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7.8.0 GA Release Notes

System Monitor v7.7.0.8001 (Windows) is incompatible with SIEM v7.8.0x.

If any of your Windows System Monitors are running v7.7.0.8001, you must upgrade them to v7.7.0.8002 (Windows) before upgrading to SIEM v7.8.0x.

No action is required for *NIX System Monitors.

New Features

  • No new features in this release.


  • The Lucene Filters in the Web Console Dashboards have been updated to be more intuitive, allowing the filtering experience to flow better.
  • There are two Data Indexer updates to the Core SIEM for 7.8.0: added the Cluster Name field to the Configuration Manager and upgraded to Elasticsearch 6.8.15.
  • The DB upgrade Version Check was updated for 7.8.0 to include newly supported upgrade paths and license check. We are still allowing upgrades to 7.8.0 from anything 7.4.0 and above.
  • The LogRhythm Diagnostics Tool was added directly to the Install Wizard for 7.8.0.  

Deprecated Features

LogRhythm 7.8 is the last published version of the SOAP API. LogRhythm is deprecating the SOAP API in favor of more usable and sustainable integration through RESTful APIs. We encourage customers and partners using the SOAP API to migrate their integrations to REST APIs. For more information on REST integration, see our REST API documentation.

  • Removed DPX configuration option from Install Wizard.

Resolved Issues

Bug #
Ticket #

402744, 406709, 409024, 410746, 408863, 418912

Admin APIIn LRCloud deployments, the Admin API service no longer generates multiple errors, requiring users to restart the service.
DE12339419586Alarm APIWhen queried for alarm status, the Alarm API returns alarm information without a permissions error. 
DE12421417343Alarm APIWhen queried for alarm status, the Alarm API returns alarm information without a permissions error. 
DE10734373469Client ConsoleWindows 2019 now displays as an operating system option in drop-down lists in the Windows Host Wizard. 
DE10950390999Client ConsoleWhen a user selects Threat ID as the Alarm Field value in an SRP action, it no longer changes from Threat ID to Status after saving and reopening the AIE Rule.  
DE11642401747 Client ConsoleThe LR Console Deployment Manager no longer generates an error when users edit multiple host records at once. 
DE11716400715, 415258Client ConsoleWhen bad entries exist in a list, a message appears to inform users of the issue and prompts them on actions to take. 
DE12401409328, 409475, 420050Client ConsoleDrop Raw Log now works with Log Source Virtualization. 
DE12000404861, 418775Client Console, MediatorSyslog log sources now have identifiers that match those selected in their Virtualization Settings. 
DE12220407156, 408428, 411257, 411368, 414907Client Console

When data is present, searches and alarm drill downs that use a list with a single Active Directory group now return results. Some customers experienced this issue after upgrading to 7.6.0.

DE10377379943Data IndexerThe Carpenter service can now connect to SQL in non-FIPS mode. 
DE11721403754, 403646, 412909Data IndexerThe upgrade checker now correctly sets DX_ES_PATH_DATA when the DXCONFIGPATH environment variable was not set to Default. 
DE11775403785, 408263, 409286, 412636, 415355, 416202, 417551, 418019, 421415, 421849, 422382, 422858Data IndexerSearches and drill downs that use Location lists now return results.

407950, 407950, 408347, 409530, 409657, 410081, 419332

Data IndexerTransporter now fully starts after automatic restart at five minutes past midnight UTC. 
DE12139405286, 408265, 411827, 418019, 422222Data IndexerAIE Drill Downs now work when rules contain lists. 
DE12335410639Data IndexerDuring service startup on XM8xxx appliances, the SetValuesForES.bat now sets the Elasticsearch heap to 30GB. 
DE12960413300, 418019Data IndexerHost list searches now return results.
DE12692416829HA UpgradeThe HA PostUpgrade.ps1 script no longer fails to start services. 
DE12026405685Infrastructure: Data ManagementWhen running investigations on the Data Processor, the Parent Process Id field now displays values up to 38 characters long. 
DE11896411653, 415039Infrastructure: Database Scripts and Upgrade ScriptsThe SQL backup job now backs up the database transaction log. 
DE11708403114Infrastructure: Database Upgrade ToolAn upgrade no longer fails after an SA user is renamed or deleted. 
DE12560408878Linux AgentLinux Agent now collects logs from log source type Syslog - Palo Alto Firewall. 
DE12800408245, 408878, 416933, 417576Linux AgentWhen using Log Source Virtualization, the Linux Agent now splits the logs to a child log source and its parent log source.  
DE12508412243MediatorWhen a log decompression error occurs in the Mediator, scmedsvr logs now include references to Agent ID and Agent Type (Windows or Linux) to facilitate troubleshooting. 
DE12557414739MediatorMPE startup is no longer delayed when loading a large number of identities. 
DE12298409381Search APIPagination in the LogRhythm Search API now functions as expected. 
DE12689417343Search APIThe Search API redoc now includes the QueryLogSources,QueryEventManager and LogSourceIds fields. 
DE12200405409Web ConsoleWhen a restricted analyst performs a search or investigation in the Web Console, host and entity data are now masked. 

Known Issues

The following issues have each been found and reported by multiple users.

Bug #
Found In Version
Release Notes
DE18792.4LogRhythm Diagnostics ToolThe LogRhythm Diagnostics Report shows the last backup information incorrectly. 

Expected Results: The report should show the accurate last backup time for each database. 

Workaround: Review the backup information in SQL Server Management Studio.

DE108671.2.0.10TrueIdentity Sync ClientThe TrueIdentity Sync Client will not connect to the Microsoft Active Directory LDAP server on port 636 using LDAP. 

Expected Results: The TrueIdentity Sync Client should be able to connect using LDAP via port 636. 

Workaround: Use port 389 instead and ensure the proper certificates are in place for security. 

DE76327.1.3Client ConsoleEntities cannot be deleted from within the Client Console. 

Expected Results: Entities should be retireable and able to be hidden from view. 

Workaround: Contact Technical Support to assist you in removing entities that are no longer needed.

DE76127.1.7Client ConsoleReports exported to .csv format are not formatted correctly. The headers are duplicated in each row as name/value pairs.

Expected Results: When exporting reports in .csv format, the column headers should not be repeated on each row.

Workaround: The report needs to be formatted to remove columns that show the column headers. In addition, LogRhythm data can be exported using Log Distribution Services (LDS).

DE19687.2.5MediatorProcessing of Archive .bin files is sometimes delayed during heavy load and can back up at the Mediator, filling the hard drive. 

Expected Results: Archives should process, seal, and move out of the Unprocessed Archives folder as long as the processing rate is at or below the system specification. 

Workaround: Evaluate system sizing and consider an expansion to meet active load demands. In some systems, increasing the ArchiveSize setting in the Data Processor Advanced Properties to 51200 (from the default value of 10240) can help process archive files faster. If necessary, move large files out of the Unprocessed Archives folder to another drive and slowly feed them back in when the system is successfully processing the live data. A more permanent solution to this issue will be provided in a future release.

DE11137.2.5MediatorWhen the Mediator service is busy enumerating the agent licenses, the Data Processor heartbeat may be delayed.   

Expected Results:  When the Mediator is handling agent licenses, the heartbeat packet should still be sent so the system shows it is healthy. 

WorkaroundThere is currently no workaround for this issue.

DE33857.3.2Data IndexerThe DX Diagnostic logs are firing too often. 

Expected Results: The Diagnostic logs should be tuned to alarm less frequently. 

WorkaroundThere is currently no workaround for this issue.

DE18717.3.3AI EngineUnder conditions of load, AI Engine Rules that are written incorrectly can cause significant issues throughout the entire AIE server. 

Expected Results: Poorly written AIE Rules should be suspended until they are altered and re-enabled. 

Workaround: Rewrite the AIE Rule for better performance. Often, this involves adding filters, reducing log sources, and modifying the logic. Tuning an AIE Rule requires expertise, so contact LogRhythm Training, Professional Services, or a Sales Engineer to assist if necessary. Additional solutions to identify and monitor poorly performing rules are being developed for a future release.

DE18297.3.3Client ConsoleThere may be inconsistencies in the way a log parses through MPE processing and within the MPE Rule Builder. A log that parses without issue in the Rule Builder may not parse when run through MPE processing. This could be caused by rule match timeouts. 

Expected Results: The processing of a log should be the same whether it is parsed in Rule Builder or MPE. 

Workaround: Change the sub-rule to use a different tag, such as <Tag1>. If you are experiencing this issue, ensure that you are not using a custom Log Processing Policy and that there are no MPE timeouts. If issues persist, contact Technical Support and reference this bug number (DE1829) or its sister defect (DE1651).

DE13347.3.3Web ConsoleCustomers who have integrated NetMon into the Web Console may encounter a condition where the PCAP has aged out, but the user interface indicates that it is still available. Attempting to download the PCAP results in an unclassified failure message. 

Expected Results: When users try to download a PCAP that is no longer available on disk, the error message should provide that detail instead of an unclassified failure. 

Workaround: The error message will be changed in a future release. There are two simple troubleshooting steps to identify if the PCAP exists or if other issues are occurring in the integration: Log in to NetMon directly and verify if the selected PCAP has already aged out or should be available on disk. Recreate the API key for the selected NetMon and update the NetMon configuration in the Deployment Manager.

DE60727.3.4APIsWhen using a 512-bit RSA-signed certificate, Case API and Admin API do not start due to an incomplete implementation of TLS 1.2. This typically happens when a GPO pushes the certificate to the server. 

Expected Results: Case API and Admin API should start when using any size certificate. 

Workaround: Remove the server from the domain and reboot it. Verify that the 512-bit certificate has been removed, re-run the installers, and reboot. To avoid this issue, do not join the domain again or the certificate will be pushed out again. In addition, create a new certificate that uses a 384-bit (or less) hash or exclude the impacted system from the GPO that pushes the certificate.

DE17597.3.4AI EngineWhen the AIE service starts up, errors are generated multiple times in the AIE Engine log. 

Expected Results: These errors should not be generated in the AIE Engine log, but AIE is working and alarms are firing.  

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue.

DE31957.3.4Client ConsoleWhen running a search in either the Client or Web Console, users see an error: Error fetching data - Gateway timeout.

Expected Results: When a search times out, a message should inform users and instruct them to re-run the search with a longer timeout. 

Workaround: Increase the timeout on the query and re-run it.

DE51857.3.4Client ConsoleThe Network (Impacted) field does not display on reports where it is included as a column, even though data appears in that field.

Expected Results: All chosen fields should appear on the report if they contain data.

Workaround: Running the report as an investigation yields the expected results in the Network (Impacted) column. LogRhythm is actively working on a solution to this issue in a future release.

DE16067.3.5AI EngineWhen an AIE Rule with two rule blocks has an evaluation period of 0 seconds, the rule does not trigger as expected. 

Expected Results: AIE Rule Blocks should fire when they are triggered at the same time. 

Workaround: As the behavior of simultaneous events is unpredictable and the use case for a 0-time interval is rare, LogRhythm does not plan to change this behavior at this time. To avoid the issue, set the evaluation period to 1 second.

DE16407.3.5MediatorThe AIE Data Provider service does not start up correctly unless the Mediator service is also stopped and restarted. Because logging is inconsistent, users may not know that the service has failed to start properly. 

Expected Results: The AIE Data Provider service should start consistently and as expected. Failures should be consistently logged to alert when the service did not start correctly. 

Workaround: Restart the Mediator service to allow the AIE Data Provider service to start. A more permanent solution to this issue is being evaluated for a future release.

DE109377.4.10AlarmingIf an SRP is retired, the Alarming and Response Manager (ARM) does not recognize this and could cause the C: drive to fill with errors trying to execute the SRP if the logging level on the ARM is set high.   

Expected Results: The Alarming and Response Manager should be aware of a change of status of the SRPs and should not continue to attempt to execute them. 

Workaround: Lower the logging level on the ARM to help mitigate this, but contact LogRhythm Technical Support if assistance is needed to retire the SRP. 

DE105697.4.10Common ComponentsIn certain circumstances, when the Platform Manager reboots, the Data Processor and Data Indexer are not able to connect to consul and logs may not be indexed. 

Expected Results: The Data Processor and Data Indexer should connect to Service Registry after a reboot of the Platform Manager. 

Workaround: Manually restart the API Gateway and Service Registry services on the Data Indexer and Data Processor after a reboot of the Platform Manager.

DE117987.4.10Client ConsoleWhen exporting a large number of logs using the Send all Logs option from the Log Viewer in Client Console, the Console freezes. 

Expected Results: The Console should not freeze when exporting logs. 

Workaround: Export selected logs instead of all logs to allow the export to complete. 

DE110157.4.10Installation ComponentsSQL Database autogrowth settings are too small, causing fragmentation and performance issues. 

Expected Results: Autogrowth should increase in larger increments so it does not cause fragmentation. 

Workaround: Set the autogrowth settings to the following:EMDB: 256 MBEvents: 1 GBAlarms: 256 MBLogMart: 256 MBCMDB: 256 MB 

DE113167.4.10Job ManagerScheduled reports that do not complete within an hour return only partial results without indication of additional results available. 

Expected Results: The Job Manager should generate a message stating that the results were not complete and the report should indicate partial results. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE117017.4.10Job ManagerWhen exporting reports as .csv files, there are duplications of headers and footers that cause the report to be much larger in size than when run in the Console.   

Expected Results: Exported reports should not duplicate header and footer lines. 

Workaround: Export the report in another format or remove the extra lines from the .csv. 

DE111017.4.10Smart Response PluginIn certain circumstances, a SmartResponse action may fail to execute with an error: No System Monitor Associated with execution target.

Expected Results:  The SmartResponse Plugin should execute after selecting the System Monitor Agent. 

WorkaroundThere is currently no workaround for this issue


In certain circumstances when Entity Archive settings are turned on, customers may receive the following error:

**ERROR** Failed to locate or create inactive subdirectory: The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Inactive archive files will be temporarily stored at the root of the system drive (C:\ in most cases). This error must be corrected in order for inactive archives to be stored at the specified location. 

Expected Results: Entity archiving should function without errors. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE72637.4.2Web ConsoleWhen exporting the results of an Investigation to .csv from the Web Console Analyzer Grid, the date values in the first and last rows are exported as UNIX-formatted large integers rather than simple dates. 

Expected Results: All data contained in the .csv export should be valid and match the data displayed in the Web Console. 

Workaround: Export the same investigation from the Client Console or manually adjust the first and last date post export. LogRhythm is investigating a solution to this issue.

DE12387.4.2Web ConsoleWhen copying a Top X widget to another dashboard, all configuration is lost after saving and refreshing the target dashboard. 

Expected Results: When copying widgets, all settings should remain. 

Workaround: Users can add a new widget to the dashboard and configure it manually to work around this issue. This issue is still being actively investigated and will be resolved in a future release.

DE13247.4.3AI EngineIn certain circumstances, there may be a discrepancy between the AIE event date/time and the date/time of the message(s) triggering the AIE rule, causing the AIE event to show a future date/time.   

Expected Results: The date and time of the AIE Event should not have a future time. 

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue. 

DE53127.4.3TrueIdentity Sync ClientThe OU/DC filter in the TrueIdentity Sync Client does not allow white space. 

Expected Results: White space should be allowed in the OU/DC filter. 

Workaround: While there is no workaround for this issue, LogRhythm is investigating a resolution for a future release.

DE5147.4.3Web ConsoleWhen viewing TrueIdentity records in the Web Console, 1,000 records are shown at once. Scrolling past that initial 1,000 records produces the error message: Failed to fetch Identities: Bad Request.

Expected Results: Users should be able to scroll through all TrueIdentity records in the Web Console. 

Workaround: Using filters to find specific data in the TrueIdentity page prevents the error message from showing and helps find data more quickly. LogRhythm is working on a resolution for a future release.

DE26897.4.4Data IndexerWhen the Data Indexer cluster health changes from green to yellow during EMDB list maintenance, alarms for Indexer Cluster Health Excessive Warnings are generated. This can cause concern when there is no actual issue on the system. 

Expected Results: An alarm should only generate when the cluster health changes to red. 

Workaround: Edit the impacted alarm to suppress for 24 hours or disable that alarm.

DE62447.4.5AlarmingIn certain circumstances, an Alarm does not associate with a SmartResponse Plugin and does not run the SmartResponse Plugin. 

Expected Results: The SmartResponse Plugin should be triggered by any Alarm meeting the criteria. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE397.4.5TrueIdentity Sync ClientThe TrueIdentity Sync may fail if attempting to run with a large number of users (greater than approximately 10,000).

Expected Results: The TrueIdentity Sync Client should work for any number of users. 

Workaround: While there is no workaround for this issue, the next release of the Sync Client will be able to support larger AD environments.

DE13367.4.6AI EngineIn certain circumstances, the AIE Summary Fields are not populating in the AIE Notification emails. 

Expected Results: AIE Summary Fields should be displayed on all AIE Notification emails. 

Workaround: View the AIE Summary Fields in the Alarm instead of the Notification email.

DE12887.4.6AI EngineWhen an AIE Rule uses the Host (Impacted) or Host (Origin) in the Group By block, the rule misfires. 

Expected Results: AIE Rules should not fire if the rule block relationship is not met. 

Workaround: Change the Host (origin) or Host (impacted) fields to IP Address, and the AIE Rule works as expected. 

DE40497.4.6Client ConsoleWhen running a report that contains User Origin Identity or User Impacted Identity fields, the report runs and provides data, but the Identity fields are not populated.

Expected Results: Identity data should appear in reports that contain those fields.

Workaround: Run an investigation to provide the same information.

DE99957.4.6Job ManagerScheduled reports are sent to a disabled account if an email is attached to the disabled account. 

Expected Results: Scheduled reports should not be sent to disabled accounts. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 



7.4.6Web ConsoleIn certain circumstances, the Web Console may show a 500 Error page. Typically, this occurs overnight when new service tokens are created for authentication.

Expected Results: Authentication services for Web Console should handle the change to the new tokens without errors.

Workaround: Restarting the LogRhythm Authentication API on the Platform Manager mitigates this issue until the next time it occurs.

DE11987.4.6Web ConsoleWhen downloading large NetMon PCAPs from the Web Console, there may be delays to the initial download, increased memory usage, or timeouts. 

Expected Results: The Web Console should not time out when downloading large PCAP files. 

Workaround: Change the time out setting in the Configuration Manager.

DE18697.4.7APIsIn certain circumstances the Admin API log generates multiple invalid argument errors without providing context.  

Expected Results: When the Admin API log generates errors, it should provide some context within the error message. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE105017.4.7AI EngineThe Retire logs in the C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm AI Engine\HostInferenceLogs directory are not being removed after the defined number of expiration days. 

Expected Results: Logs in this directory should be purged after the number of days defined for expiration has passed, defaulted to 7 days. 

Workaround:  Manually remove these files to prevent the C drive from filling up.

DE39327.4.7Client ConsoleAfter disabling Log Source Virtualization for a log source, users are unable to perform certain tasks on the System Monitor from which the log source is collected. 

Expected Results: Disabling Log Source Virtualization should not change the behavior of the System Monitor. 

Workaround: This issue is caused by the scsm.ini file not being updated immediately. To work around it, refresh the Log Sources tab in the Client Console to force the .ini file to refresh.



7.4.7Installation ComponentsIn certain circumstances, customers may receive an alarm for a missed heartbeat on the AI Engine. This can stem from a deadlock on resources in SQL.

Expected Results: SQL deadlock issues should not cause a missed heartbeat.

Workaround: While there is no known workaround, LogRhythm is actively investigating this issue for a solution.

DE10137.4.7Job ManagerReports are not completing when a large set of data is required. This is due to a limitation within Crystal Reports. 

Expected Results: The Client Console should provide an alternate way to retrieve the data if Crystal Reports is not able to render it. 

Workaround: Decrease the amount of data the report is trying to retrieve or export the data instead.

DE117107.4.8APIsIf FIPS and Integrated Security are enabled in a Disaster Recovery (DR) environment, the Admin API errors during startup because of a failure to connect to SQL during failover. 

Expected Results: The Admin API should connect to SQL during failover. 

Workaround: Manually change the Global IP to the Management IP. This may need to be done after each upgrade. 

DE103977.4.8AI EngineIn certain circumstances, when an AIE Rule is evaluating an Observed block followed by a Not Observed block, alarms fire even if there are logs that indicate the second block was Observed. 

Expected Results: Alarms should not fire if a log is received for a Not Observed block. 

Workaround: While there is currently no workaround, LogRhythm is investigating this issue for a future release.

DE106787.4.8Client ConsoleThe Log Management Usage Auditing Event Detail, Event List, and Logon & Logoff Events reports are rendering in UTC date/time format instead of the local time.   

Expected Results:  Reports should all display in the local time zone or that specified in the report configuration.   

Workaround:  There is currently no workaround for this issue.

DE38397.4.8Client ConsoleIn certain circumstances after running a Second Look restore, an error appears stating there is an issue with the Min and Max Ticks. 

Expected Results:  Second Look restore should run without issues. 

Workaround:  There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE105147.4.8Web ConsoleIn certain circumstances when running an alarm drill down in the Web Console, the the type-ahead filters do not display the correct values. 

Expected Results: The type-ahead filters should display correct values. 

Workaround: Turning off Web Services on fail-over temporarily fixes the issue.  

DE102007.4.9APIsPowerShell scripts utilizing the Case and Admin APIs may stop working upon upgrade to 7.4.9 or later. This is due to an additional semicolon at the end of the valid content-type value. 

Expected Results: The extra semicolon, which is an optional valid separator in a content-type header, should not prevent scripts from working upon upgrade. 

WorkaroundWhile there is currently no workaround, LogRhythm is investigating this issue for a future release.

DE103137.4.9AI EngineIn rare circumstances, AIE Unique Value Rules misfire. 

Expected Results: AIE Rules should fire as expected. 

Workaround: While there is currently no workaround, LogRhythm is investigating this issue for a future release.

DE109467.4.9AI EngineWhen an AIE Alarm has an action including a SmartResponse Plugin, the execution is slow. 

Expected Results: Alarms should execute quickly as expected with other AIE Alarms. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue.

DE110987.4.9AlarmingWhen using a SMTP server with SSL authentication, the Alarming and Response Manager fails to send alarm notifications. 

Expected Results: The Alarming and Response Manager should able to send alarm notifications using any SMTP server and SSL authentication. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE111247.4.9Web ConsoleWhen SSL Port In Redirects is set to Exclude in the Web Console configuration, links in Alarm and Case notification emails do not work. 

Expected Results: The links sent in Case and Alarm notification emails should redirect to port 443 instead of 8443, as they are coming from an external location. 

Workaround: Open the Web Console and manually find the Alarm or Case to review. 

DE107687.4.9Common ComponentsIn certain circumstances, the Data Processor runs slowly and the non-paged pool uses significant system memory. This can cause a large unprocessed logs queue or other backlog in the system. 

Expected Results: The non-paged pool should not increase and cause system performance issues. 

Workaround: Restart the LogRhythm API Gateway service.



7.4.9Common ComponentsIn rare circumstances, Alarms may not be available in the Web Console or will stop triggering. Typically, this occurs directly after a configuration change to the ARM service. 

Expected Results: Alarms should continue to trigger and be displayed in the Web Console. 

Workaround: Contact Technical Support for assistance, as there could be many reasons for this behavior beyond this defect. Support will help determine the root cause.

DE106217.4.9Client ConsoleWhen an existing report template that includes the Normal Date field is edited, the Normal Date field disappears from the template until it is added again. 

Expected Results: When editing a report template, existing fields should remain unless they are explicitly removed. 

Workaround: When editing a report template that contains the Normal Date field, add that field back to the template prior to saving it.

DE113427.4.9Data IndexerHaving entity lists with Entity (Impacted) or Entity (Origin) as filter criteria in an AIE Rule causes the alarm drill down to fail.   

Expected Results: Drill downs on AIE rules should work regardless of the filter criteria. 

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.

DE104037.4.9Web ConsoleThe Web Console Current Processing Rate widget does not show the correct processing rate. It does not include messages older than 3 minutes in the rate determined. 

Expected Results: The Current Processing Rate widget should show all logs being processed.

Workaround: Resolve any log source issues that are causing old logs to be ingested, or use Grafana or Performance Counters to check the current processing rate.

DE104427.4.9Web ConsoleWhen viewing NetMon logs in the Web Console using Internet Explorer, the Download PCAP button does not appear. 

Expected Results: The Download PCAP button should appear when reviewing NetMon logs. 

Workaround: Reload the frame with the Download PCAP button to activate it.

DE111237.4.9Web ConsoleOccasionally in multiple Web Console environments, AIE Drilldown does not export results or show data in the filters. 

Expected Results: Drill downs should always allow export of results and filters should always have data. 

Workaround: Use the Client Console to drill down and export results. 

DE110517.4.9AI EngineIn certain circumstances, the AIE Engine does not consistently trigger alarms for Log Not Observed. 

Expected Results: The AIE Engine should trigger alarms for Log Not Observed. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE118227.5.0Data IndexerThe C:\Windows\Temp directory may become full with jtds.tmp files if the Carpenter service continually recycles.  This can happen if using an SRP with List Management. 

Expected Results: Temporary files should not be left on disk. 

Workaround: Contact Technical Support for assistance with the workaround for this issue.   

DE117927.5.0Job ManagerAfter the Active Directory Sync, some Active Directory users may be disabled. 

Expected Results: Only users who are disabled in Active Directory should be disabled within LogRhythm. 

Workaround: Manually re-enable users by logging in to the Console as a Global Administrator or LogRhythm Admin user. 

DE125977.5.0Smart Response PluginWhen grouping two values in a SmartResponse Plugin, users receive an error that they do not have access to the Config file. 

Expected Results: Grouping values in SmartResponse Plugins should be allowed. 

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue. 

DE125147.5.1APIsIf a high volume of list updates occur in a short amount of time, incorrect data will be input and the lists will not be useable. 

Expected Results: List updates should occur without inputting incorrect data. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. Contact LogRhythm Technical Support for assistance if you have a list that is not currently useable. 

DE114997.5.1Client ConsoleWhen DNStoIP is enabled on the Data Processor and the DNS name doesn't have a host record, the host field shows only the IP address without the host name.  This impacts only the Client Console and is displayed correctly in the Web Console. 

Expected Results: The hostname should be displayed the same for both Web and Client Consoles. 

Workaround: View the record in the Web Console. 

DE117657.5.1Data IndexerIn certain circumstances, Elasticsearch uses more memory than the set limit, causing performance issues on the server. 

Expected Results: Elasticsearch should abide by the memory limit that is set. 

Workaround: For a workaround, contact LogRhythm Technical Support. 

DE114967.5.1MediatorIn certain circumstances, the Mediator will attempt to seal the same archive file twice.  This causes errors in the scmedsvr.log file. 

Expected results: The Mediator should only attempt to seal the archive file once. 

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue. 

DE119327.6.0Common ComponentsIn some instances, when a service is restarted, the API Gateway does not recognize that the service has started and will not allow normal functionality to resume. 

Expected Results: API Gateway should always recognize a service restart and adjust accordingly. 

Workaround: Reboot the API Gateway service to resume normal operations. 

DE116637.6.0Web ConsoleWhen clicking Case Evidence logs from the Case page, the Analyze window shows a Custom Filter that prevents the logs from displaying. 

Expected Results: Clicking Case Evidence logs should open an Analyze page showing the logs selected. 

Workaround: To show the logs, click the X next to the Custom Filter. 

DE117337.6.0Common ComponentsWhen running the LogRhythm Infrastructure Installer (LRII), you may receive the error: No plan file found in LogRhythm Service Registry KV store. This is caused by the plan file not fully updating into the Consul KV store, and only happens in certain environments. 

Expected Results: LRII should be able to run multiple times without affecting the plan file. 

Workaround: For assistance with this issue, contact LogRhythm Technical Support. 

DE121537.6.0Common ComponentsIn some cases after a Data Indexer install, the Service Registry may not be able to communicate with the Platform Manager, causing alarms and errors in the Service Registry log.   

Expected Results: Communication to the Platform Manager should be maintained after an install. 

Workaround: Restart Service Registry on each node in the cluster after the installation is complete. 

DE128937.6.0Client ConsoleActive Directory users that are linked to User Profiles may not be updated after moving the user to a different Active Directory group. 

Expected Results: Users that are moved between Active Directory groups should update upon the move. 

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue other than manually updating the profiles. 

DE121067.6.0Data IndexerFields of a log that are larger than 32766 bytes cause errors in the Transporter log, even though the default Transporter Max Log Size (bytes) is set to 1,000,000 bytes. 

Expected Results: Transporter should allow the size indicated in the Configuration Manager. 

Workaround: Changing the Transporter Max Log Size (bytes) to 32766 will prevent the error, but may also prevent these large messages from being indexed.

DE119347.6.0Data IndexerIn certain circumstances, customers with warm node indices may experience failed searches against those indices. This is due to Columbo being unable to close certain warm indices. 

Expected Results: Columbo should handle the warm node indices correctly and allow searches. 

Workaround: For assistance with this workaround, contact LogRhythm Technical Support. 

DE132347.6.0Job ManagerIn certain circumstances, after user accounts have been disabled in the LogRhythm Console, the users may continue to have read and write privileges. 

Expected Results: When user accounts are disabled in the LogRhythm Console, their read and write privileges should be revoked. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE121887.6.0Common ComponentsWhen viewing the Metrics dashboard in Grafana, the Memory Used Percentage widget in the LR Metrics - Deployment View dashboard shows incorrect results for timeframes greater than three hours. 

Expected Results: The aggregator in the widget query should use an average calculation instead of a sum calculation. 

Workaround: For assistance with this workaround, see this knowledge article on the LogRhythm Community: 

DE121877.6.0MediatorWhen re-licensing the Data Processor, the AIE Data Provider settings are not preserved. 

Expected Results: The AIE Data Provider settings in the Data Processor should persist during a re-license. 

Workaround: Re-enable the AIE Data Provider in the AI Engine tab within the Data Processor Properties. 

DE122927.6.0MediatorEntity Network Resolution processing performance is slow if there is a large number of entity networks. 

Expected Results: Performance on Entity Network Resolution should be quicker. 

Workaround: Contact LogRhythm Technical Support for assistance applying a workaround for this issue. 

DE118207.6.0Smart Response PluginWhen utilizing multiple SmartResponse Plugins as part of the actions for an AIE Rule, inconsistent results may occur. 

Expected Results: SmartResponse Plugins should fire each time the AIE Rule is triggered. 

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue. 

DE131087.6.0Threat Intelligence ServiceTIS STIX feed files do not parse correctly. 

Expected Results: TIS STIX feed files should parse without issues. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE119297.6.0Web ConsoleWhen using a Direction filter in the Web Console dashboard and drilling into any of the TopX widgets, the data shown in the Analyzer Grid contains logs that do not match the dashboard filter. 

Expected Results: Drilling into data on a dashboard should not change the dashboard filter criteria. 

Workaround: Reapply the dashboard filter. 

DE127147.6.0Web ConsoleIn the Web Console, if the last selected Analyzer page dashboard has a filter, drill down results are hidden.

Expected Results: drill down results should not be hidden. 

Workaround: Select Default Analyze Dashboard 

DE125217.6.0Web ConsoleWhen pausing live data in the Web Console, the Analyzer grid continues to update with new events.

Expected Results: The Analyzer grid should not update with new events when paused. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE129087.6.0Web ConsoleEvent logs are not appearing in the Web Console dashboard. 

Expected Results: Event data should appear in the dashboard.

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE118637.6.0Web ConsoleWhen running AIE Events drill down from an AIE events dashboard, the Analyze Dashboard filter does not reset properly.  

Expected Results: The Analyze Dashboard filter should reset. 

Workaround: In User Settings set the Drilldown setting to Open in Page. 

DE114637.6.0Web ConsoleWhen the browser window is zoomed out, the Node-Link Graph on the Web Console dashboards may display an error Failed to establish logs subscription with the Web Console API.  This is not related to the zoom functionality within the Node-Link Graph itself.   

Expected Results: The Node-Link Graph should function regardless of the browser zoom level. 

Workaround:  Return the browser to 100% zoom and refresh the Web Console. 

DE130797.6.0Web ConsoleWhen running a search or drill down in the Web Console, the operation does not return results or terminate as intended. 

Expected Results: The search and drill down operations should return results upon completion or terminate. 

Workaround: Reload the page. 

DE119247.6.0Web ConsoleWhen a hostname IP address is showing in brackets, drill downs do not work. 

Expected Results: Brackets should not affect the ability to drill down into a hostname. 

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue. 

DE128367.6.0Web ConsoleWhen running a search or drill down in the Web Console, the operation does not return results or terminate as intended. 

Expected Results: The search and drill down operations should return results upon completion or terminate. 

Workaround: Reload the page. 

DE122077.6.0.HF2Data IndexerIn some circumstances, installing the 7.6.0 Hotfix 2 upgrade will install a second instance of the Data Indexer. 

Expected Results: The Data Indexer should be removed and re-added instead of adding a second instance. 

Workaround: Uninstall both versions of the Data Indexer, ensure there or no hung .msi processes in the Task Manager, then re-install the 7.6.0 Hotfix 2 version. 

DE126087.7.0AgentsWhen searching System Monitor Agent Properties log sources, all log sources from all agents are displayed. 

Expected Results: Searching System Monitor Agent Properties log sources should return all log sources from the current agent. 

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. 

DE125817.7.0Client ConsoleThe Log Source Type filter in the Client Console does not work unless the Include Retired log sources box is selected. 

Expected Results: Users should be able to filter out the retired log sources when filtering by Log Source Type. 

Workaround:  Use the Include Retired box or use another method of filtering.   

DE131507.7.0Data IndexerIn certain circumstances after upgrading to 7.7.0, the Carpenter service causes port exhaustion and the service must be restarted. 

Expected Results: The Carpenter service should not cause port exhaustion. 

Workaround: Create a scheduled task to restart the Carpenter service each day. 

DE131287.7.0Web ConsoleWhen running a search or drill down in the Web Console, the operation does not return results or terminate as intended. 

Expected Results: The search and drill down operations should return results upon completion or terminate. 

Workaround: Reload the page. 

DE126247.7.0Web ConsoleWhen using the Check Visible option in Alarms after upgrading to 7.7.0, the checked count does not reset properly. 

Expected Results: The checked count should reset. 

Workaround: After performing an action, select the Uncheck All option to reset the checked count. 

DE128197.8.0Infrastructure: Database Upgrade Tool

In certain circumstances when upgrading to 7.8.0, customers may experience a database upgrade error and receive the following message:

Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UniqueKey'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.SCMaint'.

Expected Results: Customers should not experience errors during database upgrade. 

Workaround: For assistance with this workaround, see this knowledge article on the LogRhythm Community:

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