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Download Software to Upgrade an HA Deployment

Download the LogRhythm Database Upgrade Tool

The Database Upgrade Tool is packaged in a .ZIP archive. After downloading the archive, copy it to each XM appliance or server that you want to upgrade, and then extract the contents of the archive into a new directory.

Download the LogRhythm Install Wizard

The LogRhythm Install Wizard can install any supported combination of the LogRhythm components on an appliance or server.

The Install Wizard is packaged in a .ZIP archive. After downloading the archive, copy it to each appliance or server that you want to upgrade, and then extract the contents of the archive into a new directory. Each of the LogRhythm component installers are included with the Install Wizard. They can be found in the Installers directory where you extracted the archive.

"7.x" in the table below refers to the current version of the LogRhythm SIEM. Refer to the LogRhythm Installations and Upgrades homepage for the current SIEM version.


Infrastructure Installer


Admin API


AI Engine


AIE Cache Drilldown


Alarming and Response Manager


Authentication Services


Configuration Manager


Client Console


Data Indexer (Windows)


Job Manager


Mediator Server


Notification Service


Windows System Monitor (32-bit)


Windows System Monitor (64-bit)


Windows System Monitor for Windows Server 2008 R2 Core

LogRhythm Web ConsoleLRWebServices_64_7.x.#.exe

Download the Linux Data Indexer Installer

For users who are upgrading one or more Linux Data Indexers, run the LogRhythm package installer on your existing Indexer system. You can download the .run package installer from the LogRhythm Community. The file is named

After downloading the installer, use a program like WinSCP to copy it to the logrhythm user’s home directory on one of your Indexer appliances (for example, /home/logrhythm/Soft). When connecting to the Indexer system to transfer the file, connect as the logrhythm user.

When upgrading the Linux Indexer, note the following:

  • Your cluster can contain 1 or 3-10 physical hot nodes (must contain at least 1 hot node), and 1-10 warm nodes (optional).
  • You only need to run the package installer on one of the cluster nodes.
  • You should run the upgrade installer on the same server where you ran the original installer.
  • Each Indexer appliance or server in a cluster must be of identical specification. For example, the same appliance model, or same configuration of processors, hard drives, network interfaces, and RAM.

Download TLS 1.2 Patches and Hotfixes

To enable communication over TLS 1.2 for all LogRhythm SIEM components, your base deployment must meet the following requirements:

  • Platform Manager is running SQL Server 2016 Standard SP1, SQL Server 2019, or SQL Server 2022.
  • LogRhythm SIEM core components on Windows are running Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2.

    .NET 4.7.2 will be installed by component installers that require it.

After ensuring that your base deployment meets the above requirements, .NET 4.7.2 rollup updates are required on all Windows appliances or servers running LogRhythm components.

If the target appliance is up-to-date with important Windows updates, some hotfixes may not be required. If this is the case, the installer indicates that.

Installers for all the required patches and hotfixes are available in a .zip file on the Community Downloads page for the current release, under TLS 1.2 Support. You should download, extract its contents, and then distribute the required installers to the required appliances or computers in your deployment.

Download the HA Upgrade File

References to "7.x" in this section refer to the current version of the LogRhythm SIEM. Refer to the LogRhythm Installations and Upgrades homepage for the current SIEM version.

Two PowerShell scripts, PreUpgrade.ps1 and PostUpgrade.ps1, are needed for the upgrade. These scripts can be found in the HA Upgrade file on the LogRhythm Community.

  1. Download the HA Upgrade file from the Community to a local directory on the primary and secondary nodes. The file can be found on the LogRhythm Community under Documentation and Downloads > High Availability.
  2. Note the directory where the HA Upgrade file is stored on each node. This information is needed later in these instructions.

(Optional) Download System Monitor Packages for *NIX

The System Monitor packages for UNIX and Linux are available on the LogRhythm Community. Next to each package is a link to a SHA256 checksum file you can use to verify the integrity of the downloaded file.

"7.x" in the table below refers to the current version of the LogRhythm SIEM. Refer to the LogRhythm Installations and Upgrades homepage for the current SIEM version.

Operating SystemVersion32/64-bitInstaller Name

Oracle Hardened Linux764-bitscsm-7.x.####-1.uek7.x86_64.rpm
Oracle Hardened Linux864-bitscsm-7.x.####-1.uek8.x86_64.rpm
Oracle Hardened Linux964-bitscsm-7.x.####-1.uek9.x86_64.rpm
Solaris x8610, 1164-bitscsm-7.x.####_solaris10_x86.tar
Solaris SPARC10, 1164-bitscsm-7.x.####_solaris10_11_sparc.tar
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Red Hat Enterprise864-bitscsm-7.x.####-1.el8.x86_64.rpm
Red Hat Enterprise964-bitscsm-7.x.####-1.el9.x86_64.rpm
openSUSE Linux Server1264-bitscsm-7.x.####-1.suse12.x86_64.rpm
openSUSE Linux Server1364-bitscsm-7.x.####-1.suse13.x86_64.rpm

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