SOAP API LogQueryService, Simple Types
Simple Type: HostZoneEnum
Specifies the zone the host is within.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
Unknown | Host zone is unknown. |
Internal | Host is within the internal zone. |
DMZ | Host is within the DMZ zone. |
External | Host is within the external zone. |
Simple Type: LocationTypeEnum
Specifies the precision type of the location value.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
NULL | No location value supplied. |
Country | Location value is of the Country. |
Region | Location value is of the Region. |
City | Location value is of the City. |
Simple Type: LogQueryFilterModeEnum
The LogQueryFilterModeEnum is used to specify if results matching the criteria are to be included or excluded from the results.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
FilterIn | Include results which match criteria. |
FilterOut | Exclude results which match criteria. |
Simple Type: LogQueryFilterOperatorEnum
The LogQueryFilterOperatorEnum is used to express the boolean operator applied to a LogQueryFilter.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
And | Boolean And |
Or | Boolean Or |
AndPrevious | Group previous filters and start new group with boolean And relationship to the previous group. |
OrPrevious | Group previous filters and start new group with boolean Or relationship to the previous group. |
Simple Type: LogQueryFilterTypeEnum
LogQueryFilterTypeEnum is used to specify the type of search for a given filter. It also determines the types of values that can be submitted in the request.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
Direction | The movement of traffic within the system. |
Priority | Priority of the message source. |
NormalMsgDateRange | The normalized date the message was recorded. |
NormalMsgDateTimeOfDay | The normalized time of day the message was recorded. |
Entity | Entity where messages are originating from. |
MsgSource | The message source name. |
MsgSourceHost | The host system the message source came from. |
MsgSourceType | The type of message source. |
Classification | The classification of the message. |
CommonEvent | Get messages which the common event assigned to the message. |
MPERule | The MPERule used to parse the message. |
KnownHost | The host systems sending or receiving the message. |
KnownOriginHost | The host system sending the message. |
KnownImpactedHost | The host system receiving the message. |
KnownService | The service which transmitted the message. |
IP | Any IP address found within the message. |
OriginIP | The IP address of the sending system for the message. |
ImpactedIP | The IP address of the receiving system for the message. |
IPRange | Identify messages that contain any IP address with a range. |
OriginIPRange | The IP address range that was the origin of the log activity. |
ImpactedIPRange | The IP address range that was the impacted of the log activity. |
HostName | The name of the Host such as a DNS name or NetBIOS name that was the origin or impacted by the log activity. |
OriginHostName | The name of the Host such as a DNS name or NetBIOS name that was the origin of the log activity. |
ImpactedHostName | The name of the Host such as a DNS name or NetBIOS name that was the impacted of the log activity. |
OriginPort | The source/client TCP/UDP port number. |
ImpactedPort | The destination/client TCP/UDP port number. |
Protocol | Network protocol applicable to the log message. |
Login | User associated with the log activity. |
Account | User account referenced or impacted by log activity. |
Sender | Email originator or VOIP caller number. For non-email logs, it might represent who sent some form of information. |
Recipient | Email address or VOIP caller number. For non-email logs, it might represent who received some form of information. |
Subject | Email subject line. For other logs, it might represent the subject of some form of communicated information. |
Object | Resource such as a file, file path, or registry key that is referenced or impacted by log activity. |
Message | The log message |
VendorMsgID | Unique, vendor-assigned value that IDs the log message. |
Group | User group or role referenced or impacted by log activity. |
Domain | Windows of DNS referenced or impacted by log activity. |
Session | User, system, or application session. |
Process | Name or value that IDs a process. |
URL | URL referenced or impacted by log activity. |
User | User associated with the log activity. |
Address | Any IP address. |
Port | A TCP/UDP port number associated with the log activity. |
OriginPortRange | The range of accepted values of the source/client TCP/UDP port number. |
ImpactedPortRange | The range of accepted values of the destination/client TCP/UDP port number. |
PortRange | The range of accepted values of TCP/UDP port numbers associated with the logged activity. |
OriginNetwork | Known Network that was the origin of the log activity. |
ImpactedNetwork | Known Network that was the impacted by the log activity. |
Network | Known Network associated to the logged activity. |
IDMGroupForLogin |
IDMGroupForAccount |
IDMGroupForUser |
BytesIn | Number of bytes received by a device, system, or process. |
BytesOut | Number of bytes sent from a device, system, or process. |
ItemsIn | Items such as packets received or input from a device, system, or process. |
ItemsOut | Items such as packets sent or output from a device, system, or process. |
Duration | Running time of a session, job, activity, etc. |
Quantity | The item quantity. |
Amount | Amount of an item. |
Rate | Rate of an item. |
Size | Item size. |
OriginLocation | Country, region, and/or city where the logged activity originated as derived from the GeoIP resolution. |
ImpactedLocation | Country, region, and/or city impacted by the logged activity as derived from the GeoIP resolution. |
Location | Country, region, and/or city by the logged activity as derived from the GeoIP resolution. |
OriginEntity | The resolved Entity of the origin host. |
ImpactedEntity | The resolved Entity of the impacted host. |
OriginZone | The resolved Zone that was the origin of the activity - Internal, External, or DMZ. |
ImpactedZone | The resolved Zone that was impacted by the activity - Internal, External, or DMZ. |
BytesInOut | Amount of data sent and received from a device, system, or process. |
ItemsInOut | Items such as packets sent and received from a device, system, or process. |
Application | The application which executed the logged traffic. |
Host | The host or device associated by the logged activity. |
OriginHost | The host or device source by the logged activity. |
ImpactedHost | The host or device impacted by the logged activity. |
OriginEntityOrImpactedEntity | The resolved Entity of host involved by the logged activity. |
OriginZoneOrImpactedZone | The resolved Zone impacted or the source of the logged by the activity - Internal, External, or DMZ. |
OriginMAC | The host/device origin MAC address. |
ImpactedMAC | The host/device impacted MAC address. |
OriginNATIP | The IP address the Origin IP was translated to/from via NAT device logs. |
ImpactedNATIP | The IP address the Impacted IP was translated to/from via NAT device logs. |
OriginInterface | The origin interface number of a device or the physical port number of a switch. |
ImpactedInterface | The impacted interface number of a device or the physical port number of a switch. |
PID | The ID associated with a process. |
Severity | Value indicating severity of the log. |
Version | Value representing the version (i.e., OS version, patch version, doc version, etc.) |
Command | The command that was executed. |
ObjectName | The name for an Object. Note: Object will store the full path and name but ObjectName will only store the object name. |
OriginNATPort | The source/client NAT TCP/UDP port number. |
ImpactedNATPort | The destination/client NAT TCP/UDP port number. |
OriginNATIPRange | The source/client NAT IP address range. |
ImpactedNATIPRange | The destination/client NAT IP address range. |
NATIP | Any NAT IP address. |
NATIPRange | Any NAT IP address within a provided range. |
OriginNATPortRange | The source/client NAT TCP/UDP port number range. |
ImpactedNATPortRange | The destination/client NAT TCP/UDP port number range. |
NATPort | Any NAT TCP/UDP port number. |
NATPortRange | Any NAT TCP/UDP port number within the provided range. |
MAC | Any host/device MAC address. |
Interface | Any interface number of a device or the physical port number of a switch. |
Simple Type: LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum
LogQueryFilter value types which represent the type of objects stored in the filters.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
Byte | Filter values are of a byte data type. |
Integer | Filter values are of a 32bit integer value data type. Also used for smaller integer value types. |
LongInteger | Filter values are of a 64bit integer value data type. |
String | Filter values are of a string value data type. |
IPAddress | Filter values are of a string value which is validated to be in the format of an IP address. |
IPAddressRange | Filter values are of an IP address range value validated to be in the format of IP addresses. |
DateRange | Filter values are of a date range value used for dates. |
PortRange | Filter values are of a complex data object which contains multiple integer values. |
Quantity | Filter values are of a complex data object which contains float value(s). |
ListReference | Filter value identifier of a saved list. Deprecated: Do not use |
ListSet | Filter object value of a list. Deprecated: Do not use |
TimeSpan | Filter values are of a Timespan data value. |
POLY | Filter values are of a complex data object. |
Simple Type: LogQueryQuantityOperatorEnum
This enumeration is used for Quantity value type to specify the relationship of the selected quantity to the value(s) provided.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
Equals | Selected quantity equals the value provided. |
NotEqual | Selected quantity is not equal to the value provided. |
GreaterThan | Selected quantity is greater than the value provided. |
GreaterThanOrEqual | Selected quantity is greater than or equal to the value provided. |
LessThan | Selected quantity is less than the value provided. |
LessThanOrEqual | Selected quantity is less than or equal to the value provided. |
Between | Selected quantity is between the values provided. |
BetweenOrEqual | Selected quantity is between or equal to the values provided. |
Outside | Selected quantity is outside or the value range provided. |
OutsideOrEqual | Selected quantity is outside or equal to the value range provided. |
Simple Type: MessageTypeEnum
Specifies the meta type of the message.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
Log | No meta information for this log. |
KnownLog | Known log has meta information. |
Event | Known log escalated to event with meta information. |
Simple Type: WatchItemTypeEnum
Specifies Networks, Host, or Logins that should alarm when they show up in logs.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
GlobalNetwork | Networks which have administrative interest. |
PersonalNetwork | Networks which have personal interest to a user. |
GlobalHost | Host which have administrative interest. |
PersonalHost | Host which have personal interest to a user. |
GlobalLogin | Logins which have administrative interest. |
PersonalLogin | Logins which have personal interest to a user. |
Simple Type: WatchLevelEnum
Specifies the priority of the alarm for the watch item.
Derived by
Restricting string
Value | Description |
None | No priority. |
LowLow | Lowest priority. |
LowMedium | Lower priority. |
LowHigh | Low priority. |
MediumLow | Lower medium priority. |
MediumMedium | Medium priority. |
MediumHigh | Upper medium priority. |
HighLow | High priority. |
HighMedium | Higher priority. |
HighHigh | Highest priority. |