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Configure IPsec on Linux Machine

Install Libreswan

Before beginning, make sure packet forwarding is enabled on the Linux distribution.

To download the latest source code of Libreswan, visit the Libreswan Downloads page.

  1. Run the following commands as root:

    yum -y update
    yum -y install libnss3-dev libnspr4-dev pkg-config libpam0g-dev libcap-ng-dev libcap-ng-utils libselinux1-dev libcurl4-nss-dev flex bison gcc make
    yum install wget
  2. Install Libreswan:

    yum install libreswan
  3. Start the IPsec service and enable the service to be started:

    systemctl enable ipsec
  4. Configure the firewall to allow 500 and 4500/UDP ports for the IKE, ESP, and AH protocols by adding the IPsec service:

     #firewall-cmd --add-service="ipsec"
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

Initialize the NSS Database

After a new installation of Libreswan, the NSS database should be initialized as part of the installation process. Before you start a new database, remove the old database. 
  1. Use the following commands to remove the old database:

    ~]# systemctl stop ipsec
    ~]# rm /etc/ipsec.d/*db
  2. Enable IPsec:

    systemctl enable ipsec
    Libreswan requires the firewall to allow the following packets: UDP port 500 and 4500 for the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol. Protocol 50 for Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP) IPsec packets. Protocol 51 for Authenticated Header (AH) IPsec packets (uncommon).
  3. Check IPsec status:

    $ipsec setup status

  4. Initialize the new NSS database, run the following command as root:

    ~]# ipsec initnss

Create Host-to-Host VPN

  1. Go to the /etc/ipsec.d/ directory and create a new my_host-to-host.conf file.
  2. Edit the file, and enter all the details shown below:

    It is mandatory to maintain the gap of one tab between conn mytunnel and auto=start.

    conn mytunnel
           leftid=(Domain name/ip of linux machine)
           left=(ip address of linux machine)
           right=(ip address of Windows machine)
           rightid=(Domain name of Windows machine)

    For example, see the screenshot below:

    Connection namemytunnel
    leftid10.1.0.127 (Linux machine)
    right (Windows machine) (FQDN domain name of Windows machine)
  3. Go to the /etc folder, and make the following edits in the ipsec.secrets file:

    (ip adddress of linux machine)<space>( ip address of windows machine)<space> : <space>PSK<space>"Shared key which we passed for Windows machine"

  4. Start the IPsec service:

    systemctl start ipsec
  5. Verify the tunnel is up and running:

    ipsec auto --add mytunnel

    If you receive any error message after running the above command, you have entered the incorrect values in either your host-to-host.conf file or your ipsec.secrets file. You will need to go back and enter the correct values.

  6. Restart the IPsec service:

    systemctl restart ipsec
  7. You have completed configuring IPsec between Windows and Linux machines.

  8. You can verify that traffic is coming in properly and is encrypted by using Wireshark:

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