1591681The unassigned_ip_prot_159 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 159) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 159).
pole_emploi1682French website for job seekers.
foreningssparbanken1683Swedish web portal. Deprecated.
bitsoup1684Bittorrent tracker search engine
facenama1685Iranian social network
freeloader1686Bittorrent tracker search engine
_1337x1687Bittorrent tracker search engine
dv1688Icelandic news portal
alnilin1689Sudanese news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2401690The unassigned_ip_prot_240 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 240) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 240).
unassigned_ip_prot_1601691The unassigned_ip_prot_160 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 160) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 160).
leral1692Senegalese news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2221693The unassigned_ip_prot_222 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 222) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 222).
neobux1694NeoBux excels in providing new business solutions as a Paid-to-Click service
unassigned_ip_prot_1661695The unassigned_ip_prot_166 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 166) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 166).
centrum_cz1696Czech web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1751697The unassigned_ip_prot_175 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 175) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 175).
elcat1698Kyrgyzstanese internet service provider
druknet1699Buthan Telecom website
alrakoba1700Sudanese news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1481701The unassigned_ip_prot_148 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 148) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 148).
hurriyet1702Turkish news portal
rutracker1703Bittorrent tracker search engine
bithq1704Bittorrent tracker search engine Deprecated.
asiandvdclub1705Bittorrent tracker search engine
telegraf1706Serbian web portal
kijiji1707Canadian free local classifieds
jxta1708Open source peer-to-peer protocol launched by Sun Microsystems.
unassigned_ip_prot_1431709The unassigned_ip_prot_143 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 143) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 143).
unassigned_ip_prot_2391710The unassigned_ip_prot_239 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 239) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 239).
unassigned_ip_prot_1891711The unassigned_ip_prot_189 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 189) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 189).
iltalehti1712Finnish news portal
finn1713Norwegian web portal
delfi1714Estonian news portal, also accessible from Latvia and Lituania.
ja1715Icelandic web portal
stealthnet1716Stealthnet is a file sharing application between two or more hosts.
_15min1717Lithuanian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2291718The unassigned_ip_prot_229 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 229) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 229).
unassigned_ip_prot_2051719The unassigned_ip_prot_205 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 205) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 205).
haveeru1720Maldivian news portal
qtrax1721Bittorrent tracker search engine
vector1722Bittorrent tracker search engine
index_hu1723Hungarian web portal
fatakat1724Egyptian portal targeted to arab wowen lifestyle
elheddaf1725Algerian sports new portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2421726The unassigned_ip_prot_242 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 242) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 242).
flycell_pe1727Peruvian ringtone, wallpaper and mobile game portal
jobs_bg1728Bulgarian online job search
unassigned_ip_prot_2091729The unassigned_ip_prot_209 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 209) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 209).
unassigned_ip_prot_1941730The unassigned_ip_prot_194 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 194) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 194).
unassigned_ip_prot_2171731The unassigned_ip_prot_217 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 217) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 217).
unassigned_ip_prot_2211732The unassigned_ip_prot_221 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 221) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 221).
unassigned_ip_prot_1461733The unassigned_ip_prot_146 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 146) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 146).
adcash1734Adcash is an international Ad network providing Internet publishers
unassigned_ip_prot_1871735The unassigned_ip_prot_187 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 187) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 187).
freemail1736Hungarian webmail
indiatimes1737Indiatimes is one of the most popular Internet and mobile value-added services web portal in India.
heureka1738Czech e-commerce website
browntracker1739Bittorrent tracker search engine
searchnu1741Browser toolbar search engine
elnuevodiario1742Nicaraguan news portal
bt_wrzru1743Bittorrent tracker search engine. Deprecated.
morefreecamsecrets1744Adult live webcam site
fenopy1745Bittorrent tracker search engine
echoroukonline1746Algerian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2481747The unassigned_ip_prot_248 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 248) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 248).
bluewin1748Swiss news portal
ing1749ING online banking website
anz1750Offers home, car, and business loans, as well as internet banking, and insurance.
dap_news1751Cambodian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2231752The unassigned_ip_prot_223 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 223) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 223).
laprensa1753Nicaraguan news portal, also accessed from Honduras.
unassigned_ip_prot_2271754The unassigned_ip_prot_227 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 227) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 227).
bitseduce1755Bittorrent tracker search engine
ekstrabladet1756Danish news portal
blog1757Hungarian blog hosting website
unassigned_ip_prot_2191758The unassigned_ip_prot_219 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 219) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 219).
unassigned_ip_prot_1551759The unassigned_ip_prot_155 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 155) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 155).
unassigned_ip_prot_2361760The unassigned_ip_prot_236 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 236) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 236).
unassigned_ip_prot_1921761The unassigned_ip_prot_192 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 192) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 192).
unassigned_ip_prot_2141762The unassigned_ip_prot_214 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 214) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 214).
elpais1763Spanish news web portal, also accessed from Uruguay and Colombia.
unassigned_ip_prot_2351764The unassigned_ip_prot_235 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 235) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 235).
luke1765Luke is a P2P portal and software.
opensooq1766Market place framework aimed to Arab countries
unassigned_ip_prot_1781767The unassigned_ip_prot_178 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 178) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 178).
unassigned_ip_prot_2251768The unassigned_ip_prot_225 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 225) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 225).
avito_ru1769Free russian classified ads
kurir_info1770Serbian news portal
ikub1771Albanian web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1531772The unassigned_ip_prot_153 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 153) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 153).
unassigned_ip_prot_1651773The unassigned_ip_prot_165 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 165) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 165).
delta_search1774Browser toolbar search engine
weather2umbrella1775World Weather Forecast
abc_news1776Paraguayan news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2331777The unassigned_ip_prot_233 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 233) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 233).
unassigned_ip_prot_1501778The unassigned_ip_prot_150 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 150) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 150).
kuenselonline1780Bhutanese news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1841781The unassigned_ip_prot_184 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 184) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 184).
unassigned_ip_prot_2461782The unassigned_ip_prot_246 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 246) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 246).
aprod1783Hungarian free classifieds website. Deprecated.
bitshock1784Bittorrent tracker search engine
blogfa1785Persian Blog Hosting
unassigned_ip_prot_1441786The unassigned_ip_prot_144 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 144) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 144).
craigslist1787Online classified ads mostly used in the US and Canada
adserverplus1788Online advertisement.
unassigned_ip_prot_2441789The unassigned_ip_prot_244 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 244) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 244).
almanar1790Lebanese news portal
guampdn1791Guamanian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1701792The unassigned_ip_prot_170 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 170) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 170).
hespress1793Moroccan news portal
orange1794French telecom operator website providing internet and telephone services as well as web and media portal services. This portal provides services to countries like Mauritius, Madagascar, Uganda, Jordan, Kenya, Poland, Ivory Coast, Tunisia, or Moldova.
swedbank1795Swedbank online banking and investment web portal.
sapo1796Mozambican web portal including mail, news, lifestyle. This portal is also accessed from Portugal.
inbox1797Latvian webmail and wep portal
dir1798Bulgarian news portal
blic1799Serbian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2011800The unassigned_ip_prot_201 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 201) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 201).
bt_bt1801Bhutan Telecom Limited (BTL) is the leading provider of telecommunications and Internet services in the Kingdom of Bhutan.
unassigned_ip_prot_1491802The unassigned_ip_prot_149 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 149) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 149).
unassigned_ip_prot_2381803The unassigned_ip_prot_238 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 238) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 238).
unassigned_ip_prot_1761804The unassigned_ip_prot_176 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 176) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 176).
ghanaweb1805Ghanaian news portal
caf1806French National Fund for Family Allowances (Caisse d Allocation familiale)
bt_chat1807Bittorrent tracker search engine. Deprecated. is a french website providing technical explanations as well as forums.
apple_airplay1809Apple airplay is a protocol for display picture and video to a connected tv from a device connected to the same private network
xboxlive_marketplace1810Xbox Live Marketplace is a service where users can purchase and download games and multimedia.
iltasanomat1811Finnish news portal
dstv1812DStv (Digital Satellite Television) is a Sub-Saharan African videos service platform.
unassigned_ip_prot_1721813The unassigned_ip_prot_172 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 172) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 172).
unassigned_ip_prot_1561814The unassigned_ip_prot_156 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 156) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 156).
directrev1815DirectREV Media Delivery Platform is a real-time digital ad marketplace that connects publishers with agencies, ad networks and third-party technology providers.
jamiiforums1816Tanzanian forum and blog hosting site
unassigned_ip_prot_1811817The unassigned_ip_prot_181 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 181) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 181).
bitvaulttorrent1818Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_1821819The unassigned_ip_prot_182 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 182) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 182).
dorgio1820Mongolian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2281821The unassigned_ip_prot_228 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 228) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 228).
unassigned_ip_prot_1611822The unassigned_ip_prot_161 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 161) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 161).
unassigned_ip_prot_1621823The unassigned_ip_prot_162 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 162) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 162).
apple_airprint1824Apple Airprint is a network printing feature for Apple systems. It's based on the Dns Service Discovery protocol and IPP(needs URF format support). Note: In Basic-DPI, partial classification over http/ipp.
encuentra241825Official Panama Classifieds Portal. Publish ads for rent or sale real estate, or jobs, cars, pet
unassigned_ip_prot_1981826The unassigned_ip_prot_198 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 198) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 198).
unassigned_ip_prot_1671827The unassigned_ip_prot_167 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 167) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 167).
unassigned_ip_prot_1991828The unassigned_ip_prot_199 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 199) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 199).
news_am1829Armenian news portal
avto1830Slovenian vehicle related classifieds
vuze1831Vuze is a BitTorrent client. This signature classifies BitTorrent tracker streams over http specific to the Vuze client. Data streams will be classified as bittorrent only.
jobs_af1832Online job search in Afghanistan
ibay1833Maldivian online classified ads
labanquepostale1834French bank offering insurance an banking services
bitenova1835Bittorrent tracker search engine
vsee1836Vsee is a videoconferencing software
unassigned_ip_prot_2031837The unassigned_ip_prot_203 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 203) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 203).
hsbc1838HSBC banking website
flycell_ec1839SMS alerts service based in Ecuador
ekantipur1840Nepalese news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2181841The unassigned_ip_prot_218 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 218) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 218).
unassigned_ip_prot_2521842The unassigned_ip_prot_252 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 252) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 252).
panet1843News and entertainment web portal.
unassigned_ip_prot_2101844The unassigned_ip_prot_210 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 210) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 210).
aftonbladet1845Swedish news portal
bbc1846The BBC Homepage providing News and Broadcast.
slando1847Belarusian free classified ads
vube1848Monthly video contest and video sharing website.
blocket1849Swedish local classified ads is a software download portal based in Barcelona
unassigned_ip_prot_2491851The unassigned_ip_prot_249 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 249) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 249).
garaanews1852Jordanian news portal
ants_p2p1853Ants is a distributed third-generation peer-to-peer client, allowing anonymization by hiding IP addresses and encrypting transmitted data.
unassigned_ip_prot_2261854The unassigned_ip_prot_226 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 226) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 226).
unassigned_ip_prot_1961855The unassigned_ip_prot_196 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 196) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 196).
dagbladet1856Norwegian news portal
nordea1857Danish online banking and investment web portal.
unassigned_ip_prot_2041858The unassigned_ip_prot_204 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 204) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 204).
bt_dk1859Danish news portal
interia1860Polish news portal
cyber121861Bittorrent tracker search engine
ikman1862Sri Lankan free online classified ads
apple_hls1863Apple implementation of the HTTP Live Streaming IETF draft. Used on Apple iOS devices.
_24h1864Vietnamese news portal
abidjan1865Cote d Ivoire news portal
yieldmanager1866Yield Manager is an advertising delivery technology operated by Right Media. Since 2007, this has operated as a subsidiary of Yahoo.
tamilthunder_com1867Bittorrent tracker search engine. Deprecated.
unassigned_ip_prot_2501868The unassigned_ip_prot_250 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 250) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 250).
index_hr1869Croatian web portal
bitcoin1870Bitcoin is a distributed payment system.
bolha1871Slovenian local classified ads
marca1872Spanish sports news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2411873The unassigned_ip_prot_241 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 241) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 241).
sharereactor1874Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_1691875The unassigned_ip_prot_169 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 169) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 169).
azet1876Slovak web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1741877The unassigned_ip_prot_174 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 174) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 174).
xtp1878The xtp protocol (XTP) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 36).
filesovermiles1879Filesovermiles is a p2p written in Flash which is meant to be executed from a browser page (blocking use case is supported but flow classification is limited to web).
unassigned_ip_prot_1791880The unassigned_ip_prot_179 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 179) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 179).
raulken1881Bittorrent tracker search engine
abv1882Bulgarian webmail
unassigned_ip_prot_2201883The unassigned_ip_prot_220 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 220) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 220).
tv21885Danish news portal
farsnews1887Iranian news portal
b921888Serbian news portal
freetorrent1889Bittorrent tracker search engine
bitmetv1890Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_1581891The unassigned_ip_prot_158 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 158) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 158).
unassigned_ip_prot_2061892The unassigned_ip_prot_206 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 206) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 206).
paypal1893Online payment services
sharebox1894Bittorrent tracker search engine
animebw1895Bittorrent tracker search engine has Free Online Mini Games in both Flash and Shockwave
bitme1899Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_1681900The unassigned_ip_prot_168 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 168) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 168).
central_torrent1901Bittorrent tracker search engine
extremenova1902Bittorrent tracker search engine
ucoz1903uCoz is a free web hosting with a built-in content management system.
gazeta1904Polish news portal
avg1905Antivirus and security software products for home and business users.
iminent1906Website providing add-ons for most messengers
unassigned_ip_prot_2151907The unassigned_ip_prot_215 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 215) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 215).
unassigned_ip_prot_1931908The unassigned_ip_prot_193 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 193) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 193).
kingdomxxx1909Bittorrent tracker search engine. Deprecated.
cuteyhoneyflash1910Bittorrent tracker search engine Deprecated.
unassigned_ip_prot_2241911The unassigned_ip_prot_224 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 224) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 224).
telegraaf1912Dutch news web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1881913The unassigned_ip_prot_188 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 188) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 188).
unassigned_ip_prot_1951914The unassigned_ip_prot_195 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 195) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 195).
unassigned_ip_prot_2071915The unassigned_ip_prot_207 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 207) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 207).
unassigned_ip_prot_1471916The unassigned_ip_prot_147 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 147) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 147).
gumtree1917Gumtree is the first site for free classifieds ads in the UK for buying and selling items, cars, properties, and find or offer jobs. It's also accessed from South Africa, Australia and Poland.
unassigned_ip_prot_2081918The unassigned_ip_prot_208 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 208) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 208).
unassigned_ip_prot_1521919The unassigned_ip_prot_152 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 152) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 152).
globo1920Brazilian news portal
ambebi1921Georgian news portal
ip_exp_11922The ip_exp_1 protocol (IANA Internet Protocol Number 253 used for experimentation and testing) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 253).
centrum_sk1923Slovakian web portal
cinemageddon1924Bittorrent tracker search engine Deprecated.
alfajertv1925Palestinian news portal
kapook1926Thailandese web portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2301927The unassigned_ip_prot_230 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 230) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 230).
kooora1928Arabic sports news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2161929The unassigned_ip_prot_216 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 216) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 216).
usabit_com1930Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_1641931The unassigned_ip_prot_164 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 164) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 164).
igihe1933Rwandan news website
unassigned_ip_prot_2431934The unassigned_ip_prot_243 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 243) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 243).
_24ora1935Aruban news portal
elnuevodia1936Puerto Rican news portal
abc1937ABC is a Bittorrent client based on BitTornado
unassigned_ip_prot_1851938The unassigned_ip_prot_185 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 185) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 185).
babylon1939Babylon is a leading global provider of language and search solutions
t_online1940T-Online Deutch ISP web portal
kigalitoday1941Rwandese news portal
bootytape1942Bittorrent tracker search engine
lotterypost1943Provides information about winning lottery numbers in the US
unassigned_ip_prot_2451944The unassigned_ip_prot_245 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 245) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 245).
aktuality1945Slovak news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2471946The unassigned_ip_prot_247 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 247) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 247).
unassigned_ip_prot_1451947The unassigned_ip_prot_145 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 145) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 145).
bdnews241948Bangladeshi news portal
banglanews241949Bangladeshi news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_1861950The unassigned_ip_prot_186 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 186) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 186).
balkanweb1951Albanian news portal
unassigned_ip_prot_2001952The unassigned_ip_prot_200 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 200) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 200).
unassigned_ip_prot_1911953The unassigned_ip_prot_191 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 191) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 191).
startimes1954Arabic forum hosting site
_24ur1955Slovenian news portal
swepiracy1956Bittorrent tracker search engine
mercadolibre1957MercadoLibre is a technology company that provides e-commerce solutions. Their website is accessed from Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica and Brazil.
unassigned_ip_prot_1901958The unassigned_ip_prot_190 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 190) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 190).
unassigned_ip_prot_2131959The unassigned_ip_prot_213 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 213) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 213).
btjunkie1960Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_2321962The unassigned_ip_prot_232 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 232) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 232).
extremebits1963Bittorrent tracker search engine
dreamora1964Bittorrent tracker search engine
unassigned_ip_prot_1771965The unassigned_ip_prot_177 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 177) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 177).
unassigned_ip_prot_1541966The unassigned_ip_prot_154 protocol (IANA Unassigned Internet Protocol Number 154) is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 154).
crazysaloon1967Bittorrent tracker search engine Deprecated.
espncricinfo1968International cricket news, live scores, photos, columns and player profiles.
ndmp1969NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) is an open protocol for enterprise-wide network based backup over TCP.
super1970Prague based agency represents models from Czech and Slovak Republic.
saitebi1971Georgian internet catalog.
radio11972French Polinesian radio broadcast website.
mihanblog1973Persian blogging platform
varzesh31974Persian online sports new portal.
bits1975Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfers files (downloads or uploads) between a client and server and provides progress information related to the transfers.
ypbind1976The ypbind utility is the process that maintains NIS binding information. At startup, it searches for an NIS server responsible for serving the system's default domain (as set by the domainname(1) command) using net-work broadcasts
marktplaats1977Dutch advertising site where you can sell, new and second-hand goods.
vbox71978Bulgarian video streaming website.
njuskalo1979Croatian online classified ads
pik1980Bosnian online trading website.
shobiddak1981Palestinian online classified ads.
sulit1982Filipino online classified ads.
qatarliving1983Qatari online classified ads.
tunisia_sat1984Tunisian forum hosting platform.
skelbiu1985Lithuanian online classified ads and trading website.
s_oman1986Omani forum hosting website.
namba1987Kyrgyzstani forum and social networking site.
moov1988Malagasy internet web portal
nairaland1989Nigerian forum hosting site
sccm1990System Center Configuration Manager, is a systems management software product by Microsoft for managing large groups of computers running Windows, Mac OS X, Linux or UNIX, as well as various mobile operating systems. [ sccm is also known as mssms.]
somud1991SoMud is a BitTorrent client. This signature classifies BitTorrent tracker streams over http specific to the SoMud client. Data streams will be classified as bittorrent only.
walla1992Israelian internet portal.
plius1993Lithuanian online classified ads.
sahibinden1994Turkish online classified ads and e-commerce platform.
trademe1995New Zealander online trading site.
peyvandha1996Persian internet portal.
zoznam1997Slovakian internet portal.
ss1998Latvian online classified ads.
tut1999Belarusian internet portal.
tvking2000TvKing is an application which is able to get video stream lists from its own web site and from other ones. Classifies HTTP and SSL web browsing only.
ouedkniss2001Algerian internet portal
ricardo2002Swiss online trading website.
willhaben2003Austrian online classified ads.
worksite2004WorkSite is a Document Management System (DMS) application. It is primarily used by law firms and corporate legal departments.
maltapark2005Maltapark is the most popular trading website in Malta.
petitesannonces2006French Polinesian online classified ads
motika2007Macedonian video posting website.
quantum_dxi_ost2008Classifies the Symantec NetBackup streams that use the Quantum DXi replication solution. This implements the OpenStorage API (OST).
mudah2009Malaisian free classified ads.
mana2010French Polynesian internet service provider website
imessage_file_download2011Apple Web Service used to retrieve video messages sent between two iOS devices via the iMessage application. This signature only classifies video download from the message receiver device. The video upload from the sender will be classified as apns (Apple Push Notification)
persianblog2012Persian blogging platform
seznam2013Czech internet web protal.
iscsi2014Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI), as described in RFC3720.
xl_nonton2015XL Nonton offers access streaming contents via PC and Smartphone.
bankmellat2016Iranian Banking website
bbm2017BBM is the messenger/voip/Video protocol for blackberry. This plug-in classifies the audio and video data flows of BlackBerry Messenger.
lrytas2018Lithuanian news portal
bild2019German news portal
dakaractu2020Senegalese news portal
saharamedias2021Mauritanian news portal
sameerbook2022Jordanian news portal
rimnow2023Mauritanian news portal
gigasize_com2024Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
origo2025Hungarian news portal
yourfiles_biz2026Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
zamunda2027Bulgarian Torrent tracker
clarin2028Argentinian news portal
filepost_ru2029Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
rapidupload_com2030Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service. Deprecated.
rt2031Worldwide Russian news channel in Russian, Arabic, Spanish and English.
flipkart2032Indian ecommerce website
yle2033Finnish news portal
freeproxies2034Proxy hosting service (redirector and anonymizer) that uses the CGI Proxy script. Main features are SSL support and video streaming proxying. It hosts several proxy websites, like
ruv2035Icelandic news portal
dr2036Danish news and content portal
filer_net2037Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
maybank2u2038Malay banking website
uploadingit_com2039Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service. Deprecated.
stuff2040New zealander news portal
alwakeelnews2041Jordanian news portal
ifolder_ru2042Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
hotspot_shield2043The Hotspot Shield application secures internet connections made from public access points using a VPN network.
maannews2044Palestinian news portal
newsit2045Hellenist news portal
pantip2046Thai information and entertainment portal
tawary2047Mauritanian news portal
reklama52048Macedonian classifed ads
pressan2049Icelandic news portal
peerguardian2050PeerGuardian is capable of blocking incoming and outgoing connections based on IP blacklists. This plug-in classifies the firewall attempts to update its blacklist from PeerGuardian servers.
ultrashare_net2051Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
cyberctm2052Chinese news portal
maltatoday2053Maltese news portal
odsiebie_najlepsze_net2054Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
merrjep2055Kosovan classified ads
ethiojobs2056Ethiopian job ads.
xl_webportal2057Indonesian mobile telecommunications services operator web portal.
news242058South African news portal
asproxy2059ASProxy is a free and open-source web proxy which allows the user to surf the net anonymously. This plug-in classifies the usage of this proxy for web browsing, as a fallback to other recognized applications/protocols.
leteckaposta_cz2060Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
gossiplankanews2061SriLankan news portal
zaluu2062Mongolian news portal
hs2063Finnish news portal
_20min206420 minutes is a free, daily newspaper available in France, Spain and Switzerland. This plugin classifies websites.
caak2065Mongolian news portal
nation2066Kenyan news portal
sme2067Slovak news portal
monitor2068Ugandan news portal
gerasanews2069Jordanian news portal
souq2070Saudi Arabian ecommerce website
bbm_audio2071bbm_audio is the voip layer of the BlackBerry's messenger. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over stun/bbm.
filelist2072Romanian torrent indexing website
frostwire2073FrostWire is a BitTorrent client. This signature classifies flows to the official software website.
elnashra2074Lebanese news portal
avaz2075Croatian news portal
novinky2076Czech news portal
aliexpress2077Chinese ecommerce website
vanguardngr2078Nigerian news portal
lanacion2079Argentinian news portal
vg2080Norwegian news portal
pazar32081Macedonian classifed ads.
ask_fm2082International Social network
filesend_net2083Classified web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
trend2084Azerbaijani news portal
kajgana2085Macedonian news portal
net2086Croatian news portal
sana2087Syrian news portal
data_hu2088Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
eldeber2089Bolivian news portal.
simpleupload_net2090Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service. Deprecated
nationnews2091Barbadian news portal
ynet2092Israeli news portal
sabay2093Cambodian news and information portal
emol2094Chilean news portal
abola2095Portugese sports news portal
nagariknews2096Nepali news portal
standardmedia2097Kenyan news portal
nacion2098Costa Rican news portal
mistreci2099Albanian movie streaming website
elmundo2100Spanish news portal.
rtvslo2101Slovenian news portal
atlasinfo2102Mauritanian news portal
mbl2103Icelandic news portal
apa2104Azerbaijani news portal
doisongphapluat2105Vietnamese news portal
onet2106Polish news portal
shekulli2107Albanian news portal
uploaded_net2108Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
diretube2109Ethiopian media website
bestsharing_com2110Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service. Deprecated.
jutarnji2111Croatian news portal
onlinekhabar2112Nepali news portal
blackberry_locate2113This protocol refers to all Blackberry mobile device communications about localization over wifi.
day2114Azerbaijani news portal
nrk2115Norwegian news portal
edgecast2116Edgecast is a file streaming solution provider for audio/video content web services.
path2117It is a free social instant messenger for private messaging and sharing photos, videos, music, etc.
tasweernews2118Jordanian news portal
essirage2119Mauritanian news portal
vijesti2120Serbian news portal.
investigator2121Ugandan news portal. Deprecated
klix2122Bosnian news portal.
orf2123Austrian news portal
nu2124Dutch news portal
sabq2125Saudi Arabian news portal
siol2126Slovenian news portal
load_to2127Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
vnexpress2128Vietnamese news portal
derstandard2129Austrian news portal
upload_com2130Classifies web browsing on the CNET Direct DownLoad links service.
gob2131Bolivian government portal
skroutz2132Greek price comparator
partis2133Slovenian news portal
wp2134Polish news portal
zing2135Vietnamese classified ads.
cas2136Slovak news portal
cdm2137Montenegrin news portal
bikhir2138Moroccan classified ads
hamachi2139Hamachi is a VPN service provided by LogMeIn. This signature classifies traffic to the LogMeIn servers used by Hamachi. The P2P VPN streams between users are using IPSEC, and won't be classified as hamachi, but ipsec instead.
timesofmalta2140Maltese news portal
transferbigfiles_com2141Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
press242142Macedonian news portal
uol2143Brazalian news portal
filesharepro2144File transfer application, allowing file sharing on a LAN network, or on the Internet.
opengw2145OpenGW (aka VPN Gate) is a Public VPN Relay Servers service, used in several VPN solutions (example: PacketiX. This service uses the SoftEther VPN technology.
apollo_lv2146Latvian news portal
savefile_com2147Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service. Deprecated.
postimees2148Estonian news portal
coccoc2149Vietnamese search engine
lexpress2150Mauritian news portal
_999_md2151Moldavian classified ads
filefactory_com2152Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
onliner2153Belarussian ecommerce website
milliyet2154Turkish news portal
forum2155Georgian general-purpose forum launched in 2001, also known as Tbilisis Forumi.
sharebee_com2156Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service.
dealfish2157Thai classified ads
mp3_rocket2158MP3 Rocket is a music file downloader application. It uses the Youtube (aka Google Video) service to search and download video clips, and then transforms them into MP3 files on the host machine using a MP3 converter. This plug-in only classifies secondary flows of the application, like client updates. Video clip downloads are classified as youtube.
prodavalnik2159Bulgarian classified ads
repubblica2160Italian news portal
elheraldo2161Honduran news portral
tvnet2162Latvian news and content portal
softros_messenger2163Softros Messenger is a LAN messaging and file transfer application.
elcomercio2164Peruvian news portal.
bidorbuy2165South African auction and shopping website
paraguay2166Paraguayan news portal
topky2167Slovak news portal
torg2168Uzbek classified ads
allmusic2169Allmusic is an online music guide, launched in 1991 as AMG (pre-dating the world wide web). This plug-in classifies navigation on the AllMusic web service, and MP3 music playback. Video clip streaming is handled by youtube.
mako2170Israeli news portal
ethiotube2171Ethiopian video hosting website
gbridge2172Gbridge is a free software that lets you remotely control PCs, sync folders, share files, and chat securely.
philenews2173Cypriot news portal
alakhbar2174Mauritanian news portal
news_mn2175Mongolian news portal
nzherald2176New zealander news portal
puls242177Macedonian news portal
blick2178Swiss news portal
bbm_video2179BBM_video is the video layer of the BlackBerry's messenger. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over stun.
elsalvador2180EL Salvadorian news portal
megashares_com2181Classifies web browsing on the Direct DownLoad links service. Deprecated.
visir2182Icelandic news portal
conviva2183Conviva is a video streaming optimization and analytics solution provider for audio/video content web services.
seneweb2184Senegalese news portal
hln2185Belgian news portal
globalpublishers2186Tanzanian news portal
ultimahora2187Honduran news portal
octoshape2188Octoshape is a video streaming solution provider for web streaming platforms which uses P2P technology.
kwejk2189Polish multimedia website
mercador2190Romanian classified ads portal
retroshare2191Retroshare is a communication and file-sharing Open Source platform which is secured and decentralized.
haber72192Turkish tv streaming website
scheduled_tp2193STP is a connection-oriented data transfer protocol. It is found over the IP layer (IANA protocol number: 118).
moe_gov2194Omanian Ministry of Education portal
top_channel2195Albanina tv streaming website
bittorrent_application2196BitTorrent Apps web ressources access from the BitTorrent application.
livemail_attach2197Detection of the Windows Live Mail file-attachment uploads.
sahafah2198Yemeni news portal
newvision2199Ugandan news portal
educarriere2200Ivory Coast Job portal
eltiempo2201Colombian news portal
yemen_net2202Yemeni service provider portal
mihanwebads2203Iranian Internet AD company website. Deprecated.
arabiaweather2204Jordanian meteorological portal
my_talking_tom2205My Talking Tom is a mobile game.
the_simpsons_tapped_out2206Mobile game (EA Games).
aib2207Irish banking website
noticias242208Venezuelian news portal
deer_hunter_20142209Mobile game.
khmer_news2210Cambodian news portal. Deprecated.
fruit_ninja2211Mobile game.
clumsy_ninja2212Mobile game.
google_accounts2213Detects SSL access to the Google Accounts server.
gazetaexpress2214Albanian news portal
jamaicaobserver2215Jamaican news portal
xl2216Portugese multisites and portal
mosaiquefm2217Tunisian radio streaming website
mikogo2218Mikogo is a free desktop sharing and web conferencing service.
over_blog2219French and American blog administration website
fnb2220South African banking website
sarayanews2221Jordanian news portal
oneworld_org2222OneWorld is a NGO with a mission to provide internet and mobile phone applications to third-world countries inhabitants
mover2223Uzbek vide streaming website
perfect_dark2224Perfect Dark is a peer-to-peer file-sharing (P2P) protocol from Japan.
gazzetta2225Greek news portal
elhourriya2226Mauritanian news portal
lapatilla2227Venezuelian news portal
palweather2228Palestinian meteorological portal
armorgames_play2229Classifies requests to play games on
telegrafi2230Albanian news and media portal
eluniverso2231Ecuadorian news portal
kohsantepheapdaily2232Cambodian news portal
a_dakar2233Senegalese news portal
news_au2234Australian news portal
air_video2235Air Video is a streaming video player for iOS, developed by InMethod in 2010.
myjoyonline2236Ghanaian news portal
sigmalive2237Cypriot news portal
femina2238Women news, trends and gears specialised websites.
free2239French ISP and mobile operator website.
foxbusiness2240Fox Business Network (FBN) is an American cable and satellite business news television channel that is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group division of 21st Century Fox. The network discusses business and financial news.
vecernji2241Crotaian news portal
free_music_download2242Download, play, sort, organize media files.
tayyar2243Lebaneese news portal
yapo2244Chilian classified ads website
ecuavisa2245Ecuadorian TV channel website
xendan2246Iranian news portal
amazon_adsystem2247This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic related to Amazon advertising services.
gameloft2248Games for mobile devices by Gameloft.
stick_cricket2249Mobile game
lapagina2250El salvadorian news portal
aastocks2251Chinese financial services and stock market website
crhoy2252Coasta rican news portal
aparat2253Iranian multimedia website
mozzi2254International Mobile services provider
champion_football2255Mobile game.
digikala2256Iranian electronics and tech review website
infinity_blade_ii2257Mobile game.
gt_racing_22258Mobile game, edited by Gameloft. Most of the traffic should be classified as gameloft.
naver_mobile2259Mobile application for Naver (Korean Search Engine).
aol2260This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic related to the AOL portal or to the AOL advertising services.
akinator2261Akinator is an online game and mobile app based on Twenty Questions, released in 2007.
tapatalk2262Mobile app which allows to browse forums.
puzzle_and_dragon2263Japanese Mobile game.
snapchat2264Snapchat is a photo/video sharing service. This plugin also classifies Snap Kit web interface.
cameroon_info2265Cameroonian news portal
bitlord2266BitLord is a free BitTorrent client. This plugin classifies the traffic to the software company website. The generated traffic by this software is classified as bittorrent.
prensalibre2267Guatemalan news portal.
almasryalyoum2268Egyptian news portal.
tonaton2269Ghanean classified ads website.
yadro2270Yadro is an advertising company that is part of a network of sites and other technologies.
rovio2271Rovio is a mobile game editor. This plug-in handles Rovio games content delivery traffic and Rovio website access.
nokia2272Nokia is a leader in the fields of network infrastructure, location-based technologies and advanced technologies.
empire_four_kingdoms2273Mobile game
prensa2274Panamanian news portal.
fsecure2275F-Secure Corporation is a Finnish computer security company
angry_birds2276Angry Birds is a mobile game edited by Rovio (a Finnish company), initially released in December 2009 for iOS.
waze2277Waze is a community based mapping, traffic & navigation app.
farmville2278FarmVille is a farming simulation social network game developed by Zynga.
expatriates2279International Classified Ads website for expatriates.
albawabhnews2280Egyptian news portal.
aol_on2281AOL On is a video streaming web site.
oracle2282Oracle Corporation is multinational computer technology corporation. The company specializes in developing and marketing computer hardware systems and enterprise software products, particularly its own brands of database management systems.
scorecardresearch2283Scorecard Research provides a web data collection service.
turn2284Turn provides audience, campaign and analytics services.
bitstrips2285BitStrips allows to design cartoon versions of yourself and your friends.
huffington_post2286The Huffington Post is an American online news aggregator and blog.
candy_crush_saga2287Candy Crush Saga is a mobile puzzle game edited by King Entertainment
burt2288Burt is a web analytics platform.
kakaostory2289KakaoStory is a photo sharing social networking service for KakaoTalk users
symantec2290Symantec Corporation makes security, storage, backup and availability software. This plug-in only classifies generic web transactions from Norton and other Symantec products.
utorrent2291uTorrent is a closed source BitTorrent client. This plugin classifies the traffic to the software company. The generated traffic by this software is classified as bittorrent.
independent2292Irish news portal.
skee_ball_arcade2293Mobile game
discuss2294Hong Kongese forum about media and lifestyle.
quantcast2295Quantcast provides audience and advertisement services for web sites.
quizup2296Mobile game
dba2297Danish classified ads website.
plants_vs_zombies2298Plants vs Zombie is a mobile game.
ammonnews2299Jordanian news portal.
onelife2300OneLife is a service of travelling photo sharing. Users can sort their Instagram photos by countries and follow other travelers.
wattan2301Palestinian multimedia news website.
essahraa2302Mauritanian news portal.
tower_of_saviors2303Mobile game
king2304King is a mobile game editor. This plug-in handles King games content delivery traffic and website access.
trinidadexpress2305Trinidadian news portal.
webtretho2306Vietnamese women lifestyle website.
pou2307Mobile game
subway_surfers2308Mobile game
addthis2309AddThis is a social bookmarking service that can be integrated into a website with the use of a web widget, founded in 2004 and acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2016.
amjilt2310Mongolian news portal.
doodle_jump2311Mobile game developped by Lima Sky LLC. It will be classified only in http
telegram2312Telegram is an instant messaging protocol like Whatsapp.
viewpath2313Viewpath is an online project management and collaboration tool.
deskaway2314DeskAway is a web-based team and project management software that makes it easy to organize, manage and track projects from a central location.
openstreetmap2315OpenStreetMap is an open geographical database.
_6play2316French mobile application providing live and replay television programs of the M6 media group.
zombie_tsunami2317Mobile game.
google_safebrowsing2318Google Safe Browsing is a web-service and API for checking web pages against threats. This signature detects a Google Safebrowse Submission.
roboform2319Roboform is a password management and web form filling program.
videoplaza2320Videoplaza provides tools to broadcasters, publishers and networks to maximise their advert revenues from their video content.
truste2321TRUSTe is the leading online privacy management services provider offering a broad suite of consumer, advertising, mobile, cloud and data privacy solutions. TRUSTe becomes TrustArc.
criteo2322Criteo is a personalized retargeting company.
wsop2323Mobile game.
zendesk2324Zendesk is a cloud-based customer service platform, that includes ticketing, self-service options, and customer support features.
magicjack2325MagicJack is a VoIP service for home and business use, available as a mobile application and also with a proprietary device (magicJack PLUS).
adobe2326Adobe Systems is a computer software company. It develops graphic designer software and Andio and Video editing and visual effects. This plug-in classifies traffic to the website.
carbonite2327Carbonite is a service that manages online backups.
_5pmweb23285pmweb is a web-based project and task management software for teams.
yodiz2329Yodiz is online Agile Project Management tool, consisting of Product Backlog Management, Kanban Scrum Board, Issue Tracking Software, Team Discussions and issues.
inneractive2330Inneractive is a monetizer for cross-platform mobile applications.
sabameeting2331Saba Meeting is a web conferencing and desktop sharing service.
qoo102332Singaporean online fashion and trend shopping market.
digitalriver2333Digital River is a public company that provides internet commerce services.
tigerair2334Singaporian online travel agency.
naver_blog2335Naver Blog is a South Korean blog hosting website.
egloos2336Egloos is a South Korean blog hosting website.
teltel2337VOIP software which allows calling other teltel users.
flurry2338Flurry provides services to optimize customer's mobile experience through apps and personalized ads.
sgcarmart2339Singaporean online car market.
samsung2340Samsung is a South Korean multinational company.
goplan2341Goplan is an online project management and collaboration tool for individuals and teams.
golden_village2342Singaporian online cinema ticket booking.
jobsdb2343Job seeking website.
wrike2344Wrike is web based project management software that gives you full visibility and control over your projects.
zuji2345Singaporean online travel agency. Agent is a cross-platform mobile messaging application supporting text, audio and video. It is featured by
toggle2347Singaporian video streaming website.
nate_mail2348Nate Mail is a South Korea webmail.
hungrygowhere2349Singaporean fooding website.
crittercism2350Crittercism is a mobile application for performance management.
dhcp62351The DHCPv6 protocol is used to automatically configure the network parameters of a station in an IPv6 network. Support for extracting metadata is limited to the DHCPv6 header and top level DHCPv6 options.
talabat2352Largest online food delivery platform in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Quatar.
facebook_messenger2353Facebook Messenger is a text and voice messaging application for mobile devices, and also a web application for desktop or mobile web browsers. Facebook Messenger provides both text chat and audio/video communication. On mobile devices, this plug-in classifies Audio flows, Video flows, as well as Text Chat-related flows. On the web application, when running Internet Explorer, this plug-in only classifies the browsing and chat flows. On all platforms, photos and file transfers are classified as facebook. This plugin also classifies the Lasso application.
tiempo2354Honduran news portal.
lankadeepa2355Srilankan news portal.
asana2356Asana is a web and mobile application designed to improve the way teams communicate and collaborate.
destiny2357Destiny is a first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Activision.
kstna2358Jordanian job offer website.
jumia2359Popular online shopping website in Kenya and Ivory Coast.
r102360Turkish forum on multiple subjects.
ovaciondigital2361Uruguayan sports and multimedia website.
think2362Macedonian news portal.
turner2363Turner is a video streaming solution provider for audio/video content web services.
linio2364Latino American ecommerce portal.
visadd2365VisAdd provides advertisement services (refers to a malware).
smartalk2366SMARTalk is a Japanese VoIP application for Smartphones which allows you to save money when making calls. You can reduce call charges to mobiles and fixed phone lines by using a 050 phone number.
weather4all2367Macedonian weather forecast website.
web2368Famous german web portal. Includes several services such as web search, ecommerce, webmail and news.
zalo2369Zalo is a vietnamese mobile IM application created by VNG Corporation with audio/image file send feature. The HTTP/HTTPS traffic generated by this application may either be classified as Zalo or Zing. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
_99acres237099Acres is a popular Real Estate portal in India.
onclickads2371Web traffic to Ads Media servers for targeted advertising purposes.
feiliao2372feiliao is a Chinese instant messaging application. This plug-in classifies file transfers and chats.
auto242373Estonian classified ads website specialised in motor vehicles and spare parts.
java_rmi2374Classifies the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol.
indeksonline2375Albanian news portal. is a live video streaming service focused on video games.
aljarida2377Kuwaiti news portal.
exacqvision2378Exacqvision is a software used for video surveillance.
amazon_cloud_drive2379Amazon Cloud Drive is a cloud application which allows photos and videos storage.
zumodrive2380ZumoDrive is a cloud-based file synchronization and storage service.
minecraft_pocket2381Minecraft Pocket is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. This protocol plug-in is deprecated
mixpanel2382Mixpanel provides advertising services for mobile platforms.
neti2383Estonian web search portal.
vuiviet2384Vietnamese online entertaiment portal.
clip2385Vietnamese multimedia streaming website.
kupujemprodajem2386Serbian classified ads website.
nextmedia2387Media and lifestyle website for Hong Kong and Taiwan.
vetogate2388Egyptian news portal.
royanews2389Jordanian news portal.
rudaw2390Kurd news portal.
find_my_iphone2391Application developped by Apple to find a lost iOS device.
lun2392Chilian news and entertainment portal.
clickyab2393Iranian web advertising services portal.
sip_soap2394SIP-SOAP is an extension to the standard SIP protocol allowing for SOAP messages to be passed over a SIP connection.
life2395Taiwanese media and lifestyle website.
onlive2396Onlive is a platform of cloud gaming.
cedexis2397Cedexis provides analytics solutions for CDN and Clouds services.
mocean2398MOcean is a advertising agency.
elblog2399El Salvadorian news portal.
beetalk2400beetalk is an instant messaging software for mobile.
tanx2401Taobao Ad Network and Exchange provides advertising services.
_8021ad2402802.1AD is a protocol which allows sending VLAN membership information of a frame.
freenet2403Freenet is an application that intends to provide online anonymity. SPID over UDP shall be activated to classify reliably this protocol.
ringring2404Vietnamese news portal.
alaraby2405Quatari news portal.
tune2406Pakistani multimedia and lifestyle website.
cubadebate2407Cuban news portal.
beatport2408On-line music shop website. This plug-in classifies both search and music download workflows.
tothemaonline2409Cypriote news portal.
almashhad2410Yemenite news portal.
tahiti_infos2411Tahitian news portal.
vine2412Vine is a short-form video sharing service.
clicanoo2413Reunion island news portal.
ammyy_admin2414Ammyy Admin is a remote desktop application.
ppomppu2415Southern Korean forum on hightech, food, society and lifestyle.
aceproject2416AceProject is a free collaboration-oriented project management software with features such as Gantt charts, time tracking and expense tracking.
soy5022417Guatemalan news portal.
bazos2418Classified ads website in czech republic.
setopati2419Nepali news portal.
vmware_horizon_view2420Vmware Horizon View is a commercial desktop-virtualization product developed by VMware. This plugin classifies the proprietary PCoIP (PC-over-IP) protocol streams, between virtual machines and Mac/Windows clients. [ vmware_horizon_view is also known as pcoip.]
crashlytics2421Crashlytics is a mobile company building crash reporting for iOS and Android.
filerio2422FileRIO is a file sharing service.
hootsuite2423Hootsuite is a social media management system.
icrt2424Cuban institute of radio and television website.
smartadserver2425Smart AdServer provides advertising services.
mobilemarket2426Mobile Market is an online Android and iOS software store developed by China Mobile. This plugin classifies traffic from Mobile Market Android application.
freewheel2427FreeWheel provides ad management and monetization, a private marketplace for premium television inventory, and advisory services for video streaming industry.
ccproxy2428CCProxy is a windows based software proxy.
bancopopular2429Puertorican online banking website.
inmobi2430InMobi provides advertising services for mobile platforms.
ts2431Kyrgystani video streaming website.
wada2432Vietnamese web search engine.
emag2433Romanian classified ads website.
aajtak2434AAJTAK is a popular site in India used for streaming videos.
battlenet2435Online multiplayer gaming server.
plentyoffish2436Free online dating site, popular primarily in Canada, the UK, Australia, and the United States. This plug-in classifies both browsing and file upload workflows.
chouftv2437Moroccan tv portal with live broadcasts and VoD.
brightcove2438Brightcove is a provider of cloud services for video.
zougla2439Greek news portal.
crackle2440crackle is an entertainment network and studio that distributes free movies, television shows and original programming.
_4chan24414chan is an image-based bulletin board where people can share and comment on images.
lajmi2442Albanian news portal.
viewster2443Viewster delivers free video.
jamaica_gleaner2444Jamaican news portal.
stickyads2445Stickyads is a video platform for publishers in Europe.
acbar2446Afgan NGO information and activities related website.
tukif2447French porn content website.
vpnoverdns2448Vpnoverdns is a solution which provides tunneling through the standard DNS protocol.
propertyguru2449Singaporean property sale and rental searching website.
boldchat2450BoldChat is an instant messaging platform for businesses (by LogMeIn).
xiaomi2451Xiaomi is a privately owned Chinese electronics company. It designs, develops, and sells smartphones, mobile apps, and consumer electronics.
wccp2452WCCP is a Cisco protocol that specifies interactions between one or more routers and one or more web-caches.
abs_cbnnews2453Filipino news portal.
lider_bet2454Georgian online betting and gaming platform.
iodine2455Iodine is a solution which provides tunneling through the standard DNS protocol. This plugin classifies only raw UDP mode and some DNS Resource Records (NULL, PRIVATE, CNAME, A, MX, SRV and TXT) in bidirectionnal mode.
ukr2456Ukrainian portal for news, media and lifestyle.
apsalar2457Apsalar provides analytics and advertising solutions for mobile application developers.
crystalbet2458Georgian online betting and gaming platform.
xcap2459Xcap (XML Configuration Access Protocol) protocol in VoLTE environnement is used to setup, enable or disable the Supplementary Services available for a user.
animoto2460Animoto automatically produces video pieces from photos, video clips, and music.
aiccu_tic2461AICCU (Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility) is a cross-platform utility for automatic IPv6 tunnels configuration, initially released in 2004 and available under a BSD license.
protothema2462Greek news portal.
gravatar2463Gravatar allows picture-based user identification.
liverail2464This protocol plug-in classifies LiveRail which is an online video advertising platform.
trinituner2465Automotive publications and community website in Trinidad and Tobago.
irods2466iRODS (Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System) is an open source data management software.
koha2467Albanian news portal.
hibapress2468Moroccan news portal.
fetion2469Fetion is a Chinese instant messaging application provided by China Mobile. This plug-in classifies file transfers, chat and audio calls.
tocmai2470Romanian classified ads website.
aqlame2471Mauritanian news portal.
sistic2472Sistic is a singaporean online events tickets booking website.
llp2473LLP is a protocol encapsulating messages. LLP is classified when it carries messages HL7 version 2.
ltt2474Libya Telecom and Technology company website.
bleep2475Bleep is a fully encrypted and distributed instant messaging protocol created by the BitTorrent team. This protocol plug-in supports both text and voice discussions.
expressen2476Swedish news portal.
hardwarezone2477Singaporean website about hitec gears. Includes product guides and classified ads as well.
lava_lava2478Lava Lava is a Chinese language based Instant Messaging application.
videosz2479Porn content website.
primewire2480Video streaming website.
okcupid2481OkCupid is an online dating website. This plug-in both classifies browsing and file upload workflows.
_4tube24824tube is a free pornographic video sharing Web site, similar in concept, but unrelated to YouTube.
distcc2483Distributed C Compiler protocol.
bigeye2484Ugandan entertainment website.
marebpress2485Yemeni news portal.
inquirer2486Philippino news portal.
kurir2487Serbian news portal.
shabiba2488Omanian news portal.
appsflyer2489AppsFlyer provides measurement and tracking services for mobile platform application developers.
trafficfactory2490Traffic Factory provides an advertisement engine. It is generated based on user location and targeted device.
kolektiv2491Montenegrien website on media and lifestyle.
el_balad2492Egyptian news portal.
konga2493Nigerian online shopping website.
hihi22494Website specialised in international soccer.
mapy2495Czech republic localization webiste.
raya2496Palestinian news portal.
gigacircle2497Taiwanese blogging platform.
vxlan2498vxlan is a network virtualization technology that uses vlan-like encapsulation over udp. This protocol is only supported when running on ixE 4.19.1 (at least) flow manager.
mypocket2499My Pocket is a service that enables the user to send his smartphone data into the personal cloud. Data storage and sharing among users form part of the services provided. On the smartphone, there's an application to manage photos, videos, address book, and can be accessed via the WEB browser from a computer over the internet.
vtun2500Software that creates virtual tunnels over TCP/IP networks.
milanuncios2501Spanish classified ads website.
mubi2502Mubi is a video streaming platform for mobile devices and PC.
amoebaos2503AmoebaOS is an online operating system, providing a cloud-based desktop.
alyaoum242504Moroccan news portal.
timesofoman2505Omanian news portal.
_139mail2506139mail is a chinese webmail powered by China Mobile.
nielsen2507Nielsen is a global information and measurement company that enables companies to understand consumers and consumer behavior.
vecer2508Macedonian and Balkan news portal.
elwatannews2509Egyptian news portal.
afreeca2510Afreeca TV (Any FREE broadCAsting TV) is a P2P-based video streaming service based in South Korea, launched in 2005.
eksisozluk2511Turkish forum on various topics. Includes occasional video streaming.
hirufm2512Sri lankan radio website
gettyimages2513Getty Images distributes still imagery, video, music and multimedia products, as well as other forms of premium digital content
offnews2514Bulgarian news portal
bomb012515Website about hong kongese youth interest and lifestyle related content
alkawnnews2516Jordanian news portal
lazada2517Online shopping mall popular in Southeast Asia.
laprensagrafica2518El salvadorian news portal
myauto2519Georgian classified ads website specialized in motor vehicles
gcs2520Online file storage web service for applications by Google. This plug-in classifies Client-to-Google servers web communications only.
yemennow2521Yemeni news portal
inwi2522Moroccan mobile operator website
biobiochile2523Chilian news portal
anspress2524Azerbadjani news portal
adaderana2525Sri lankan news portal
_6alabat2526Kuwaitian online restaurant ordering website
bjnp2527BJNP refers to a printer protocol used by printers made by Canon.
gcm2528Data exchange service between 3rd party server applications and Android client applications. This plug-in only classifies the messages exchanged between the CCS 3rd party server and the GCM cloud servers, and also the messages exchanged between the GCM cloud servers and the client Android device.
point2529Moldovian news portal
twoo2530Twoo is a social networking website, enabling users to connect to relatives, friends, or unknown people.
punyumunyu2531Japanese adult movie website.
quic2532QUIC is an open networking protocol developed primarily at Google for transporting web content.
sarahanews2533Jordanian news portal.
theladbible2534Entertainment website with thousands of unique photo galleries and videos.
lotame2535Lotame is a web data analytics platform (aka Data Management Platform).
aftenposten2536Norvegian news portal.
urdupoint2537Pakistani news portal.
safewebonline2538Free internet monitoring and analytics application.
sizmek2539Sizmek (MediaMind, Eyeblaster) is an advertising management company.
realestate2540Australian site for property solutions.
adtech2541Integrated ad serving solutions enabling web publishers, ad networks, agencies and advertisers to manage, serve and report on their online advertising campaigns. Adtech is a division of AOL platforms.
clien2542Southern Korean website for exchanges and posts about several topics.
smh2543News streaming site in Australia which features latest local and International news, business, sport, entertainment etc.
rubiconproject2544Rubicon Project is an online advertising firm.
pubmatic2545PubMatic is an advertising company.
safaricom2546Kenyan mobile and internet service provider website.
quickflix2547Australian website with movies and TV shows video streaming.
foxsports_au2548Australian sports live video streaming of Footy, Rugby, Soccer, Cricket, Motorsport, Tennis and much more.
nrl2549NRL is the National Australian Rugby League website and provides articles and video streaming.
catchoftheday2550Online shopping site in Australia.
apple_location2551Apple Location is used to provide informations about the location of an Apple device.
trafficjunky2552TrafficJunky is an online advertising service.
elfagr2553Egyptian news portal.
sportal2554Bulgarian sports related website.
foxtel2555Foxtel is a Video streaming website, proposing live stream or VOD.
i2p2556I2P (Invisible Internet Project) is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network. It is intended to protect communication from dragnet surveillance and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs. Classification of UDP flows requires activating SPID detection for UDP (see spid protocol).
myoptus2557Optus (Australian Mobile Operator) application is used to manage mobile accounts on the go. The app is used for checking data usage, viewing and paying bills, recharge and for chats with customer care.
aol_one2558AOL One is a programmatic video advertising solutions company owned by AOL.
big5_sporting_goods2559Online sport goods store.
indexexchange2560Index Exchange (Casale Media) is a Canadian online advertising technology provider.
oxu2561Azerbaijani news portal.
public2562Website providing communications from the Government of Luxemburg.
junkmail2563South African classified ads website.
appnexus2564AppNexus is an internet advertising technology and solution.
google_calendar2566Google Calendar is a Google free online calendar.
abc_au2567News streaming website of Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
carsales2568Australian online portal to search for new and used cars for sale.
opera_mobile_store2569Opera Mobile Store provides over 300,000 apps and games for more than 7,500 different mobile phone models across Android, Java, Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone and iOS platforms. In agreement with Nokia, Opera Mobile Store is also replacing the former Nokia store for legacy Nokia devices.
bigpond_movies2570Australian video streaming platform owned by Telstra Media, that streams live and on-demand services like BigPond Movies, AFL, or NRL.
openx2571OpenX is an advertising company.
cpmstar2572Advertising platform for videogames.
sbs_au2573SBS is a media platform streaming in Australia.
lent2574Azerbaijani news portal.
socialcam2575Socialcam was an application to capture and share videos on mobile handsets, which was shut down on October 2015. Deprecated.
fetchtv2576Personal Video recorder and Pay TV service delivered over broadband connection to the TV via a Fetch TV box.
afl2577Australian Footy League website
curse2578Curse is an on-line game portal and a game add-on and modifications management application.
domain2579One of Australia's leading site for residential/commercial/rural property solutions. Also contains info for buyers, investors, sellers, renteres and agents Australia wide.
rlcdn2580Rlcdn appends social network data to customer database to help discovering where customers are across the social web.
flipboard2581Flipboard is a social-network aggregation web service for browsers and mobile devices.
onedio2582Turkish news portal.
jofogas2583Hungarian classified ads website.
daily_strength2584American social network that relies on support groups.
sourceforge2585Sourceforge is a famous web based code repository for open source software developement.
pastebin_posting2586Pastebin_posting is used to classify posting workflow of the website
yr2587Norwegian meteorological website.
granma2588The official website for the PCC (Partido Comunista de Cuba).
akipress2589Kyrgyzstani news portal.
ant1iwo2590Cypriot news portal.
alsjl2591Yemenite news portal.
gmw2592Chinese news portal.
constantcontact2593Constant Contact is an online marketing company serving small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and membership associations. The company offers email marketing, social media marketing, online survey, and event marketing tools.
tv32594Lithuanian news portal.
elmogaz2595Egyptian news portal.
public_lu2596Website providing communications from the Government of Luxemburg.
fanpage2597Greek website that deals with topics based around society and lifestyle.
skynewsarabia2598International news portal focused on the middle east region.
bongacams2599Adult video content website.
svcctl2600This protocol is used to control remotely Windows services. Also known as MS-SCMR (Service Control Manager Remote Protocol). For further information, see
http22601HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web. Note: layers classified above http2 (in cleartext mode) may not provide metadata extraction capabilities.
thevideos2602Free file upload service. is a massive premium, cross-screen network with several million global unique visitors, programmatic buying, a proprietary DSP, and network-exclusive access to AOL inventory. is a division of AOL platforms.
github2604Famous web-based code repository for open source software developement.
thithtoolwin2605Myanmar news portal.
xbox_music2606Xbox Music is an online service for music.
kakaocdn2607Kakaocdn is content delivery network used by KakaoTalk and KakaoStory
putlocker2608Site for watching free online movies. is a web page that provides an internet search engine as well as other services.
muhitelyemen2610Yemenite news portal. Deprecated.
atlassian2611Atlassian is an Australian enterprise software company founded in 2002 that develops products geared towards software developers and project managers, known for its issue-tracking application named Jira.
google_tags2612Google Tag Manager is a tag manager for website and mobile applications.
bitbucket2613Bitbucket is a free code DVCS hosting site for Git and Mercurial. is a partnership between social networking services company Facebook and six companies (Samsung, Ericsson, MediaTek, Opera Software, Nokia and Qualcomm) that plans to bring affordable access to selected Internet services to less developed countries by increasing efficiency, and facilitating the development of new business models around the provision of Internet access. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
suresome2615Suresome allows to increase browsing capabilities with a SSL proxy.
cpasbien2616Famous french torrent website.
tor2web2617Tor2web is a project intended to give Internet users access to Tor Onion Services without the need to use Tor Browser.
salamnews2618Azebaijani news portal.
web_de2619Famous german web portal. Includes several services such as web search, ecommerce, webmail and news.
pastebin2620A pastebin is a type of web application where anyone can store plain text. They are most commonly used to share short source code snippets for code review via Internet Relay Chat.
sabah2621Turkish news portal.
etajakhabar2622Nepali news portal.
dealdey2623Online shopping site in Nigeria.
pulse_com_gh2624Ghanean news portal.
google_play_music2625Google Play Music is a music streaming service and online music locker operated by Google.
atlassolutions2626Atlas Solutions is a subsidiary of Facebook which provides services in online advertising.
mymarket2627Georgian classified ads website.
xinnet2628Xinnet provides web-hosting, and mailbox services in China.
ekskluziva2629Bosnian showbiz related news website.
shasha2630Palestinian news portal.
elnuevoherald2631Cuban news portal.
nefsis2632Video conference website ( )
vz_lt2633Lithuanian business related news portal.
googlebot2634Web crawler (spider) used by the Google Search engine. This plug-in will classify the bot HTTP requests, but the ixEngine won't detect web services that are crawled by the bot.
anipang2635Anipang for Kakao is a South Korean mobile puzzle game launched in 2012 based on the Kakao Talk social networking system. Note: In Basic-DPI, Partial classification over http.
banesc_online2636Venezualian online banking website.
net_proxy2637Net::Proxy is a framework for creating various kinds of network proxies in a very simple way. This plugin only classifies flows created with the connect-tunnel script of the Net::Proxy project.
simperium2638Simperium is a service for developers to move data everywhere it's needed, instantly and automatically.
kpasswd2639kpasswd is the protocol used to change a Kerberos password. Partial classification over TCP
sanjesh2640Website of the iranian national education measurement and evaluation organisation.
contentabc2641Content Delivery Network used by youporn, redtube and tube8 web sites.
nrttv2642NRT TV is a Kurdish News and current affairs TV channel owned by the Nalia company and is based in Sulaymaniyah, the Capital of Sulaymaniyah.
splunk2643Splunk is an American multinational corporation based in San Francisco, California, that produces software for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, via a web-style interface.
xbox_video2644Microsoft Movies and Tv is an online service to watch movies, tv show and series.
scotiabank2645Bahamian banking website.
alwafd2646Egyptian news portal.
baidu_wallet2647Baidu Wallet is an application of money management.
epom2648Epom is an ad platform for advertisers, publishers, ad networks, and ad agencies
hir242649Hungarian news portal.
list_am2650Armenian classified ads website.
helpshift2651Helpshift is a support desk platform for native apps.
alwasatnews2652Bahraini news portal.
hvg_hu2653Football related egyptian news portal.
guatevision2654Guatemalan television channel website. comprises myMail, MAPS.ME, online and mobile games, targeting service.
afp2656Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) is a file sharing protocol used on Mac.
listindiario2657Dominican republic news portal.
winamax2658Online gambling. is a domain used by Bizo which is an advertising company that is part of a network of sites, cookies, and other technologies used to track you, what you do and what you click on, as you go from site to site, surfing the Web.
urbanairship2660Urbanairship provides tools and services designed for mobile application developers
milad2661Palestinian news portal.
aptoide2662Aptoide, launched in 2010, is the largest alternative marketplace for Android mobile apps, allowing users to setup and manage their own Android stores.
adsafeprotected2663Ad Safe Protected is a service provided by Integral Ad Science, used to determine if ad views and clicks are high-quality and valid.
adjust2664Adjust is a business intelligence platform for mobile app marketers.
spredfast2665Spredfast is an enterprise social media marketing platform
khmer_press2666Cambodian website about different topics including current news and lifestyle.
bootstrapcdn2667BootstrapCDN is a free and public content delivery network.
khmer_note2668Cambodian website about different topics including current news and lifestyle.
ebay_classifieds2669Ebay related website specialized in classified ads per geographic region.
mydrive2670Free and secure online storage service.
yallakora2671Egyptian football related website.
garena2672Garena is a platform provider for online entertainment and communication tools.
hidemyass2673HideMyAss is a popular anonymizing web proxy.
facebook_video2674Facebook Embedded Video is a Facebook service allowing to watch, upload and share videos. This signature also classifies the live video play feature, aka Facebook Live.
gmanetwork2675Filipino website about news and entertainment.
peacefmonline2676Ghanean news portal.
shop_com_mm2677Myanmari online shopping website.
diply2678Entertainment website powered by user's posts.
origjinale2679Albanian news portal.
dsi2680The Data Stream Interface (DSI) is a session layer used to carry Apple Filing Protocol traffic over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
nrdp2681Nagios Remote Data Processor (NDRP) is a flexible data transport mechanism and processor for Nagios.
nrpe2682Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) is a Nagios agent that allows remote system monitoring using scripts that are hosted on the remote systems.
slack2683Slack is an online team collaboration tool, featuring both a web browser application and mobile apps.
godtube2684GodTube is an online video sharing platform which strives to have Christian content.
ltn2685Taiwanese news portal.
bitmedianetwork2686Bitmedianetwork is the advertising service provided by BitTorrent.
mobfox2687Mobfox is a mobile advertising platform.
mopub2688MoPub is a hosted ad serving solution built specifically for mobile publishers.
jquery2689jQuery is a javascript library.
el_nacional2690Famous Venezuelan newspaper web portal.
threema2691Threema is an instant messaging mobile application focused on confidentiality.
pcloud2692Personal and business online storage web service.
cbs_video2693CBS Video is a site which streams movies, tv series, etc. It also classifies the web accesses to the CBS Interactive"video delivery network, used by many video providers like CNET, Gamespot,, etc.
new_relic2694Application performance monitoring and real-time analytics solutions.
zwherald2695News portal from Zimbabwe.
braintree2696Braintree is a PayPal company which provides payment processing options for many devices.
buzzsenegal2697Viral news and videos website from Senegal.
royalgazette2698Bermudian newspaper web portal.
wtv2699WTV Networks is an entertainment and show biz news website.
vaguthu2700Maldivian news website.
aljaras2701Lebanese entertainment website/magazine.
liftoff2702Liftoff is a mobile app marketing and retargeting platform.
tvm2703TV channel webportal from Malta, featuring live streaming.
republika_slovenija2704Web portal of the Slovenian government. is a commerce tools for everything from personalized products to business printing and branded merchandise.
everest_tech2706Everest Technologies is an Information Technology solutions provider.
microsoft2707This signature classifies hosts owned by Microsoft.
ms_sway2708On-line application which allows to create and share polished, interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, etc.
logmein2709This signature detects generic connections to remote control, remote assistance and VPN servers managed by LogMeIn. It covers usage of products like LogMeIn Central, Rescue, Backup, Hamachi, etc.
cari2710Popular portal providing information about Malaysia.
themasports2711Cypriot sports related website.
ncaa2712The Official Website of the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association).
dropbox_download2713File downloading service of Dropbox. The classification of this service requires non-encrypted traffic to be injected.
spotxchange2714SpotX provides a video advertising platform for internet publishers.
radio_bethlehem_20002715Palestinian local radio website, featuring live streaming.
epa2716Paraguayan celebrity news website.
cvbankas2717Lithuanian job hunting website.
cv_online2718Estonian job hunting website.
salesforce_chatter2719Salesforce Chatter is a collaboration and instant messaging tool, part of the Salesforce CRM product.
google_spaces2720A cross-platform application for group messaging and sharing. One of many Google services.
nur2721Kazakhstani news portal.
debian2722This protocol plug-in classifies the traffic on
dropshots2723Website for sharing photos, videos, etc.
elbotola2724Moroccan football-related news and social website.
rogers2725Rogers TV is a group of community channels owned by Rogers Communications. This protocol identifies the flows of this website.
rappler2726Rappler is a social news network.
tn82727Nicaraguan news portal.
citizentv2728Kenyan news website, including top stories, politics, business, sports, and lifestyle.
smaato2729Smaato is a real-time advertising platform for mobile publishers and app developers.
bleacherreport2730Bleacher Report is a sports news website.
argaam2731Saudi stock exchange information web site.
caymannewsservice2732Cayman Islands news website.
khaberni2733Jordanian news portal.
goldenfrog2734Golden Frog develops software and online services focused on privacy and security.
oppetarkiv2735Oppet arkiv (Open Archive) is a swedish television archive website and belongs to the SVT company.
revcontent2736Revcontent is a content recommendation platform.
parse2737Parse is a Mobile Backend platform working as a Service provider.
mapbox2738Mapbox is an open source mapping platform for custom designed maps.
liveperson2739LivePerson develops products for online messaging, marketing, and analytics.
zimeye2740Popular news portal in Zimbabwe.
your_freedom2741VPN tunneling and anonymization application.
noa2742Albanian online media portal providing news in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, etc.
bofa2743Signature which classifies user access to the Bank of America online service. is highly secure login system used for managing accounts for multiple websites.
stupid_videos2745Streaming website for funny videos
mcb_home2746Curacaoan online web service of the MCB Bank.
umeng2747Umeng is providing mobile app analytics solutions for mobile development teams and individual developers.
topfmradio2748Famous radio station in Mauritius.
arenabg2749Bulgarian pirate movie torrent search engine, also featuring a video player (P2P).
abs_cbn2750Philippino TV channel website.
bulawayo242751Breaking News from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and worldwide updates.
ac_reunion2752Ministerial web portal of La Reunion island.
tokopedia2753Indonesian general online store.
blogphongthuy2754Specialized classified ads website in Vietnam.
ikon2755Mongolian free news portal site
dnp32756DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol) is a set of protocols used between components in process automation systems (SCADA).
yandex_fotki2757Yandex Fotki (Yandex Photos) is the Yandex photo service.
yandex_maps2758Yandex Maps is the Yandex map service.
sekindo2759Sekindo is a digital platform for online video, display and mobile advertising.
dwarozh2760Iraqi news and live radio webportal.
movie2free2761Thai movie streaming site and web blog.
ms_planner2762On-line application of Microsoft Office 365 suite which offers to highly visual way to organize teamwork. (create new plans, organize and assign tasks, share files, ...)
liputan62763Indonesian news portal.
dropbox_upload2764File uploading service of Dropbox. The classification of this service requires non-encrypted traffic to be injected.
elnoticiero2765Ecuadorian general news website owned by TC Television.
brazzers2766Brazzers is an adult website.
vidmax2767Website for streaming funny, fail, punk and war videos.
taboola2768Taboola is a content marketing platform that provides a web widget to content creators on their website.
ms_onenote2769Windows program and web application for free-form information gathering, allowing to add text, pictures, audio captures, etc.
go902770Internet TV service owned by Verizon.
apple_music2771Apple Music is an on-demand music streaming service by Apple.
manoramaonline2772English and Malayalam language daily local news based in Kottayam.
sde2773Kenyan news and lifestyle related website.
javhd2774JAVHD is an asian adult website.
rackspace2775Rackspace Inc. is a managed cloud computing company.
mediamath2776MediaMath is a global provider of digital media and data management technology for advertisers and agencies.
adnetworkperformance2777Tracking and advertisement servers in Algeria likely related to malware programs. is an online secure flash game website.
telestream2779Telestream, Inc. is an American privately held provider of software and hardware products for video capture, encoding, transcoding, and network-based delivery.
millardayo2780Global news portal in Tanzania.
ngrok2781Platform that allows to access a local server from a public URL through reverse proxying. This plug-in both classifies server stream to ngrok infrastructure and client access from HTTP/HTTPS.
bernews2782Bermudan news portal.
shqiperiaime2783Albanian news portal.
moat2784Moat is an analytics and intelligence company focused on transforming brand advertising online.
chinadaily2785Chinese website providing articles on topics such as communication, lifestyle, work, money, health or technology.
excel_online2786On-line version of Microsoft Excel.
cnm2787Web portal offering the latest breaking news from Maldives.
adplex_media2788Advertising network traffic by Adplex Media.
olark2789Olark is one of the leading live chat providers.
xcams2790Xcams is an adult webcam website.
minuto302791Columbian news portal.
unruly2792Unruly is an advertisement technology company that gets videos watched, tracked and shared across the Open Web.
krux2793Krux is a data management company whose services not only includes data security but also (and this is where krxd comes in) visitor tracking and monetization services.
kickasstorrents2794Kickass Torrents is a popular torrent and magnet search engine.
viaplay2795Viaplay is a video-on-demand service for the Nordic countries, which uses Silverlight to stream videos.
google_code2796Google Code is a website for developers interested in developing on Google.
senego2797Senegalese national news portal.
tuberel2798Adult video website.
sportpesa2799Kenyan betting platform, sponsor of Kenya's official football League.
jetaoshqef2800Albanian site providing viral news and humoristic facts.
wapa2801Multimedia web portal of the WAPA-TV television station located in Puerto Rico.
e_boks2802Free online secured digital mailbox service for individuals and companies, popular in Denmark. is a part of Turner Entertainment Digital. It is for media streaming.
applovin2804Applovin is a mobile marketing company.
fbcdn2805FBCDN is the Facebook Content Delivery Network (CDN) service, mostly used for static content access such as photos.
outbrain2806Outbrain is a content discovery platform whose content marketing module offers to help Internet publishers.
dnxlive2807Dnx Live is a live webcam platform.
channelmyanmar2808Burmese movie download platform and web blog service.
kaieteurnewsonline2809Guyanese newspaper blog.
ensighten2810Ensighten is a global omni-channel data and tag management technology vendor.
annonces2811Classified ads web portal from New Caledonia.
ecaytrade2812Classified ads web portal from Cayman Islands.
bitcomet_pex2813In a bitcomet file sharing networks, this Peer Exchange (PEX) protocol is used to help maintain a swarm of peers that are collaborating to share a given torrent. This plugin implements the Bitcomet specific PEX protocol.
hola_webproxy2814Free web proxy enabling users to browse the web without censorship or bandwidth throttling.
meerkat2815Meerkat was a mobile application allowing Twitter users to live stream video to their followers.
onedrive2816OneDrive (previously SkyDrive, Windows Live SkyDrive, and Windows Live Folders) is a file hosting service. Important: most of the traffic is encrypted with generic Microsoft certificates. The classification of this service then needs non-encrypted traffic to be injected.
google_weblight2817Allows to get a faster loading of web pages by browsing a lightweight version of websites. Google Web Light acts like a web proxy.
avas2818Web news portal from Maldives.
awempire2819Awempire is an adult affiliate program for webmasters.
lkqd2820LKQD is a multi-screen video ad serving solution built specifically for publishers.
jasmin2821Jasmin is an adult webcams website.
storytel2822Storytel is a digital subscription service that enables audio book listening from browser or smartphones.
branch2823Branch Metrics is a deep linking and business analytics platform offering developer tools for large and independent mobile application companies.
flipagram2824Flipagram is a tool to create, share and discover photos and videos.
android_cnxmgr2825Android connectivity manager is used by an android device to periodically check and manage internet connection.
fastly2826Fastly is a real-time CDN.
verizon2827Verizon Internet provider hosts and services.
tubemogul2828Tubemogul is an independent advertising software platform.
shaparak2829Electronic payment company in Iran.
newsbook2830Maltese news portal with national coverage.
signal2831Signal, formerly BrightTag, is a cross-channel marketing company.
periscope2832Periscope is a live video streaming application.
showtime_anytime2833VoD service of SHOWTIME TV channel. Provides streaming services on tablet, mobile, or TV devices.
sun_online2834SunFM Radio's online streaming and news portal.
freshnewsasia2835Cambodian news feed website.
spynet2836Malware and spyware signature detection network used by Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials.
neulion2837The NeuLion Digital Platform provides digital video broadcasting, distribution and monetization of live and on-demand content.
riffsy2838Riffsy's GIF Keyboard ( permits users to share and discover animated GIFs and videos on mobile.
kalerkantho2839Bangladeshi news portal.
uptodown2840Multiplatform and non restrictive app store for mobile devices.
funcaptcha2841Funcaptcha is a software to stop spam, verify humans and earn revenue.
commbank2842Australian online personal banking, business solutions, institutional banking, company information, etc.
xopom2843Mongolian free news portal site
jawharafm2844Tunisian news and multimedia website.
heap2845Heap is web and mobile analytics software library that automatically captures every user action in a Web or iOS app.
jibjab2846Video streaming website.
ramallah2847Palestinian Ramallah City related news portal.
disney_junior2848This is the Disney Channel website for kids between 3 to 7 years.
zenmate2849ZenMate is a web-browser extension that provides VPN-like protection.
adjaranet2850Pirate Video Direct DownLoad website from Georgia, featuring top series and movies.
ibm_tealeaf2851Tealeaf, a provider of digital customer experience management and customer behavior analysis solutions, is now part of Customer Analytics at IBM. Tealeaf customer experience management solutions provide critical visibility, insight and answers to help companies meet online conversion and customer retention objectives.
rollout2852With, mobile developers can quickly react to quality issues in production by hot-patching bugs in real time.
disney_channel2853Disney Channel website.
annapurnapost2854News portal with up-to-date news from Nepal on politics, social affairs, etc.
politis_news2855Daily morning Cypriot newspaper on the web with national and local coverage.
rovi2856Rovi Corporation is a company based in the United States whose patents, products, and technologies include copy protection, software licensing and search recommendation"on devices such as set-top boxes
digital video recordersTVsand mobile and tablet devices."
uplynk2857upLynk is an easy way to stream your live and on demand video to all devices and platforms.
livechat2858LiveChat is an online customer service software with live support, help desk software and web analytics capabilities.
logmein_rescue2859Remote PC assistance software, accessible from web browser using a proprietary plug-in.
buzzhand2860Bermudan news portal.
tvcatchup2861TVCatchup is an internet television service for viewing free-to-air UK channels. Users can access the service via desktop browsers as well as smartphone and tablet apps.
lookout_ms2862All-in-one security software for mobile devices.
milli2863Azerbaijani news portal.
zoomtanzania2864Classified ads and real estate website in Tanzania.
zopim2865Zopim is a live chat software owned by Zendesk.
filesanywhere2866File hosting and backup web service.
ms_translator2867Microsoft Translator is a cloud-based API that is conveniently integrated into multiple products, tools, and solutions (ex: Bing, Skype...).
bukalapak2868Indonesian classified ads website.
bittorrent_bundle2869BitTorrent Bundle is a BitTorrent-sponsored torrent file download platform.
the_star2870Kenyan web portal featuring world, business, sport, opinion, health news.
adf2871Advertising platform providing an API to redirect websites using paid links.
zedo2872Zedo is a global advertisement solution provider.
spotflux2873VPN service which offers to protect the Internet connections of its users. This signature only classifies the Windows version of the application.
ligatus2874Ligatus provides advertising solutions for websites.
daikynguyen2875Global news web portal located in Vietnam.
musicchoice2876MusicChoice (MC) is a media streaming website.
miaopai2877Miaopai is a mobile video app software editor based in China.
uber2878Uber is an American online transportation network company which connects smartphone consumers looking for a trip with drivers.
khmeread2879Cambodian news portal.
zeri2880Zeri newspaper, voice portal and mobile independent media portal, popular in Albania.
heavy2881News website.
kasvyksta2882Web news portal about cultural events happening in Lithuania.
hbonordic2883On-demand video streaming website powered by the HBO american TV channel but only available in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
glympse2884Glympse is a fast, free, and simple way to share your location in real-time.
haqqin2885Armenian news website.
nbc2886NBC is an american TV network.
videojug2887Videojug is an owner of various online consumer TV channels. These include Scoff (food), Pose (beauty), Brideas (weddings), Deco Bliss (home decor) and Quipstar (comedy).
tune_inc2888Tune is an enterprise platform providing measurement to mobile marketers and their partners. This plugin classifies both the HasOffers advertisement services, and also the Mobile App Tracking analytics solutions for mobile applications
trackingclick2889Web analytics services located in Bangladesh.
localytics2890Localytics is an analytics and marketing platform for mobile and web apps.
tbs2891Website to stream funny TV shows and movies.
google_photos2892Google Photos is a digital photo and video organizer used to edit and synchronize pictures or videos over the web. It replaces Google Picasa. This signature only classifies a small portion of the application access. The other streams are classified as generic Google flows.
optimizely2893Optimizely is a firm that makes customer-experience optimization software for companies.
qiniu2894Shanghai Qiniu Information Technologies Co., Ltd. provides Internet data storage services.
vidme2895User video content website.
tayara2896Tunisian classified ads website, part of the Schibsted Classified Media (SCM) group.
boxopus2897Boxopus securely downloads torrents into the private space or in the cloud.
trippy2898Trippy is a social network where users share questions and answers about destinations they have visited around the globe.
emoo2899Local online community website from Bermuda, featuring classified ads, directory, guides, etc.
cryptospout2900Free web service where users can collect free cryptocoins for some of the largest cryptocurrencies available.
manx2901Telecom provider on the Isle of Man, also providing a portal with news, classifieds, features, and jobs.
perform2902Perform is a leading digital sports content delivery network and media group.
disney_xd2903Disney XD Channel VoD website.
nhadatso2904Real estates web portal located in Vietnam.
hockeyapp2905HockeyApp is a development interface for applications on desktop and mobile platforms. Some traffic may consist of crash logs, analytic reports, new-version notifications and updates. HockeyApp has been acquired by Microsoft.
appbot2906Appbot aggregates app store reviews for all countries on the iTunes, Google Play and Amazon app stores.
pd_proxy2907Tunneling software that can secure your internet connection by encrypting all your connections to the internet. This protocol plug-in classifies the basic usage of the application (transport protocol set to UDP only).
teletica2908TV calendar service and news web portal in Costa Rica.
google_trusted_store2909Google Trusted Store classifies access to the Google Trusted Store web API.
elasticsearch2910Elasticsearch is a search engine. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine
mebc2911The Middle East Broadcasting Center Group is a free-to-air TV broadcasting company in the Arab World.
icy2912ICY is the former version of the SHOUTCast streaming protocol, developed by Nullsoft.
idokep2913Hungarish famous weather forecast website.
younow2914YouNow is a live webcast service.
moi_qatar2915Ministry of Interior of Qatar.
goose2916GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Events) is a controlled model mechanism in which any format of data (status, value) is grouped into a data set and transmitted within a time period of 4 millisecond.
baidu_maps2917Baidu Maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Baidu akin to Google Maps. Also classifies the Baidu Total View service, similar to Google Street View.
baganmart2918Myanmar B2B ecommerce platform for trading and business networking.
citrix_pvs2919Citrix PVS provides an infrastructure to stream shared Xen Virtual Machine images (vDisk) to hosts. This protocol plug-in classifies the Soap to Stream Process Manager communication protocol used by Citrix PVS.
fix2920Electronic communications protocol for international real-time transactions and markets information exchange. This signature classifies all the FIX protocol versions, from FIX 4.0 (13 jan 1996) to FIX 5.0 SP2 (1st mar 2008) and FIXT 1.1.
zoom2921Zoom Video Conferencing, also referred to as Zoom by users, combines video conferencing, online meetings, and mobile collaboration into one platform.
hotjar2922Hotjar is a web and mobile website analytics services, providing heatmap, survey, feedback, etc ...
clicktale2923Clicktale is a customer experience analytics platform.
adk22924Adk2 enables ad networks to maximize their revenue. is a popular group-buying site in China.
pokemon_go2926Pokemon GO is an online mobile game by Niantic Labs.
thethao2472927Football news site mostly watched in Vietnam.
cdnetworks2928CDNetworks is a global Content Delivery Network.
conversant2929Conversant is an online advertising company.
oracle_rac2930Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) is an option for Oracle Database that provides clustering and high availability. This protocol plug-in classifies the proprietary Oracle UDP IPC protocol only, not the Open Source RDS protocol.
xiph2931Xiph is non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting multimedia from control by private interests.
gdb_remote2932GDB Remote is a serial protocol used connect gdb to a remote running target program and debug it.
bint_jbeil2933Lebanon news website.
ti_les_twra2934Buzzing content web portal popular in Greece.
ranap2935RANAP (Radio Access Network Application Part) is used in RAN (Radio Access Network). It is responsible for the signalling service between UTRAN (Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network) or GERAN (GSM Edge Radio Access Network).
beirutpress2936News web portal located in Lebanon.
greenarea2937Lebanon news website publishing Environmental, Political, Social, Science, Technology and varieties news.
teads2938Teads is a video advertising platform.
mqtt2939MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/Internet of Things"connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium."
switch_concepts2940Switch is a UK based advertising system.
zahraa2941Global news website from Mauritania.
weborama2942Weborama is specialized in marketing data collection, and advertising campaigns online broadcasting.
alyamanalaraby2943Worlwide news website famous in the Yemen.
mihaaru2944The most trusted news source in the Maldives.
adform2945Adform is a global digital media advertising technology company.
handycafe2946Cyber Internet Cafe management software including monitoring, membership accounting, firewall, etc.
elkhadra2947Business, Money and Financial news website popular in Algeria.
bazaarvoice2948Bazaarvoice provides to companies solutions to gather consumer reviews and boost their sales.
ontests2949Guessing game website connected with Facebook, popular in Bolivia.
qqvideo2950QQVideo is the QQ video service platform.
iwarp2951IWARP (Internet Wide Area RDMA Protocol) is a protocol suite that implements Remote Direct Memory Access for efficient data transfer.
advection2952Advection.NET is a video delivery network with live and on-demand paid media features.
st_lucia_news_online2953Local news web portal from Saint Lucia island.
starnieuws2954Non-stop news from Suriname, featuring videos, articles, documents.
modbus2955Modbus is a standard communication protocol in industry for connecting industrial electronic devices (SCADA). Here, we consider modbus as the combination of Modbus/TCP (Transport layer for TCP/IP networks) and Modbus (serial communication protocol).
divar2956Classified ads platform in Iran.
ocs2957OCS is a French digital TV package composed of movies/series channels.
xlovecam2958Xlovecam is an adult webcam website.
newsday2959National news website from Zimbabwe.
nablustv2960Popular palestinian news portal (owned by Paltel).
innovid2961Innovid is a video platform for advertisers to measure video experience (QoE) on several devices.
hambastagi2962Web portal of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (small political party).
eskimi2963Eskimi is a social networking platform, and online chat, to meet people.
ami2964Institutional news web portal in Mauritania. is a Chinese iPhone community.
zone_telechargement2966Pirate Direct DownLoad website featuring movies and series.
word_online2967On-line version of Microsoft Word.
javedch2968News web portal in Bahrain.
nieuwsblad2969Popular news portal in Belgium.
uptobox2970File hosting web service for sharing files up to 1024MB each.
google_localguides2971Local Guides is a global community of explorers sharing their discoveries on Google Maps.
corriere2972Global news website from Italy.
ncore2973Famous hungarian BitTorrent tracker (like bitHUmen).
sld2974Web portal about healthcare, with news and resources, from Cuba.
bugsnag2975Bugsnag detects crashes and other errors in real-time from web and mobile applications.
douyu2976Douyu is a live gaming video site.
shutterstock2977Shutterstock is a global marketplace for images, videos and music.
enip2978ENIP (EtherNet/IP) is an industrial network protocol that adapts the Common Industrial Protocol to standard Ethernet.
bonmarche2979Online shopping site in Madagascar.
nabluslive2980News portal in Palestinian Territory. Deprecated.
itsup2981Itsup tracks, analyzes and optimizes online advertising campaigns in real-time.
innfrad2982News website in Egypt.
highwinds2983Highwinds is a content delivery network.
inewsmalta2984News webportal in Malta.
game_center2985Online multiplayer social gaming network by Apple.
tapchisao2986News and entertainment portal from Vietnam.
signal_private_messenger2987Open Whisper Systems (OWS) instant messaging mobile application that implements the Signal secured protocol. Audio/Video calls are classified as ows.
pbx2988Symantex Private Branch Exchange service protocol, used in the Veritas NetBackup data backup software.
cibercuba2989News website in Cuba.
cheetah_mobile2990Cheetah Mobile is a mobile application editor (launcher, tools, etc.).
supercell2991Supercell is a video game developer and editor.
mp3teca2992MP3 audio streaming website featuring full albums listening and download.
wimp2993WiMP was a music streaming service, in 2017 it was phased-out in favor of Tidal. This protocol plug-in is deprecated.
menstylefashion2994Website with fashion and lifestyle articles, popular in Andorra.
google_sprayscape2995Sprayscape is a photo application for mobile devices running Android, developed by Google.
elhawd2996News web portal dedicated to Africa news, popular in Senegal and Mauritania.
bwiza2997Local news portal in Rwanda.
sitel2998News web portal popular in Macedonia.
zambiawatchdog2999Breaking and investigate news on Zambia.
imyanmarhouse3000Classified ads website in Myanmar.
padabum3001Padabum is a russian e-books download website.
dostor3002News web portal popular in Egypt.
vmotion3003vMotion is the VMware protocol which allows hot migration of virtual machines between different vSphere servers running on different hosts. is a site owned by Microsoft where users can discover, upload and share Office documents.
clash_of_clans3005Clash of Clans is a free-to-play mobile MMO strategy video game developed by Supercell.
namu3006The most popular Korean language wiki website.
stackexchange3007Stack Exchange is a network of English-language sites for collaborative editing questions and answers, each dealing with a particular theme.
estadio3008Ecuadorian news portal specialized in sports.
powerpoint_online3009On-line version of Microsoft Powerpoint.
radiumone3010RadiumOne is an advertising platform which covers online, video, social and mobile advertising.
yasour3011Generic content and entertainment website in Lebanon.
panoramio3012Panoramio is a geolocalized photo-sharing website.
stackoverflow3013Stack Overflow is a website offering questions and answers on a wide range of topics concerning computer programming.
topvideo3014Video streaming webportal in Tajikistan.
adjara3015Global internet portal in Georgia.
visa_checkout3016Visa Checkout provides a single sign-in service to pay for online shopping purchases.
hola3017News and lifestyle webportal popular in Andorra.
streamrail3018StreamRail is a video advertising technology platform.
wellsfargo3019Wells Fargo online banking web portal.
banvenez3020Web portal of a bank in Venezuela.
gabonreview3021Daily news website in Gabon.
somon3022Classified ads website in Tajikistan.
vidyard3023Vidyard is a video marketing platform.
wsman3024SOAP-based protocol for managing computer systems (Web Services Management). This signature classifies the standard HTTP API.
ows3025Software editor of secured messaging applications.
dameware3026DameWare is a remote access software for end user support and systems troubleshooting. This signature classifies the DMRC (DameWare Mini Remote Control) native protocol, as well as basic web access performed by the DameWare platform. DameWare also uses the RFB and RDP protocols.
tunigate3027News web portal in Tunisia. is a browser hijacker (malware) which changes web browser settings acting like a browser add-on.
solarwinds3029SolarWinds Inc. develops enterprise information technology (IT) infrastructure management software for IT professionals. is a web development platform to create and host websites.
unegui3031Classified ads web service in Mongolia.
umac3032Web portal of the University of Macau.
ubuntu3033Ubuntu is an open source software platform.
blastingnews3034Blasting News is a global social news web magazine.
ratopati3035Politics, National and international issues, sports, entertainment and other news from Nepal.
opcua3036OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation space and in other industries. This plug-in classifies the OPC Unified Architecture (UA) binary protocol over TCP.
heroku3037Heroku is a cloud Platform-as-a-Service.
tori3038Classified ads website in Finland.
ifilmtv3039iFilmTV is an iranian television portal, featuring Live TV streaming. This signature classifies live TV, as well as video trailers and clips playing.
inyarwanda3040Generic web portal in Rwanda, featuring news, music, photos, videos, etc.
coap3041CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is a specialized web transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes and constrained networks in the Internet of Things.
alquds3042Palestinian news portal.
infobae3043News website localted in Argentina.
motinews3044News and trending popular website in Mauritius.
http_proxy3045Indicates that a flow is proxied through HTTP CONNECT mechanism. (After tunnel established (200 OK), if we have ssl protocol, priority of upper classification is determined following this order: 1. classification based on request CONNECT URI and user -agent, 2. classification using ssl elements (server name, common name, ...) 3. classification using request CONNECT host name).
tinder3046Online dating application.
da7ye3047News website in Lebanon.
cip3048The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is an industrial protocol for industrial automation applications.
andornet3049Web services provider in Andorra.
mtn3050Web portal of a South Africa multinational mobile telecommunications company.
fcm3051Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new version of GCM. FCM is a cross-platform messaging solution by Google.
lightstreamer3052Lightstreamer is a real-time engine that delivers data over HTTP and WebSockets. This signature only classifies the HTTP flows.
uwi3053Web portal of the University of The West Indies.
sugklonistiko3054News and entertainement web portal in Greece.
smb_direct3055SMB Direct protocol is a transmission protocol which allows higher thoughput when exchanging data using SMB.
amazon_music3056Amazon Music is an online music store.
tvn_noticias3057Web portal of a news TV Channel in Panama.
giphy3058Giphy is a service which allows to share and discover animated GIFs in several mobile applications, like Tinder, Whatsapp, etc.
portalanalitika3059Generic news portal in Montenegro.
pmhotnews3060The Popular Magazine is a web portal featuring entertainment news in Cambodia.
facebook_live3061Free live video streaming service by Facebook. This signature only classifies the live video streaming making (upload) from the official Facebook mobile application. The live video watching is classified as facebook_video.
bidswitch3062Bidswitch provides immediate and seamless real-time access for Supply and Demand Partners across all media types.
kundo3063Kundo offers simple and powerful tools for customer service.
rmix3064Ramallah Mix is a generic news and entertainment portal in Palestinian Territory.
tidal3065Tidal is a high-fidelity music and video clips streaming service for PC and mobile devices.
qatarairways3066Qatar Airways is the state-owned airline company of Qatar.
banco_industrial3067Banking website in Guatemala.
news7843068Leading online news website from St Vincent and the Grenadines.
china_youth_league3069Chinese news web portal.
lefaso3070News website in Burkina Faso.
super_mario_run3071Online mobile game by Nintendo.
avast3072Family of internet security applications developed by Avast Software.
mingpao3073Web portal of a famous newspaper published in Hong Kong.
hitbox3074Hitbox is a gaming and eSports live streaming platform. Deprecated.
daily_pakistan3075Daily newspaper web portal from Pakistan.
hockeycurve3076Hockey Curve is a marketing technology service provider.
ulp3077User-plane Location Protocol (ULP) is used for data exchange as part of Assisted GPS.
hk_observatory3078HK Observatory is a weather forecast service in Hong Kong.
google_classroom3079Learning management system for schools by Google.
maliweb3080News and classified ads portal in Mali.
areyouahuman3081Real time human input detection service for websites and applications.
umuryango3082News portal in Rwanda.
state_bank_of_india3083Internet portal of the SBI Indian bank.
pulsepoint3084PulsePoint is a programmatic advertising technology company.
unamexico3085Web portal of a major university in Mexico.
hamariweb3086Infotainment web portal in Pakistan.
guineenews3087News and classified ads website popular in Guinea.
azetone3088Azetone is a complete platform that allows to fully analyze, optimize and personalize mobile applications.
rainbow3089Rainbow is an Instant Messaging and VoIP application by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.
porn5553090Popular adult videos web site.
nauta3091Popular webmail service in Cuba.
dnevnik3092News webportal from Croatia.
tuko3093Trending news, viral content, gossip and entertainment news from Kenya.
media_innovation_group3094The Media Innovation Group is specialized in online digital advertising, search marketing.
unamibia3095Web portal of a major university in Namibia.
huawei_update3096Huawei Update classifies Huawei mobile device updates.
radiookapi3097News website founded by the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) and the Swiss NGO Fondation Hirondelle.
lusakatimes3098News web portal in Zambia (politics, sports, health, etc.).
bujumbura3099News agency blog in Burundi.
askcom3100Global news website popular in Algeria.
curapelanatureza3101Blog dedicated to health and wellness, popular in Brazil.
qq_r23102QQ r2 is an online multiplayer game from Tencent. The game provides different services : multiple games, chat and web browsing.
openrice3103OpenRice is an online restaurants guide in Hong Kong.
yandex_disk3104Yandex Disk is a Russian file sharing service.
yandex_video3105Yandex Video is a video streaming web portal showing Youtube videos.
popads3106Online advertising solutions provider.
pi_data3107OSI PI DataArchive and Server SCADA protocol (ProcessBook, Datalink, etc.).
meituan3108Chinese group buying website selling vouchers on local services and entertainment.
zhihu3109Famous chinese question-and-answer website. is an online education company. It is owned by Linkedin.
thadinatin3111Popular infotainment portal in Myanmar.
samsung_update3112Samsung Update classifies Samsung mobile device updates.
university_of_botswana3113Web portal of the University of Botswana.
fnu3114Website of the Fiji National University.
taqadoumi3115Famous news blog in Mauritania.
dwtonline3116Daily Surinamese newspaper web portal.
_8tracks3117Internet radio and social networking website based on user-made playlists streaming.
cloudinary3118Cloudinary is a cloud service.
earthlinktele3119Internet, cloud, enterprise network and cloud services provider.
sina_webmail3120Sina Webmail is a chinese webmail.
dianping3121Chinese group buying website selling vouchers on local services and entertainment.
turbobit3122File hosting and sharing service.
brightroll3123BrightRoll is a video advertising software system developed by a company that became a subsidiary of Yahoo.
vertamedia3124VertaMedia is a Supply-Side Platform with its own Video Ad Marketplace. Deprecated.
usbmux3125iTunes communicates with the iPhone using something called usbmux, this is a system for multiplexing several connections.
corotos3126Classified ads website in Dominican Republic.
ukwezi3127Popular news web site in Rwanda.
huawei3128Huawei is a Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company.
adp3129Provider of human ressources management software.
ensonhaber3130News portal popular in Turkey.
adventori3131ADventori is a data-driven adserver.
afrikmag3132African news website featuring articles about politics, cultural events, economy, sports, etc.
nyasatimes3133Malawi breaking news, business, sports, tourism.
merojax3134Armenian Internet Portal featuring TV Series, Shows, Movies, Music and Radio.
africaguinee3135Information web portal on Guinea and Africa.
imo3136IMO is a instant messaging application which allows the users to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS, share photos and videos.
namibian3137Daily Namibian newspaper.
ntvbd3138Bilingual (Bangla and English) infotainment portal covering latest news, entertainment program, sports, tech, etc. news.
uz_ac3139General information, student directory, and links to internal resources of the University of Zimbabwe.
airkast3140AirKast is one of the largest mobile publishers and ad networks for broadcasters and media companies in the US.
qq_speed3141QQ speed is an online multiplayer racing game from Tencent.
malijet3142News web portal in Mali.
takealot3143Online shopping portal in South Africa.
myanmarload3144Infotainment website in Myanmar.
profinet3145PROFINET (an acronym for Process Field Net) is an industry technical standard for data communication over Industrial Ethernet, designed for controlling and collecting data from equipment in industrial systems, with a particular strength in delivering data under tight time constraints (1ms or less). The standard is maintained and supported by Profibus & Profinet International, an umbrella organization headquartered in Karlsruhe, Germany.
rocket_league3146Rocket League is a game made by Psyonix. This signature only classifies match making signalization streams. This enables to block the online game workflow.
booking3147Lodging reservations website.
canalrcn3148Columbian private RCN Television web site.
nsh3149NSH (Network Service Header) is an encapsulation protocol used for service functions chaining. This protocol is only supported when running on ixE 5.1 (at least) flow manager.
adcolony3150AdColony is a mobile video advertising platform.
rolloid3151Infotainment website in Andorra.
tajfile3152Direct Download pirate movie portal in Tajikistan.
vnetip3153Yokogawa's control communication network approved by international standards (IEC 61784-2 Ed.2.0).
tamtaminfo3154News web portal in Niger.
google_inbox3155Inbox by Gmail is an email app by Google. The app is focused on improving email productivity and organization. Deprecated (Closed since April 2, 2019).
yieldmo3156Yieldmo is a mobile advertising technology company.
qq_dancer3157QQ dancer is an online multiplayer dancing and music game from Tencent.
bet9ja3158Most famous sport betting website in Nigeria.
yen3159Ghanian news and entertainment web portal.
caasimadda3160News webportal in Somalia.
emisoras_unidas3161Online radio and news portal from Guatemala.
amazon_chime3162Amazon Chime is a fully-managed communications service in the cloud.
torrentkim53163Torrent file (P2P) search engine and download web site popular in South Korea.
psyonix3164Psyonix is a game editor.
doubleverify3165DoubleVerify provides online media verification and campaign effectiveness solutions for marketers, advertisers and digital publishers.
tealium3166Tealium sells enterprise tag management and marketing software.
edu3653167Schools management information system provider.
gozambiajobs3168Job seeking website in Zambia.
netperform3169Mobile application from Vodafone allowing mobile network performance benchmark and data usage follow-up.
umuseke3170News and media webportal in Rwanda.
actuniger3171News web portal in Niger about politics, economy, sports, etc.
openrtb3172OpenRTB is a protocol for the automated trading of digital media across a broad range of platforms, devices, and advertising networks.
pi_af3173OSI PI Analysis Framework SCADA protocol (AF Server, MDB Sync, etc.).
alayam243174News website in Morocco.
sonobi3175Sonobi is an ad technology developer that designs advertising tools and solutions.
looppng3176Main news and entertainmment web portal in Papua New Guinea.
livescore3177Sports web portal providing real time football match scores.
fijivillage3178Fiji web portal containing news, announcements, community information, business and shopping directory and radio stations.
samanews3179News web portal popular in Palestinian Territory.
bd24live3180Online news portal in Bangladesh.
bdjobs3181Largest job site in Bangladesh for job seeking and career counseling.
aerserv3182AerServ is a free mobile SSP and monetization platform.
daraz3183Daraz is an online shopping website in South Asia and owned by Alibaba Group.
honeywell_phd3184Traffic related to Honeywell Process History Database (PHD).
exelate3185eXelate is a provider of data technology powering the digital marketing.
docusign3186Company providing electronic signature technology and digital transaction services for facilitating electronic exchanges of contracts and signed documents.
revolico3187Popular classified ads website in Cuba.
uaudp3188Telephony protocol by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise which signals media flows and other control messages for the phones. The UA/UDP flows contain the Alcatel NOE protocol when the Q_PROTO_UAUDP_OPCODE attribute value is 0x15 or 0x16. The RTP flows announced by a UA/UDP session will be classified as uaudp_rtp by the ixEngine. [ uaudp is also known as noe.]
universiti_brunei_darussalam3189Website of a major university in Brunei.
bbs3190News portal of a National TV and radio broadcast agency from Bhutan.
rozetka3191Online shopping website from Ukraine.
sinoptik3192Weather forecast website in Bulgaria.
pornsurvey3193The Porn Survey promotes various Adult offers.
bsp3194Popular banking web portal in South Pacific.
freedomnewspaper3195Online newspaper portal popular in Gambia.
cwseychelles3196Internet services provider in the Seychelles, providing access and hosting services.
nigeremploi3197Job seeking website in Niger.
nat_pmp3198The NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) is a network protocol for establishing network address translation (NAT) settings and port forwarding configurations automatically without user effort.
oriental_daily3199Oriental Daily news portal includes e-paper versions of the Oriental Daily and Sun Daily newspapers in Hong Kong.
maxcdn3200MaxCDN is a content delivery network (CDN) provider.
emansion_lr3201Official government site of Liberia.
mmm_nigeria3202Social Financial Network system web portal, famous in Nigeria.
yandex_music3203Yandex Music is a music and radio streaming web service by Yandex. Most of the traffic is classified as yandex only.
duodecad_its3204Duodecad IT Services Luxembourg is developing and operating multimedia services.
wetransfer3205File hosting and sharing service.
kinogo3206Pirate movie streaming and download blog popular in Armenia.
usp3207Web site of the University of the South Pacific.
laacibnet3208Sports news portal dedicated to football in Somalia.
kbn_live3209Breaking news website in Cambodia.
topvldeo3210Video sharing and streaming platform in Tajikistan.
zippyshare3211File hosting and sharing services.
essaha3212Infotainment web portal popular in Mauritania.
mydiv3213MyDiv is a Russian site for downloading software, games, drivers, scripts.
ntd3214News webportal of a television broadcaster based in New York City.
sharethrough3215Sharethrough is an advertising software for publishers, app developers and advertisers.
xmcp3216Cisco External Client Protocol to interact with service routing-enabled network
mgid3217MGID is an ad network.
bancoestado3218Website of a bank in Chile.
nintendo3219Japanese multinational video game company.
prothom_alo3220Bangladeshi newspaper online portal.
walmart3221E-commerce website of the famous american retail chain.
beforward3222Classified ads of japanese used cars.
mediacongo3223News and classified ads portal in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
anydesk3224AnyDesk is a remote desktop control solution launched in 2014, it allows bidirectional remote access between Windows, Mac OS, Linux and FreeBSD computers.
dns2tcp3225Dns2tcp is a solution which provides tunneling through the standard DNS protocol.
audible3226Audible Inc. is a seller and producer of spoken audio entertainment owned by Amazon.
syri3227Popular news website in Albania.
nust3228General information web site of the Namibia University of Science and Technology.
vestniktm3229Classified ads website in Turkmenistan.
essada3230News web portal popular in Tunisia.
naij3231Nigerian portal, providing news coverage, music, weather, jokes, job, games and events.
mangvieclam3232Job seeking website in Vietnam.
savefrom3233File download service, allowing a user to download a media resource from many sites like Youtube, etc.
somalijobs3234Job seeking website in Somalia.
reflected_networks3235Reflected Networks is a managed hosting and custom hosting solutions.
onef_bf3236Job seeking website in Burkina Faso.
uaudp_rtp3237RTP media flow originated from a UA/UDP (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise signaling protocol) session.
fatunetwork3238Popular news and entertainment portal in Gambia.
rcsc3239Web portal of the Royal Government of Bhutan.
torrent93240Popular torrent file (P2P) search engine and download web site.
txxx3241Adult video website.
dwu3242Website of a Catholic university in Papua New Guinea.
autodesk3243Fusion 360 is a SaaS CAM and CAD application edited by Autodesk. This signature classifies the flows generated both by the Web and Desktop versions of the application. It also classifies generic web access to Autodesk's website.
twipple3244Japanese application for posting cute images on Twitter.
news24nepal3245Infotainment web site in Nepal.
gazetablic3246Web portal featuring breaking news, analysis, commentary from Kosovo, Region and the World.
nfs43247The NFS protocol provides transparent remote access to shared file systems across networks as described in RFC 7530 and 7531. This plug-in only classifies the version 4.0 of NFS.
turbo3248Car classified ads site in Azerbaijan.
hirunews3249News Portal in Sri Lanka, broadcasting in Sinhalese, Tamil and English.
pronto3250Pronto is the XIMSS protocol used by CommuniGate Pro.
flashtalking3251Flashtalking is an ad serving, tracking and technology company.
movitel3252Telecom and internet service provider in Mozambique.
etecsa3253Government owned telco service provider for the Island of Cuba.
joq3254Entertainment blog articles from Albania.
okta3255Authentication and identity management cloud services, provided as a SaaS platform.
tebyan3256Popular infotainment portal in Iran.
power_bi3257On-line Microsoft Business Intelligence application, also included in the Office 365 productivity suite.
google_supl3258Google SUPL is the Secure User Plane Location (SUPL) generated by Android.
wamba3259Dating portal website framework.
epl3260English Premier League (EPL) application is provided by Optus (Australian Mobile Operator). Subscribers can watch the football English Premier League tournament.
gfycat3261Gfycat is a web platform for uploading and hosting short video content.
caliente3262Famous gambling website, featuring sports and online games, in Mexico.
jawabkom3263Question and answer web service in the Arab World.
vtv3264News webportal of a Vietnamese TV and media group.
irctc3265Online rail ticket booking, reservation status checking and travel planner in India.
mail_ru_love3266Love@Mail.Ru is a russian dating web site and mobile application. It uses the Wamba dating website platform.
akoam3267Famous pirate movie streaming website in Yemen.
optus3268Optus is an Australian Mobile Operator, this puglin classifies streams related to Optus web site and likely streams generated by other applications or services owned by Optus, such as MyOptus ELP (English Premier League).
amplitude3269Amplitude is a web and mobile analytics platform.
publinews3270News website in Guatemala.
le3603271Infotainment website in Morocco.
dcard3272Dcard is a social network application on mobile devices.
streamroot3273Distributed Network Architecture for OTT Video Delivery.
msnp3274Microsoft Notification Protocol (MSNP, also known as the Mobile Status Notification Protocol) is an instant messaging protocol developed by Microsoft for use by the Microsoft Messenger service and the instant messaging clients that connect to it, such as Skype since 2014.
libjingle_pseudotcp3275This signature classifies Pseudo Tcp used by the libjingle on PC as well as on Mobile
sportradar3276Sportradar collects and analyzes sports data.
lotro3277The Lord of the Rings Online is a video game of type MMORPG inspired of the world of The Lord of the Rings.
gcp3278Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products.
vivox3279Vivox provides managed communication services in the form of integrated voice chat, Instant Messaging (IM) to online games, virtual worlds and other online communities.
hami_book3280Traffic from hamibook website.
canvas3281Canvas Student is an educational application.
shopee3282shopee is an online shopping platform.
ms_mq3283Message Queuing (MSMQ) technology enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline. Applications send messages to queues and read messages from queues. The following illustration shows how a queue can hold messages that are generated by multiple sending applications and read by multiple receiving applications.
chrome_remote_desktop3284This signature classifies chrome remote desktop based on DNS caching and SSL common name on PC as well as on Mobile
world_of_tanks3285World Of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online belarusian game developed by company.
nepworldwide3286NEP Worldwide is a video broadcaster.
rabo_bankieren3287Dutch online banking website. This plugin classifies the traffic on
citrix_cloud3288Citrix Cloud is a cloud-based platform for managing and deploying Citrix products.
instructure3289Instructure is a learning technology company and the creator of the Canvas learning management system.
t_mobile_cloud3290T-Mobile Cloud is the T-Mobile cloud service. This plugin classifies traffic on
t_mobile_app3291T-Mobile is a global mobile phone operator. This plugin classifies traffic on T-Mobile homepage website. is a web portal and web-based email service provider owned by the German internet company United Internet. It offers news articles and a free webmail application.
ptt3293PTT is a taiwanese BBS website (Bulletin Board System).
clash_royale3294Clash Royale is an online mobile game by Supercell.
origin3295Origin is a gaming download platform available on the web at
united_internet3296United Internet is one of the leading European internet companies.
haproxy3297HAProxy is free, open source software that provides a high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP-based applications. This plugin classifies Proxy Protocol for TCP encapsulation over IPv4/IPv6.
trai_myspeed3298This application measures your data speed experience and sends the results to TRAI.
horizon_go3299Horizon GO provides live TV, streams movies and series on demand. This plugin classifies the traffic on and
hami_music3300Traffic from Hami Music website.
speedcheck_internet3301Speedcheck tests the speed of internet connections and adds your results to SpeedSpot's WiFi speed database.
bacnet_app3302BACnet is a communication protocol for Building Automation and Control (BAC) networks defined by the standard ISO 16484-5. The BACnet stack defines different layers, the BACnet Application Layer (bacnet_app) manages access to objects exposed by BACnet devices and operations done on them.
bacnet_net3303BACnet is a communication protocol for Building Automation and Control (BAC) networks defined by the standard ISO 16484-5. The BACnet stack defines different layers, the BACnet Network Layer (bacnet_net) contains the network addresses required for routing BACnet messages to BACnet devices.
network_radar3304Network Radar is a network scanning and managing tool. This plugin classifies traffic on
pornhub_network3305Adult Content Delivery Network used by popular adult video streaming website like youporn, pornhub, redtube and tube8.
chunghwa_telecom3306Services and websites provided by Chunghwa Telecom.
echo3603307Echo360 application allows user to build online courses and plan/share them with students.
bacnet_vlc3308BACnet is a communication protocol for Building Automation and Control (BAC) networks defined by the standard ISO 16484-5. The BACnet stack defines different layers, the BACnet Virtual Link Control layer (bacnet_vlc) is used by BACnet devices over IP networks. It formalizes all the services that a BACnet device might require from the link layer but are not readily available from the underlying IP layer.
videoland3309Videoland is a video-on-demand service, when video streaming is hosted on NEP Worldwide servers, this traffic is classified as nepworldwide. This plugin classifies the traffic on
chinanetcenter3310ChinaNetCenter is an Internet service platform provider and a CDN.
csp_abethernet3311Proprietary protocol developed by Allen-Bradley, used on programmable logical controllers (PLC).
facebook_lite3312Facebook Lite is an official Facebook client that allows to use this popular social network through a much lighter app.
vk_live3313VK Live is an app for live streaming on VK (popular Social Network in Russia).
join_me3314This signature detects, a free service that allows to share a desktop instantly with others.
wallstreetjournal3315The Wall Street Journal is a US national daily.
pwi3316PWI is a free gaming MMORPG offering an unparalleled character customization tool and a unique gameplay style in a magical universe.
kahoot3317Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform.
electronic_arts3318This protocol plug-in classifies the generic web traffic related to Electronic Arts.
cabify3319Cabify is an international transportation network company. This plugin classifies only website browsing.
s7comm3320S7comm (S7 Communication) is a Siemens proprietary protocol that runs between programmable logic controllers (PLCs) of the Siemens S7-300/400 family. It is used for PLC programming, exchanging data between PLCs, accessing PLC data from SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems and diagnostic purposes.
sharefile_com3321Citrix ShareFile is a secure enterprise file sharing and sync (EFSS) solution. This plugin classifies only website browsing.
kkbox3322Traffic from KKBOX website.
netvelocity3323NetVelocity enables users to test, measure, compare and share their network performance.
facebook_workplace3324Workplace by Facebook is a social network for enterprises. Workplace by Facebook is mostly classified as Facebook on mobile devices.
uplive3325Uplive is a social network mobile for live streaming in around the world. is a chinese video website.
perfect_world_ent3327Perfect World Entertainment is Perfect World's North American online games publisher specializing in free-to-play PC games.
ms_teams3328Microsoft Teams is the chat-based workspace in Office 365. Most of the application traffic is classified as skype or office365.
starcraft23329Starcraft 2 is a real-time strategy video game.
simple_speedtest3330Simple Speed Test helps to monitor network connection (bandwith, upload, download and ping latency) from smartphone or web browser.
hami_cloud3331Traffic from hamicloud website.
niantic3332Niantic, Inc. is an American software development company.
m8003333M800 provides communication products and solutions.
hulkshare3334Free Internet Radio service featuring personal audio file uploading and sharing.
meitu3335Meitu is an online mobile photo-sharing and social networking service. is a cloud file storage service. This plugin classifies the traffic generated by servers hosted by
abn_amro_bankieren3337ABN AMRO is a Dutch bank with headquarters in Amsterdam. This plugin classifies the traffic on, its online banking site.
mongodb3338Mongodb is a relational database management system (RDBMS).
dota23339Dota2 2 is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. UDP streams will be classified as steam only
snow3340SNOW is a video messaging application.
hike_messenger3341Hike Messenger is an Indian instant messaging application.
bf13342Battlefield 1 is a first-person shooter video game published by Electronic Arts and released in October 2016.
mediascope3343Mediascope provides media and marketing information.
vero3344Vero is social network pretending to change usual social network business models.
ms_hyperv3345Microsoft Hyper-V is a native hypervisor for Windows operating systems. Classification covers traffic related to VM remote display (VMRDP).
deltav3346Traffic related to DeltaV, a distributed control system used in industrial process control (Emerson Process Management).
hypers3347HYPERS is a chinese cloud platform. This plugin classifies only website browsing.
demonware3348DemonWare is a software development company and a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc.
ms_psrp3349Client applications use the MicroSoft PowerShell Remoting Protocol (MS PSRP) to send pipelines of commands to a server system over a network for execution by the server.
opc_classic3350OPC Classic is specifications based on Microsoft Windows technology, using COM/DCOM for communication among software components in a distributed client-server network.
fasp3351Fast Adaptative and Secure Protocol (FASP) is developped by the company Aspera. It's a transfer protocol of high performance.
youtube_music3352YouTube Music is a music streaming app available for iOS and Android. It is YouTube's app for music and music videos.
goodnight3353Goodnight is a simple voice-chat app for calling and chatting for free, focused on the Korean, Chinese, and Anglophone markets.
tvb3354Television Broadcasts Limited is a Hong Kong audio-visual group. This plugin classifies only website browsing.
symantec_sep3355Symantec Endpoint Protection, developed by Symantec, is a security software suite, which consists of anti-malware, intrusion prevention and firewall features for servers and desktops. It has the largest market-share of any product for endpoint security.
ifix3356formerly Proficy HMI/SCADA iFIX, is a industrial automation system.
digioh3357Digioh is a lead generation and marketing company. This plugin classifies the web site access.
wmi3358Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the Microsoft implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM).
turbo_vpn3359Turbo vpn is an open source software application for android that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques to connect using secure tunnels. This plugin is deprecated and now classified as springtech_vpn.
bigbigchannel3360Big Big Channel is an online video platform operated by TVB.
akamai_video3361Akamai Video is the Akamai cloud service for video streaming (used for Media Services Live, the Old HD Flash 1.0 Solution, and Media Services On-Demand technologies).
smashcast3362Smashcast is a gaming and eSports live streaming platform. Hitbox company has been acquired by Azubu (another live streaming platform for video games) and both have been merged to create Smashcast.
adtelligent3363Adtelligent Inc. is an advertising technology company. Vertamedia has been rebranded to Adtelligent.
ms_kms3364Key Management Service (KMS) activates computers on a local network, eliminating the need for individual computers to connect to Microsoft. To do this, KMS uses a client server topology.
kafka3365High throughput distributed messaging system
x_vpn3366x-vpn unblock the web securely, privately and anonymously on your Android devices. x-vpn was formely FastLemon VPN
kakao3367Kakao is a Korean company specializing in internet services.
temasys3368Temasys provides cloud-based WebRTC infrastructure and developer-centric SDKs for embedding real-time communications into web or mobile apps for interactive video, voice and data communications.
shareman3369Shareman is a peer-to-peer file sharing and streaming network.
thrift3370Apache Thrift framework used for serialisation.
youtube_kids3371YouTube Kids is an application providing a family-friendly version of YouTube for younger children, with parental control features and video filter. This plugin classifies traffic for Android devices, on the other platform like iOS and web browser, this traffic will be classified as youtube.
rockyou3372RockYou is a full-service entertainment and media company.
huomao3373Huomao is a streaming video platform for gamers. This plugin classifies web browsing and video playing.
zonealarm3374ZoneAlarm is a personal firewall for Windows.
mytv_super3375MyTV SUPER is an online video platform operated by TVB. This plugin classifies only website browsing.
hexatech3376hexatech is a vpn to unblock anonymously any site or app.
upnp3377UPnP, Universal Plug and Play, is a communication protocol designed to facilitate the exchange of information between different devices within a computer network.
dns_crypt3378The DNScrypt protocol is used to translate FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) into address IP and vice versa with encrypted communication
uc_browser3379UC Browser is a web browser developed by the Chinese mobile Internet company UCWeb and is owned by Alibaba Group of China.
snap_vpn3380SnapVPN is a free unlimited VPN proxy and WiFi security. This plugin is deprecated and now classified as springtech_vpn.
bf43381Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game published by Electronic Arts.
data_saver3382Data Saver is an optional feature in Chrome. When activated, HTTP traffic will go through Google's proxy servers that will reduce traffic by compressing and optimizing data. By default, the connection to Google proxy servers is over HTTP/2 and encrypted. If the URL is blocked, the connection to the proxy servers will be over HTTP/1.1 and unencrypted. HTTPS and traffic generated from Incognito mode won't be proxied. Data Saver can be activated in Chrome's settings on Android or through a Chrome extension on PC. Data Saver is not available on iOS.
diablo33383Diablo III is a hack and slash action role-playing video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.
aumix3384AUMIX Internet Solutions is a service provider and a hosting company, founded in 1998 and based in the United Kingdom.
apptimize3385Apptimize provides tools for A/B Testing, Feature Release Management, and Optimization for Mobile, Web, and OTT apps.
ibm3386IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) is an American multinational technology company.
pacman3387Pacman is the package manager of Arch Linux distribution.
alibaba_cloud3388Alibaba Cloud, also known as Aliyun, is a Chinese cloud computing company, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group.
optimicdn3389OptimiCDN pilots multiple CDNs in an All-in-One Multi CDN service for optimized web performances & enhanced User Experience.
appnext3390Appnext is mobile monetization, app marketing & re-engagement platform.
splunk_ufwd3391Universal Forwarder is used to forward data Splunk application (6.5.0), it is designed to scale to large number of remote systems and collect very large amount of data.
springtech_vpn3392This plugin classifies traffic relative to VPN applications distributed by SpringTech company (namely Guangzhou Quanyong Information Technology Company), like Hot VPN, Turbo VPN, VPN Robot, Snap VPN, VPN Master Pro, VPN Monster, VPN Master.
keku3393KeKu provides virtual phone numbers to make and receive calls, send and receive SMS.
hpe_opagent3394HPE Operation Agent is a standalone system management software, collecting metrics and applying configurations. It may be connected to HPE Operation Bridge
tribair3395Tribair is an VoIP application for national and international audio calls.
epic_games3396epic_games is an American video game and software development corporation.
mumble3397Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming.
cisco_spark3398Cisco Spark (aka Cisco Webex teams) is a communication and collaboration service, delivered from the Cisco Collaboration Cloud.
coco3399Coco is an instant messaging application with VoIP feature.
disqus3400Disqus is a blog comment hosting service for web sites and online communities.
brawlhalla3401Brawlhalla is a free to play battle arena on-line multiplayer game edited by Blue Mammoth Games and plublished by Ubisoft.
google_one3402Google One is a service for managing the storage paid plan for Google applications.
_9gag34039gag is a humorous website or application based on the sharing of images and videos.
vpn_master3404VPN Master is a free and unlimited VPN tunnel. It is used to unblock sites, bypass blocked apps and browse privately and anonymously. This plugin is deprecated and now classified as springtech_vpn.
tikl3405Tikl is a simple VoIP push-to-talk communication application.
vpn_monster3406VPN Monster is a free and unlimited VPN tunnel. It is used to unblock sites, bypass blocked apps and browse privately and anonymously. This plugin is deprecated and now classified as springtech_vpn.
cisco_ap3407This plugin identifies capwap control flows specific to CISCO Access Points devices.
jibe_cloud3408Jibe Cloud is a platform implementing Rich Communication Services (RCS) distributed by google to telecom operators integrating RCS.
cisco_ip_sla3409Cisco IP SLA is used to monitor IP applications by using active traffic.
talkbox3410TalkBox is a mobile group chat application from Hong Kong with support for voice messages.
hpe_opbridge3411HPE Operation Bridge is a system and network management software for IT teams
grammarly3412Grammarly is a cloud-based English-language writing-enhancement platform.
splunk_cloud3413Splunk Cloud is the data collection, indexing, and visualization service for operational intelligence.
foxplus3414Fox Plus is a streaming platform that let people watch Fox Networks' group latest TV series, documentaries, Hollywood & Asian movies.
overwatch3415Overwatch is an online video game part of Multiple First Personal Shooter (Multi FPS) and described as hero shooter available on popular play stations.
pccc3416PCCC stands for Programmable Controller Communication Commands. It is used to control software running in Programmable Logic Controler (PLC). PCCC traffic can be hardware specific. This plugin addresses traffic generated by Rockwell/Allen-Bradley to talk to SLC5, PLC5E and MicroLogix PLC for service.
fortnite3417Fortnite is a game developed by Epic Games.
iec1043418IEC 60870-5-104 protocol (aka IEC 104) is a part of IEC Telecontrol Equipment and Systems Standard IEC 60870-5 that provides a communication profile for sending basic telecontrol messages between two systems in electrical engineering and power system automation. is a website hosting two popular anonymizing web proxies: Hoxx VPN and setupvpn.
lifesize3420Lifesize is a video and audio telecommunications company. This plugin classifies traffic generated on Android and Chrome platforms.
vpn_robot3421VPN Robot is a free unlimited VPN proxy and WiFi security. This plugin is deprecated and now classified as springtech_vpn.
google_news3422Google News is a news aggregator and application developed by Google.
voxer3423Voxer is an instant messaging application that provides voice, text, photo, and video with walkie talkie messaging (Push-to-talk PTT) features in a secure messaging app.
inmoji3424Inmoji provides advertising emojis. This plugin classifies traffic generated by the web site.
vyke3425Vyke is an IM allowing to buy phone number from countries such US, UK, Canada and do VoIP, text messaging (SMS), and usual chat (File transfer/text).
opera_turbo3426Opera turbo is the protocol used for the Opera browser.
mtalk3427Mtalk is an instant messaging application that can provide a landline phone number.
oto_global3428OTO Global is an instant messaging application that provides feature to make landline or international calls.
mf_ucmdb3429Micro Focus Configuration Management System, previously known as HP Enterprise CMS, does the discovery and inventory of an IT infrastructure and its hosted services. The discovery is both agent less by using each service own protocol and agent based. This plugin classifies, provided the default certificates are not changed, the custom protocols used between this product components (UD Agent, DF Probe, UCMDB Server, UCMDB UI); and between the UI and a web browser.
gridftp3430GridFTP is an extension to the FTP protocol for the grid computing platform Globus to allow peer-to-peer transfers of large files
ms_ad_rms3431Right Management Service is a Microsoft right management service for files and Office documents based on a central server linked to the Active Directory which acts like a DRM license server. Support of this protocol cover both client-to-server and server-to-server requests but is limited to HTTP configurations.
call_of_duty3432Call of duty (aka COD) is a video game First Personal Shooter (FPS) available on Xbox, PS4, Microsoft windows and published by Activision. This plugin classifies the World War II edition.
storebuff3433Storebuff tests and analyzes network traffic from a given URL. This plugin classifies traffic from web site.
bytedance3434ByteDance is a Chinese company that publishes several applications including TikTok (aka Musically), BuzzVideo and Vigo Video. This plugin classifies traffic from web site.
jibe3435Google provides a platform implementing Rich Communication Services (RCS) named Jibe Cloud. This plugin only handles traffic related to web page promoting Jibe Cloud, while Jibe Cloud platform is classified by jibe_cloud plugin.
_9p34369P is a network protocol developed by Bell Labs and distributed in their Operating System Plan 9.
unreal_engine3437unreal_engine is a video game engine developed by Epic Games.
cisco_rrm3438Cisco Wireless LAN controller coordinates a set of Cisco wireless LAN access points. This plugin classifies the NDP packets and the protocol used between WLC instances for the Radio Resource Management functionality. The WLC also communicates with the APs using capwap tunnels, this will be classified as that protocol.s
modbus_rtu3439Traffic related to Modbus Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), a distributed control system used in industrial process control (Emerson Process Management).
cisco_cmx_cloud3440Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) Cloud is a cloud-delivered version of the on-premises CMX 10 software. CMX Cloud is used in the delivery of wireless services, integrating with the Cisco wireless infrastructure and creating out-of-the-box capabilities.
hot_vpn3441Hot VPN is a free unlimited VPN proxy and WiFi security. This plugin is deprecated and now classified as springtech_vpn.
barracuda_vpn3442Appliance edited by Barracuda and providing VPN service. This plugin classifies TINA protocol.
talkray3443Talkray is an instant messaging application.
hpe_sim3444HPE Insight Manager is an inventory and health monitoring software for HP enterprise class hardware and have basic support for other vendors. This plugin classify flows to the web UI, iLo, Linux servers running WBEM, and Windows servers with WMI.
visual_iq3445Visual IQ is a marketing solution provider.
textme3446Text Me is an instant messaging application which can make texting and calling to any phone and make national and international calls.
tenor3447Tenor is a GIF search engine.
cisco_sdavc3448Cisco Software-Defined AVC (SD-AVC) is a component of Cisco Application Visibility and Control (AVC). It works as a centralized network service, operating with specific participating devices in a network.
barracuda3449Barracuda Networks, Inc. is a company providing security, networking and storage products based on network appliances and cloud services. This plugin classifies traffic related to Barracuda web site and its Could Control service.
hoxx_vpn3450Hoxx VPN is a popular anonymizing web proxy.
cisco_corp_tv3451Cisco Corporate TV is an interactive web streaming, and live studio shows platform.
iflix3452Iflix is a video streaming application based on the Akamai cloud service.
tiktok3453TikTok is a social network application acquired by ByteDance and previously known as It allows its users to share live stream video content.
tanium3454This plugin classifies Tanium Client traffic. Tanium is an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solution. It is Endpoint Management System to protect entreprise against cyber threats.
tiange_91583455Tiange 9158 is a social network that provides streaming and broadcast live video feature. This plugin does not support the traffic of broadcast of live video workflow.
textplus3456textPlus is an instant messaging application which can send and receive sms / text / MMS / group messages to anyone in the US or Canada.
ventrilo3457Ventrilo is a low-latency, encrypted voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming.
arte_tv3458Arte TV is a Franco-German television channel. This plugin classifies traffic generated by the website.
cisco_ucm3459Cisco Unified Communication Manager is an IP PBX for enterprises. This plugin classify Cisco specific protocols between Cisco Unified Communication components and devices; and classifies the administration web interface.
foxnetworks3460Fox Networks Group is a subsidiary of Fox Entertainment Group for television and cable.
tunnelbear3461TunnelBear VPN is a desktop application and browser extension that provide VPN.
ubisoft3462Ubisoft is an online Game software editor and publisher (Far Cry, Assasin's Creed, Watchdogs...).
ring_central3463This plugin classifies website traffic of RingCentral, an application for video/audio conferencing.
vonage_mobile3464Vonage Mobile is an instant messaging application that provides feature to make landline or international calls.
vpn_masterpro3465VPN MasterPro is a free and unlimited VPN tunnel. It is used to unblock sites, bypass blocked apps, browse privately and anonymously and secure the user device. This plugin is deprecated and now classified as springtech_vpn.
azure_rms3466Azure Right Management Service is a Microsoft right management service for files and Office documents which acts like a DRM license server. It is part of Azure Information Protection and is the on-line version of MS AD RMS. Support of this protocols covers client-to-server requests.
libon3467Libon is an application that provides international audio call feature. This application is owned by Orange.
anchorfree3468AnchorFree is an anonymous VPN software released by Betternet (formerly vpnintouch) company. Betternet was bought by AnchorFree in 2015.
oracle_oem3469This module classifies the traffic generated by ORACLE OEM Management. Oracle OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager / Enterprise Manager Cloud Control) is an orchestrator for the IT and cloud instances. It deploys and configure Oracle products, including Oracle Linux from PXE, but also 3rd party software using plugins and may also connect to some 3rd party orchestrator.
alibaba_group3470Alibaba Group Holding Limited is a Chinese multinational conglomerate specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, AI and technology. This plugin is the default classification of domain names owned by Alibaba Group.
cmore3471CMORE is a swedish distributor of paid videos on demand.
line2_com3472Line2 (formerly Toktumi) is a telecommunication company that provides a second phone number for USA or Canada.
alicall3473Alicall is a chinese application that provide International VoIP call feature.
avamar3474AVAMAR is a backup system distributed by Dell EMC offering data deduplication. System with data deduplication is able to backup only once a duplicated object like an email or file that has been copied several times on a system. Classification focus on classification of traffic between client and server.
ironsource3475IronSource is a digital content company.
realvnc3476RealVNC is a company that provides remote access software. is an advertising technology company.
kodi3478Kodi (formerly XBox Media Center) is a free media player sofware application.
etisalat_c_me3479C'Me, developed by Etisalat, is a mobile application offering voice and video calls along with instant messaging.
cisco3480Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational technology. This plugin classifies the website browsing.
dragon_ball3481The Dragon Ball video game series are based on the manga and anime. This plugin classifies traffic generated by DRAGON BALL FighterZ video game.
cyberghost3482CyberGhost is a VPN service used to unblock sites and browse privately and anonymously.
easy_anti_cheat3483Easy Anti-Cheat is an anti-cheat service for multiplayer PC games.
tim_music3484Tim Music is a smartphone application and web application provided by TIM (Italian telecom company).
basecamp3485Basecamp is a web project management tool (ERP).
hooq3486HOOQ is a video on demand streaming service deployed in Asia (2018).
tim3487Tim is an Italian telecommunication company. This plugin classifies the website browsing.
expressvpn3488ExpressVPN is a provider of VPN tunnels with servers located in over 140 countries, a wide range of supported clients, and several standards or obfuscated protocols. This plugin classifies the website, the provided software, and manual setups using the ExpressVPN's provided configuration file.
moonton3489Moonton is a video game editor.
webrtc3490WebRtc is a free, open-source project that provides real-time communication (RTC) API for web browsers and mobile applications.
google_video3491Google Video hosting service provides video streaming to Google Youtube applications (Youtube, Kids, Music and Google Program such Youtube Premium).
dicom3492DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, supported traffic on usual TCP port 104, 11112 (non encrypted traffic, no support of DICOM-TLS or DICOM-ISCL).
mobile_legends3493mobile_legends provide in-App communication cloud services for games.
pubg3494PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds is a First Personal Shooter (FPS) online video game.
accountkit3495Account Kit is a product of Facebook that lets people quickly register for and log in to some registered apps by using just their phone numbers or email addresses without needing a password.
timepro_vg3496TimePro VG is a 'Time and Attendance' Software developed by Amano.
mojomarketplace3497MOJO Marketplace offers themes, plugins and professional services for website creation on wordpress.
epdg_tunnel3498This plugin classifies the traffic coming from WLAN between a user equipment (UE) and the ePDG (evolved Packet Data Gateway) in order to access the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsytem).
hbo3499Home Box Office (or HBO) is an American pay TV channel. This plugin classifies website traffic.
injustice_23500This plugin classify injustice 2 web site. Injustice 2 is an online game edited by NetherRealm Studios and published by Warner Bros.
mojang3501Mojang is a video game and software development corporation. is the web portal for the National Service in Singapore. This plugin classifies the website traffic.
wish_com3503Wish is an e-commerce website and application.
emc_navisphere3504Clariion is a SAN product line from EMC. NaviSphere is its remote configuration interface. This plugin classifies the internal communication protocols and web interface of NaviSphere.
makemytrip3505MakeMyTrip Limited is an Indian online travel company.
yahoo_together3506Yahoo Together is a group messaging application. Known by its project name Squirrel, it replaces Yahoo web messenger.
vital_qip3507Vital QIP is DDI application (DNS, DHCP, IPAM (IP Address Management)) that comes with a manager (AMS) to administrate Vital QIP appliance.
omnicast3508Omnicast is an IP CCTV (closed-circuit television) collector, storage and visualization product. This plugin classifies http and rtsp flows of Omnicast. Protocols specific to cameras are not handled by this plugin.
pl_panorama_mngt3509Palto Alto Panorama is a network security management appliance with DPI visibility and network rules editing. This plugin classifies the management protocol between Panorama and managed firewalls or managed collectors.
tibco3510This protocol is a generic layer used as a base for all the Tibco protocols.
tim_vision3511Tim Vision is a smartphone application and web application provided by TIM (Italian telecom company).
carbonblack3512This plugin classifies the website of Carbon Black Inc., editor of security products.
hideman_vpn3513Hideman VPN is an application and browser extension that provides VPN features.
prezi3514Prezi is a presentation software. This plugin classifies traffic generated by Individual Premium features.
redis3515Redis is a data structure server. It is open-source, networked, in-memory, and stores keys with optional durability.
apc_agent3516APC Agent protocol allows to monitor and manage APC devices in LAN network. This protocol uses UDP port 9950.
protonmail3517This plugin classifies ProtonMail website, webmail and mail applications. is a collaboration solution for enterprise.
ted3519TED Conferences LLC (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a media organization that posts talks online for free distribution. is an online training website for Singaporean soldiers. This plugin classifies only the SSL traffic on
air_watch3521Air Watch is a Mobile Device Management solution (MDM). This plugin classifies traffic generated by the cloud solution.
_4sync35224Sync is a cloud storage service.
viu3523Viu is an Asian streaming application.
future_plc3524Future Plc is a British publisher media company.
aws_console3525AWS Console is a web application for managing Amazon Web Services.
yopmail3526YOPmail is a disposable email platform. YOPmail provides a fake temporary and anonymous email address.
_24sevenoffice352724SevenOffice is a web-based Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
google_books3528On-line file storage and sharing web-service by Google. Important: most of the traffic is encrypted with generic Google certificates. The classification of this service then needs non-encrypted traffic to be injected. Classification is also correct for traffic under a proxy and some limited workflows.
quickplay3529Quickplay is a video service provider for IP connected devices.
hdfs3530Protocol used by Hadoop to store and exchange data across a cluster.
apple_news3531Apple News is a mobile app and news aggregator developed by Apple Inc.
freepp3532FreePP is an instant messaging application, that provides domestic and international calls feature. This plugin only classifies the instant messaging traffic.
hrpc3533HPRC is used between client and NameNode machine.
i_want_tv3534IWant TV is an over-the-top content (OTT) platform exclusively available in the Philippines.
hadoop3535Apache Hadoop is an open source tool that enables distributed parallel processing of huge amounts of data across servers that both store and process the data.
discourse3536Discourse is an open source Internet forum and mailing list management software application.
minecraft3537Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures.
jumpshare3538Jumpshare is a file sharing service. This plugin classifies traffic generated by the basic offer.
inskin3539Inskin is a media advertising company.
cisco_smartprobe3540This are packets sent by Cisco PfRv3 enabled routers to measure link quality.
jsfiddle3541JSFiddle is an Online web tools development.
litres_ru3542This plugin classifies traffic generated by e-book reader applications Litres Audio and Listres Listen.
mondia_media3543Mondia Media is a content and entertainment services provider. This plugin classifies website browsing.
hbase3544Hbase is a distributed database based on Google Bigtable.
tibbr3545Tibbr is a social network for work. This plugin classifies traffic generated by the website browsing.
youme3546Youme provides in-App communication cloud services for games.
cisco_amc3547This plugin classifies the protocol of CUCAM (Cisco Unified Communications Alert Manager and Collector). This service is used by CUC (Cisco Unified Communications) or the RTMT (Real-Time Monitoring Tool) to provide performance monitoring, data collection, logging, and alerting.
hp_jetadmin3548HP WebJet Admin (WjA) is a printer management software for HP printers. This plugin classifies secured web services of HP WjA.
cb_protection3549CarbonBlack Protection, formerly known as Bit9 or Parity, is a monitoring and access control application for critical systems and software. This plugin classifies flows between the agent and its servers.
grab3550Grab Taxi is a company offering ride hailing service in South East of Asia.
wb_games3551This protocol plug-in classifies traffic related to Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (also known as WB Games) is the video game production arm of Warner Bros.
bluehost3552Bluehost is a website hosting providers. This plugin classifies web site management traffic.
discord3553Discord is a chat, audio and video call application for gaming.
lol_game3554League of Legends is a popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena video game developed by Riot Games.
cisco_nmsp3555This protocol is used for data exchange between the Cisco Mobility Service Engine (MSE) and the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC).
tech_radar3556TechRadar is a technology news web site. is the web portal for Singapore Government. This plugin classifies the website traffic.
dazn3558DAZN is a video streaming service for sports.
sveriges_radio3559Sveriges Radio is a Swedish online radio and web portal news.
exalead3560Exalead is a software company, that provided search platforms and search-based applications (SBA) for consumer. This plugin classifies traffic generated by the search engine.
dwarfpool_com3561Mining pool for cryptocurrency named Monero (blockchain).
anonytun_vpn3562AnonyTun is an android VPN client offering to their users to customize a few parameters related to tunnel.
starkvpn3563Stark VPN is a vpn application.
netflix_video3564Classify traffic related to Netflix Streaming service. Most of that traffic goes to Open Connect Appliances ( which are deployed on ISP/IXP side to speed up throughput and so user experience. is a Netflix application using the same servers to assess quality of Internet connection to Netflix service.
kdslife3565Kdslife is a portal and forum for Shanghai's urban life. This plugin classifies website and application browsing.
cibn3566China International Broadcasting Network (CIBN) is an internet TV platform. This plugin classifies website traffic.
raknet3567RakNet is networking middleware for multiplayer game network engine (used by Roblox, Minecraft...).
fandom3568A free Wiki website hosting service.
couchbase3569Couchbase Server is a distributed, open source NoSQL database engine, storing key/values or JSON documents.
xmrpool_eu3570Mining pool for cryptocurrency named Monero (blockchain).
eurosport_player3571Eurosport Player is the Eurosport service for playing videos streaming (live and replay).
banggood3572Banggood is a chinese online shopping website and application.
eurosport3573Eurosport is a sport Pay TV channel. This plugin classifies website browsing.
evozi3574Evozi is an apk downloader website and also a mobile apps developer. This plugin classifies website traffic.
yolo3575Yolo is an application to send questions and answers to Snapchat users. Currently only available on iOS.
airfocus3576Airfocus is a tool to help Product managers to prioritize task and manage roadmap of their product.
mario_kart_tour3577Mario Kart Tour is a video game edited by Nintendo. This plugin classifies the game and its associated website.
vova3578Vova is an e-commerce website.
jscount3579JsCount is a real-time website monitoring service for web server performance measurement. This plugin classifies website traffic.
medium3580Medium is an online publishing platform.
face_app3581FaceApp is a mobile application to transform faces in photographs. This plugin classifies traffic from free version. Picture uploads to the mobile application use separate cloud storage services and are classified separately.
tesla3582Tesla, Inc. is an American automotive and energy company. This plugin classifies website traffic.
source_engine3583This plugin classifies online games using Valve's Source engine, such as HalfLife, CounterStrike, TeamFortress. Some game servers will be classified as Steam protocol
golang3584This plug-in classifies some web sites developped with go language (
codingwerft3585Codingwerft develops SaaS products as Airfocus.
google_pay3586Google Pay is an application that centralizes payment cards, loyalty cards, and gift cards. Payments can be made on line or in stores through NFC (Near Field Communication).
wireguard3587Wireguard is an open-source VPN protocol designed to be lightweight. The website is classified too.
ethereum_nd3588Ethereum client uses Node Discovery Protocol v4 to discover nodes which it has to interract with to mine or get any information about Ethereum blockchain.
wistia3589Wistia provides video-hosting services for businesses, including adding videos to the web, tracking performance and building audiences. This plugin classifies website traffic.
huazhu3590Huazhu is a chinese hotel management company. This plugin classifies website and application browsing.
ibooks3591Standard iOS application to buy, read and manage books and audio books.
coinimp3592Classification of traffic related to cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) mining and web traffic from web site.
gvcp3593GVCP stands for Give Vision Control Protocol a standard for industrial cameras supported by several companies. This plugin classifies GVCP traffic related to control and discovery.
apex3594Apex Legends is an online shooting video game available on PC and consoles (PS4, Xbox One), published by Electronic Arts.
duckduckgo3595DuckDuckGo is an Internet search engine and a web browser for mobile devices
didi3596Didi is a shared transport application. This plugin add classification of traffic generated by Android and iOS platforms.
netease3597NetEase is a chinese internet company. Netease is the owner of,, and
firefox_vpn3598Firefox Private Network is a Firefox extension which provides a secure and encrypted tunnel.
amazon_cognito3599Cognito is an Amazon AWS server allowing to keep track of user.
minexmr_com3600Mining pool for cryptocurrency named Monero (blockchain).
mynt3601Mynt is a FinTech startup wholly-owned by Globe Telecom. The plugin classifies website traffic.
crypto_browser3602Crypto browser integrates a web application 'Crypto tab' to mine monero (XMR) and to be rewarded in bitcoin. This software also seems to install two malware (redirector.gvt1, msftconnecttest). It runs its own 'cleanbrowser' search engine visually comparable to the google search engine.
tweakware3603Tweakware is a vpn application.
solidworks3604This plugin Classifies SolidWorks collaboration servers and Solidworks website. Solidworks is a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) suite from Dassault Systems.
trello3605Trello is list making application.
megaphone_fm3606Megaphone provides podcast technology for publishers and advertisers. This plugin classifies only website traffic.
acast3607Acast is a podcast platform. This plugin classifies listening, browsing and downloading podcasts traffic for free account.
ethereum3608Ethereum (ETH 1.X) is a cryptocurrency based on a decentralized blockchain with Proof of Work (PoW). This plugin handles version 63 (Eth/63) of Ethereum Wire protocol and traffic to its official web site.
starz3609Starz is an American cable and satellite television network. This plugin classifies traffic generated by Starz which is a website and mobile app that featured original programming and feature film content from Starz available for streaming.
google_takeout3610Google Takeout allows users of Google products to export their data to a downloadable archive file. The download is classified as gstatic.
windscribe3611Windscribe is a desktop application and browser extension that provide VPN and Ad blocker features.
talkatone3612Talkatone is an instant messaging application that provide international call feature.
qualtrics3613Qualtrics is a major online survey platform. This plugin classifies web site browsing.
yandex_taxi3614Yandex Taxi is a Russian online transportation network company which connects smartphone consumers looking for a trip with drivers. Yandex Taxi and Uber in Russia and East European countries had merged in 2017.
erlang_distribution3615Erlang distribution protocol allows several node to communicate together and exchange information.
minergate_com3616Mining pool for cryptocurrency named Monero (blockchain).
unity3617Unity is a 3D engine supported by more that 25 platforms. This plugin focuses on the video game services.
netigate3618Netigate is an enterprise feedback management platform. This plugin classifies website traffic.
google_api3619Google APIs is a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) developed by Google which allow communication with Google Services and their integration to other services.
iec61850_sv3620IEC 61850 Sampled Measured Values (SMV or SV) is protocol used in Electrical substations to share data between Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) under hard real time constraints (IEC 61850-9-2).
graboid3621Graboid Video is an application for downloading and watching videos.
monerohash_com3622Mining pool for cryptocurrency named Monero (blockchain).
bumble3623Bumble is social networking and dating application.
gaana3624Gaana is an application of musical streaming.
openload3625Openload is a file host combined with a streaming site.
open_signal3626OpenSignal is a company that specializes in wireless coverage mapping. This plugin classifies traffic of OpenSignal traffic on iOS and Android platform.
flexera3627This plugin classifies FLEXNet license servers and Flexera website.
streamco_media3628StreamCo Media, Ltd., is a streaming media solutions company.
ard3629Apple Remote Desktop allows to manage Mac computers remotely.
moodle3630Moodle is an open-source learning platform (MOOC). This plugin classifies Moodle website, Moodle cloud instances and HTTP only local instances.
eproxy3631Eproxy is a VPN for forward proxies with custom payload and optional ssh support. This plugin classifies automatically generated fake HTTP headers and the embedded ssh clients.
qwant3632Qwant is a French web search engine.
elong3633Elong is an online travel booking application. This plugin classifies only website and applications browsing
google_messages3634Google messages is an application for texting (SMS, MMS, RCS). A web interface is also available that can be synchronized in both ways with mobile application. Classification of RCS traffic may depend on telecommunication service provider.
gsuite3635This plugin classify GSuite's administration panel and requests to GMail using GSuite accounts.
patreon3636Patreon is a crowdfunding platform.
fullstory3637FullStory is a digital analytics platform. This plugin classifies website traffic
rockwell_rna3638Rockwell Network Applications (RNA) is Rockwell implementation of Windows DNA-M and is used for communication between Rockwell FactoryTalk products.
gaode_map3639Gaode Map is a chinese online mapping service. Gaode Map belongs to Alibaba Group which has acquired AutoNavi which offers its map services at It is also known as Gaode in China.
hemnet_se3640Hemnet is a Swedish Real Estate application and website.
fast_com3641Fast is a web service allowing to assess Internet throughput. This service is provided by Netflix.
codepen_io3642CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. This plugin classifies only traffic generated by the free plan.
icf_technology3643ICF Technology is a provider of high-definition video streaming and credit card processing services. Numerous adult content services have icf_technology as a subflow.
signiant3644Media Shuttle is a cloud based file sharing solution from Signiant targeting high volume transfers. It have enterprise work flows management capabilities. This plugin classifies Signiant web site, MediaShuttle web interface, Signiant file transfer protocol.
pubnub3645PubNub is a global Data Stream Network. This plugin classifies only website traffic.
caochen_weather3646Caochen Weather Live is a weather forecast application. This plugin classifies only free account traffic.
jw_player3647JWPLAYER is a video-hosting and a video management platform.
rakuten_video3648Rakuten Video hosting service provides video streaming to Rakuten TV application.
monero3649Classification of traffic related to cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) mining and web traffic from web site.
fuze3650Fuze (formerly known as ThinkingPhones) is a provider of cloud-based Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS).
dassault3651Classify web sites of Dassault group subsidiaries.
rakuten_tv3652Rakuten TV is a video-on-demand (VOD) streaming service. This plugin classifies traffic for Europe and Japan.
rcs3653RCS is a communication protocol aiming at replacing SMS messages with more advanced features a text-message system that is richer, provides phonebook polling (for service discovery), and can transmit in-call multimedia. It is part of broader IP Multimedia Subsystem.
globe_telco3654Globe Telecom is a provider of telecommunications services in the Philippines. The plugin classifies website traffic.
udt3655This plugin supports fourth version of UDT ( over UDP. This protocol is involved in GridFTP infrastructure. It is a protocol for high performance data transfer with multiplexing and session control.
firework3656Firework is a a social network application for video-sharing similar to TikTok (ByteDance).
harry_potter_wu3657Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is an online mobile game developed by Niantic Labs.
ftps_data3658FTP is a communication protocol made for share files in the network TCP/IP
vungle3659Vungle is a mobile advertising platform.
bredbandskollen3660Bredbandskollen is a swedish speedtest service.
ripple3661Ripple is a cryptocurrency but unlike other cryptocurrencies it is not based on a block chain. RippleNet design is more centralized.
target_com3662Target Corporation is the department store retailer in the United States. This plugin classifies traffic generated by Target website and Android application.
discovery_inc3663Discovery Inc, is an American global media and entertainment company. This plugin classifies website traffic.
tripadvisor3664TripAdvisor, Inc. is a travel and restaurant website company that shows hotel and restaurant reviews, accommodation bookings and other travel-related content.
cake_hr3665CakeHR is an online HR management software.
dplay3666Dplay is a video streaming provider. This plugin classifies only free account.
npr_org3667National Public Radio (NPR). This is an American media organization (news, music, radio content).
appstream3668This plug-in used to classify Amazon AppStream, a remote desktop uses to manage applications running in virtual machines on Amazon platform.
w3schools3669W3Schools is an educational website for learning web technologies online (content includes tutorials and references). is the public blog of Google (products, news, ...).
http_injector3671HTTP Injector is a VPN tool. This plugin classifies the ssh tunneling. high_entropy plugin must be enabled to get shadowsocks classification.
opera_vpn3672Opera VPN is a feature provided by Opera Web Browser. This feature provides VPN fonctionalities.
pipedrive3673Pipedrive is a sales customer relationship management (CRM) tool for salespeople.
playkot3674Playkot Ltd. is a mobile apps developer company
gcash3675Gcash is a mobile payment application. The plugin classifies website traffic.
ragnarok_online3676Ragnarok Online is an online role-playing game . This plugin classifies traffic generated by Ragnarok M Eternal Love application.
age_of_magic3677Age of Magic is a single player video game for mobile platforms.
crypto_pool_fr3678Mining pool for cryptocurrency named Monero (blockchain).
stan3679Stan is an Australian streaming company. Stan is owned by StreamCo.
qbrick3680Qbrick is a service video provider (Video Platform, Video Player, Video Editor, Analytics, CDN, API). This plugin classifies website traffic.
tunnelguru3681This plugin classifies WebTunnel VPN software edited by TunnelGuru and its website.
airbnb3682Airbnb is a platform for booking and renting apartments between individuals.
service_now3683ServiceNow is a web platform to develop custom workflow based applications for enterprise, similar to a ticket management system. This plugin classifies the website, API, and mobile applications.
code423684Code42 is an American software company that develops and markets the CrashPlan backup software and services suite.
tuchong3685Tuchong is a photo sharing platform of Bytedance. This plugin classifies only website browsing traffic.
fifa3686Fifa is a football video game edited by EA Sports. This plugin classifies video game online traffic.
rockstargames3687Rockstar Game is a video game editor.
shahid_net3688Shahid is an Arabic VOD service owned by MBC Group (Middle East Brodcasting Center). See also 'Mebc' in Protobook.
schneider_ion3689Integrated Object Network (ION) is a proprietary SCADA protocol for Schneider Electrics smart meters.
kuwo3690Kuwo provides music streaming services.
toyo_protocol3691This layer classifies only a limited number of protocols known to be used by Toyo hardware (PLC).
anywhereusb3692This layer classifies traffic from TCP/3422 related to actual data carried out by AnywhereUSB devices connected to it. Those data are in clear text.
readingeggs3693Reading Eggs introduces mini-games to help children learn alphabet and numbers.
acronis_backup3694Acronis Backup is a backup platform that use cloud or local storage and can save multiple hosts using agents. Online storage is classified as acronis_cloud.
facebook_games3695Facebook games is a feature to play games and discover apps on Facebook. This plugin does not classify traffic that may be generated by games/applications to their own servers.
erspan3696Encapsulated Remote Switch Port ANalyzer (ERSPAN) is a protocol implemented by Cisco hardware allowing to mirror traffic from a switch to another machine for analysis. Traffic is encapsulated in ERSPAN on top of GRE (Generic Routing Encapsualtion).
hiido3697Hiido (Haidu Cloud) is a chinese self-service big data service to make analytics and statistics platform used for example by yy. This plugin classifies traffic to and
bpi3698BPI is the bank of the Philippine island. This pluggin classifies traffic to the web site.
medialab_ai3699MediaLab.AI is a holding company of internet brands like Kik, Whisper, DatPiff, Manga Life and Coco e-learning. This plugin classifies website traffic.
sift3700Sift is an analytics company providing services against fraud.
keyence_barecode3701This plugin classifies the control protocol of Keyence Barecode scanners, that is also used by AutoID Network Navigator, their setup software.
grubhub3702Grubhub Inc. is an American online and mobile prepared food ordering and delivery service that connects diners with local takeout restaurant. This plugin classifies traffic from France even if the service is not yet available.
agora_io3703Agora SDK is a WebRTC framework.
codemeter3704Wibu Codemeter is a license server (Software Asset Management). This plugins classifies this product as used in FactoryTalk Activation Manager.
ros3705Rules of survival is an online multiplayer Battle Royale game from Chinese company Netease Games.
s7comm_plus3706S7communication Plus is a Siemens proprietary protocol for Siemens' Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).
bamtech3707BAMTech is a VOD technology provider owned by Walt Disney Company, Major League Baseball Advanced Media and National Hockey League. This plugin classifies its streaming technology as used by Disney Plus.
bigo3708BIGO Technology is a Singapore-based social media company.
google_stadia3709Google Stadia is a platform of cloud gaming allowing players to play within Web browsers.
roblox3710Roblox is an online video game.
epic_browser_update3711Epic Browser is a privacy-centric web browser edited by Hidden Reflex. This plugin classifies the update and extension store provided with this browser.
wangwang3712WangWang is the instant messenger service provided by Taobao which provides two applications, Wangxin for buyers and Qianniu for sellers.
halo3713Halo is a video game First Personal Shooter (FPS) available on Microsoft platforms (PC, Xbox) and published by Microsoft. This plugin classifies the Halo 5 game exclusive to XboxOne.
dida3714Dida Chuxing provides taxi booking services.
evasive_protocol3715This protocol classifies common mechanisms used by evasive applications. Those mechanisms can be shared by several different applications.
demandbase3716DemandBase is an advertising company. This plugin classifies traffic to
gta53717GTA5 is a video game developed by Rockstar Games.
ixigua3718Xigua Video is a video platform of Bytedance.
kochava3719Kochava provides analytics services. This plugin classifies traffic to
sharp_stream3720SharpStream is the streaming platform for streamers.
fanuc_gen3721This layer gathers signatures of protocols used by Fanuc equipments. This layer does not cover ALL protocols generated by Fanuc equipments.
houseparty3722Houseparty is a social network with video capabilities.
apple_tv_plus3723Apple TV Plus offers paid VOD distributed by Apple. This plugin classifies the video streams related to Apple TV Plus option and web site This plugin does not cover streams related to Apple TV application.
ah_cdn3724Advanced Hosting is a hosting, cloud services and CDN platform.
radio_javan3725Radio Javan is a music platform for Persian and Iranian musics. This plugin classifies traffic related to a free account.
ximalaya3726Ximalaya FM is a platform for sharing voice audio and personal radio stations.
browsec_vpn3727Browsec VPN is a set of mobile applications and web browser extensions providing non-professional VPN service. This plugin classifies the browser extension and mobile applications. Applications may generate ISAKMP/IPSEC traffic.
toutiao3728Toutiao is a news recommendation engine and a content delivery platform of Bytedance.
workday3729Workday provides cloud based finance and HR software. On internal networks a part of the traffic won't be classified as Workday.
uber_eats3730This plugin classifies uber flows that are specific to Uber Eats website and applications. Uber Eats shares the same infrastructure as Uber.
activision3731Activision is an American video game publisher. This plugin classifies website traffic.
milestone_systems3732Milestone Systems is an IP video management software platform. This plugin classifies only website traffic.
engage_digital3733Engage Digital is a digital customer engagement platform. It was previously Dimelo acquired by Ring Central.
bpi_mobile3734BPI is the bank of the Philippine island. This pluggin classifies traffic to the mobile application.
equip_command3735This layer classifies EquipCommand protocol from TotalTrax equipment (SX/VX series), it solely handles the non-ciphered part of this protocol.
baidu_tieba3736Baidu Tieba is the Baidu forum platform. This plugin only classifies website and applications browsing.
ge_proficy3737Proficy is a General Electric product for industrial environment allowing monitoring and data management from SCADA network. This plugin classifies traffic related to Proficy Gateway service (PR Gateway) and Proficy Licensing server (PR Licensing)
ms_ssas3738Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (MS-SSAS) is SQL Server's optional component for OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP). This plugin classifies XMLA (XML for Analysis) which is a SOAP protocol for accessing those databases.
ms_dfsr3739The Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) service is a new multi-master replication engine that is used to keep folders synchronized on multiple servers.
acronis_cloud3740Acronis Cloud is the cloud platform used by Acronis product, including Acronis Backup.
dynamics3653741Microsoft Dynamics is the enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) platform. This plugin classifies Cloud version of Microsoft Dynamics.
schibsted3742Schibsted Media Group is an international media group. This plugin classifies website traffic.
likee3743Likee is a short video creation and sharing platform owned by Bigo.
crashplan3744Crashplan is an online backup service provided by Code42.
shopify3745Shopify is an online service to build e-commerce websites.
skyvpn3746SkyVpn encrypts your data to secure your connection as a VPN using domain fronting and encrypted traffic.
svenska_dagbladet3747Svenska Dagbladet ( SvD ), is a Swedish daily newspaper. This plugin classifies only free accounts.
epic_browser_vpn3748Epic Browser is a privacy-centric web browser edited by Hidden Reflex. This plugin classifies the VPN extension provided with this browser.
moxa_aspp3749This plugin classifies ASPP (Async Server Proprietary Protocol) from Moxa (NPort devices) without activation of encryption.
stackpath3750StackPath is a platform allowing computing infrastructure deployment and management. This plugin classifies website traffic.
epic_browser3751Epic Browser is a privacy-centric web browser edited by Hidden Reflex. This plugin classifies the website. There are 2 additional plugins for updates (epic_browser_update) and VPN extention (epic_browser_vpn).
quora3752Quora is a question-and-answer platform.
xprotect3753Xprotect is a professional video surveillance system provided by Milestone Systems. This plugin only support the demonstration version on mobile devices.
nextdns3754NextDNS is a secure DNS resolver used by Mozilla to encrypt the DNS traffic. This plugin classifies the encrypted DNS traffic when the traffic related to nextDNS.
acronis3755This plugin classifies flows related to Acronis products.
citrix3756Citrix is a cloud computing company. This plugin classifies website traffic.
moxa3757Moxa is a company developing hardware components (Scada, IOT, Networking).
moji_weather3758Moji Weather is a social, crowd-sourced application generating real-time weather data from its user based around the world.
rockwell3759This plugin classifies the Rockwell Automation websites and related API.
location_iq3760LocationIQ provides a geolocation API. This plugin classifies only website traffic.
doordash3761Doordash is a food delivery service platform. This plugin classifies traffic generated on Chrome and iOS.
byte_co3762Byte ( is a mobile app allowing to create and share short video.
netease_games3763Netease Games is a division of giant Chinese company Netease.
kpn_tunnel3764KPN is a VPN over HTTP proxy and SSH with custom HTTP payload injection.
disney_plus3765Disney Plus is a Video On Demand (VOD) service.
dagens_nyheter3766Dagens Nyheter a Swedish news paper. This plugin classifies website and mobile applications traffic.
yokogawa_protocol3767This layer classifies only a limited number of protocols known to be used by Yokogowa hardware.
mt_sics3768Standard Interface Command Set (SICS) is a protocol to control Mettler Toledo industrial scales.
zhenai3769Zhenai is a provider of online matchmaking and dating services in China.
brid_tv3770BridTV is a video monetization solution platform. This plugin classifies only website traffic.
foldingathome3771Folding@Home is software allowing to run distributed computed algorithms for research projects.
ws_discovery3772Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery) is a multicast SOAP over UDP service discovery protocol standardized by OASIS.
siemens_apogee3773This plugin classifies the main data protocol used by Siemens Apogee HVAC product line. This device also uses BACnet and other control protocols that are not covered here.
snapmirror3774This plugin classifies SnapMirror relationship protocol for data transfer only, thus protocol related to replication of snapshots between any two ONTAP systems.
ms_dime3775Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) is a lightweight binary format to encapsulate a binary payload along with its type. This plugin handles version 1 of Dime.
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