Syslog - Cisco Email Security Appliance
Device Details
Device Name | Syslog - Cisco Email Security Appliance |
Vendor | Cisco |
Device Type | Email Security Gateway |
Supported Model Name/Number | Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016+ |
Supported Software Version(s) | N/A |
Collection Method | Syslog |
Configurable Log Output? | No |
Log Source Type | Syslog - Cisco Email Security Appliance |
Log Processing Policy | LogRhythm Default |
Exceptions | N/A |
Additional Information | |
Supported Log Messages
Type | Product Version | Supported Schema Fields |
Account Commit Changes | N/A | <severity>, <processid>, <login>, <account>, <command>, <process> |
Advanced Malware Protection | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <subject>, <hash>, <object>, <objecttype> |
AMP Engine Reputation Query Message | N/A | <severity>, <process>, <processid>, <subject>, <objectname>, <status>, <reason> |
Anti-Spam Message | N/A | <severity>, <process>, <subject>, <objectname>, <reason> |
Bad Command Syntax | N/A | <processid>, <object> |
Begin Logfile | N/A | <object> |
Bounced Message Pending Delivery | N/A | <Session>, <object> |
Cache Status | N/A | <object>, <quantity>, <seconds> |
Case Spam and Anti-Spam Messages | N/A | <severity>, <process>, <session>, <tag2>, <object>, <command>, <version>, <tag1> |
Catch All : Level 1 | N/A | <tag1>, <severity> |
Catch All : Mail_logs | N/A | <severity>, <vendorinfo>, <session>, <subject>, <result>, <object>, <domainorigin>, <objecttype> |
Cloudmark Anti-Spam Messages | N/A | <severity>, <tag1>, <result>, <session> |
Command Not Supported for Delivery Connection | N/A | <processid>, <process> |
Connection Error | N/A | <processid>, <domain>, <dip>, <dport>, <vmid>, <domainimpacted>, <tag1>, <sip>, <reason>, <object> |
Could Not Fetch Object | N/A | <severity>, <object>, <url>, <objectname> |
DCID Messages Per Connection Limit Reached | N/A | <processid> |
Destination Unreachable | N/A | <session>, <dname>, <object> |
DKIM Malformed Signature | N/A | <session>, <object> |
DNS Error | N/A | <dname> |
DNS Recursion Level Exceeded | N/A | <quantity>, <dname> |
DomainKeys Identified Mail Information | N/A | <session>, <result>, <command>, <domain>, <version>, <sender>, <result>, <account>, <tag1>, <tag2> |
Email Delivery Connection Closed | N/A | <process>, <processid>, <action>, <tag1> |
Email Delivery Started | N/A | <processid>, <session>, <responsecode> |
Email Message Dropped | N/A | <action>, <session>, <subject>, <object>, <tag1> |
Email Message Queued for Delivery | N/A | <session>, <action>, <recipient> |
Email Message Recipient Information | N/A | <session>, <processid>, <responsecode>, <recipient>, <sender>, <tag1> |
Email Message Scanning Problem | N/A | <session>, <tag1> |
Email Message Split | N/A | <session>, <object> |
Email Process Information | N/A | <session>, <process> |
Email Processing Complete | N/A | <processid>, <session>, <responsecode> |
Email Processing Info | N/A | <Session>, <subject>, <action>, <tag1> |
Email Ready for Scan | N/A | <session>, <bytesin>, <sender> |
Email Sender Information | N/A | <session>, <sender> |
Email Subject Information | N/A | <session>, <subject> |
Graymail Syslog | N/A | <severity>, <objectname>, <action>, <objecttype> |
GUI Log Messages | N/A | <severity>, <process>, <tag2>, <vmid>, <object>, <sip>, <subject>, <login>, <session>, <url>, <objectname>, <dname>, <sport> |
Host Information | N/A | <object>, <quantity>, <size> |
HTTP Request | N/A | <sip>, <login>, <vmid>, <command>, <url>, <version>, <useragent>, <object> |
ICID Hat Reject Messages | N/A | <severity>, <processid>, <recipient>, <sender>, <dip>, <sip>, <subject> |
Idle Connection Dropped | N/A | <severity>, <sip>, <seconds> |
Incoming Email Processing Started | N/A | <Session>, <processid> |
Injection Connection Disconnected | N/A | <processid>, <sip>, <object> |
Injection Connection Lost | N/A | <processid> |
Interim Verdict Engine Information | N/A | <session>, <subject>, <object>, <action>, <status> |
Invalid Bounce | N/A | <session>, <object> |
Invalid DNS Response | N/A | <object>, <sip>, <dname> |
Invalid Recipient Address | N/A | <session>, <recipient>, <domain> |
IronPort Image Analysis | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <subject>, <object>, <quantity> |
Lame DNS Server Information | N/A | <sname> |
Last Message Repeated | N/A | <severity>, <dname>, <subject>, <quantity>, <url>, <protname>, <responsecode> |
LDAP Messages | N/A | <severity>, <protname>, <tag2>, <command>, <objectname>, <sname>, <object>, <tag1>, <vmid>, <subject> |
Mail_logs : Alias Match | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <responsecode>, <recipient>, <subject> |
Mail_logs : AMP File Reputation | N/A | <severity>, <action>, <vendorinfo>, <reason>, <subject>, <status>, <processid>, <objecttype>, <object>, <session> |
Mail_logs : DMARC | N/A | <severity>, <process>, <object>, <domainorigin, <status>, <subject> |
Mail_logs : LDAP | N/A | <severity>, <subject>, <reason>, <session>, <responsecode>, <sender> |
Mail_logs : URL Reputation | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <url>, <vendorinfo>, <action>, <subject> |
Mail Failed Sender ID Check | N/A | <session>, <sip>, <sname> |
Mailbox Has Exceeded the Limit | N/A | <session>, <recipient> |
Matched All Recipients to Policy | N/A | <session>, <object>, <tag1> |
Message Aborted | N/A | <tag1>, <session>, <object> |
Message Attachment | N/A | <session>, <object> |
Message Bounced or Delayed | N/A | <tag1>, <processid>, <session>, <tag2>, <domain>, <dname>, <recipient>, <object>, <vmid>, <object> |
Message Bypass Applied | N/A | <session>, <object>, <recipient> |
Message Generated by Notify-Copy Filter | N/A | <session>, <object> |
Message Generated for Message Bounce | N/A | <session>, <object> |
Message ID Added | N/A | <session>, <object>, <login>, <domain> |
Message ID Rewritten | N/A | <session>, <object>, <protname> |
Message Pending | N/A | <session>, <responsecode>, <object> |
Message Quarantined by Filter | N/A | <session>, <threatname>, <object> |
Message Recipient Rejected | N/A | <session>, <recipient>, <object> |
Message Response | N/A | <session>, <object>, <tag1>, <sender>, <bytesin>, <hours>, <minutes>, <seconds> |
Message Sender Rejected | N/A | <processid>, <sender>, <object> |
Message Subject Information | N/A | <session>, <subject> |
Message Too Big to Scan | N/A | <session>, <bytesin>, <size> |
Message Virus Free | N/A | <session>, <subject>, <object>, <action> |
Miscellaneous MID Messages | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <object>, <status>, <sip>, <result>, <subject>, <recipient>, <object>, <hash>, <domainorigin>, <objectname>, <objecttype> |
Nameserver Resolution Error | N/A | <object>, <domain> |
New Delivery Connection | N/A | <protname>, <processid>, <sip>, <dip>, <dport> |
Outbreak Detected | N/A | <object>, <threatname>, <threatid> |
Pattern 1 : Delivery Notification | N/A | <session>, <recipient>, <tag1>, <tag2> |
Pattern 2 : Email Delivery Information | N/A | <tag1>, <session>, <tag2> |
Pattern 3 : Email Scan Results | N/A | <session>, <action>, <tag1>, <tag2>, <subject> |
Pattern 4 : New Email Reception Connection | N/A | <process>, <tag2>, <processid>, <sip>, <sname>, <status>, <tag1> |
Pattern 5: FTP Syslog | N/A | <tag1>, <session>, <tag2>, <tag3>, <login>, <sip>, <dip> |
Pattern 6 : SMTP Conversation Syslog | N/A | <sip>, <sname>, <domainorigin>, <session>, <responsecode>, <sender>, <recipient>, <tag1>, <tag2> |
Pattern 7 : Gmail Debug Syslog | N/A | <session>, <tag1>, <tag2>, <recipient> |
Pattern 8 : Encryption Syslog | N/A | <tag1>, <session>, <tag2> |
Pattern 9 : Anti-Virus Logs | N/A | <url>, <session>, <objecttype>, <result>, <object>, <subject>, <result>, <tag2>, <action>, <tag1> |
Pattern 10 : NTP Syslog | N/A | <tag1>, <dip>, <recipient>, <tag2> |
Pattern 11 : HTTP Syslog | N/A | <tag1>, <session>, <login>, <tag2>, <dip>, <sip>, <dport>, <sport>, <sip>, <object>, <url>, <tag2> |
Pattern 12 : Scanning Syslog | N/A | <tag1>, <tag2>, <recipient>, <subject> |
Pattern 13 : CLI Syslog | N/A | <severity>, <tag1>, <session>, <login>, <tag2>, <subject>, <sip>, <dip>, <tag4>, <tag3>, <command> |
Pattern 14 : CASE Anti-Spam | N/A | <tag1>, <process>, <session>, <tag2> |
Pattern 15 : CASE Updates | N/A | <tag1>, <tag3>, <tag2>, <seconds> |
Pattern 16 : System Logs | N/A | <tag1>, <login>, <tag2>, <recipient>, <dip>, <sname>, <object>, <sip> |
Pattern 17 : Textmail General | N/A | <dip>, <dport>, <domainorigin>, <sip>, <session>, <processid>, <tag1>, <tag2> |
Pattern 18 : Spam Quarantine | N/A | <process>, <tag1>, <object>, <seconds>, <milliseconds>, <quantity>, <tag2> |
Pattern 18 : Status Logs Syslog | N/A | <tag1>, <tag2> |
Pattern 19 : System Logs | N/A | <tag1>, <login>, <tag3>, <tag2>, <recipient>, <dip>, <sname>, <object>, <sip> |
Potential Directory Harvest Attack | N/A | <severity>, <threatname>, <sip>, <sname>, <quantity>, <processid>, <object> |
Receiving Failed | N/A | <processid>, <object> |
Reroute Query | N/A | <protname>, <object>, <session>, <sender>, <recipient> |
RPC Delivery Local IronPort Messages | N/A | <severity>, <subject>, <process>, <processid>, <session>, <action> |
Scanned Queue for Remaining Messages | N/A | <dname>, <quantity> |
Scanning for Expiration Candidates | N/A | <session>, <status>, <object>, <dname>, <quantity> |
SDR : Consolidated Sender Reputation Messages | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <group>, <sender>, <domainorigin> |
SDR : Tracker Header Messages | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <url> |
Sender Group Reputation | N/A | <processid>, <process>, <action>, <object>, <group>, <dip>, <dport>, <dname>, <object>, <amount> |
Sender Policy Framework Message | N/A | <session>, <object>, <sender>, <tag1>, <tag2>, <sname>, <subject> |
Service Information | N/A | <object>, <tag1> |
Session Established | N/A | <severity>, <sip>, <login>, <session>, <protname> |
Session Expired | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <account> |
Session Not Found | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <sip> |
Signature Verified and Rewritten | N/A | <session>, <recipient> |
SMTP Authentication | N/A | <protname>, <processid>, <tag1>, <account>, <object> |
SMTP Connection Rejected | N/A | <protname>, <dip> |
SMTP Error Messages | N/A | <severity>, <dname>, <process>, <dip>, <dport>, <account>, <url>, <vmid>, <tag1>, <subject> |
SMTP System Sending Message | N/A | <severity>, <tag1>, <recipient>, <subject> |
Sophos Antivirus Message | N/A | <severity>, <process>, <subject>, <processid>, <vmid>, <threatname>, <objectname> |
Spam and Mail Log Messages | N/A | <severity>, <processid>, <result>, <tag1>, <object> |
Spam Quarantine | N/A | <process>, <session> |
Subscription Push Success | N/A | <severity>, <object>, <dip> |
System/Critical Alert Message | N/A | <severity>, <tag1>, <recipient>, <subject> |
System Limit Reached | N/A | <dip>, <object>, <processid>, <quantity> |
Time Offset from UTC in Seconds | N/A | <object>, <seconds> |
Transport Layer Security Messages | N/A | <tag1>, <processid>, <tag2>, <protname>, <process>, <object> |
Unknown Command | N/A | <session>, <object> |
Updater Log Messages | N/A | <process>, <tag1>, <severity>, <process>, <object>, <tag2>, <subject> |
User Logoff | N/A | <severity>, <login>, <session>, <subject> |
Warning Messages Type 1 | N/A | <severity>, <session>, <object>, <objecttype, <objectname>, <tag1> |
Warning Messages Type 2 | N/A | <severity>, <process>, <session>, <tag1>, <vendorinfo>, <subject>, <tag2>, <vmid>, <dip> |
Revision History
KB Version | Log Type | Change Type | Details |
KB 7.1.576.2 | Mail_logs : URL Reputation | Regular Expression Update | Regex is updated to parse
KB 7.1.576.2 | Sender Group Reputation Inbound Email Correction Established Email Delivery Started Email Processing Info Pattern 3 : Email Scan Results | Regular Expression Update | Regex is updated to parse