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Configure Office 365 Management Activity

This section details the procedures required to configure collection from O365.


Before you start to configure the collection from O365, you must ensure you have the following:

  • O365 account with admin access.
  • Microsoft Entra account with admin access that is tied to the O365 account.
  • System Monitor Agent version 7.10 or greater (required for REST API config) - Pro or Collector license.
  • The auditing for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Entra has already been enabled.

Register an Application with Microsoft Entra

Create an Application in the Entra Admin Portal

The same application can also be used for the API - Office 365 Message Tracking (Microsoft) log source for ease of management. However, permissions must be added separately for each log source.

To open the Entra Admin Portal and create an application:

  1. On the left-side menu in the Office 365 portal Admin app, click Show all, then click All admin centers, and then click Microsoft Entra.
    The Entra Admin Center appears.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Applications, and then click App registrations.
  3. In the top menu, click New registration.
  4. Complete the fields on the right side of the page:
    • Name the application.
    • Select a supported account type.
    • Provide the details for the Redirect URI. Select an appropriate platform from the dropdown and provide a sign-on URL (for example, https://localhost/).
  5. Click Register.
    Your new application appears under the Display Name header.

Add O365 Management API Permissions

  1. On the App Registrations directory page, click the name of your application.
  2. Click API permissions in the left pane.
  3. Click Add a permission.
  4. Under Request API permissions, on the Microsoft APIs tab, click Office 365 Management APIs
  5. Click Application permissions.
  6. Under Application Permissions, select Permissions, then expand the headers and select the following checkboxes:
    • ActivityFeed.Read
    • ActivityFeed.ReadDlp
    • ServiceHealth.Read
  7. Click Add permissions.
  8. Verify that your changes have been saved on the API permissions page.
  9. Select Grant admin consent for "Organization Name" to apply the Application Permissions previously selected.
  10. Select Yes to continue.
    Successfully granted admin consent for the requested permissions appears.

Create the Client ID and Client Secret

To create the client ID and client secret, from the App Registrations screen:

  1. Select the application created above.
  2. In the left-hand panel, click Overview.
  3. Under the Essentials header, copy the following strings into a text file for later use:
    1. Application (client) ID (the Client ID used in the .ini configuration file).
    2. Directory (tenant) ID (the Tenant ID used in the .ini configuration file).
  4. In the left-hand panel, click Certificates and secrets, and then Client secrets.
  5. Click New client secret.
    The Add a client secret window appears.
  6. Enter a Description for this client secret.
  7. Select the desired expiry period from the Expires drop-list.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Copy the Value field into a text file for later use in the .ini configuration file.

Update the office365.ini File

As of 2023, the REST API method using oAuth2 is the only collection method to use. This includes any newly onboarded sources.
Older, already-in-place Office365 API collections may have resumed running into this time; however, they are gradually disabled by Microsoft. We recommend any old log sources have their .ini file and collection updated to the REST API method.
For the REST API process to work, you must set the UseAdalToken flag to False.

Upgrading to System Monitor version requires new fields to be added to previously configured Office 365 Management Activity .ini files.

The following needs to be copied and pasted into existing .ini files, updating the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret as described below. These fields are the OAuth2.0 replacement for the Basic Auth username and password fields.

# O365 Management Activity Endpoint Hostname
# API details are available:

# Tenant ID

# Client ID
# Must be encrypted using the lrcrypt command line utility.

# Client Secret
# Must be encrypted using the lrcrypt command line utility.

After LogRhythm is identified to Entra, the office365.ini file must be edited so the LogRhythm System Monitor Agent can access the Office 365 Management Activity API. The office365.ini file must be located on the host of the Agent collecting logs.

To edit the office365.ini file:

  1. Open Windows Explorer on the host of the Agent collecting logs, and then go to the following directory: 
    C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm System Monitor\config.
  2. Open the office365.ini file with a text editor and replace the following values:
SettingDefault ValueDescription

(Enterprise plan)

Host name of the Management Activity API. The default value is for Enterprise customers. The table below indicates values for government plans.

Government PlanValue
GCC high
AuditAzureActiveDirectorytrueEnable auditing of Azure Active Directory Management events.
AuditExchangetrueEnable auditing of Exchange Management events.
AuditSharepointtrueEnable auditing of Sharepoint events.
DLPEventstrueEnable for collection of DLP events. To disable DLP events, you must set this flag to FALSE.
AuditGeneraltrueEnable auditing of General events. To disable general audit events, you must set this flag to FALSE.

REST API Access Token Fields

Government and new customers must use the REST API process to generate an API access token. For the REST API process to work, you must set the UseAdalToken flag to False.

UseAdalTokenTrueSet this flag to FALSE to enforce the use of the oAuth2 method.

The client's secret value, obtained in Step 9 is generated in your Entra AD portal. For instructions on generating your client secret, see Create a Client ID and Client Secret.

This must be encrypted using the lrcrypt command line utility. For more information, see LogRhythm Password Encryption.

TenantIDCHANGE_MEObtain the Directory (tenant) ID from the Entra AD portal. This can be found in your App Registration > Overview screen (alternatively known as the Directory ID).

Obtain the Application (client) ID from the Entra AD portal. This can be found in your App Registration > Overview screen (alternatively known as the Application ID).

This must be encrypted using the lrcrypt command line utility. For more information, see LogRhythm Password Encryption.


Specify your domain in the following format:



Enter the value based on your plan. Example values:

GCC high
Remaining Azure Active Directory Application Fields

The timeout (in seconds) to use when requesting data O365. Range: 10-300 seconds.


logAPIRequest used to enable/disable ApI Requests Logging. Add logger in Logger4Net with name Office365ApiRequestLogger to log in separate file.


Throttling. Process number of audit contents per batch. Range: 10-100 (Default: 10).


Throttling. Stop count for number of content Ids. Range: 1000-5000 (Default: 1000).

StopCountCacheFiles50Throttling. Stop count for controlling number of cache files read via flat file reader. Range: 25-100 (Default: 50).

Number of last minutes Office 365 data need to be fetched when configured to run. Range: 15-1440 minutes (Default: 15 minutes and maximum is 1 day/1440 minutes).

CollectionDelay1Number of minutes for collection delay as it sometimes takes one day (1440 minutes) for Office 365 content to be available on Azure. Range: 1-1440 minutes (Default: 1 minute).
(Optional) Proxy Settings
ProxyServer=OPTIONALThe IP address or DNS name of a proxy server to use for connecting to the specified endpoint.
ProxyPort=OPTIONALThe port to use on the proxy server.
UserName=OPTIONALThe user name to send if authentication is required on the proxy server. If the user name is an email account, be sure to include the full address.

The password for the specified user name.

The password must be encrypted using the lrcrypt command line utility. For more information, see LogRhythm Password Encryption.

Domain=OPTIONALThe domain to use for connecting to the proxy server.

3. Save and close the file.

(Optional) Add Proxy Settings

If a proxy is being used, modify the file located at the following location by default:

C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm System Monitor\scsm.exe.config

Example before configuration

<!--For o365 to work with Proxy Server we need to enable this section-->
<!--<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
	<proxy proxyaddress="Address:Port"/>

Example after configuration

<!--For o365 to work with Proxy Server we need to enable this section-->
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
	<proxy proxyaddress=""/>

Add a Log Source in the Client Console

Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can perform this action.

(Optional) Create a Host Record for Office 365

We recommend you create a Host Record for Office365. You can use the Office365 Host Record as the Log Source Host when creating any Office 365 Log Sources throughout the SIEM.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.

  2. Click the Entities tab, and then select the Entity to which you want to assign the Host.
  3. In the Entity Hosts pane at the lower-right, click New.
    The Host dialog box appears.
  4. On the Basic Information tab, enter the following details:

    Name (required)

    The name to assign to the new host (for example, Office365).

    LogRhythm does not support hostnames that include spaces.

    Host Zone (required)Internal.
    Operating SystemThe operating system of the new host. Click the ellipsis [...] button next to the Operating System box. In the Operating System Selector window, click your operating system in the list, and then click OK.
    Operating System VersionThe version of the selected operating system that is running on the new host.
    Host LocationThe geographic location of the new host. Click the ellipsis [...] button next to the Host Location box. In the Location Selector window, select the country, region, and city where the host is located.
    Brief DescriptionAn optional description of the new host.
    Host Risk Level (required)Represents the amount of risk developed if the system were to become compromised or the subject of some other issue. A value of 0 indicates that no risk is involved in the loss of this system. A value of 9 indicates the most risk would be incurred if the system were compromised. The risk level is relevant when the host is the impacted system, target, or is acted upon by external forces.
    Windows Event Log Credentials

    When the operating system is Windows, if you want the Agent to use different credentials for each host in the deployment when collecting Event Logs, select the Use specified credentials check box and provide the username and password to be used. If you do not select this option, the Agent uses its own service credentials.

    Multi-domain event log collection is only supported on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 2008, or 2012. Windows XP, 2000, and 2003 are not supported.

  5. On the Identifiers tab, enter in the DNS Name field.
  6. On the Host Roles tab, enter any relevant key contacts.
  7. On the Threat Level tab, designate the amount of threat that is developed if the system were to be the origin of actions. Select the Add to Global Source Threat List check box if there is any treat level other than 0 (none/no risk). A value of 1 (low-low (lowest threat)) means that actions originating from this host are of little cause for alarm or are possibly commonplace, and a value of 9 (high-high (highest threat)) means that this system should not be the source of outgoing actions and that there is the greatest threat to security if such events are observed.
  8. On the Additional Information tab, add any other useful information.
  9. Click OK.

Add a Single Log Source

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the System Monitors tab.
  3. Double-click the System Monitor Agent that will collect the information from the Office 365 Management Activity API.
  4. Right-click within the list of Log Message Sources, and then click New.
    The Log Message Source Properties dialog box appears.
  5. Click the icon to the right of the Log Message Source Type box.
    The Log Source Type Selector dialog box appears.
  6. Select the Log Source type:

    1. In the Record Type section on the left side, click System.

    2. In the Text Filter text box, enter Office 365.

    3. Click Apply.

    4. In the Log Source Type section, select API - Office 365 Management Activity.

    5. Click OK.

  7. In the Log Message Processing Settings section, select the desired Log Message Processing Mode and Log MPE Policy. This can be the LogRhythm Default policy or a custom policy you create.
  8. Click the Flat File Settings tab.
  9. In the File Path box, enter the location of the office365.ini configuration file.
    This defaults to C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm System Monitor\config\office365.ini.
  10. Click OK to accept the settings.

    The Log Message Source Properties box appears.

    If the System Monitor Agent is already running, collection begins soon after clicking OK or Apply.
    Monitor the scsm.log file for error messages until you are satisfied that the event collection has begun successfully.
  11. Click OK,


Create a Host Record for Office 365 

We recommend you create a Host Record for Office365. You can use the Office365 Host Record as the Log Source Host when creating any Office 365 Log Sources throughout the SIEM. For more information, see Add a Log Source in the Client Console.

Create a Separate Log Source for each Office 365 Event Stream

The Office 365 Management Activity Log Source consists of multiple Event streams from within the Office 365 environment. We recommend you split these streams into separate Log Sources. This enables ease of analytics and increases Log Source throughput efficiency.

To create separate Log Sources, do the following:

  1. Create a different office365.ini configuration file for each Events stream within Office 365. In each configuration file select one of the Events streams to be true, and all other Events streams to be false. The possible Events streams you can enable are:
    • AuditAzureActiveDirectory
    • AuditExchange
    • AuditSharepoint
    • DLPEvents
    • AuditGeneral
  2. Name each office365.ini configuration file to correspond to the Events stream you selected to be true in that file. 


    Events stream: AuditAzureActiveDirectory

    Configuration file name: Office365AuditAzureAD.ini

    Configuration file settings:

    • AuditAzureActiveDirectory=true
    • AuditExchange=false
    • AuditSharepoint=false
    • DLPEvents=false
    • AuditGeneral=false
  3. Repeat this process for all of the remaining Event streams you wish to enable.
  4. Within the LogRhythm Console, repeat the Add a Log Source in the Client Console steps within this guide to add each Events stream as a separate Log Source. Use a Log Message Source Name that is similar to the name of the Events stream.


    Events stream: AuditAzureActiveDirectory

    Log Message Source Name: Office365 Mgmt Activity Azure AD

  5. In the Flat File Settings tab, enter the location of the configuration file that corresponds to the Events stream.


    Events stream: AuditAzureActiveDirectory

    File path: C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm System Monitor\config\Office365AuditAzureAD.ini

The Log Source type for all of the Events streams will still be API - Office 365 Management Activity.

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