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Epic Hyperspace App User Guide – Web Console Dashboards

Epic: Account Management

General account management dashboard showing top login failures, login methods and password change activity.

Minimum Log Sources

Epic Hyperspace


Epic: Break The Glass Access Successes

Dashboard dedicated to successful Break The Glass (BTG) record accesses. Showing top access reasons, accesses by department, accesses by user, accesses by patient ID and overall comparison of successful and unsuccessful accesses.

Minimum Log Sources

Epic Hyperspace


Epic: Break The Glass Invalid Attempts

Dashboard dedicated to unsuccessful emergency record accesses (Break The Glass). Showing top unsuccessful attempts by: Department, Patient ID, Host Origin and User.

Minimum Log Sources

Epic Hyperspace

Epic: Successful Record Accesses

Dashboard for all types of patient record accesses, successful and unsuccessful. Showing display/prints by record type, BTG success by Department, BTG success by User, and BTG success by Patient ID

Minimum Log Sources

Epic Hyperspace

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