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EVID : 18059 : EPO - Network Threat Blocked

Vendor Documentation


Rule Name

Rule Type


Common Event

EVID : 18059 : EPO - Network Threat Blocked

Base Rule

Failed Attack

Failed General Attack Activity

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema 

Device Key in Log MessageLogRhythm SchemaData TypeSchema Description
MachineNameN/AN/AName of the system hosting the detecting product.
AgentGUIDN/AN/AUnique identifier of the agent that forwarded the event.
IPAddressN/AN/AIP address of the system hosting the detecting product (if given in the event).
RawMACAddressN/AN/AMAC address of the system hosting the detecting product.
ProductName<vendorinfo>Text/StringName of the detecting managed product.
ProductVersion<version>Text/String/NumberVersion number of the detecting product.
AnalyzerNameN/AN/AName of the detecting managed product.
AnalyzerVersionN/AN/AVersion number of the detecting product.
AnalyzerHostNameN/AN/AName of the system hosting the detecting product.
AnalyzerDetectionMethodN/AN/AThe name of the task or task type that was responsible for detecting the threat.
EventID<vmid>NumberUnique identifier of the event class.
ThreatCategory<subject>Text/StringCategory of the event. Possible categories depend on the product.
ThreatEventIDN/AN/AUnique identifier of the event class.
ThreatName<threatname>Text/StringName of the threat.
ThreatTypeN/AText/StringClass of the threat.
ThreatActionTaken<action>Text/StringThe action taken by the product in response to the threat.
ThreatHandled<result>Text/StringSpecifies whether the action taken was successful.
SourceIPV4<sip>IP AddressIPv4 address of the system from which the threat originated (if given in the event).
SourceMAC<smac>Text/StringMAC address of the system from which the threat originated (if given in the event).
TargetHostName<dname>Text/StringName of the system that created the event.
TargetIPV4<dip>IP AddressIPv4 address of the system that sent the event.
TargetPort<dport>NumberThe threat target port for threat classes.
TargetMAC<dmac>Text/StringMAC address of the system that sent the event.
ThreatSeverity<severity>Text/String/NumberThe severity of the detected threat as defined by each managed product.
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