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V 2.0 Authentication Messages 1

Vendor Documentation


Rule Name

Rule Type

Common Event


V 2.0 Authentication MessagesBase RuleGeneral Authentication Event

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema  

Device Key in Log Message

LogRhythm Schema

Data Type

Schema Description
Type (type)<vmid>Text/StringSpecifies the type of log; value is AUTHENTICATION.
Threat/Content Type (subtype)<vendorinfo>Text/StringSubtype of the system log
Source IP (ip)<sip>NumberOriginal session source IP address.
User (user)<login>Text/StringEnd user being authenticated
Object (object)<object>Text/StringName of the object associated with the system event.
Authentication Policy (authpolicy)<policy>Text/StringPolicy invoked for authentication before allowing access to a protected resource.
Repeat Count (repeatcnt)<quantity>NumberNumber of sessions with same Source IP, Destination IP, Application, and Subtype seen within 5 seconds.
Log Action (logset)<action>Text/StringLog Forwarding Profile that was applied to the session.
Description (desc)<subject>Text/StringAdditional authentication information.
Event Type (event)<result>Text/StringResult of the authentication attempt.
Device Name (device_name)<objectname>Text/StringThe hostname of the firewall on which the session was logged.
Authentication Protocol (authproto)<protname>Text/StringIndicates the authentication protocol used by the server. For example, PEAP with GTC.
Source Hostname (src_host)<sname>Text/StringThe hostname of the device that Device-ID identifies as the source of the traffic.
Source MAC Address (src_mac)<smac>Text/StringThe MAC address for the device that Device-ID identifies as the source of the traffic.
User Agent (user_agent)<useragent>Text/StringThe string from the HTTP request header User-Agent.
Session ID<session>NumberA string that uniquely identifies the traffic session.
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