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Log Volume and Case Management 

The restricted administrator profile does not have access to see or run any reports under the Log Management or Case Management class types, including the log volume and case reports. 

However, customers can follow the steps mentioned below to recreate the system reports like log volume, audits, and case management reports from the report templates: 

  1. Navigate to the Report Center. 
  2. Go to the Report Templates tab and find the Log Volume template. 
  3. Right-click and select "New Report from Report Template". 
  4. Select the required log sources to create a report. 
  5. Select any additional report criteria, if required. 
  6. Fill in the Report Details. 
  7. Click the Apply button. 
  8. Click the OK button.

Restricted administrators can now run the reports or use the Report Scheduler to schedule the report package and email it to specified recipients. They can also make it available in the Web Console.

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