FTP Access Log
Vendor Documentation
Rule Name | Rule Type | Classification | Common Event |
FTP Access Log | Base Rule | Information | Connection Information |
EVID 1010 : Access Log FTP | Sub Rule | Information | General FTP Information |
EVID 107 : Connecting To Primary Server | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Connection Built |
EVID 1080 : Creating Data Socket | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Connection Built |
EVID 1253 : STOR Command | Sub Rule | Information | General FTP Command |
EVID 1526 : QUIT Command | Sub Rule | Information | General FTP Command |
EVID 1629 : User Logged In | Sub Rule | Authentication Success | User Logon |
EVID 498 : USER Command | Sub Rule | Information | General FTP Command |
EVID 627 : PASS Command | Sub Rule | Information | General FTP Command |
EVID 703 : TYPE Command | Sub Rule | Information | General FTP Command |
EVID 782 : CWD Command | Sub Rule | Information | General FTP Command |
Invalid Filename | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 553 - Cmd Not Accepted - Invalid Filename |
Requested File Action Aborted | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 552 - Cmd Not Accepted - Allocation Exceeded |
Page Type Unknown | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 551 - Cmd Not Accepted - Page Type Unknown |
File Unavailable | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 550 - Cmd Not Accepted - File Unavailable |
Need Account For Storing Files | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 532 - Cmd Not Accepted - Need Account |
User Not Logged In | Sub Rule | Access Failure | Command Execution Failure |
Command Not Implemented For Parameter | Sub Rule | Warning | FTP - 504 - Cmd Not Accepted - Invalid Parameter |
Bad Sequence Of Commands | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 503 - Cmd Not Accepted - Bad Sequence |
Command Not Implemented - ERRR | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 502 - Cmd Not Accepted - Not Implemented |
Syntax Error In Parameters Or Arguments | Sub Rule | Reconnaissance | Reconnaissance Activity |
Syntax Error : Command Unrecognized | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 500 - Cmd Not Accepted - Error In Command |
Requested Action Not Taken | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 452 - Cmd Not Accepted - Insufficient Space |
Requested Action Aborted | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 451 - Cmd Not Accepted - Action Aborted |
Requested File Action Not Taken | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 450 - Cmd Not Accepted - Action Not Taken |
Host Unavailable | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 434 - Cmd Not Accepted - Host Unavailable |
Connection Closed : Transfer Aborted | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 426 - Cmd Not Accepted - Connection Closed |
Cant Open Data Connection | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 425 - Cmd Not Accepted - Cant Open Conn |
Service Not Available | Sub Rule | Error | FTP - 421 - Cmd Not Accepted - Service Unavailable |
Requested File Action Pending | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 350 - Cmd Ok - Action Pending |
Need Account For Login | Sub Rule | Authentication Success | Authentication Activity |
User Name Ok | Sub Rule | Authentication Success | Authentication Activity |
Pathname Created | Sub Rule | Access Success | Object Created |
Requested File Action Completed | Sub Rule | Access Success | Command Executed |
Logout Noted | Sub Rule | Authentication Success | Authentication Activity |
User Logged Out | Sub Rule | Authentication Success | User Logoff |
User Logged In | Sub Rule | Authentication Success | User Logon |
Extended Passive Mode | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 229 - Cmd Success - Extended Passive Mode |
Long Passive Mode | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 228 - Cmd Success - Long Passive Mode |
Entering Passive Mode | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 227 - Completed Successfully - Passive Mode |
Closing Data Connection | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Connection Closed |
Data Connection Open | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Connection Built |
Service Closing Control Connection | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Connection Closed |
Service Ready For New User | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 220 - Completed Successfully - Service Ready |
Name System Type | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 215 - Completed Successfully - System Type |
Help Message | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 214 - Completed Succesfully - Help Message |
File Status | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 213 - Completed Successfully - File Status |
Directory Status | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 212 - Completed Successfully - Dir Status |
System Status | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 211 - Completed Successfully - System Status |
Command Not Implemented - INFO | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 202 - Completed Successfully - No Command |
Command Okay | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 200 - Completed Successfully - Command Ok |
Open Data Connection | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Connection Built |
Transfer Starting | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Transfer Started |
Service Ready | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 120 - Cmd Initiated - Service Ready |
Restart Marker Reply | Sub Rule | Information | FTP - 100 - Command Initiated - Action Initiated |
Transfer Starting | Sub Rule | Network Traffic | Transfer Started |
Mapping with LogRhythm Schema
Device Key in Log Message | LogRhythm Schema | Data Type |
N/A | <vmid> | Text/String/Number |
N/A | <tag3> | Text/String/Number |
N/A | <responsecode> | Number |
N/A | <domainorigin> | Text/String |
N/A | <dname> | Text/String |
N/A | <dport> | Number |
N/A | <login> | Text/String |
N/A | <subject> | Text/String |
N/A | <tag1> | Text/String |
N/A | <command> | Text/String |
N/A | <tag2> | Text/String |
N/A | <dip> | Ip Address |