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Grafana Dashboard

A Grafana dashboard with deployment stats such as current MPS, average log size, and details regarding archives (if applicable) is available through Cameyo.

Accessing the Dashboard

The Grafana dashboard is available to administrators with Cameyo access.

Once logged into Cameyo, users can access the deployment stats dashboard by clicking the Grafana tile.

Dashboard Statistics

SIEM VersionThe LogRhythm SIEM version installed.
Archive TB PurchasedThe amount of terabytes purchased for archive storage.
Used Archive TBThe amount of terabytes used for archive storage.
Oldest Archive (Date)

The date of the oldest archive file stored.

It is possible for the date to be that of an older log fed through the SIEM rather than one collected in real time. This can occur when a log source is collected from the very beginning.

Available Archive (Days)The number of days stored in archive. Calculated by counting the number of days between the current date and Oldest Archive (Date).
Current MPSThe average MPS for the given time window, e.g., 1 week.
Average Log Size (B)The average log size for the given time window, e.g., 1 week.
GLPR Hit PercentageThe percentage of logs that match a GLPR.
Logs Identified PercentageThe percentage of logs that have been identified and are parsed.
Events SpooledThe number of events that are in backlog.
Events Insert RateThe number of events that are occurring for a period of time.
Agent ConnectionsThe number of agents currently connected to the Data Processor(s).
Connected Message SourcesThe total number of log sources currently connected to the Data Processor(s).
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