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Modify Objects' Security Settings

Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

An object's security setting can be changed by the Global Administrator through the Object Permissions Manager.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Object Permissions Manager.
    The Object Permissions Manager window appears.
  2. Select the Action check box of the objects whose security needs to be changed.
  3. Right-click the Object Permissions Manager grid, and then click Properties.
    The Edit dialog box appears.
  4. Modify the following settings as needed.
    1. Read Access. Select the Read Access rights for the objects. For more information on permission levels, see Object Permissions Manager.
    2. Write Access. Select the Write Access rights for the objects. For more information on permission levels, see Object Permissions Manager.
    3. Owner. To change the owner of the objects, do the following:
      1. Click the navigation button for the Owner field.
      2. In the User Selector dialog box, search for a new owner by typing in the Text Filter field or select the owner from the list in the User area.
      3. Click OK to assign the object to a new user.
    4. Entity. The objects can be assigned to a new different entity. Select the Entity to which these objects will be associated.
      1. Click the navigation button for the Entity field.
      2. In the Entity Selector dialog box, search for a new entity by typing in the Text Filter field or select the entity from the list in the Entity area.
      3. Click OK to assign the object to the new entity.
  5. Click Change to assign the new permissions to the objects.

    If an error appears, one of the following issues may be causing it:

    • The read and write permissions need to be adjusted. If the read permissions are set to Private, the only Write Access permissions that can be set is Private.
    • There might be a conflict between the Entity and Owner. If Restricted user has rights on EntityA you cannot associate the object to EntityB for that restricted user.
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