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Pattern 3 : PGP Client Messages


Rule Name

Rule Type


Common Event

PGP Client : Mount SuccessSub RuleInformationFile System Mounted
PGP Client : Encrypted BytesSub RuleInformationUsing Encryption For Client
PGP Client : Item Not FoundSub RuleErrorEntry Not Found
PGP Client : AuthenticatedSub RuleOther Audit SuccessSession Authenticated
PGP Client : Universal Satellite Service RunningSub RuleInformationRunning Process
PGP Client : Universal USP Service RunningSub RuleInformationRunning Process
PGP Client : Started EncryptionSub RuleInformationEncryption Process Starting
PGP Client : Encrypted BytesSub RuleInformationEncryption Process
PGP Client : Resumed EncryptionSub RuleInformationEncryption Process
PGP Client : Update WDRTSub RuleInformationUpdate Event
PGP Client : Status UnchangedSub RuleInformationTask Status
PGP Client : Connection EstablishedSub RuleNetwork TrafficNetwork Connection Established
PGP Client : Unknown ErrorSub RuleErrorUnknown Error
PGP Client : Request UploadKeySub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request SendLogStringSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request SendEventSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetWDRTSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetUpdatedTimesSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetPrefsSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetCustomizationDataSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GenerateKeySub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request DownloadKeySub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetNonExpiringCookieSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetLDAPUserInfoSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetKeyByKeyIDSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetGranularPolicySub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetEchoVersionAvailableSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Request GetEchoPrefsSub RuleInformationClient Sending Request
PGP Client : Not Signed By A Trusted CertificateSub RuleWarningClient Rejected Certificate
PGP Client : Mount FailureSub RuleErrorFile System Mount Failure
PGP Client : FIPS Integrity Checks DisabledSub RuleInformationGeneral FIPS Message
PGP Client : Device DetectedSub RuleInformationDevice Detected
PGP Client : Machine DetectedSub RuleInformationDevice Detected
PGP Client : GetGranularPolicySub RuleInformationPolicy Summary
Pattern 3 : PGP Client MessagesBase RuleInformationGeneral PGP Message

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema  

Device Key in Log Message

LogRhythm Schema

Data Type

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