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V 2.0 : Smart Defense Events

Vendor Documentation


Rule NameRule TypeCommon EventClassification
V 2.0: Smart Defense EventsBase RuleGeneral Threat MessageActivity
V 2.0: SmartDefense: Accept ActionSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
V 2.0: SmartDefense: Detect ActionSub RuleGeneral Attack ActivityAttack
V 2.0: SmartDefense: Drop ActionSub RuleThreat BlockedFailed Activity
V 2.0: Adobe Reader Violation: MonitorSub RuleAdobe Reader ViolationActivity
V 2.0: Apache Server Protection Violation: DropSub RuleFailed General Attack ActivityFailed Attack
V 2.0: Apache Srvr Protection Violation: MonitorSub RuleApache Web Server MessageInformation
V 2.0: Audio Connection Attempt: MonitorSub RuleConnection AttemptNetwork Traffic
V 2.0: Block HTTP Non-Compliant: MonitorSub RuleNoncompliant AttributesWarning
V 2.0: Block HTTP Non-Compliant: RejectSub RuleBlocked Non-Compliant HTTP FormatActivity
V 2.0: Block Non HTTP Traffic: MonitorSub RuleGeneral Network TrafficNetwork Traffic
V 2.0: Content Protection Violation: MonitorSub RuleSecurity Policy ViolationWarning
V 2.0: Content Protection Violation: DropSub RuleGeneral Failed ActivityFailed Activity
V 2.0: DNS Reserved Header Bit: MonitorSub RuleProtocol AnomalyAttack
V 2.0: DNS Reserved Header Bit: DropSub RuleFailed Protocol AnomalyFailed Attack
V 2.0: Geo-location Enforcement: MonitorSub RuleGeo-Location EnforcementOther Operations
V 2.0: Geo-location Enforcement: DropSub RuleFailed General Attack ActivityFailed Attack
V 2.0: HTTP Protocol Inspection: MonitorSub RuleHTTP Message Violates Inspection RuleInformation
V 2.0: HTTP Protocol Inspection: DropSub RuleGeneral Failed ActivityFailed Activity
V 2.0: Non-Standard Port HTTP Violation: MonitorSub RuleHTTP Security ViolationOther Security
V 2.0: Non-Standard Port HTTP Violation: DropSub RuleFailed Protocol AnomalyFailed Attack
V 2.0: Instant Messengers: MonitorSub RuleIM/Chat ActivityMisuse
V 2.0: Instant Messengers: DropSub RuleFailed IM/Chat ActivityFailed Misuse
V 2.0: IP Fragments: DropSub RuleThreat BlockedFailed Activity
V 2.0: Large Ping: MonitorSub RulePing RequestNetwork Traffic
V 2.0: Large Ping: DropSub RuleGeneral Failed ActivityFailed Activity
V 2.0: Malformed HTTP: MonitorSub RuleMalformed ObjectSuspicious
V 2.0: Malformed HTTP: DropSub RuleFailed Malformed ObjectFailed Suspicious
V 2.0: Malformed Packet: MonitorSub RuleMalformed / Bad Packet DetectedNetwork Traffic
V 2.0: Malformed Packet: DropSub RuleFailed Malformed ObjectFailed Suspicious
V 2.0: Non Compliant DNS: DetectSub RuleNon Compliant DNSActivity
V 2.0: Port Scan: MonitorSub RulePort ScanReconnaissance
V 2.0: Port Scan: DropSub RulePort Scan Activity DroppedFailed Activity
V 2.0: SSL Enforcement Violation: MonitorSub RuleSSL EnforcementActivity
V 2.0: SSL Enforcement Violation: DropSub RuleDrop VPN - SSL EnforcementFailed Activity
V 2.0: SSL Tunneling: MonitorSub RuleGeneral TUNNEL MessageInformation
V 2.0: SSL Tunneling: DropSub RuleSecure Tunnel DeletedInformation
V 2.0: Stream Engine: Net Conf Problem: MonitorSub RuleGeneral Configuration ErrorError
V 2.0: Stream Engine: Network Conf Problem: DropSub RuleConfiguration FailureNetwork Traffic
V 2: Stream Engine: TCP Seg Limit Enf: MonitorSub RuleGeneral TCP/IP InformationInformation
V 2.0: Stream Engine: TCP Seg Limit Enf: DropSub RuleTCP Packet DroppedInformation
V 2.0: Stream Engine: TCP Seg Limit Enf: AcceptSub RulePermitted TCP PacketNetwork Traffic
V 2.0: Stream Engine: TCP Urg Data Enf: MonitorSub RuleTCP Urgent Data EnforcementNetwork Traffic
V 2.0: Stream Engine: TCP Urg Data Enf: DropSub RuleTCP Packet DroppedInformation
V 2.0: SmartDefense: SYN: MonitorSub RulePacket ReceivedNetwork Traffic
V 2.0: SmartDefense: SYN: DropSub RulePacket DroppedWarning
V 2.0: TCP Enforcement Violation: MonitorSub RuleGeneral Protocol ViolationError
V 2.0: TCP Enforcement Violation: DropSub RuleGeneral Failed ActivityFailed Activity

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema

Device Key in Log MessageLogRhythm SchemaData TypeSchema Description
SubproductN/AN/ACan be VPN or non-VPN
Product<vmid>Text/StringProduct name
origin_ipN/AN/AIP of the log origin 
originN/AN/AName of the first Security Gateway that reported this event
SIP<sip>IP AddressSource IP
SPort<sport>NumberSource host port number
DIP<dip>IP AddressDestination IP
dport<dport>NumberDestination port
protocol<protnum>NumberProtocol detected on the connection
ifname<sinterface>Text/StringThe name of the Security Gateway interface through which a connection traverses
ifdirectionN/AN/AConnection direction
Reason<reason>Text/StringInformation on the error occurred
RuleN/AN/AMatched rule number
PolicyNameN/AN/AName of the last policy that this Security Gateway fetched
XlateSIP<snatip>IP AddressSource ipv4 after applying NAT
XlateSport<snatport>NumberSource port after applying hide NAT on source IP
XlateDIP<dnatip>IP AddressDestination ipv4 after applying NAT
XlateDPort<dnatport>NumberDestination port after applying NAT
UserN/AN/ASource user name
src_user_name<login>Text/StringUser name connected to source IP
dst_user_name<account>Text/StringConnected user name on the destination IP
to<recipient>Text/StringSource mail recipient
from<sender>Text/StringSource mail address
web_client_typeN/AN/AWeb client detected in the HTTP request (e.g., Chrome) 
web_server_typeN/AN/AWeb server detected in the HTTP response
dst_machine_name<dname>Text/StringMachine name connected to destination IP
src_machine_name<sname>Text/StringMachine name connected to source IP
proxy_src_ipN/AN/ASender source IP (even when using proxy)
Protection_nameN/AN/ASpecific signature name of the attack
Severity<severity>NumberThreat severity determined by ThreatCloud
Possible values:
0 - Informational
1 - Low
2 - Medium
3 - High
4 - Critical
Confidence_LevelN/AN/AConfidence level determined by ThreatCloud
Possible values:
0 - N/A
1 - Low
2 - Medium-Low
3 - Medium
4 - Medium-High
5 - High
SmartDefense_ProfileN/AN/AIPS profile responsible for the decision about the action
Perf_ImpactN/AN/AProtection performance impact 
Industry_Reference<cve>Text/StringCVE registry entry
Protection_TypeN/AN/AType of protection used to detect the attack
rule_nameN/AN/AAccess rule name
InfoN/AN/ARule information on the blocked diameter CMD
messageN/AN/AGeneral log message 
timeN/AN/AThe timestamp when the log was created
alertN/AN/AAlert level of matched rule (for connection logs)
rule_uidN/AN/AAccess policy rule ID on which the connection was matched
flagsN/AN/ACheckpoint internal field
loguidN/AN/AUUID of unified logs 
sequencenumN/AN/ANumber added to order logs with the same Linux timestamp and origin
__policy_id_tag<policy>Text/StringCheckpoint internal field
origin_sic_nameN/AN/AMachine SIC 
protection_idN/AN/AProtection malware ID
suppressed_logsN/AN/AThe sum of aggregated malicious connections
reject_idN/AN/AA reject ID that corresponds to the one presented in the Mobile Access error page
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